Query using aggregation and/or groups in relational algebra - count, max, min, etc - group-by

I have read much in textbooks and browsed a lot of pages on the internet but I can't understand how functions/operators like min, max, count, ... that aggregate over a relation/table or groups of tuples/rows in a relation/table are built with basic operations such as ∪ (union), ∩ (intersection), x (join), - (minus), π (projection), ....
Can anyone show me how to express these functions/operators with relational algebra?

Computing functions in relation algebra are not fully included yet.
In relational algebra the aggregation operation over a schema (A1, A2, ... An) is written as follows:
G1, G2, ..., Gm g f1(A1'), f2(A2'), ..., fk(Ak') (r)
where each Aj', 1 ≤ j ≤ k, is one of the original attributes Ai, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
The attributes preceding the g are grouping attributes, which function like a "group by" clause in SQL. Then there are an arbitrary number of aggregation functions applied to individual attributes. The operation is applied to an arbitrary relation r. The grouping attributes are optional, and if they are not supplied, the aggregation functions are applied across the entire relation to which the operation is applied.
Let's assume that we have a table named Account with three columns, namely Account_Number, Branch_Name and Balance. We wish to find the maximum balance of each branch. This is accomplished by Branch_NameGMax(Balance)(Account). To find the highest balance of all accounts regardless of branch, we could simply write GMax(Balance)(Account).


Any subset of totally ordered set X is totally ordered for the restriction of the order on X

I do understand every subset of a totally ordered set must be a total order as each a, b in the totally ordered set follows either aRb or bRa.
I don’t understand what the phrase “for the restriction of the order on X” means? Can anyone explain.
An order in a set X is a relation between elements of X, this is, a subset R of the Cartesian product X × X that satisfies the axioms of order (or total order, etc.).
If Y is a subset of X, the restriction to Y of the order on X is the intersection R ∩ Y×Y of the relation R with the subset Y×Y ⊆ X×X.
In other words, is the same order, but restricted to the subset Y.

Pseudo randomization in MATLAB with minimum intervals between stimulus categories

For an experiment I need to pseudo randomize a vector of 100 trials of stimulus categories, 80% of which are category A, 10% B, and 10% C. The B trials have at least two non-B trials between each other, and the C trials must come after two A trials and have two A trials following them.
At first I tried building a script that randomized a vector and sort of "popped" out the trials that were not where they should be, and put them in a space in the vector where there was a long series of A trials. I'm worried though that this is overcomplicated and will create an endless series of unforeseen errors that will need to be debugged, as well as it not being random enough.
After that I tried building a script which simply shuffles the vector until it reaches the criteria, which seems to require less code. However now that I have spent several hours on it, I am wondering if these criteria aren't too strict for this to make sense, meaning that it would take forever for the vector to shuffle before it actually met the criteria.
What do you think is the simplest way to handle this problem? Additionally, which would be the best shuffle function to use, since Shuffle in psychtoolbox seems to not be working correctly?
The scope of this question moves much beyond language-specific constructs, and involves a good understanding of probability and permutation/combinations.
An approach to solving this question is:
Create blocks of vectors, such that each block is independent to be placed anywhere.
Randomly allocate these blocks to get a final random vector satisfying all constraints.
Part 0: Category A
Since category A has no constraints imposed on it, we will go to the next category.
Part 1: Make category C independent
The only constraint on category C is that it must have two A's before and after. Hence, we first create random groups of 5 vectors, of the pattern A A C A A.
At this point, we have an array of A vectors (excluding blocks), blocks of A A C A A vectors, and B vectors.
Part 2: Resolving placement of B
The constraint on B is that two consecutive Bs must have at-least 2 non-B vectors between them.
Visualize as follows: Let's pool A and A A C A A in one array, X. Let's place all Bs in a row (suppose there are 3 Bs):
s0 B s1 B s2 B s3
Where s is the number of vectors between each B. Hence, we require that s1, s2 be at least 2, and overall s0 + s1 + s2 + s3 equal to number of vectors in X.
The task is then to choose random vectors from X and assign them to each s. At the end, we finally have a random vector with all categories shuffled, satisfying the constraints.
P.S. This can be mapped to the classic problem of finding a set of random numbers that add up to a certain sum, with constraints.
It is easier to reduce the constrained sum problem to one with no constraints. This can be done as:
s0 B s1 t1 B s2 t2 B s3
Where t1 and t2 are chosen from X just enough to satisfy constraints on B, and s0 + s1 + s2 + s3 equal to number of vectors in X not in t.
Implementing the same in MATLAB could benefit from using cell arrays, and this algorithm for the random numbers of constant sum.
You would also need to maintain separate pools for each category, and keep building blocks and piece them together.
Really, this is not trivial but also not impossible. This is the approach you could try, if you want to step aside from brute-force search like you have tried before.

Definition of 3NF

I'm rather confused about the definition of 3NF.
Let R be a relation with attribute set X.
Suppose Y -> A is a functional dependency where A is a non-prime attribute and Y is a subset of X.
If Y is a proper subset of any candidate key for R, then the relation is not in 3NF (and not even in 2NF) because this is a partial dependency, which is not permitted in 2NF (and by extension 3NF).
If Y is a non-prime attribute, the relation is not in 3NF because this is a transitive dependency of the non-prime attribute A on any candidate key through the non-prime attribute Y.
But what if Y is a set containing both prime and non-prime attributes? What if A is a subset of Y? What if Y contains only prime attributes, but those prime attributes come from different keys of R so that Y is not a proper subset of any particular key of R? What if Y contains only, but multiple non-prime attributes? Which of these cases violates the requirements of 3NF and why?
TL;DR Get definitions straight.
To know whether a case violates 3NF you have to look at the criteria used in some definition.
Your question is rather like asking, I know an even number is one that is divisible by 2 or one whose decimal representation ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8, but what if it's three times a square? Well, you have to use the definition--show that the given conditions imply that it's divisible by two or that its decimal representation ends in one of those digits. Why do you even care about other properties than the ones in the definition?
When some FDs (functional dependencies) hold, others must also hold. We say the latter are implied by the former. So when given FDs hold usually tons of others also hold. So one or more arbitrary FDs holding doesn't necessarily tell you anything about any normal forms might hold. Eg when U is a superset of V, U → V must hold; such FDs are called trivial because they are implied by any collection of FDs. Eg when U → V, every superset of U determines every subset of V. Armstrong's axioms are some rules that can be mechanically applied to find all FDs that hold. There are algorithms to find a canonical/minimal/irreducible cover for a given set, a set of FDs that imply all those in it with no proper subset that does. There are also algorithms to determine whether a relation satisfies certain NFs (normal forms), and to decompose them into components with higher NFs when they're not.
Sometimes we think there is a case that the definition doesn't handle but really we have got the definition wrong.
The definition you are trying to refer to for a relation being in 3NF actually requires that there be no transitive functional dependence of a non-prime attribute on a candidate key.
In your non-3NF example you should say there is a transitive FD, not "this is a transitive FD", because the violating FD is of the form CK → A not Y → A. Also, U → V is transitive when there is an X where U → X AND X → V AND NOT X → V. It doesn't matter whether X is a prime attribute.
PS It's not very helpful to ask "why" something is or isn't so in mathematics. We describe a situation in terms of some givens, and a bunch of things follow. We can say that if certain of the givens weren't so then that thing wouldn't be so. But if certain other givens weren't so then it might also not be so. We can give a proof that something is or isn't so as "why" but it's not the only proof.

How does aggregate generalise fold and fold generalise reduce?

As far as I understand aggregate is a generalisation of fold which in turn is a generalisation of reduce.
Similarily combineByKey is a generalisation of aggregateByKey which in turn is a generalisation of foldByKey which in turn is a generalisation of reduceByKey.
However I have trouble finding simple examples for each of those seven methods which can in turn only be expressed by them and not their less general versions. For example I found http://blog.madhukaraphatak.com/spark-rdd-fold/ giving an example for fold, but I have been able to use reduce in the same situation as well.
What I found out so far:
I read that the more generalised methods can be more efficient, but that would be a non-functional requirement and I would like to get examples which can not be implemented with the more specific method.
I also read that e.g. the function passed to fold only has to be associative, while the one for reduce has to be commutative additionally: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25158790/4533188 (However, I still don't know any good simple example.) whereas in https://stackoverflow.com/a/26635928/4533188 I read that fold needs both properties to hold...
We could think of the zero value as a feature (e.g. for fold over reduce) as in "add all elements and add 3" and using 3 as the zero value, but that would be misleading, because 3 would be added for each partition, not just once. Also this is simply not the purpose of fold as far as I understood - it wasn't meant as a feature, but as a necessity to implement it to be able to take non-commutative functions.
What would simple examples for those seven methods be?
Let's work through what is actually needed logically.
First, note that if your collection is unordered, any set of (binary) operations on it need to be both commutative and associative, or you'll get different answers depending on which (arbitrary) order you choose each time. Since reduce, fold, and aggregate all use binary operations, if you use these things on a collection that is unordered (or is viewed as unordered), everything must be commutative and associative.
reduce is an implementation of the idea that if you can take two things and turn them into one thing, you can collapse an arbitrarily long collection into a single element. Associativity is exactly the property that it doesn't matter how you pair things up as long as you eventually pair them all and keep the left-to-right order unchanged, so that's exactly what you need.
a b c d a b c d a b c d
a # b c d a # b c d a b # c d
(a#b) c # d (a#b) # c d a (b#c) d
(a#b) # (c#d) ((a#b)#c) # d a # ((b#c)#d)
All of the above are the same as long as the operation (here called #) is associative. There is no reason to swap around which things go on the left and which go on the right, so the operation does not need to be commutative (addition is: a+b == b+a; concat is not: ab != ba).
reduce is mathematically simple and requires only an associative operation
Reduce is limited, though, in that it doesn't work on empty collections, and in that you can't change the type. If you're working sequentially, you can a function that takes a new type and the old type, and produces something with the new type. This is a sequential fold (left-fold if the new type goes on the left, right-fold if it goes on the right). There is no choice about the order of operations here, so commutativity and associativity and everything are irrelevant. There's exactly one way to work through your list sequentially. (If you want your left-fold and right-fold to always be the same, then the operation must be associative and commutative, but since left- and right-folds don't generally get accidentally swapped, this isn't very important to ensure.)
The problem comes when you want to work in parallel. You can't sequentially go through your collection; that's not parallel by definition! So you have to insert the new type at multiple places! Let's call our fold operation #, and we'll say that the new type goes on the left. Furthermore, we'll say that we always start with the same element, Z. Now we could do any of the following (and more):
a b c d a b c d a b c d
Z#a b c d Z#a b Z#c d Z#a Z#b Z#c Z#d
(Z#a) # b c d (Z#a) # b (Z#c) # d
((Z#a)#b) # c d
(((Z#a)#b)#c) # d
Now we have a collection of one or more things of the new type. (If the original collection was empty, we just take Z.) We know what to do with that! Reduce! So we make a reduce operation for our new type (let's call it $, and remember it has to be associative), and then we have aggregate:
a b c d a b c d a b c d
Z#a b c d Z#a b Z#c d Z#a Z#b Z#c Z#d
(Z#a) # b c d (Z#a) # b (Z#c) # d Z#a $ Z#b Z#c $ Z#d
((Z#a)#b) # c d ((Z#a)#b) $ ((Z#c)#d) ((Z#a)$(Z#b)) $ ((Z#c)$(Z#d))
(((Z#a)#b)#c) # d
Now, these things all look really different. How can we make sure that they end up to be the same? There is no single concept that describes this, but the Z# operation has to be zero-like and $ and # have to be homomorphic, in that we need (Z#a)#b == (Z#a)$(Z#b). That's the actual relationship that you need (and it is technically very similar to a semigroup homomorphism). There are all sorts of ways to pick badly even if everything is associative and commutative. For example, if Z is the double value 0.0 and # is actually +, then Z is zero-like and # is associative and commutative. But if $ is actually *, which is also associative and commutative, everything goes wrong:
(0.0+2) * (0.0+3) == 2.0 * 3.0 == 6.0
((0.0+2) + 3) == 2.0 + 3 == 5.0
One example of a non-trival aggregate is building a collection, where # is the "append an element" operator and $ is the "concat two collections" operation.
aggregate is tricky and requires an associative reduce operation, plus a zero-like value and a fold-like operation that is homomorphic to the reduce
The bottom line is that aggregate is not simply a generalization of reduce.
But there is a simplification (less general form) if you're not actually changing the type. If Z is actually z and is an actual zero, we can just stick it in wherever we want and use reduce. Again, we don't need commutativity conceptually; we just stick in one or more z's and reduce, and our # and $ operations can be the same thing, namely the original # we used on the reduce
a b c d () <- empty
z#a z#b z
z#a (z#b)#c
z#a ((z#b)#c)#d
If we just delete the z's from here, it works perfectly well, and in fact is equivalent to if (empty) z else reduce. But there's another way it could work too. If the operation # is also commutative, and z is not actually a zero but just occupies a fixed point of # (meaning z#z == z but z#a is not necessarily just a), then you can run the same thing, and since commutivity lets you switch the order around, you conceptually can reorder all the z's together at the beginning, and then merge them all together.
And this is a parallel fold, which is really a rather different beast than a sequential fold.
(Note that neither fold nor aggregate are strictly generalizations of reduce even for unordered collections where operations have to be associative and commutative, as some operations do not have a sensible zero! For instance, reducing strings by shortest length has as its "zero" the longest possible string, which conceptually doesn't exist, and practically is an absurd waste of memory.)
fold requires an associative reduce operation plus either a zero value or a reduce operation that's commutative plus a fixed-point value
Now, when would you ever use a parallel fold that wasn't just a reduceOrElse(zero)? Probably never, actually, though they can exist. For example, if you have a ring, you often have fixed points of the type we need. For instance, 10 % 45 == (10*10) % 45, and * is both associative and commutative in integers mod 45. Thus, if our collection is numbers mod 45, we can fold with a "zero" of 10 and an operation of *, and parallelize however we please while still getting the same result. Pretty weird.
However, note that you can just plug the zero and operation of fold into aggregate and get exactly the same result, so aggregate is a proper generalization of fold.
So, bottom line:
Reduce requires only an associative merge operation, but doesn't change the type, and doesn't work on empty collecitons.
Parallel fold tries to extend reduce but requires a true zero, or a fixed point and the merge operation must be commutative.
Aggregate changes the type by (conceptually) running sequential folds followed by a (parallel) reduce, but there are complex relationships between the reduce operation and the fold operation--basically they have to be doing "the same thing".
An unordered collection (e.g. a set) always requires an associative and commutative operation for any of the above.
With regard to the byKey stuff: it's just the same as this, except it only applies it to the collection of values associated with a (potentially repeated) key.
If Spark actually requires commutativity where the above analysis does not suggest it's needed, one could reasonably consider that a bug (or at least an unnecessary limitation of the implementation, given that operations like map and filter preserve order on ordered RDDs).
the function passed to fold only has to be associative, while the one for reduce has to be commutative additionally.
It is not correct. fold on RDDs requires the function to be commutative as well. It is not the same operation as fold on Iterable what is pretty well described in the official documentation:
This behaves somewhat differently from fold operations implemented for non-distributed
collections in functional languages like Scala.
This fold operation may be applied to
partitions individually, and then fold those results into the final result, rather than
apply the fold to each element sequentially in some defined ordering. For functions
that are not commutative, the result may differ from that of a fold applied to a
non-distributed collection.
As you can see order of merging partial values is not part of the contract hence function which is used for fold has to be commutative.
I read that the more generalised methods can be more efficient
Technically speaking there should be no significant difference. For fold vs reduce you can check my answers to reduce() vs. fold() in Apache Spark and Why is the fold action necessary in Spark?
Regarding *byKey methods all are implemented using the same basic construct which is combineByKeyWithClassTag and can be reduced to three simple operations:
createCombiner - create "zero" value for a given partition
mergeValue - merge values into accumulator
mergeCombiners - merge accumulators created for each partition.

Difference bloom filters and FM-sketches

What is the difference between bloom filters and hash sketches (also FM-sketches) and what is their use?
Hash sketches/Flajolet-Martin Sketches
Flajolet, P./Martin, G. (1985): Probabilistic counting algorithms for data base applications, in: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 2 (September 1985), pp. 182-209.
Durand, M./Flajolet, P. (2003): Loglog Counting of Large Cardinalities, in: Springer LNCS 2832, Algorithms ESA 2003, pp. 605–617.
Hash sketches are used to count the number of distinct elements in a set.
a bit array B[] of length l
a (single) hash function h() that maps to [0,1,...2^l)
a function r() that gives the position of the least-significant 1-bit in the binary representation of its input (e.g. 000101 returns 1, 001000 returns 4)
insertion of element x:
pn := h(x) returns a pseudo-random number
apply r(pn) to get the position of the bit array to set to 1
since output of h() is pseudo-random every bit i is set to 1 ~n/(2^(i+1)) times
number of distinct elements in the set:
find the position p of the right-most 0 in the bit array
p = log2(n), solve for n to get the number of distinct element in the set;
the result might be up to 1.83 magnitudes off
in Data Mining, P2P/distributed applications, estimation of the document frequency, etc.
Bloom filters
Bloom, H. (1970): Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors, in: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 7 (July 1970), pp. 422-426.
Bloom filters are used to test whether an element is a member of a set.
a bit array B[] of length m
k different hash functions h_k() that map to [0,...,m-1], i.e. to one of the position of the m-bit array
insertion of element x:
apply h_k to x (h_k(x)), for all k, i.e. you get k values
set the resulting bits in the array B to 1 (if already set to 1, don't change anything)
check if y is already in the set:
get the positions p_k to check using all the hash functions h_k (h_k(y)), i.e. for each function h_k you get a position p_k
if one of the positions p_k is set to 0 in the array B, the element y is definitively not in the set
if all positions given by p_k are 1, the element y might (!) be in the set
false positive rate is approximately (1 - e^(-kn/m))^k, no false negatives are possible!
by increasing the number of hashing functions, the false positive rate can be decreased; however, at the same time your bloom filter gets slower; the optimal value of k is k = (m/n)ln(2)
in the beginning used as a cheap filter in databases to filter out elements that do not match a query
various applications today, e.g. in Google BigTable, but also in networking for IP lookups, etc.
The Bloom Filter is a data structure used for Membership lookup while FM Sketch is primarily used for counting of elements. These two data structures provide the respective solutions optimizing over the space required to perform the lookup/computation and the trade off is the accuracy of the result.