EntityFramework - many-to-many reference in the DB without a backreference in the model - entity-framework

In my application users can define Parameters, and then create SlideSets based on a grouping of parameters.
I am using code-first Entity Framework 5.0 and I have the following model:
class SlideSet {
public ICollection<Parameter> Parameter
class Parameter {}
A parameter might be used by many slidesets or none at all. However, in my domain a parameter has no need to reference a SlideSet, they are in separate bounded contexts (both SlideSet and Parameter are Aggregate Roots). As such, I don't want to put a reference from Parameter to SlideSet.
The table model (I don't care about table/column names) that I want is
Table SlideSet
Table Param
Table SlideSetParam
I know I could model this by introducing a ParameterGroup entity or a Param.SlideSets collection, but it would exist solely for ORM mapping purposes (and cause serialization issues). Is there any other way to tell EF to generate this table model from my entities?

This should make you a Parameter w/o a navigation property:
.HasMany(x => x.Parameters)
Based on the comment - that should be all together similar. This seems to work nicely what you're trying to do....
.HasMany(x => x.Parameters)
...and you can use it either way:
var slideset = new SlideSet { Parameters = new []
new Parameter{},
new Parameter{},
new Parameter{},
new Parameter{},
var slideset2 = new SlideSet { };
var slidesets = db.SlideSets.ToList();
var parameters = db.Parameters.ToList();
slidesets = db.SlideSets.ToList();
parameters = db.Parameters.ToList();
...and the SQL:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Parameters] (
[ParameterID] [int] NOT NULL IDENTITY,
CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.Parameters] PRIMARY KEY ([ParameterID])
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SlideSets] (
CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.SlideSets] PRIMARY KEY ([SlideSetID])
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SlideSetParameters] (
[SlideSet_SlideSetID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Parameter_ParameterID] [int] NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.SlideSetParameters] PRIMARY KEY ([SlideSet_SlideSetID], [Parameter_ParameterID])
CREATE INDEX [IX_SlideSet_SlideSetID] ON [dbo].[SlideSetParameters]([SlideSet_SlideSetID])
CREATE INDEX [IX_Parameter_ParameterID] ON [dbo].[SlideSetParameters]([Parameter_ParameterID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SlideSetParameters] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.SlideSetParameters_dbo.SlideSets_SlideSet_SlideSetID] FOREIGN KEY ([SlideSet_SlideSetID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SlideSets] ([SlideSetID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SlideSetParameters] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.SlideSetParameters_dbo.Parameters_Parameter_ParameterID] FOREIGN KEY ([Parameter_ParameterID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Parameters] ([ParameterID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
...this makes the original tables practically 'agnostic' of the relationships (many-to-many) - while index table is automatically generated in the background.
You can also further customize that and make your own SlideSetParam (e.g. if you'd want to add additional fields there) with pretty much the same layout - just Parameters would have to point to that instead.


I can't manually add foreign keys in golang gorm

I am trying to add a foreign key manually in gorm but i get this error
db.Model(&models.Business{}).AddForeignKey undefined (type *gorm.DB has no field or method AddForeignKey)
am using postgres
i have tried
db.Model(&Business{}).AddForeignKey("cust_id", "customers(cust_id)", "CASCADE", "CASCADE")
you can do it with two solution that i know in GORM
when you create model you do it like below:
type Business struct {
Name string
CustomersID int
Customers Customers `gorm:"foreignKey:CustomersID"` // use CustomersID as foreign key
type Customers struct {
ID int
Name string
every time you want you can add foreign key like below
Client.Exec("ALTER TABLE business ADD FOREIGN KEY (cust_id)" +

EntityFramework populating uniqueidentifier with value "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

In my WCF service I am using Entity Framework .NET 4.0,
in my database i have this table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tracking](
[TrackingID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL,
[TrackingID] ASC
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Tracking] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Tracking_TrackingID] DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [TrackingID]
when i insert a record Entity framewrok has prepopulated the TrackingID as "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000". I have setting field property to be Computed and Identity bu no such luck any ideas: here is my code snippet:
using (var context = new DB.PTLEntities())
var tracking = new DB.Tracking();
trackingID = tracking.TrackingID;
Looks like EF doesnt think this column is an identity column so its putting in default(Guid). Take a look here for some details on making a guid an identity column (it actually goes through your exact example) http://leedumond.com/blog/using-a-guid-as-an-entitykey-in-entity-framework-4/
I got same issue. Following solution worked for me.
There is a need to change the StoreGeneratedPattern value for the property in the EF designer. Set it to Identity. This will cause EF to avoid setting the value on an insert, then capture it after the insert is complete.
If your EF version is 4, then you may have trouble with this using the designer only. You may have to edit the .edmx manually and set the StoreGeneratedPattern in the storage model itself.
< Property Name="EmpId" Type="uniqueidentifier" Nullable="false" StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
In my case (EF >= 4.1) I needed to add a default to the table itself:
Also if you're using your own context, you should tell EF that the column is the identity column:
public class ShedContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(d => d.Id)

Composite-primary key issue in entity framework code first

I have an issue in entity framework code first, three table in database as follows:
PK [FoodId] [int] NOT NULL,
[FoodName] [varchar](50) NULL)
PK [FruitId] [int] NOT NULL,
[FruitName] [varchar](50) NULL)
PK, FK [FoodId] [int] NOT NULL,
PK, FK [FruitId] [int] NOT NULL)
The Model will only generate Food, Fruit entities.
But if I add a new column [Notes] to FoodFruit table, such as Notes:
PK, FK [FoodId] [int] NOT NULL,
PK, FK [FruitId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Notes] [varchar](50) NULL)
The Model will generate Food, Fruit and FoodFruit entities.
So, I'm confused it, why the first one doesn't generate the FoodFruit entity.
That is correct behavior. In the first case your FoodFruit table is just database helper to model many-to-many relationship. EF doesn't need such helper in conceptual model so it hides this table behind directly modeled many-to-many relation. In the second case the table has additional data - it becomes full entity, not just junction table for relationship. EF detects it and map it as a new class.

Entity Framework with POCO Template and FKs in Model - Null Ref Exception

I'm using Entity Framework 4 with the POCO code generation template from Microsoft downloaded from the Visual Studio gallery. I am also leaving the default option to "Include foreign keys in model" selected when generating the EF model from the database.
I've been able to reproduce this problem with a very simple model, only two tables/classes in an optional one-to-many relationship. In this case, I'm using an Address and a Person. A Person can have one or zero addresses, and an Address can have zero to many People.
The tables look like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](
[PersonID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[AddressID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Address](
[AddressID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Street1] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Street2] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[City] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[State] [char](2) NOT NULL,
[Country] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
REFERENCES [dbo].[Address] ([AddressID])
When I try to create an Address object and add it to an existing Person object pulled from the database, I get a null reference exception:
TestPOCOEntities ctx = new TestPOCOEntities();
var person = ctx.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PersonID == new Guid("58AD37B4-1EBE-4649-940C-A141732C9901"));
var addr = new Address {AddressID = Guid.NewGuid(), Street1 = "123 Main St"};
person.Address = addr; // This line throws the exception
Digging into the call stack, the exception isn't being thrown from my code, or even the template-generated code, but inside the runtime dynamic proxy for the Person class in the AddressID setter. (Specifically, the System.Data.Objects.EntityEntry.FixupEntityReferenceByForeignKey(EntityReference reference) method.)
This exception does not occur if I use the default EF code generation instead of the POCO template. It also does not occur if I use the POCO template but uncheck the "Include foreign keys in model" checkbox when generating the model from the database.
I can get the error to go away if I add the following:
var addr = new Address {AddressID = Guid.NewGuid(), Street1 = "123 Main St"};
ctx.Addresses.AddObject(addr); // Adding this line...
person.Address = addr; // Means no more exception here!
I don't see why the combination of using the POCO template and including foreign keys in the model should require this kind of code change when interacting with my persistent objects. Is this a known bug? Am I missing something? Is this by design for some reason?
this is a potential bug of EF, usually then refresh a created entity (resave changes with new data) solution:
the cheat is add the entity to the collection context first
second assign to the father entity
third, savechanges normally!

Entity Frmwk pb: search for 'added' entities in current context

I'm using guids as PK for my entities.
As EF doesn't support the newid() SQL statement, I force a Guid.NewGuid() in my creation methods.
Here is my problem :
I've a table with a clustered unique constraint (2 strings, not PK).
I'm running some code in the same EF context which perfoms operations and adds/links entities, etc.
Is it possible to search for an entity in 'Added' state in my context ? ; that is to say which is in my context, but not yet inserted in my DB.
To avoid the raising of the SQL unique constraint, I have to know if the entity is already 'queued' in the context, and to re-use it instead of creating a new Guid (... and a different entity! :( )
this post saved me :) :
var stateEntries = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added | EtityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged);
var roleEntityEntries = stateEntries.Select(s => s.Entity).OfType<Role>();
roleEntity = roleEntityEntries.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RoleName.Trim().ToLower() == roleName.Trim().ToLower());
if (roleEntity == null)
return new Role { RoleName = roleName };