Exchange EWS not returning message body for calendar - soap

So i'm trying to fetch all the calendar event from . I am using ews to get the data. I sent a request of
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
<FindItem xmlns=""
<t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="calendar"/>
This soap request xml is not returning me the calendar message body but i get the subject and other data . What am i doing wrong here ? any help is appreciated.

The body needs to be retrieved in a separate call.
Or you can load the property first.
The second is easier but you need to define all properties you want back and if it is a lot, it can be a pain.


Why there are different request definition for one wsdl

I have been provided a WSDL by client at the beginning of the project, I ended up creating a request and response objects for given WSDL using SOAP UI, where the request object would look as follows,
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:def="http://DefaultNamespace">
<def:someOperation soapenv:encodingStyle="">
<in0 xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">SOME_DATA</in0>
But when the actual request coming from the production environment for the same wsdl is,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<someOperation xmlns="urn:SOMEService">
If you observed the name spaces are the same but it does has difference for names like in 1st request its <soapenv:Envelope and same in the 2nd request is <soap:Envelope in each node of xml, the definition of operation is also different in both the request in 1st it is,
<def:someOperation soapenv:encodingStyle="">
<in0 xsi:type="soapenc:string" xmlns:soapenc="">SOME_DATA</in0>
and in 2nd it is,
<someOperation xmlns="urn:SOMEService">
I do not know why the interpretation is different, and is it safe to have to change from 1st to 2nd.
IN both the cases actual operation is working fine I do not have any issues with that, it is just cant able to figure out reason of difference.
Could somebody please assist me with this or any direction to a document which could clarify my doubt would be great.
it does has difference for names like in 1st request its <soapenv:Envelope and same in the 2nd request is <soap:Envelope in each node of xml
Here soapenv and soap are local prefix names of namespace= Hence, logically both are same and has no difference.
the definition of operation is also different in both the request in 1st v/s 2nd
In case of 1st, def:someOperation XML nodes belongs to namespace = xmlns:def="http://DefaultNamespace"
And in 2nd case, name space "urn:SOMEService" is directly defined with XML Nodes So
if DefaultNamespace is exactly same as SOMEService, the it means both of the XML Operation XMLs are same.
soapenv v/s soap are same in your case.
Operations, you could conclude based on actual value of SOMEService v/s DefaultNamespace.
Hope it helps.

Sonos search results are disabled

I've implemented a basic search into my Sonos app, but the results are disabled and not accessible:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="">
<searchResponse xmlns="">
I’m guessing that you want that Phish result to be a container in to which a user can browse. In that case, you should be returning mediaCollection objects and not mediaMetadata.

Adwords SOAP XML request against ManagedCustomerService fails

I'm working with and wanting to get the account hierarchy.
The requests are being made in raw XML (controlled by JScript) -- a bit perverse, I know, but that's the situation.
I've generated the following SOAP packet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ns1:RequestHeader soapenv:actor="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:ns1="">
<get xmlns="">
Please note the idGREATER_THAN0. This is my naive way of getting everything.
I notice that the PHP GetAccountHierarchy.php has
// Create selector.
$selector = new Selector();
// Specify the fields to retrieve.
$selector->fields = array('Login', 'CustomerId', 'Name');
// Make the get request.
$graph = $managedCustomerService->get($selector);
This would seem to imply that no predicate has been defined. However, I'm a bit leery of doing that because the documentation says (yes, I do read the friendly manual), "predicates ContentsNotNull"
The response I get is
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:ResponseHeader xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="">
<faultstring>[QuotaCheckError.INVALID_TOKEN_HEADER # ]</faultstring>
<ns2:ApiExceptionFault xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="">
<message>[QuotaCheckError.INVALID_TOKEN_HEADER # ]</message>
<errors xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="QuotaCheckError">
What am I doing incorrectly that I should get such a response?
BTW, if I do leave out the predicate or specify it with a null content, I still get the QuotaCheckError.INVALID_TOKEN_HEADER error.
A solution has been provided on the Adwords API google group. Working nicely now!

Parsing XML (SOAP Response) through NetSuite Script

In Netsuite Script I am trying to parse the response from EchoSign Webservice. The response from EchoSign is like this
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<getFormDataResponse xmlns="http://api.echosign">
<getFormDataResult xmlns="http://api.echosign">
<errorCode xmlns="http://dto8.api.echosign">OK</errorCode>
<errorMessage xmlns="http://dto8.api.echosign" xsi:nil="true" />
<formDataCsv xmlns="http://dto8.api.echosign">SOME DATA </formDataCsv>
<success xmlns="http://dto8.api.echosign">true</success>
And my NetSuite code is here
var response = nlapiRequestURL(echoSignUrl, postStr, header);
var xml = nlapiStringToXML(response.getBody());
var resData = nlapiSelectNode(xml, 'soap:Envelope/soap:Body'); // /getFormDataResult/success');
if (resData)
return nlapiSelectValue(resData, 'formDataCsv');
But somehow I always get nothing back from nlapiSelectValue method!!
Nodes without any prefix should be accessed using default prefix nlapi:
for e.g. /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/nlapi:getFormDataResponse
It appears to be an issue with the way the namespacing is handled. Using the XML Tools plugin for Notepad++ and the XML you've provided, the XPATH Current Node Selector can't even find the getFormDataResponse node correctly. It simply fails with "Unknown Exception".
I also tried to manually evaluate the following expressions:
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body (works)
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/getFormDataResponse (fails)
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body//getFormDataResponse (fails)
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/*[local-name() = 'getFormDataResponse'] (fails)
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/descendants::*[local-name() = 'getFormDataResponse'] (fails)
/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/descendants::getFormDataResponse (fails)
If I modify the XML so the EchoSign namespaces are in the Envelope with a prefix, like so:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:echo="http://api.echosign" xmlns:dto8="http://dto8.api.echosign" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<dto8:errorMessage xsi:nil="true" />
<dto8:formDataCsv>SOME DATA</dto8:formDataCsv>
then the path selector can get all the way down to the formDataCsv node correctly. It returns the path: /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/echo:getFormDataResponse/echo:getFormDataResult/dto8:formDataCsv.
Not sure how helpful that is because you're not in control of the XML that EchoSign sends to you, but I'm not sure how to correctly format the XPATH to deal with the namespaces.

Microsoft Dynamics SOAP RetrieveMultiple not returning TotalRecordCount

I'm working with the SOAP API for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and for the most part everything is working, but when I'm trying to count the number of total contacts in the database (or for particular queries), it's not respecting the TotalRecordCount=true flag.
Here is the SOAP request that I'm using:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<CrmAuthenticationToken xmlns="">
<RetrieveMultiple xmlns="">
<query xmlns:q1="" xsi:type="q1:QueryExpression">
But the response that I'm getting back still contains the following:
TotalRecordCount="-1" TotalRecordCountLimitExceeded="0"
Any idea what I'm doing wrong / missing here?
Do you get any results in your query? E.g. do you recieve the contact records?
I'm pretty sure I've had a problem with this type of approach in the past (using the paging information to get a count).
In any case you will probably have better luck with peforming a FetchXml query with an aggregate function (Im assuming your executing this Soap from JavaScript).
Jamie Miley has a good example of how to do this:
There is a really good designer for FetchXml here: