How to update packages using Nuget.exe - nuget

For my little sample projects in .NET (built directly on the command line without employing Visual Studio) I want to use directly Nuget.exe to retrieve the libraries I need, without having to commit them in the source repository.
I've been able to install them using the command
nuget install packages.config -o $destinationFolder
specifying the needed packages in a packages.config (like Nuget in Visual Studio).
However, I'm unable to update installed packages. I've tried to use this command
nuget update packages.config -r $destinationFolder
but Nuget.exe complains that is
unable to locate project file for '...packages.config'`.
I've searched on the Internet but I only find a similar question in the Nuget discussion forums without answers.

I've read the relevant source files in the Nuget project and I've discovered that for the update to succeed Nuget.exe needs to find a Visual C#/Basic/F# project.
I then created an empty csproj file in the folder and I've been able to update the packages I've installed before.
I've made a small sample at that shows how to install and update packages with Nuget.exe. I've also used a workaround to make sure that only the latest versions of the libraries are kept in the folder.
Update 2013-04-06 14:20 UTC I've updated the sample to show how to achieve that using the -ExcludeVersion flag of the install command.


How do I update all package references in a C# solution to most recent Nuget version

I have a Visual Studio, C# solution with several projects. Some of those point to older versions of some packages. my local nuget repo has more current, stable versions. e.g.
What I want to do is update all those old 3.0.246-alpha references to the latest stable version, 3.1.0
What is the best way to do that?
Output window after clicking Install:
errors at top of screen:
This is what I want to fix. There is no version 3.0.246 of that module, so I want Nuget to overide it with latest stable version, 3.1
Due to the limitation, I post this as an answer, but may include some comments.(Sorry for that)
As I searched online(, I found no packages called TBSM.*, perhaps they were created by yourself/your company… and just used(saved) locally?
From the error message, it reported that the NuGet package was not found on source XXXXX, so did you perform some operations to remove the old version of the NuGet packages? (Maybe also removed the NuGet cache files?)
I did some tests:
Since I don’t know the specific structures of your projects/NuGet Package, I just created two NuGet packages for test locally with same names(ID) and different versions, and then added the package source path to the settings, and installed the first NuGet package into one project, after that deleted this NuGet package and the cache files. Then tried to Update it, NuGet Package manager could still update it to the latest version successfully, even if I uncheck these options: Allow NuGet to download missing packages and Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio from VS > Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General.
Of course, I may not remove all of the NuGet packages’ cache files, or the issue is cause by the specific NuGet packages’ structures(cause I used two NuGet packages, but yours maybe used the same one with something updated)…
What I suggest:
1). If it is possible, you can have a try Uninstall and then Install the relates version.(remember to make a backup before this)
2). Try to select this two options in VS(Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General), “Allow NuGet to download missing packages” and “Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio”, and then click Clear All NuGet Cache(s) button. Make sure you have added the right path source from VS > Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources and try to install/update the NuGet packages again.(Generally, clear cache will not cause errors, but please remember to make a backup before clearing cache)

Restoring NuGet packages to the latest version

In the project I've been using some custom NuGet sources. Apparently some of them are no longer available but I do have the newer (and only newer) versions of the packages on the other (still working) server. Is there a way to restore the packages directly to the newest versions without manually replacing all the references in the .csproj and packages.config files?
I've tried running Updade-Package -Reinstall but I only get the following error message:
Some NuGet packages are missing from the solution. The packages need to be restored in order to build the dependency graph. Restore the packages before performing any operations.
If some packages you use (and still want to use) are no longer available, I suggest you to make a backup of them.
Find the Nuget cache on your server. On Windows this is located at
Spot the packages (and version) you want to backup and copy the .nupkg files in their respective folders.
Then you have two choices:
Create a private Nuget feed
Create a local Nuget feed on your development machine
The 1st option has the advantage to be a single source that can be used on any machine you want (development machine, build server...etc) but you will have more set-up, especially for the authentication/authorization (because it's a private feed)
For the 2nd option: Simply create a C:/Nuget folder and put any .nupkg you want.
Then in Visual Studio go to:
Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings -> Package Sources
Click on the green + button to add a new source, simply give it the name Local and browse to your C:/Nuget to set the source.
From now on when you want to restore your Nuget packages, Visual Studio will first look into the feed and if it doesn't find the referenced packages, will then look into your Local feed and cache the installed package to the %userprofile%.nuget\packages of your machine.
I hope that answer to your question, I was not quite sure about what you asked and your knowledge about Nuget.
I think I understand your question better now.
First of all, I think your misunderstand the Update-Package -Reinstall command. It will reinstall the packages with the SAME version as already referenced but simply reinstalling them. It's a useful command for example when you change the target framework of your project. Then you can reinstall the same versions of the packages and they will retarget this .NET Framework version.
So if a nuget restore isn't working then Update-Package -Reinstall will obviously fail too.
With Nuget, when something isn't working, you shouldn't insist but instead, find the tweak that will make it working again. I can't count how many times I went to the different caches to delete some cached packages.
I think you should try to use nuget restore and see what packages are causing issues, then uninstall these packages (this will just remove the reference from the .csproj and packages.config if they aren't installed in the project yet), then you can finally install the newest version of these packages.

Nuget update fails when there is more than one solution file pointing to the same package.config

I'm having more than one solution file for my project each pointing to a different target frameworks.
I'm able to restore the nugets for each solution using nuget restore command.
The problem arises when i try to use the update command.
Found multiple project files for package warning is shown and my packages are not updated to the latest version.
Am i doing anything wrong here?

OctoPack failing in TFS Build

I'm using Visual Studio Online with Visual Studio 2013. The build fails with
You are trying to build with OctoPack, but the NuGet targets file that OctoPack depends on is not available on this computer. This is probably because the OctoPack package has not been committed to source control, or NuGet Package Restore is not enabled
According to this link I need to make some changes to get package restore working properly, but another link within the previous one says that no configuration is required if using VS2013 and Visual Studio Online
When I build in VS all of the packages get restored first and then the project builds. Also if I build the project and invoke Octopack via command line everything works fine. Thoughts?
If you do run NuGet Package Restore before building, this should work. However, make sure the path in your project file referring to OctoPack.targets is correct - you might have moved your packages folder or the project file and the relative paths no longer match. Easiest way to fix it would be to run Update-Package -Reinstall Octopack.
NuGet Package Restore was recently changed so you wouldn't need to include NuGet in the solution to do a package restore. However, OctoPack still needs NuGet on the path so it can find it. You can try explicitly specifying the path to NuGet by adding this parameter when calling OctoPack.
You just need to check in the Octopack targets file.

how to get all nuget dependencies for offline installation

I two computers, one with internet connection and the other one without.
I want to install a Nuget package (Nuget.server) with all its dependencies on the offline computer.
Unfortunately it is not possible just to download the package itself and I have to download all dependencies manually and there are dozens of them.
How can I create a package on the computer with internet connection that contains all dependencies?
I just went through the pain of this and wanted to find a solution using only the NuGet CLI. Turns out it's pretty simple really:
> nuget.exe install <PACKAGENAME> -OutputDirectory <OUTPUTDIR>
The key is the -OutputDirectory switch which makes the CLI install the specified package into a directory that doesn't have a project file in it. Running this command will download the package and all of its dependencies into the output directory, with each package put into a separate sub-folder. You can then grab all of the .nupkg from the output directory and do whatever you need to do with them.
Update: As Igand points out in the comments, the -OutputDirectory switch is not actually required. If omitted nuget.exe will just download into the current folder. Still best to not download it into a folder with a project file in it (unless that is what you're after).
I had a similar need, so I created NuSave.
Cache a single NuGet package with dependencies
nusave cache package "Newtonsoft.Json#12.0.3" --targetFrameworks ".NETStandard#1.0,.NETStandard#1.3" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from a .csproj file
nusave cache csproj "C:\path\to\project.csproj" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from an .sln file
nusave cache sln "C:\path\to\solution.sln" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Restore & build a solution offline using my local cache
cd C:\path\to\my-solution
dotnet restore --packages C:\path\to\my-local-feed
dotnet build --no-restore
On the computer with internet access the NuGet packages (.nupkg) should be in the local machine cache. On Windows this is in the directory similar to:
So you should be able to copy the .nupkg files from there to the computer without internet access. I would create a directory on that computer and setup a new package source pointing to that directory. Alternatively you could copy the .nupkg files to the local machine cache, just be aware there is a limit of 200 NuGet packages in the cache. Then you can create a package source pointing to the cache.
Use the dotnet restore command with the --packages flag, which will download the packages to a specified directory.
dotnet restore --packages <TargetDirectory> <ProjectPath>
Ref: dotnet restore
Specifies the directory for restored packages.
A little late to the discussion here but I just ran into the same issue. I work with a medium size software development shop that works offline. Many new NuGet packages have very large dependency trees. Trying to walk the tree manually and download all required packages was very cumbersome. In the end, I wrote the NuGet Dependency Downloader. With it you give a package ID, optionally a version, and choose if you want to allow pre-release packages. After you click "Start" it will pull down the listed package and any dependencies it needs to run. As an example, when I put in "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" and selected "pre-release", this tool brought down 158 packages for MVC 6.0 RC1. Hopefully this will help those working in an offline environment.
In your csproj file:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Or dotnet publish with all assemblies references.