Tidy up expression after differentiating - matlab

The equations I am working with in this problem contain exponentials. For this reason, after differentiating they appear again pretty much unchanged apart from additional constants and other factors. I was wondering if it might be possible to collect those exponentials back into the name of the expression they where part of. Here is an example:
Given this function definition
f:= x -> A*exp(B/x)
After differentiating, one would get
And it would be great if I could somehow convert it to
Is this possible with MuPad or any other CAS package?

It's easy in MAPLE, use general substitution command algsubs
> f:= x -> A*exp(B/x)
> g := diff(f(x), x)
> algsubs(A*exp(B/x) = F, g)
For more complex expressions, try collect


How to define custom functions in Maple?

I'm new to Maple and I'm looking for a simple way to automate some tasks. In particular, I'm looking for a way to define custom "action" that perform some steps automatically.
As as an example I would like to define a quick way to compute the determinant of the Hessian of a polynomial. Currently the way I do this is opening Maple, create a new worksheet than performing the following commands:
p := (x, y) -> x^2*y + 3*x^3 + y^3
h := Hessian(p(x, y), [x, y])
What I would like to do is to compute the hessian determinant directly with something like
where HessDet would be a custom command that performs the operations above. How does one achieve something like this in Maple?
First things first: The value assigned to your p is a procedure which can return a polynomial expression, but not itself a polynomial. It's important not to muddle expressions and procedures. Doing so is a common cause of problems for new users.
Being able to throw around p(x,y) may be visually pleasing to your eye, but it serves little programmatic purpose here. The fact that the formal parameters of procedure p happen to be called x and y, along with the fact that you called procedure p with arguments x and y, is actually just another common source of confusion. Don't create procedures merely to call them in this way.
Also, your call p(x,y) makes it look magic that your code snippet "knows" how many arguments would be required by procedure p. So it's already a muddle to have your candidate HessDet accept p as a procedure.
So instead let's keep it straightforward, by writing HessDet to accept a polynomial rather than a procedure. We can programmatically ascertain the names in which this expression of of type polynom.
local H,vars;
end proc:
Now some examples of using it,
P := x^2*y + 3*x^3 + y^3;
p := (x, y) -> x^2*y + 3*x^3 + y^3;
HessDet(s^2*t + 3*s^3 + t^3);
HessDet(s[r]^2*t[r] + 3*s[r]^3 + t[r]^3);
You might also wonder how you could re-use this custom procedure across sessions, without having to type it in each time. Two reasonable ways are:
Put the (above) defining plaintext definition of HessDet inside a personal initialization file.
Create a (.mla) Maple Library Archive file, then Save your HessDet to that, and then augment the Library search path in your initialization file.
It might look like 2) is more effort, but only the Save step is needed for repeats, and you can store many custom procedures to the same archive. Your choice...
[edit] The OP has asked for clarification of the first part of the above procedure HessDet, which I suspect means the call to indets.
If P is assigned an expression then then the call indets(P,name) will return a set of all the names present in that expression. Basically, it returns the set of all indeterminate subexpressions of the expression which are of type name in Maple's technical sense.
For example,
P := x*y + sin(a*Pi)*x;
x y + sin(a Pi) x
indets( P,
name );
{Pi, a, x, y}
Perhaps the name of the constant Pi is not wanted here. Ie,
indets( P,
And( name,
Non(constant) ) );
{a, x, y}
Perhaps we want only the non-constant names in which the expression is a polynomial? Ie,
indets( P,
And( name,
satisfies(u->type(p,polynom(anything,u))) ) );
{x, y}
That last result is an advanced way of using the following tests:
type(P, polynom(anything, x));
type(P, polynom(anything, y));
type(P, polynom(anything, a));
A central issue here is that the OP made no mention of what kind of polynomials are to be handled by the custom procedure. So I guessed with some defensive coding, in hope of less surprises later on. The original Question states that the input could be a "polynomial", but we weren't told what kind of coefficients there might be.
Perhaps the coefficients will always be real and exact or numeric. Perhaps the custon procedure should throw an error when not supplied such. These details weren't mentioned in the Question.

string input to anonymous function in MATLAB

In matlab i know i can convert string into anonymous function with str2func.
For example;
s= '#(x) x.^2';
h= str2func(s);
h(2) would be 4
But what if i do not know the number of unknown? Let's say user of this program will enter lots of function to get a numerical solution of a system. When the user enters x^2, i should add #(x) to its beginning then convert it to a function. But in programming time i do not know how many function the user will enter with how many unknown. #(x) may should be #(x,y) as well as #(x,y,z). If the user enters the number of unknowns, how can i create and add the necessary prefix at runtime?
ps: number of unknown can be any integer number.
You need to know not only the quantity of variables but also their names and order. An expression may read x(c). Even if you know that the expression has two variables in it and are able to parse out x and c, you won't be able to tell if the user intended to define something like #(x, c) x(c), #(c, x) x(c) or even something like #(c, d) x(c) where x is actually a function.
Parsing the expressions just to get the names they use is something that you shouldn't have to do.
Restricting the variable names that are allowed can be messy. If the user is expecting MATLAB syntax and you are parsing as MATLAB, why make your life harder? Also, when you introduce a restriction like one-letter variable names only, you have to ask yourself if there will ever be a situation where you need more than 27 variables.
It would be much safer all around to have the user list the names of the variables they plan on using before the function, e.g. (x, y, pi) pi*(x^2 + y). Now all you have to do is prepend # and not worry about whether pi is a built-in or an argument. In my opinion the notation is quite clean.

Matlab symbolic function conversion without dot for matrix operation

When converting symbolic expression to matlabFunction, expression like
f=- x^3/6 + x
-> #(x)x-x.^3.*(1.0./6.0)
which is not what I want because x is gonna be a matrix and my application requires actual matrix multiplication such as x^3 instead of the dot product form of x.^3
The only way to get it working is to use anonymous function, i.e.
g=#(x) - x^3/6 + x
However, the issue with anonymous function is that I cannot use substitution but to type the entire formulation, i.e.
g=#(x) f
-> #(x)f which shows that expression substitution does not work
In short, I will need to solve either one of the technical difficulties: (1) If I use matlabFunction, how do I remove all the dot after the conversion? or (2) If I use anonymous function, how do I bypass typing the symbolic expression if I have already defined 'f' for the expression?
I am totally lost here and I hope someone familiar with matlab can give me 2 cents.
Thank you!
You can convert the sym object to a string when calculating the anonymous function:
Alternatively, you can use the following code
h=eval(['#(x)' char(f)])
instead of matlabFunction

Computing mixed derivatives in MATLAB using syms and diff

I'm using MATLAB 2012b.
I want to get d²/dxdy of a simple function:
f(x,y) = (x-1)² + 2y²
The documentation states that I can use syms and diff as in the following example:
> syms x y
> diff(x*sin(x*y), x, y)
ans =
2*x*cos(x*y) - x^2*y*sin(x*y)
But doing the same I got the wrong answer:
> syms x y
> f = (x-1)^2 + 2*y^2;
> diff(f,x,y)
ans =
The answer is right if I use diff like this:
Well, it's not a problem for me to use it this way, but nevertheless why is the first variant not working? Is it a version issue?
The actual documentation from R2010a:
diff(expr) differentiates a symbolic expression expr with respect to its free variable as determined by symvar.
diff(expr, v) and diff(expr, sym('v')) differentiate expr with respect to v.
diff(expr, n) differentiates expr n times. n is a positive integer.
diff(expr, v, n) and diff(expr, n, v) differentiate expr with respect to v n times.
So, the command diff(f,x,y) is the last case. It would be equal to differentiating f w.r.t. x, y times, or w.r.t y, x times.
For some reason I don't quite understand, you don't get a warning or error, but one of the syms variables gets interpreted as n = 1, and then the differentiation is carried out. In this case, what diff seems to do is basically diff(f, y, 1).
In any case, it seems that the behavior changed from version to version, because in the documentation you link to (R2016b), there is an additional case:
diff(F,var1,...,varN) differentiates F with respect to the variables var1,...,varN
So I suspect you're running into a version issue.
If you want to differentiate twice, both w.r.t x and y, your second attempt is indeed the correct and most portable way to do that:
diff( diff(f,x), y )
or equivalently
diff( diff(f,y), x )
I checked the R2010a code for symbolic/symbolic/#sym/diff.m and indeed, n is defaulted to 1 and only changed if one of the input variables is a double, and the variable to differentiate over is set equal to the last syms variable in the argument list. The multiple syms variable call is not supported, nor detected and error-trapped.
Syms is only creating symbolic variables.
The first code you execute is only a single derivative. The second code you provided differentiates two times. So I think you forgot to differentiate a second time in the first piece of code you provided.
I am also wondering what answer you expect? If you want 4*y as answer, than you should use
and not
Performing the second derivative is giving me zero?
If you want 4 as answer than you have to do following:

How to extract coefficient in maple?

I'm using maple for differentiation eguation. And I have a problem. I want to express the d/dt(alpha(t)) variable held constant from this equation (a part for example):
-2*(diff(alpha(t), t))*sin(beta(t))*(diff(beta(t), t))*cos(psi(t))*
cos(theta(t))-2*(diff(alpha(t), t))*cos(beta(t))*sin(psi(t))*(diff(psi(t),t))*
cos(theta(t))-2*(diff(alpha(t), t))*cos(beta(t))*cos(psi(t))*sin(theta(t))*
(diff(theta(t), t))-2*(diff(beta(t), t))*sin(alpha(t))^2*(diff(alpha(t),t))*
Any help is appropriate. Thanks
You can do this with a substitution. For example, let's assume that the large output involving derivatives was produced by running some code that I'll abbreviate as 'mycode;'. Then you can do this:
output := mycode;
new_output := subs(diff(alpha(t), t) = v,output);
Then, in new_output, instance of the symbol diff(alpha(t), t) will be replaced by the symbol v, and then you can use a function like coeff to strip the coefficients of v. This way, you can figure out what the trig-polynomial representation of output is.