Any way to deploy database in PhpStorm? - deployment

I can deploy files via FTP to the remote host. Is there any way to deploy database along with files? I use a CMS so when I change something in the control panel it'll be written to the db. I don't want to do double work or do it manually (it's buggy way, huh).

PHPStorm has a view 'Database' which can view all structure of your DB. Also you can run a SQL Script from local file to remote DB. Perhaps work with triggers etc...
PHPStorm Database


Is there an added value for a "file-to-file" Project transfer vs copying the files directly?

We have been using EA's API ProjectTransfer function to do a backup of our projects automatically (we have some projects on the filesystem as well as one project in a DBMS)
However there are some caveats to this function: We cannot run our scripts unattended(as a task running daily). Meaning the user has to be logged on for the script to run since EA cannot be run unattended.
Also, we have noticed a bug in which the Accept Windows Authentication option does not carry with a Project transfer.
This is why we decided to move our scripts to simply copying the files for backup. (And rely on the dbms team for backing up the DBMS repository)
Should we be simply copying the files for backing up the projects? Or is there something important ProjectTransfer is doing?
No, there is no added value. As long as you do a file copy. The project transfer is more meant on a RDBMS-EAP level which can not simply be done with a file copy. For RDBMS-transfers with the same database type you can/should also use database backups as transfer method.

Web2py transfer site

I have a Web2py site that I want to transfer to another computer. I'll do an SQL dump for the (external) database, but does anyone have experience of transferring the Web2py site itself? Which files do I need to copy to the new machine?
Thanks everyone.
You should be fine just copying the application folder. You can exclude the /cache, /errors, and /sessions subfolders. Make sure you restore the database before running the application (or if you want web2py to re-create the database tables, make sure migrations are enabled and do not copy the contents of the /databases folder).

MySQL Workbench Rebuidling Database From Script File

I have a script file that has a bunch of create commands, and one that has a bunch of inserts. I would like to use these commands to rebuild my database on a different PC but I am struggling with how to accomplish this.
I just installed a fresh copy of MySQL Workbench and I created a new Model. Now what?!
Thanks for the help!
You should be able to rebuild your tables from the script
First, connect to the database
Then, open your script file
Run the query
After that, you should have your tables restored.

Zend Studio and remote host - best practice

Got the following:
Zend Studio
Zend Framework Project
Remote host with FTP and SSH (root access)
Want to:
Save directly to remote host.
Currently i'm working on a localhost *AMP server, manually updating the remote through FTP.
Have tried various ways to acomplish the above - unsuccessfull obviously.
Can some one tell me what to do? Studio 5 (pre-eclipse) was so much better for pure 'FTP programming'.
Currently i'm using remote server support for synchronize my project directly with my i5 server.
It works using ftp or sfpt if you have enabled SSH on your server machine.
It works very well.
Before using remote server support you have to set up a connection
to the server: go to window menu > open perspective > other >
remote system explorer
set up a connection to your server
Return to php develop perspective
To add the "support to remote server" to an existing project, click on the project with rigth click > properties > Remote Server Support
Flag enable Remote connection properties
Set-up all properties and select upload files "on save"
In this way, ZS work locally on the file's project (index, build files ecc) and upload on the server only the .php and .js files.
It can works very well with svn suppor too, because it DOESEN'T upload (.svn) files to the server but keeps it local.
Whatever you do, don't use Expandrive. That's what I'm working with now, and it grinds ZSE to a crashing halt. Sometimes, Expandrive just stops working and ZSE thinks the file disappeared, so you have to close everything and anything not saved is lost.
EDIT: One solution that's worked for us is using the SMB protocol, using Windows' SMB compatibility to create a remote drive, and then interacting with your code base that way. Make sure to ignore building large static files or large files you won't be directly editing to further speed up Eclipse when building a project this way.
You can use 3rd party utilities:
Expandrive for OSX
Netdrive (commercial) or FTPDrive (free)
to mount FTP/SFTP to drive or folder so you can work as it is locally.

SQL CE deployment

I have a small windows app and am trying to use SQL CE for the local datastore. I have had a couple of problems deploying it. I am using ClickOnce deployment.
First question:
In the Publish properties -> Application Files I have it set to Data File(Auto), Required, Include. However, it doesn't seem to be included? When I navigate to the location that Click Once installs to its not there?
Click once creates a new directory in the User\Local\Apps directory, with the app files and SDF file in when I update the app and release a new version I don't want to start with a new database. All the data in the existing database will be lost? The just doesn't seem to make sense?
What is the procedure around this?