How to search and replace using hash with Perl - perl

I'm new to Perl and I'm afraid I am stuck and wanted to ask if someone might be able to help me.
I have a file with two columns (tab separated) of oldname and newname.
I would like to use the oldname as key and newname as value and store it as a hash.
Then I would like to open a different file (gff file) and replace all the oldnames in there with the newnames and write it to another file.
I have given it my best try but am getting a lot of errors.
If you could let me know what I am doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.
Here are how the two files look:
oldname newname(SFXXXX) file:
genemark-scaffold00013-abinit-gene-0.18 SF130001
augustus-scaffold00013-abinit-gene-1.24 SF130002
genemark-scaffold00013-abinit-gene-1.65 SF130003
file to search and replace in (an example of one of the lines):
scaffold00013 maker gene 258253 258759 . - . ID=maker-scaffold00013-augustus-gene-2.187;Name=maker-scaffold00013-augustus-gene-2.187;
Here is my attempt:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $hashfile = $ARGV[0];
my $gfffile = $ARGV[1];
my %names;
my $oldname;
my $newname;
if (!defined $hashfile) {
die "Usage: $0 hash_file gff_file\n";
if (!defined $gfffile) {
die "Usage: $0 hash_file gff_file\n";
###save hashfile with two columns, oldname and newname, into a hash with oldname as key and newname as value.
open(HFILE, $hashfile) or die "Cannot open $hashfile\n";
while (my $line = <HFILE>) {
my ($oldname, $newname) = split /\t/;
$names{$oldname} = $newname;
close HFILE;
###open gff file and replace all oldnames with newnames from %names.
open(GFILE, $gfffile) or die "Cannot open $gfffile\n";
while (my $line2 = <GFILE>) {
eval "$line2 =~ s/$oldname/$names{oldname}/g";
open(OUT, ">SFrenamed.gff") or die "Cannot open SFrenamed.gff: $!";
print OUT "$line2\n";
close OUT;
close GFILE;
Thank you!

Your main problem is that you aren't splitting the $line variable. split /\t/ splits $_ by default, and you haven't put anything in there.
This program builds the hash, and then constructs a regex from all the keys by sorting them in descending order of length and joining them with the | regex alternation operator. The sorting is necessary so that the longest of all possible choices is selected if there are any alternatives.
Every occurrence of the regex is replaced by the corresponding new name in each line of the input file, and the output written to the new file.
use strict;
use warnings;
die "Usage: $0 hash_file gff_file\n" if #ARGV < 2;
my ($hashfile, $gfffile) = #ARGV;
open(my $hfile, '<', $hashfile) or die "Cannot open $hashfile: $!";
my %names;
while (my $line = <$hfile>) {
my ($oldname, $newname) = split /\t/, $line;
$names{$oldname} = $newname;
close $hfile;
my $regex = join '|', sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %names;
$regex = qr/$regex/;
open(my $gfile, '<', $gfffile) or die "Cannot open $gfffile: $!";
open(my $out, '>', 'SFrenamed.gff') or die "Cannot open SFrenamed.gff: $!";
while (my $line = <$gfile>) {
$line =~ s/($regex)/$names{$1}/g;
print $out $line, "\n";
close $out;
close $gfile;

Why are you using an eval? And $oldname is going to be undefined in the second while loop, because the first while loop you redeclare them in that scope (even if you used the outer scope, it would store the very last value that you processed, which wouldn't be helpful).
Take out the my $oldname and my $newname at the top of your script, it is useless.
Take out the entire eval line. You need to repeat the regex for each thing you want to replace. Try something like:
$line2 =~ s/$_/$names{$_}/g for keys %names;
Also see Borodin's answer. He made one big regex instead of a loop, and caught your lack of the second argument to split.


perl: make script fast to use big file

My problem is how to make my script fast (I use big files)
I have the script above it add "bbb" between words if the words exist in an other file that contain sequences of words
for exemple file2.txt : i eat big pizza .my big pizza ...
file1.txt (sequences):
eat big pizza
big pizza
the result Newfile
i bigbbbpizza ...
my script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open Newfile ,">./newfile.txt" or die "Cannot create Newfile.txt";
my %replacement;
my ($f1, $f2) = ('file1.txt', 'file2.txt');
open(my $fh, $f1);
my #seq;
foreach (<$fh> )
push #seq, $_;
close $fh;
#seq = sort bylen #seq;
open($fh, $f2);
foreach (<$fh> ) {
foreach my $r (#seq) {
my $t = $r;
$t =~ s/\h+/bbb/g;
print Newfile ;
close $fh;
close Newfile ;
exit 0;
sub bylen {
length($b) <=> length($a);
Instead of an array
my #seq;
define your words as a hash.
my %seq;
Instead of pushing the words
push #seq, $_;
store the words in the hash. Precalculate the replacement and move it out of the loop.
my $t = $_;
$t =~ s/\h+/bbb/g;
$seq{$_} = $t;
Precalculate the words in front of the outer loop:
my #seq = keys %seq;
And use hash look-ups to find the replacement in the inner loop:
my $t = $seq{$r};
This might be a bit faster, but do not expect too much.
In most cases it is better to reduce the problem by preparing the input in a way, which makes the solution easier. For example grep -f is much faster than your Perl loops. Use grep to find the lines, which need a replacement, and do the replacement with Perl or Sed.
Another way is to parallel the job. You can divide your input in n parts and run n processes on n CPUs in parallel. See the GNU parallel tutorial.
What about a regexp like this (beware that this approach can cause security concerns) ?
use strict;
use warnings;
open (my $Newfile, '>', 'newfile.txt') or die "Cannot create Newfile.txt: $!";
my ($f1, $f2) = qw(file1.txt file2.txt);
open (my $fh, $f1) or die "Can't open $f1 for reading: $!";
my #seq = map {split ' ', $_ } <$fh>;
close $fh;
# an improvement would be to use an hash to avoid dupplicates
my $regexp = '(' . join('|', #seq) . ')';
open($fh, $f2) or die "Can't open $f2 for reading: $!";
foreach my $line (<$fh> ) {
$line =~ s/$regexp/$1bbb/g;
print $Newfile $line;
close $fh;
close $Newfile ;
exit 0;

Search string with multiple words in the pattern

My program is trying to search a string from multiple files in a directory. The code searches for single patterns like perl but fails to search a long string like Status Code 1.
Can you please let me know how to search for strings with multiple words?
my #list = `find /home/ad -type f -mtime -1`;
# printf("Lsit is $list[1]\n");
foreach (#list) {
# print("Now is : $_");
open(FILE, $_);
$_ = <FILE>;
unless ($_ =~ /perl/) { # works, but fails to find string "Status Code 1"
print "found\n";
my $filename = 'report.txt';
open(my $fh, '>>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
say $fh "My first report generated by perl";
close $fh;
} # end unless
} # end For
There are a number of problems with your code
You must always use strict and use warnings at the top of every Perl program. There is little point in delcaring anything with my without strict in place
The lines returned by the find command will have a newline at the end which must be removed before Perl can find the files
You should use lexical file handles (my $fh instead of FILE) and the three-parameter form of open as you do with your output file
$_ = <FILE> reads only the first line of the file into $_
unless ($_ =~ /perl/) is inverted logic, and there's no need to specify $_ as it is the default. You should write if ( /perl/ )
You can't use say unless you have use feature 'say' at the top of your program (or use 5.010, which adds all features available in Perl v5.10)
It is also best to avoid using shell commands as Perl is more than able to do anything that you can using command line utilities. In this case -f $file is a test that returns true if the file is a plain file, and -M $file returns the (floating point) number of days since the file's modification time
This is how I would write your program
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
for my $file ( glob '/home/ad/*' ) {
next unless -f $file and int(-M $file) == 1;
open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!;
while ( <$fh> ) {
if ( /perl/ ) {
print "found\n";
my $filename = 'report.txt';
open my $out_fh, '>>', $filename or die "Could not open file '$filename': $!";
say $fh "My first report generated by perl";
close $out_fh;
it should have matched unless $_ contains text in different case.
try this.
unless($_ =~ /Status\s+Code\s+1/i) {
unless ($_ =~ /perl/) {
unless ($_ =~ /(Status Code 1)/) {
I am certain the above works, except it's case sensitive.
Since you question it, I rewrote your script to make more sense of what you're trying to accomplish and implement the above suggestion. Correct me if I am wrong, but you're trying to make a script which matches "Status Code 1" in a bunch of files where last modified within 1 day and print the filename to a text file.
Anyways, below is what I recommend:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $output_file = 'report.txt';
my #list = `find /home/ad -type f -mtime -1`;
foreach my $filename (#list) {
print "PROCESSING: $filename";
open (INCOMING, "<$filename") || die "FATAL: Could not open '$filename' $!";
foreach my $line (<INCOMING>) {
if ($line =~ /(Status Code 1)/) {
open( FILE, ">>$output_file") or die "FATAL: Could not open '$output_file' $!";
print FILE sprintf ("%s\n", $filename);
close(FILE) || die "FATAL: Could not CLOSE '$output_file' $!";
# Bail when we get the first match
close(INCOMING) || die "FATAL: Could not close '$filename' $!";

Alter a file using information from another file

I want to alter the names in a phylip file using information from another file. The phylip is just one continuous string of information, and the names I want to alter (e.g. aaaaaaabyd) are embedded in it. Like so
(there are no new lines)
The names within are like aaaaaaaabk.
The other file has the information change to, like so in the other file,
aaaaaaaabk;Ciona savignyi
aaaaaaaete;Homo sapiens
aaaaaaaafj;Cryptosporidium hominis
aaaaaaaaad;Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
aaaaaaabyd;Theileria parva
aaaaaaaaaf;Plasmodium vivax
I have tried numerous things but this is the closest I got. The problem is it does it for one and doesn't print out the rest of the phylip file. I need to get to ((Theileria parva:0.23400159127856412500, etc.
open(my $tree, "$ARGV[0]") or die "Failed to open file: $!\n";
open(my $csv, "$ARGV[0]") or die "Failed to open file: $!\n";
open(my $new_tree, "> raxml_tree.phy");
# Declare variables
my $find;
my $replace;
my $digest;
# put the file of the tree into string variable
my $string = <$tree>;
# open csv file
while (my $line = <$csv>) {
# aaaaaaaaaa;Ciona savignyi
if ($line =~ m/(\w+)\;+(\w+\s+\w*)/) {
$find = $1;
$replace = $2;
$string =~ s/$find/$replace/g;
print $new_tree "$string";
close $tree;
close $csv;
close $new_tree;
Some guidelines on your own code
The problem is almost certainly that you are opening the same file $ARGV[0] twice. Presumably one should be `$ARGV[1]
You must always use strict and use warnings at the top of every Perl program you write (there is very little point in declaring your variables unless use strict is in place) and declare all your variables with my as close as possible to their first point of use. It is bad form to declare all your variables in a block at the start, because it makes them all effectively global, and you lose most of the advantages of declaring lexical variables
You should use the three-parameter form of open, and it is a good idea to put the name of the file in the die string so that you can see which one failed. So
open(my $tree, "$ARGV[0]") or die "Failed to open file: $!\n";
open my $tree, '<', $ARGV[0] or die qq{Failed to open "$ARGV[0]" for input: $!\n};
You should look for simpler solutions rather than apply regex methods every time. $line =~ m/(\w+)\;+(\w+\s+\w*)/ is much tidier as chomp, split /;/
You shouldn't use double-quotes around variables when you want just the value of the variable, so print $new_tree "$string" should be print $new_tree $string
Rather than trying to use the data from the other file (please try to use useful names for items in your question, as it's tough to know what to call them when writing a solution) it is best to build a hash that contains all the translations
This program will do as you ask. It builds a regex consisting of an alternation of all the hash keys, and then converts all ocurrences of that pattern into its corresponding name. Only those names that are in your sample other file are translated: the others are left as they are
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014; # For non-destructive substitution
use autodie;
my %names;
open my $fh, '<', 'other_file.txt';
while ( <$fh> ) {
my ($k, $v) = split /;/, s/\s+\z//r;
$names{$k} = $v;
open $fh, '<', 'phylip.txt';
my $data = <$fh>;
close $fh;
my $re = join '|', sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %names;
$re = qr/(?:$re)/;
$data =~ s/\b($re)\b/$names{$1}/g;
print $data;
((Theileria parva:0.23400159127856412500,(((aaaaaaaaxv:0.44910864993667892753,aaaaaaaagf:0.51328033054009691849):0.06090419044604544752,((aaaaaaabyc:0.11709094683204501752,aaaaaaafzz:0.04488198976629347720):0.09529995111708353117,((aaaaaaadbn:0.34408087090010841536,Cryptosporidium hominis:0.47991503739434709930):0.06859184769990583908,((Ciona savignyi:0.09244297511609228524,Homo sapiens:0.12568841555837687030):0.28431
Here is a revised version of your own program with the above points accounted for and the bugs fixed
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $tree_fh, '<', $ARGV[0] or die qq{Failed to open "$ARGV[0]" for input: $!\n};
my $string = <$tree_fh>;
close $tree_fh;
open my $csv_fh, '<', $ARGV[1] or die qq{Failed to open "$ARGV[1]" for input: $!\n};
while ( <$csv_fh> ) {
my ($find, $replace) = split /;/;
$string =~ s/$find/$replace/g;
close $csv_fh;
open my $new_tree_fh, '>', 'raxml_tree.phy' or die qq{Failed to open "raxml_tree.phy" for output: $!\n};
print $new_tree_fh $string;
close $new_tree_fh;

Perl: comparing words in two files

This is my current script to try and compare the words in file_all.txt to the ones in file2.txt. It should print out any of the words in file_all that are not in file2.
I need to format these as one word per line, but that's not the more pressing issue.
I am new to Perl ... I get C and Python more but this is being a bit tricky, I know my variable assignment is off.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file2 = "file_all.txt"; %I know my assignment here is wrong
my $file1 = "file2.txt";
open my $file2, '<', 'file2' or die "Couldn't open file2: $!";
while ( my $line = <$file2> ) {
open my $file1, '<', 'file1' or die "Couldn't open file1: $!";
while ( my $line = <$file1> ) {
print $line unless $file2{$line};
EDIT: OH, it should ignore case... like Pie is the same as PIE when comparing. and remove apostrophes
These are the errors I am getting:
"my" variable $file2 masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 9.
"my" variable $file1 masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 14.
Global symbol "%file2" requires explicit package name at line 11.
Global symbol "%file2" requires explicit package name at line 16.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
Your error messages:
"my" variable $file2 masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 9.
"my" variable $file1 masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 14.
Global symbol "%file2" requires explicit package name at line 11.
Global symbol "%file2" requires explicit package name at line 16.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
You are assigning a file name to $file2, and then later you are using open my $file2 ... The use of my $file2 in the second case masks the use in the first case. Then, in the body of the while loop, you pretend there is a hash table %file2, but you haven't declared it at all.
You should use more descriptive variable names to avoid conceptual confusion.
For example:
my #filenames = qw(file_all.txt file2.txt);
Using variables with integer suffixes is a code smell.
Then, factor common tasks to subroutines. In this case, what you need are: 1) A function that takes a filename and returns a table of words in that file, and 2) A function that takes a filename, and a lookup table, and prints words that are in the file, but do not appear in the lookup table.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw( croak );
my #filenames = qw(file_all.txt file2.txt);
print "$_\n" for #{ words_notseen(
sub words_from_file {
my $filename = shift;
my %words;
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or croak "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
$words{ lc $_ } = 1 for split ' ', $line;
close $fh
or croak "Failed to close '$filename': $!";
return \%words;
sub words_notseen {
my $filename = shift;
my $lookup = shift;
my %words;
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or croak "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
for my $word (split ' ', $line) {
unless (exists $lookup->{$word}) {
$words{ $word } = 1;
return [ keys %words ];
You are almost there.
The % sigil denotes a hash. You can't store a file name in a hash, you need a scalar for that.
my $file2 = 'file_all.txt';
my $file1 = 'file2.txt';
You need a hash to count the occurrences.
my %count;
To open a file, specify its name - it's stored in the scalar, do you remember?
open my $FH, '<', $file2 or die "Can't open $file2: $!";
Then, process the file line by line:
while (my $line = <$FH> ) {
chomp; # Remove newline if present.
++$count{lc $line}; # Store the lowercased string.
Then, open the second file, process it line by line, use lc again to get the lowercased string.
To remove apostophes, use a substitution:
$line =~ s/'//g; # Replace ' by nothing globally (i.e. everywhere).
As you have mention in your question: It should print out any of the words in file_all that are not in file2
This below small code does this:
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($file1, $file2) = qw(file_all.txt file2.txt);
open my $fh1, '<', $file1 or die "Can't open $file1: $!";
open my $fh2, '<', $file2 or die "Can't open $file2: $!";
while (<$fh1>)
last if eof($fh2);
my $compline = <$fh2>;
chomp($_, $compline);
if ($_ ne $compline)
print "$_\n";
The issue is the following two lines:
my %file2 = "file_all.txt";
my %file1 = "file2.txt";
Here you are assigning a single value, called a SCALAR in Perl, to a Hash (denoted by the % sigil). Hashes consist of key value pairs separated by the arrow operator (=>). e.g.
my %hash = ( key => 'value' );
Hashes expect an even number of arguments because they must be given both a key and a value. You currently only give each Hash a single value, thus this error is thrown.
To assign a value to a SCALAR, you use the $ sigil:
my $file2 = "file_all.txt";
my $file1 = "file2.txt";

Select rows based on text pattern

I want to extract rows from a file that match a particular pattern and I want to do this for over 500 files. It should have the ability to retain the unique name of the file as well.
I used awk but then i have to do each file individually.
c:\>gawk "/S1901/" Census_Tract_*.csv > Census_Tract_*.csv
In the example shown in the link here ( I want to retain only those records that have S1901 in them. Apologies for the external link but i am not able to retain formatting of the table.
I found some perl code that I used to write it but it retains all the rows and does not select only those rows/records where the pattern matches. Any tips would be much appreciated. The perl code is below:
#perl -w
$pattern = "Subject_Census*.csv"; # process only those files that match pattern
while (defined ($in = glob($pattern))) {
($out = $in) =~ s/\.csv$/.outcsv/; # read from "" and write to "xyz.out"
open (IN, "<", $in) or die "Can't open $in for reading: $!";
open (OUT,">>", $out) or die "Can't open $out for writing: $!";
while (<IN>) {
$mystring =~ /S1901/;
print OUT $_ if $mystring == 0;
close (IN) or die "Can't close $in: $!"; # good idea to do some housekeeping
close (OUT) or die "Can't close $out: $!";
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my $files_list_filename = 'files.txt';
open my $fl, '<', $files_list_filename;
my #list_of_files = <$fl>;
chomp #list_of_files;
close $fl;
foreach my $file ( #list_of_files ) {
open my $test_fh, '<', $file;
while ( my $line = <$test_fh> ) {
if( $line =~ m/S1901/ ) {
print "$file at $.: $line";
close $test_fh;
Is that sort of what you had in mind? It opens a file named filelist.txt and reads in a list of however many filenames you want to give it. Then it iterates over that list, opening each file one by one, scanning each file one by one, and if a line is found containing the trigger text, it prints the filename and line number, as well as the line itself where the trigger was met. Then it moves on to the next.
perl -ni.bak -e 'print if /S1901/' Subject_Census*.csv