How to send an email to a webpage - email

I'm looking for any tools, or services, that allow me to send email to a website. For example, if I have a form on a webpage, I can fill in the information and submit it. What I'd like to do is put the information in an email and send that to the webpage, for the same processing. Currently, what I can do, is using something like Twilio... where I can SMS the information and load it into a webpage... it's just fairly expensive.
Thanks in advance.

source here bro. you can send it to your email using this script..


how do i email form submissions through url's

I would like to set up a form on my Shopify website. I want the content of the form to be sent to me via email. So I would like to use the get method and set the forms action attribute to a URL that will send me an email with the submissions.
The question is, how do I send an email through URL's? Or do I need to use API for this? Is it possible at all? Or is it gonna be possible for me to submit the form to a page?
I have already tried searching some similar questions, but nothing was satisfying.
Sending an email is something that is done on a back-end of the server. With Shopify it's not possible because you don't have access to the back-end.
But the default Shopify contact form does send you an email when it's submitted, so you can use it. You can modify its fields, copy it to other pages, etc.
If you want more customization options, or more control you'll have to use a service. Shopify recommends Wufoo or Jotform. But you can use whatever you like.
One additional thing. If you have a server somewhere where you can access the back-end, you can send your form data there and email it yourself with PHP or any other language that can run there and send emails.

How to get user informations by email

I'm new in swift programming and I'm working on simple app. However, I was wondering if I can build "Contact us" view controller where the user enters his message and his data sent to me by email. Is it possible?
There are two approaches to send mail from iPhone SDK
You could try MFMailComposeViewController to send an email.
You could set up a web server from where you could send the email with the help of web services.
I’ll suggest building a web service, post this data as a JSON object, make a fancy email at server end and shot it to concerned email id, you have an option to do any additional task.
Like storing a data to db, tagging it specific way and filtering emails from blacklisted email ids.
You can use mail gun or mail trap to help you setup simple way.

SendGrid email read confirmation

I want to collect information about how many emails that I have sent, has been read. I want to use method where I will put image in email and once the image gets rendered I can catch that event. I know this is not hundred percent reliable.
I am using a SendGrid for sending my emails. I was wondering does SendGrid provides service like this?
I was looking through SendGrid documentation but was not able to find what I need.
You want to use the Open Tracking app. You can also enable, disable, and configure this app via the web API or SMTP API headers.

Sending jquery-mobile form data to an email address

I am new to programming. I have built a multi-page form for an Android phone using jquery-mobile + phonegap. The form looks and works great, but it seems I have now hit a dead end.
I want the submit button to send the (preferably formatted data) to a specific email address, but am not sure how to do this. The Jquery-mobile documentation explains how to get or post to a url, but I really only want to send it to one or two recipients.
If I put a statement where the url is asked for it brings up the info in one long string in the native email client.
I'd give code examples, but at this point it is only the procedure I don't understand and am not sure it can be easily done.
Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated as I have exhausted my research sources without success.
Well you need to submit your form to the server-side script first and send your email from there.
In PHP on the server side you can use mail() to achieve that. The better alternative - PHPMailer.
On the client you can only use mailto:.

tracing mouse clicks on website

I am new to website designing and wanted to know couple of things.
when some clicks on the link on my website say, can i trace that how many people clicked on it.
When i send out emails with attachments, can i record how many people opened those attachements. btw this is not yahoo or gmail, its my personal email with an ISP.
if so, please put references so i can read them or explanation if possible
Create the links on your website so that they do a GET to your website first, and then redirect to the desired website.
Click here
The email attachment is a different problem. If you send an email that reads the attachment from your website, you can record the traffic.
For tracking outbound clicks, services like Google Analytics can wrap every link on your site with JavaScript and provide statistics and sexy graphs.
For tracking email attachments, it depends on the attachment. Static files like images can't make callbacks to the Internet, but something like a PDF with embedded JavaScript might be able to.
As for links within the emails, you can make each link in each email unique by associating a token with each email recipient, e.g. Some Link. Store the token in a database along with the recipient's email address and later you can cross-reference hits on your site with emails you sent out.
I know there are a handful services that do the latter, but I can't name any offhand. Search for "email newsletter service."