MongoDB GridFS Size Limit - mongodb

I am using MongoDB as a convenient way of storing a dataset as a series of columns where there is a document that stores the values for a given column and another document that stores the details of the detaset, and a mapping to the other documents with the associated column values. The issue I'm now facing as things get bigger is that I can no longer store the entire column in a single document.
I'm aware that there is also the GridFS option, the only downside is that I believe it stores the files as blobs meaning I would lose random access to a chunk of the column, or the value at a specified index, something that was incredibly useful from the document store, however I may not ahve any other option.
So my question is: does GridFS also impose an upper limit on the size of documents and if so does anyone know what this is. I've looked in hte docs and haven't found anything, but it may be I'm not looking in the correct place or that there is a limit but it's not well documented.

Per the GridFS documentation:
Instead of storing a file in an single document, GridFS divides a file
into parts, or chunks, and stores each of those chunks as a separate
document. By default GridFS limits chunk size to 256k. GridFS uses
two collections to store files. One collection stores the file chunks,
and the other stores file metadata.
GridFS will allow you to store arbitrarily large files however this really won't help your use case. A file in GridFS will effectively be a large binary blob and you will not get any of the benefits of structured documents and indexing.
Schema Design
The fundamental challenge you have is your approach to schema design. If you are creating documents that are likely to grow beyond the 16Mb document limit, these will also have a significant impact on your database storage and fragmentation as the documents grow in size.
The appropriate solution would be to rethink your schema approach so that you do not have unbounded document growth. This probably means flattening the array of "columns" that you are growing so it is represented by a collection of documents rather than an array.
A better (and separate) question to ask would be how to refactor your schema given the expected data growth patterns.


How to handle MongoDB documents with array larger than 16MB

There is a document with array, which size is more than 16 MB. How to store this document to be able to query some data from this array.
When you have documents which exceed the 16MB limit then you are very likely taking the denormalization approach of MongoDB too far and should consider to create another collection with one document for each array entry (or one document for each sensible grouping of array entries).
Another option is to treat the content as binary data and store it as a file in GridFS, but then you won't be able to do any meaningful queries on its content (only on the metadata you write for it separately).
The 16MB limit is hardcoded. You can not change it through configuration. There was a bugtracker ticket for that and it was closed as "Won't fix". But considering that MongoDB is open source, you could always change it in the sourcecode. Just keep the license conditions in mind when you do that.

How should I use MongoDB GridFS to store my big-size data?

After I read MongoDB Gridfs official document , I know that GridFS is used by MongoDB to store large file(size>16M),the file can be a video , a movie or anything else.But now , what I meet , is large strutured data , not a simple physical file. Size of the data exceeds the limit. To make it more detailed, what I am dealing with is thousands of gene sequences,and many of them exceeds BSON-document size limit .You can just consider each gene sequence as a simple string ,and the string is so large that some string has exceeds the mongoDB BSOM size limit.So ,what can I do to solve such a problem ? Is GridFS still suitable to solve my problem?
GridFS will split up the data in chunks of smaller size, that's how it overcomes the size limit. It's particularly useful for streaming data, because you can quickly access data at any given offset since the chunks are indexed.
Storing 'structured' data in the tens of megabytes sounds a bit weird: either you need to access parts of the data based on some criteria, then you need a different data structure that allows access to smaller parts of the data.
Or you really need to process the entire data set based on some criteria. In that case, you'll want an efficiently indexed collection that you can query based on your criteria and that contains the id of the file that must then be processed.
Without a concrete example of the problem, i.e. what does the query and the data structure look like, it will be hard to give you a more detailed answer.

Using MongoDB's for storing files of size est. 500KB

In GridFS FAQ there is said that one should store in aforementioned GridFS files of size >16MB. I have a lot of files ~500KB.
Question is: which approach is more efficient - storing files' content inside document or storing file itself in GridFS? Should I consider other approaches?
As for efficiency, either approach is the same. GridFS is implemented at the driver level by paging your >16MB data across multiple documents. MongoDB is unaware that you're storing a "file", it just knows how to store documents and doesn't ask questions.
So, depending on your driver (PHP/NodeJS/Ruby), you may find some metadata features nice and opt to use GridFS because of that. Otherwise, if you are absolutely sure a document will not be larger than 16MB, storing the raw content in the document should be fairly simple and just as fast (or faster).
Generally, I'd recommend against storing files in the database. It can have a negative impact on your working set and overall speed.

Storing very large documents in MongoDB

In short: If you have a large number of documents with varying sizes, where relatively few documents hit the maximum object size, what are the best practices to store those documents in MongoDB?
I have set of documents like:
{_id: ...,
values: [12, 13, 434, 5555 ...]
The length of the values list varies hugely from one document to another. For the majority of documents, it will have a few elements, for a few it will have tens of millions of elements, and I will hit the maximum object size limit in MongoDB. The trouble is any special solution I come up with for those very large (and relatively few) documents might have an impact on how I store the small documents which would, otherwise, live happily in a MongoDB collection.
As far as I see, I have the following options. I would appreciate any input on pros and cons of those, and any other option that I missed.
1) Use another datastore: That seems too drastic. I like MongoDB, and it's not like I hit the size limit for many objects. In the words case, my application could treat the very large objects and the rest differently. It just doesn't seem elegant.
2) Use GridFS to store the values: Like a blob in a traditional DB, I could keep the first few thousand elements of values in document and if there are more elements in the list, I could keep the rest in a GridFS object as a binary file. I wouldn't be able to search in this part, but I can live with that.
3) Abuse GridFS: I could keep every document in gridFS. For the majority of the (small) documents the binary chunk would be empty because the files collection would be able to keep everything. For the rest I could keep the excess elements in the chunks collection. Does that introduce an overhead compared to option #2?
4) Really abuse GridFS: I could use the optional fields in the files collection of GridFS to store all elements in the values. Does GridFS do smart chunking also for the files collection?
5) Use an additional "relational" collection to store the one-to-many relation, but th number of documents in this collection would easily exceed a hundred billion rows.
If you have large documents, try to store some metadata about them in MongoDB, and put the rest of the data --the part you will not be querying on-- outside.

question on gridfs

As one can see in GridFS doc, BSON objects are limited in size. So if I want to store something extremely big, I need to separate it on chunks. It'll be a document in fs.files collection. My question is: is there a way to have huge fields in document. so that it can be found without looking in fs.files collection.
Thank you in advance!
No. BSON documents have a hard 16mb limit so individual fields can never exceed this size limitation. It is exactly that limitation GridFS is working around by transparently chunking a larger file amongst multiple smaller segments.