Extraction of specific numbers - matlab

If a string has just a combination of 1(s) and 2(s) how do you extract all the 2(s).
I have tried this code below but does not work.
Could someone point me in the right direction

You can obtain the position of all the 2's like this:
str = '11221212';

What? Just find the location of the elements in str with a '2' in it? I don't think you tried that hard, since there are at least a few ways I can see off the top of my head.
C = find(str == '2');
C = strfind(str,'2');
(There is also findstr, but that tool will apparently be obsolete/dropped at some point.)
C = regexp(str,'2')
C = find(ismember(str,'2'));
I'll bet there are lots more ways too. Take a glance through the output of this:
help strfun


Optimize code for string split and extraction

I have a code where the overall aim is the extract two numbers from a string.
I get the string located in a cell array. To easy this example I have made the string in the test below in my code. I want to extract 1400 in one cell and the 2 in a second cell. The code I have made is working fine, but I think it can be optimized (speed and condensed) a lot. Does any of you have any suggestions?
test{1,1}='1:1400 og 2-fold'
C = strsplit(FD1);
C2 = cell2mat(cellfun(#str2num,strrep(C,':',' '),'un',0));
C3 = cell2mat(C(1,3));
It really depends on your general structure. For this case, you can split the string at colon, space and dash by using:
A = strsplit(test{1,1},{':',' ','-'});
and then simply extract the two numbers as the second and fourth element
Fold1 = str2num(A{4});
But as said it really comes down to your general structure. The more cases you have to account for the longer the code.
Thus it would maybe be better if you could write out something like
test{1,1}='1 dilute 1400 fold 2';
Then you could split at spaces, and search for the word you are interested in and the next string is then the number, ie
A = strsplit(test{1,1});
Dilute = str2num(A{circshift(strcmp(A,'dilute'),1)})
Fold = str2num(A{circshift(strcmp(A,'fold'),1)})

GAMS: retrieve information from solution

GAMS: I think I have a pretty simple question, however I'm stuck and was wondering if someone could help here.
A simplified version of my model looks like this:
set(i,t) ;
parameter price
variable p(i,t)
obj.. C=sum((i,t), p(i,t)*price);
Model file /all/ ;
Solve file minimizing C using MIP ;
Display C.l;
p(i,t) and e(i,t) are related:
Equation1 .. e(i,t)=e=e(i,t-1)+p(i,t)*D
Now I want to retrieve information from the solution: lets say I want to know at what t e(i,t) has a certain value for example --> e(i,t)= x(i) or otherwise formulated e(i,t=TD)=x(i) find TD, where x(i) thus is depending on i. Does anyone know how I can write this in to my GAMs model? To be clear I do not want to change anything about my solution and the model I have runs; I just want to retrieve this information from the solution given.
So far I tried a couple of thing and nothing worked. I think that this must be simple, can anyone help? Thank you!
Try something like this:
set i /i1*i10/
t /t1*t10/;
variable e(i,t);
*some random dummy "solution"
e.l(i,t) = uniformInt(1,10);
set find5(i,t) 'find all combinations of i and t for which e.l=5';
find5(i,t)$(e.l(i,t)=5) = yes;
display e.l,find5;
Hope that helps,

Matlab: Update an excel sheet

I am using Matlab to read a workbook with a bunch of sheets in it.
I do some calculation and have to update one particular column in one sheet. I tried using xlswrite after xlsread, it does not work.
So, my code looks something like:
[~,~,Data] = xlsread('MyFile.xlsx', 'MySheet');
Data(2:end-1,5) = Data(2:end-1,5) + 1.5; %Random operation for illustration only
ret = xlswrite('MyFile.xlsx',Data,'MySheet');
But ret is 0. So, I am not able to achieve replacement process. Can you please help.
Based on my own comment:
Please use the second output argument as well an check what message you get:
[status,message] = xlswrite(filename,A,sheet)
Hopefully that is sufficient to find the cause, please let us know if that's the case.
Apparently it was indeed sufficient for the asker.

Debugging a for loop in matlab

I've been looking throught the documentation, but can't seem to find the bit I want.
I have a for loop and I would like to be able to view every value in the for loop.
for example here is a part of my code:
for d = 1 : nb
%for loop performs blade by blade averaging and produces a column vector
for cc = navg : length(atbmat);
atb2 = (sum(atbmat((cc-(navg-1):cc),d)))/navg;
atbvec2(:,cc) = atb2;
%assigns column vector 'atbvec2' to the correct column of the matrix 'atbmat2'
atbmat2(d,1:length(atbvec2)) = atbvec2;
I would like to view every value of atb2. I'm a python user(new to MATLAB) and would normally use a simple print statement to find this.
I'm sure there is a way to do it, but I can't quite find how.
Thankyou in advance.
you can use disp in Matlab to print to the screen but you might want to use sprintf first to format it nicely. However for debugging you're better off using a break point and then inspect the variable in the workspace browser graphically. To me, this is one of Matlab's best features.
Have a look at the "Examine Values" section of this article
The simplest way to view it everywhere is to change this line:
atb2 = (sum(atbmat((cc-(navg-1):cc),d)))/navg;
Into this, without semicolon:
atb2 = (sum(atbmat((cc-(navg-1):cc),d)))/navg
That being said, given the nature of your calculation, you could get the information you need as well by simply storing every value of abt2 and observing them afterwards. This may be done in atbmat2 already?
If you want to look at each value at the time it happens, consider setting a breakpoint or conditional breakpoint after the line where abt2 is assigned.

Matlab: dynamic name for structure

I want to create a structure with a variable name in a matlab script. The idea is to extract a part of an input string filled by the user and to create a structure with this name. For example:
CompleteCaseName = input('s');
USER WRITES '2013-06-12_test001_blabla';
CompleteCaseName = '2013-06-12_test001_blabla'
casename(12:18) = struct('x','y','z');
In this example, casename(12:18) gives me the result test001.
I would like to do this to allow me to compare easily two cases by importing the results of each case successively. So I could write, for instance :
The problem is that the line casename(12:18) = struct('x','y','z'); is invalid for Matlab because it makes me change a string to a struct. All the examples I find with struct are based on a definition like
S = struct('x','y','z');
And I can't find a way to make a dynamical name for S based on a string.
I hope someone understood what I write :) I checked on the FAQ and with Google but I wasn't able to find the same problem.
Use a structure with a dynamic field name.
For example,
mydata.(casename(12:18)) = struct;
will give you a struct mydata with a field test001.
You can then later add your x, y, z fields to this.
You can use the fields later either by mydata.test001.x, or by mydata.(casename(12:18)).x.
If at all possible, try to stay away from using eval, as another answer suggests. It makes things very difficult to debug, and the example given there, which directly evals user input:
eval('%s = struct(''x'',''y'',''z'');',casename(12:18));
is even a security risk - what happens if the user types in a string where the selected characters are system(''rm -r /''); a? Something bad, that's what.
As I already commented, the best case scenario is when all your x and y vectors have same length. In this case you can store all data from the different files into 2 matrices and call plot(x,y) to plot each column as a series.
Alternatively, you can use a cell array such that:
c = cell(2,nufiles);
for ii = 1:numfiles
c{1,ii} = import x data from file ii
c{2,ii} = import y data from file ii
A structure, on the other hand
s.('test001').x = ...
s.('test001').y = ...
Use eval:
eval(sprintf('%s = struct(''x'',''y'',''z'');',casename(12:18)));
Edit: apologies, forgot the sprintf.