TFS Service - Can it be used with Eclipse AND Git - eclipse

Recently I tried out the new TFS-Service, and really liked the built in Scrum template for project management, and the new ability to create a team project managed with Git.
It would seem that the Git integration is only possible when using Visual Studio on windows though. Using Eclipse (with the Team Explorer plugin) I was unable to work with a git-based team project.
Is this really the case?
Heres what I've tried:
In TFS Service, I have a git-based team project with some commits in it.
In Eclipse, I connected to the team project, but it seems I can't pull or even see the source in any way. Source control explorer doesn't show any code (or any paths even).
In TFS, I created a new git-based team project. In Eclipse I created a new project and used Team -> Share... to try and get the code into TFS. But selecting TFS there doesn't seem to have the disired effect: it doesn't understand that it's a git-based team project, and so it doesn't try to push the code with git, but upload it to a new path ($/some/path/here/).
So is that it, or perhaps there's a workaround? Maybe I did something wrong?
BTW - I know about using TFS with git-tf, and I'm OK with that option, but it's not what I'm asking.

We're working on improving this for the next major version of Team Explorer Everywhere (TEE), but this is what you'll want to do today.
Eclipse already has a full featured Git version control provider in the eGit plugin. This is installed in many versions of Eclipse but if you do not have it you can install it from here:
To use eGit today against the hosted service you must enable alternate credentials in TFS (click on your name in the top right corner, My Profile, Credentials then enable and configure your credentials).
Once this is enabled you can point eGit at your service account repo and you are good to go. In the Import or Share wizards pick Git and then follow through th eGit dialogs.
When you make a commit, if you add #123 into the work item comment it will associate the commit with that work item number when you push it to the server.
Now, I mentioned that we are trying to make this better. What we are aiming to do is show you both your TFVC and your Git related projects when you import and share and if you have picked a Git repo then we'll help you get your credentials set up, clone it and get the version control parts of Eclipse hooked up to eGit (assuming you have eGit installed). We'll also make sure that the other Team Explorer Views (such as work items, builds etc) all work great and that links to Git commits etc do the right thing. Hope that makes sense - but if anyone wants to talk more about how Git projects will work in future versions of Team Explorer Everywhere then feel free to drop me a mail (


eclipse team explorer git jar files are not loaded

We have just moved from svn to git, hosted at Microsoft for Visual Studio.
I'm the only developer here using Java in eclipse. I installed the Team Explorer Everywhere plugin and am able to clone the repository. But the jar files inside the libraries are shells of their former selves, only the following meta-data:
oid sha256:9d3agy7ae0a5be64b38f6e019a8ed6dca4bf60e4882178007qdf1c237dd78b4b
size 722914
I have heard that I need to set (or install) LFS (Large File Service), so I downloaded and installed git-lfs-windows-v2.5.2.exe. No change in the jar behavior.
If anyone out there knows how to tell Team Explorer Everywhere to turn on LFS, I would appreciate some guidance. Thanks.
OK Folks, I have unblocked myself by cloning the repository again and abandoning my previous clone. Apparently, either one of the installs I did changed the LFS behavior or the repository wasn't fully configured at the time I did the first clone. Takeaway: check your jars after cloning and before making code changes.

GitHub option not available in PyCharm VCS | Checkout from Version Control

I'm trying to clone a repository from GitHub to PyCharm, and so I looked up how to do that. I looked at this website, and it told me to go to
Choose VCS | Checkout from Version Control | GitHub on the main menu. PyCharm establishes connection with GitHub using the login and password you registered. Upon establishing connection, the Select Git Hub Repository to Clone dialog box opens.
From the Repository drop-down list, select the source repository to clone the data from.
But, when I go to VCS | Checkout from Version Control, there is no GitHub, only these options:
So I looked at this answer to this question, which was similar but on Intellij (I hope PyCharm and Intellij work similarly), and the answer was to
Go to File > Settings > Plugins and search for GitHub and Git Integration then install those. A restart might be required in order to apply the changes.
(answer was written by Enzokie). So I went there and those were both installed. What is wrong and why can't I clone a repository from GitHub?
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git.
I copied that from their webpage.
The version control system you want to use is Git. And you will connect to GitHub, (which also uses Git), to clone the project you want.
So, select the Git option, enter the project URL and voila!
Another version control web-hosting service who also uses Git (but also Mercurial), is Bit-Bucket.
This Wikipedia page explains what Git is.

Can't pull a Gradle project in Eclipse

I'm part of a team working on a game project and we just moved our project to using Gradle. I can pull, commit, merge and push normally with Git GUI in Windows Explorer, but other members of the team can also pull in Eclipse by right-clicking the Gradle-project folder in Project Explorer view, choosing Team-menu and then Pull. However, in my Eclipse the "Team" settings only give me options to "Apply Patch" and "Share Project.." the whole team has tried to find a solution for this to no avail so far.
Before the project was built on Gradle, I was also able to pull in Eclipse by using the aforementioned method. We're using Git repository.
Any suggestions on where to look for the cause of this malfunction?
Thank you.
I assume then you don't store the Eclipse project files/settings in your Git repository but create them locally using gradle eclipse.
Then after importing the project into Eclipse (be sure not to copy it to the workspace) you can use the Share project... option under Team in the context menu. Then choose Git. Eclipse EGit will automatically detect if your project resides in an existing repository (it should be listed on the next wizard page) and set up the corresponding association.
The term Share project maybe is a bit confusing, as you also do it for projects that already are under version control.

Importing a project

I am new to Subversion. I'm using TortoiseSVN as my client and VisualSVN as the server. I want to implement it with fellow programmers who are working with me. Some are using NetBeans as their IDE while others are using Eclipse. My PC is the server and they are the clients.
How do they import a project made by me and make changes to it? Using TortoiseSVN they were able to browse my project, but how they import it in their IDEs and make changes to it? Will I be able to view the changes instantaneously?
Using TortoiseSVN they were able to browse my project
That means they have the url of your SVN repo.
They can load that repo to any folder of their choice.
svn checkout http://url/to/your/repo/trunk/ trunk
Or (TortoiseSVN)
From there, they need to add subversive to their eclipse:
They can import an existing project from their SVN workspace.
Once imported, you can re-connect that Eclipse project to its SVN repo:
(right click on the project, Team > Share)
Enter the relevant SVN repo metadata:
Eclipse has a plugin called "Subclipse" and another called "Subversive". They can find and install those to work with their Subversion working copy directly in Eclipse. Netbeans likely has something similar.
Or, once they have a working copy checked out by TortoiseSVN, they can just import it without any special plugins into their IDE. They would use the IDE for development, and use TortoiseSVN to manage all the Subversion aspects outside of the IDE.
You won't see any changes "instantaneously". For you to see their changes, they will first need to "commit" their changes, and then you will need to "update" to see their changes.
Since you're asking a really basic question about using Subversion, I'd suggest reading or at least skimming through important sections in the SVN book:

How to use MercurialEclipse?

I have been using the built in mercurial support in NetBeans for a while now and its great. I just recently installed MercurialEclipse from so I can start using Mercurial for my Flex projects as well.
I can't seem to figure out how to use it.
I watched the video, when I right click files in the Package Explorer and go to tools I only have 2 or 3 options: Apply Patch, Share Project [, Show Local History]
When I click show local history, it says:
No local history for selected resource.
My project is a repository and I have made some changes since the last commit. I would like to see a diff of those changes so I can review them before committing.
Is this possible?
You need to click "Share Project" and enable Mercurial support for this project.