About the Mongodb sharding? - mongodb

I have a collection, like is:
{ name:aaa,
I had set the collection to sharding , the sharding key is name and item.item_id. If I had save many many items into collection.
I have a question:
If these data saved to one collection, not contain a embeded document, will lead to sharding. But I have save these data to embeded document(the example), can sharding or not sharding?


Is it possible to create sub Collection like Firebase FireStore in MongoDB atlas?

Can we create sub Collection inside a mongoDB document as we can create in firebase firestore?
MongoDB's logical architecture is:
- Database
-- Collection
--- Document
You can have multiple databases, each with multiple collections, each with multiple documents, each with what ever you want to put in your documents.
Documents can have complex fields like objects/dictionaries and lists/arrays.
You can index on inner fields, not only on the top level ones.

Mongo dynamic collection creation and locking

I am working on an app where I am looking into creating MongoDB collections on the fly as they are needed.
The app consumes data from a data source and maps the data to a collection. If the collection does not exist, the app:
creates the collection
kicks off appropriate indexes in the background
shards the collection
and then inserts the data into the collection.
While this is going on, other processes will be reading and writing from the database.
Looking at this MongodDB locking FAQ, it appears that the reads and writes in other collections of the database should not be affected by the dynamic collection creation snd setup i.e. they won't end up waiting on a lock we acquired to create the collection.
Question: Is the above assumption correct?
Thank you in advance!
No, when you insert into a collection which does not exist, then a new collection is created automatically. Of course, this new collection does not have any index (apart from _id) and is not sharded.
So, you must ensure the collection is created before the application starts any inserts.
However, it is no problem to create indexes and enable sharding on a collection which contains already some data.
Note, when you enable sharding on an empty collection or a collection with low amount of data, then all data is written initially to the primary shard. You may use sh.splitAt() to pre-split the upcoming data.

How to disable MongoDB cache for specific collection?

I'm running a MongoDB service and some of the collections are data store only and I don't want let MongoDB loads these collections' data into memory. Is there any configuration for that?
MongoDB does not load the collection into memory, only the collection's indexes.
By default index is _id field only. You can't remove the _id index.

MongoDB sharding by collection

I have an application which creates a collection in MongoDB for every user where a collection is expected to have at most 100,000 documents (a few "big" users are like this while many "small" users only have less than 10,000 documents). Now the number of users grows and I want to shard my database. Is it possible to say "put this collection (thus this user) on this shard and that collection on that shard, but do not shard documents inside a collection further", and is it possible to do this automatically?
Edit: I'm already aware of MongoDB's standard sharding design now, but my application was scaled up from a small application for single person's use, where a nedb datastore is created for the user. When the multi-user support was added, it was an obvious choice to create a nedb datastore for every user so many parts of my application could stay unchanged. When I migrated it to MongoDB, since one nedb datastore is the equivalent of a MongoDB collection, I was using one collection per user. Given the current situation, I wonder the quickest way (~= with the smallest change to my application and overall configurations) to solve the current performance issue.
Sharding is done on a collection and how the sharded collection is broken up is based on the shard key (where one or more object elements from your collection make up the key).
It might be better to rethink your document design. You could have all users in one collection and then use the user id as the shard key. That would shard each user as a whole and do it automatically.
See Mongodb's Sharding documentation for more information on sharding.

MongoDB - Same _id in different collections

I have two collections called Users and ElectedUsers. ElectedUsers is a subset of Users.
The main reason to have two collection is there are some unique different services for each collection. So I have to maintain two collections for that.
But when saving documents to ElectedUsers first it fetch the document from Users collections and do some business logic and save it to ElectedUsers with same _id. For the particular document _id field in both collections can be same.
I want to know is it violating best practices ? or is it impact to sharding or any other operation badly ?
If you are using _id as the shard key, then having duplicate _id values can be problematic, otherwise if you are not using _id as shard key and maintaining some other global unique value for sharding, then there shouldn't be any issue
refer this link