Type alias for inferred type - scala

I have a method with a complicated return type and I would like to have a function which takes the result of this method as a parameter. Is it possible to create an alias for the return type of the method? Something like typeof from C++
object Obj {
def method(x:Int) = 1 to x
type ReturnType = ???
//possible solution if i know a parameter for which the method won't fail
val x = method(1)
type ReturnType = x.type
//another possible solution, I don't need a parameter that won't fail
//the method but i still think there is a better way
lazy val x = method(1)
type ReturnType = x.type
//I would then like to have a function which takes ReturnType as a parameter
def doit(t:ReturnType) = Unit
The thing is that the compiler knows the type but I don't know how to get it from him.

The only way I could think of is this:
class Return[T](f:() => T) {
type Type = T
def getDifficultReturnType() = 1 to 10
val Return = new Return(getDifficultReturnType)
def doIt(t:Return.Type) = {
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for.

To my knowledge, this is not possible. Perhaps in a future Scala version with type macros.
In any case, leaving the type away if it's non-trivial is not a good design in my opinion. I understand that you don't want to type 80 characters, but if it's crucial to preserve that type (as it sounds), it should be explicated at some point.
You can use a type alias:
object Obj {
type ReturnType = My with Very[LongAndComplicated] with Name
// explicit type ensures you really get what you want:
def method(x: Int): ReturnType = 1 to x
def doit(t: ReturnType) {}


Clarification over Scala polymorphism

On a recent worksheet I was presented with the question asking what would be the output of the following code:
class A { def m(x:Double) = x+x }
class B[Any] extends A{ def m(x: Any) = print(x) }
class C[Any] { def m (x:Double) = x+x; def m (x: Any) = print(x) }
val obj1 = new B[Int]; val obj2 = new C[Any]
obj1.m(1); obj1.m(2.3); obj2.m(4); obj2.m(5.6)
I'm quite confused as to what having a concrete type in the square brackets after the class name would mean (i.e. class B[Any]). Is the later expression val obj1 = new B[Int] valid because Int <: Any, Int being a subclass of Any?
When later running the code snippet, the result given was simply "1" being printed. This was not what I had expected the call to obj.m(2.3) to resolve at def m(x: any), where it seems in actuality the compiler went up to A and called the m in class A.
The later expressions, obj2.m(4) and obj2.m(5.6) seems to make sense as both 4 and 5.6 would land in the function with def m(x: Double), thus not print anything out.
In what order exactly does the compiler traverse to find what to call? I'd be very grateful if someone could clear up my confusions with how polymorphism is handled here by Scala, thank you very much :)
When you do class B[Any], you define a class with a type parameter called Any. Don't confuse the type parameter name with the actual class Any. You are just shadowing its name.
You could just as fine do this:
class B[Int]
val obj = new B[String]
You may see why it is bad practice to name type parameters after actual types. Usually, people use single letter names for their type parameters, like this:
class B[T] // I just changed the name of the type parameter from "Int" to "T".
val obj = new B[String]

Using scala generics and manifest to cast within a class

I have two classes, Holders (for lack of a better name at the moment) and Holder.
Holder has to be interfaced through Holders, which has an array of Holder of any type.
As such, it has to take Any type. I want to have the setValue do type checking that the Any input is indeed of type T.
I've read a bit about using manifests, but I'm getting somewhat lost. Is there any way to do what I want?
class Holders {
var values = Array[Any]()
var _holders = Array[Holder[_]]()
def setData(index: Int, newValue: Any) {
values(index) = newValue
class Holder[T](someData: String, initValue: T) {
private var value : T = initValue
def getValue : T = value
def setValue(newValue: Any)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) = {
if (newValue.isInstanceOf[T])
value = newValue.asInstanceOf[T]
You can.
note: Manifest is deprecated and replaced with TypeTag and ClassTag, but that doesn't affect the remainder of this answer
Often when wanting Manifests/TypeTags you know exactly what's happening at compile time but want that information preserved through to runtime as well. In this case you also have to deal with the fact that, even at compile time, _holders(index) can't tell you what kind of Holder it's returning.
Depending on how _holders will be built, it may be possible to replace it with an Heterogeneous Map from the shapeless library, that would do exactly what you need out-of-the-box.
Otherwise, you have the right idea, testing the type at runtime. The trick is using TypeTag to capture both the underlying type of the holder and the type of the new value.
Note that the TypeTag context bound has to be specified on all the nested methods so it can be passed down the call stack in implicit scope. Presence of the TypeTag is what allows typeOf to then work.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ //for TypeTag
class Holders {
var values = Array[Any]()
var _holders = Array[Holder[_]]()
def setData[V: TypeTag](index: Int, newValue: V): Unit = {
values(index) = newValue
class Holder[T: TypeTag](someData: String, initValue: T) {
private var value: T = initValue
def getValue: T = value
def setValue[V: TypeTag](newValue: V): Unit =
if(typeOf[V] <:< typeOf[T]) {
value = newValue.asInstanceOf[T]
Or using Manifest
class Holder[T: Manifest](someData: String, initValue: T) {
private var value: T = initValue
def getValue: T = value
def setValue[V: Manifest](newValue: V): Unit =
if(manifest[V] <:< manifest[T]) {
value = newValue.asInstanceOf[T]
I'd strongly urge you to favour TypeTag though!
Type erasure makes this kind of thing... hard. In a nutshell once your code is compiled, all type parameters are replaced with Any. To understand the implications, consider the following example:
trait Foo[T] { def isT(a: Any): Boolean = a.isInstanceOf[T] }
object Bar extends Foo[String]
Bar.isT("foo") // true
Bar.isT(42) // also true, as Int <: Any
This will produce a warning when compiled with the appropriate options.
In this scenario you have two options; you can compare TypeTags, in which case you hope that the provided type parameters are sufficiently accurate (consider the provided type parameter could be any superclass of value), or you compare the runtime classes of your values (in which case you are out of luck when dealing with generic types). A TypeTag-based solution might look something like this:
class Holder[T : TypeTag](someData: String, initValue: T) {
private var value = initValue
def setValue[V : TypeTag](v: V): Unit = {
// Works because there are TypeTags for T and V in implicit scope
if(typeOf[V] <:< typeOf[T])
value = v.asInstanceOf[T]
Now you are looking at this and saying "well doesn't that mean that the assignment is actually value = v.asInstanceOf[Any]?" and the answer is yes - value is also erased to Any. Casting does nothing, in the sense that v.asInstanceOf[T] does not mean "convert v to a T". Instead what you are doing is saying "oh yeah, v is totally a T - honest!", and because the compiler is naive, it believes you.

Currying a generic method / function without loosing generic parameters

I just realized that my generic method:
def method[A](list: List[A]): A = { ... }
will result in a non-generic function type
val methodFun = method _
-> methodFun : (scala.List[Nothing]) => Nothing
when currying it, instead of keeping its generic type. Is there a possibility to keep the generic type information? I found out that I can define some explicit type as for example String by setting
val methodFun = method[String] _
-> methodFun : (scala.List[String]) => String
but this is not really what I want. I currently tend to use raw types to avoid this problems (as soon as I find out how) or is there a better solution?
Thanks for help!
PS: For why I want to do it:
def method1[A](list: List[A]): A = { ... }
def method2[A](element: A): Int = { ... }
// This will not cause a compiler error as stated before
// but this will result in (List[Nothing]) => Int
// but I want a (List[A]) => Int
val composedFun = method1 _ andThen method2
// The next line is possible
// but it gives me a (List[String]) => Int
val composedFunNonGeneric = method1[String] _ andThen method2[String]
Let's look at your example:
def method1[A](list: List[A]): A = { ... }
def method2[A](element: A): String = { ... }
// The next line will cause a compiler error
val composed = method1 _ andThen method2
First, that doesn't give me a compiler error, but rather has the too-specific type (List[Nothing]=>String) that you mentioned.
If you want to understand why this doesn't work, think about it this way: what is the type you're expecting for composed? I think you want something like this List[A]=>String. However, composed is a val, not a def (i.e. it's an instance of a function object, not a method). Object instances must have specific types. If you wanted to use a generic type here, then you'd have to wrap this val in a class definition with a generic type, but even then the generic type would be restricted to the type specified/inferred for each specific instance of that class.
In short, if you want to compose methods and keep the type parameter, you need to compose them manually and declare it with def instead:
def composed[A](list: List[A]): String = method2(method1(list))

Why do I need a curried function to be able to pass function literals with short placeholder syntax?

Given this definition:
class Foo(var x: String) {}
object Helper {
def model[T](get: ⇒ T, set: T ⇒ Unit) : Model[T] = new Model[T] {
override def getObject(): T = get
override def setObject(obj: T) { set(obj) }
I try to call model like this:
val f = new Foo("initial")
val stringModel = model(f.x, f.x = _)
But that doesn't work, the compiler gives me this, complaining about the underscore:
missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => f.x = x$1)
If I change the definition of model to use two parameter lists like this:
def model[T](get: ⇒ T)(set: T ⇒ Unit) // rest is unchanged
Then I can call it like this:
model(f.x)(f.x = _)
Which I find nice and concise. I don't really mind doing it like this, though it makes method overloading harder. I would like to understand, however, why the second variant works and the first one doesn't?
The second variant works because Scala refines its types parameter-block by parameter-block. If you don't specify the type of your input parameter for the function, it's possible that it would change the type T that it has inferred based on the first parameter. If you push it to a separate parameter block, Scala's already decided what T must be by the time it hits that block, so it fills in the only possible value for the function argument type.

Self-referential duck-typing

I wish to write a function that operates on any value that can be added to other members of its own type (whatever "added" means in context). The obvious (heh-heh) definition of such a type:
type Addable = { def +(a : Addable) : Addable }
That gives me an error I don't understand at all: recursive method + needs result type
Why isn't that last : Addable the result type? Why does it think + is recursive anyway?
But I found a more general problem, trying to refer to a type inside its own definition:
type T = { def f: T }
But then I had a brain-wave: solve it the way I would in Java!
type T[T] = { def f: T }
This compiled!
But now I have two more problems.
First, I have no idea how to use type T. In particular,
def n(a:T) = a.f
gives the wholly sensible yet frustrating "type T takes type parameters" error.
Second, attempting to apply this pattern to the original problem
type Addable[Addable] = { def +(a : Addable) : Addable }
leads to a completely incomprehensible "Parameter type in structural refinement may not refer to an abstract type defined outside that refinement". (The actual problem is not that it's "+" -- thank God and Martin, since that would complete mess up my head -- just that it takes an Addable as a parameter.)
How do I define a duck-type meaning "has a particular function returning a value of the same type"?
How do I define a duck-type meaning "has a particular function taking a expression of the same type as a parameter"?
I have a religious-like belief that this problem is solvable.
Those are different Ts.
scala> type T[T] = { def f: T }
defined type alias T
scala> var x: T[Int] = null
x: T[Int] = null
scala> x = new AnyRef { def f = 5 }
x: T[Int] = $anon$1#44daa9f1
When you write:
type Addable[Addable] = { def +(a : Addable) : Addable }
You have a type Addable which takes a single type parameter, also called Addable. Here's a similar variation people often confuse themselves with.
scala> def f[Int](x: Int) = x * x
<console>:7: error: value * is not a member of type parameter Int
def f[Int](x: Int) = x * x
The actual answer to your question is "you can't" but I would hate to shatter your religious-like faith so instead I'll say "structural types work in mysterious ways." If you want to go on a religious mission you might visit here, which explains why you can't.