Replot the same data point multiple times before continuing in Matlab - matlab

If I have the following code :
for t=1:length(s) % s is a struct with over 1000 entries
if s(t).BOX==0
elseif s(t).BOX==1
if s(t).BOX==2
elseif s(t).BOX==3
What I want to accomplish :
for n=1:length(s)
Plot the data point of a(n) at t=0, t=1, t=2
Plot the data point of b(n) at t=3, t=4, t=5
So basically, each data point will be plotted at 3 values of t before moving to the next point.
How can I achieve that ?
Something like this :

If I'm understanding you correctly, and assuming a is a vector, you could do something like
% Your for loop comes before this
nVarsToPlot = 4;
nRepeatsPerPoint = 3;
t = repmat(linspace(1, nRepeatsPerPoint * length(s), nRepeatsPerPoint * length(s))', 1, nVarsToPlot);
genMat = #(x)repmat(x(:)', nRepeatsPerPoint, 1);
aMat = genMat(a); bMat = genMat(b); cMat = genMat(c); dMat = genMat(d);
abcPlot = [aMat(:) bMat(:) cMat(:) dMat(:)];
plot(t, abcPlot);
I'm a bit unclear on exactly what values you want your t to contain, but you essentially need a vector 3 times the length of s. You can then generate the correct data matrix by copying your [Nx1] vectors (a, b, c, etc.) three times (after transposing them to row vectors) each and stacking the whole lot into matrix, then transforming it to a vector with (:) which should come out in the right order as long as the matrix is constructed correctly.


Which Bins are occupied in a 3D histogram in MatLab

I got 3D data, from which I need to calculate properties.
To reduce computung I wanted to discretize the space and calculate the properties from the Bin instead of the individual data points and then reasign the propertie caclulated from the bin back to the datapoint.
I further only want to calculate the Bins which have points within them.
Since there is no 3D-binning function in MatLab, what i do is using histcounts over each dimension and then searching for the unique Bins that have been asigned to the data points.
a5pre_val=(a5pre_edges(1:end-1) + a5pre_edges(2:end))/2;
a7pre_val=(a7pre_edges(1:end-1) + a7pre_edges(2:end))/2;
It seems like that the unique function is pretty time consuming, so I was wondering if there is a faster way to do it, knowing that the line only can contain integer or so... or a totaly different.
Best regards
function [comps,C]=compo_binner(x,y,z,e1,e2,e3,v1,v2,v3)
for i=1:numel(x)
if sum(C_id)>0
comps(any(isnan(comps), 2), :) = [];
But its way slower than the histcount, unique version. Cant avoid find-function, and thats a function you sure want to avoid in a loop when its about speed...
If I understand correctly you want to compute a 3D histogram. If there's no built-in tool to compute one, it is simple to write one:
function [H, lindices] = histogram3d(data, n)
% histogram3d 3D histogram
% H = histogram3d(data, n) computes a 3D histogram from (x,y,z) values
% in the Nx3 array `data`. `n` is the number of bins between 0 and 1.
% It is assumed all values in `data` are between 0 and 1.
assert(size(data,2) == 3, 'data must be Nx3');
H = zeros(n, n, n);
indices = floor(data * n) + 1;
indices(indices > n) = n;
lindices = sub2ind(size(H), indices(:,1), indices(:,2), indices(:,3));
for ii = 1:size(data,1)
H(lindices(ii)) = H(lindices(ii)) + 1;
Now, given your compositions array, and binning each dimension into 20 bins, we get:
[H, indices] = histogram3d(compositions, 20);
idx = find(H);
[x,y,z] = ind2sub(size(H), idx);
reduced_compositions = ([x,y,z] - 0.5) / 20;
The bin centers for H are at ((1:20)-0.5)/20.
On my machine this runs in a fraction of a second for 5 million inputs points.
Now, for each composition(ii,:), you have a number indices(ii), which matches with another number idx[jj], corresponding to reduced_compositions(jj,:). One easy way to make the assignment of results is as follows:
H(H > 0) = 1:numel(idx);
indices = H(indices);
Now for each composition(ii,:), your closest match in the reduced set is reduced_compositions(indices(ii),:).

I want to creat a matrix in a loop that adds the new data each time to the same matrix

my code is this
x0=input('Enter first guess (Must be grater than 0): ');
e=input('Enter the desired telorance : ');
n=input(['Enter the desired number of ' ...
'Iteration (Must be grater than 0): ']);
for Q=[0.0001,0.0002,0.0005,0.001,0.002,0.005,0.01,0.02]
for Re=[10000,20000,50000,100000,200000,500000,1000000]
syms f
eq=(-0.869*log((Q./3.7) + (2.523./(Re*sqrt(f))))).^-2;
g=#(f) (-0.869*log((Q./3.7) + (2.523./(Re*sqrt(f))))).^-2;
dg=diff((-0.869*log((Q./3.7) + (2.523./(Re*sqrt(f))))).^-2);
if abs(g0)<1
a=(['The differential of first guess is less than one' ...
'\n\nabs(g0)= %4.8f\n\n']);
disp('The differential of first guess is more than one')
for i=1:n
fprintf('x%d = %.8f\n',i,x1)
x2(1,i)=x1 %this is the part Im having problem with
if abs(x1-x0)<e
I want to add some calculated data to a matrix each time it loops but with out overwriting the old data
since I dont know how many numbers Im going to get (it depends on the user input) I need to creat a matrix to put all numbers into it and its going to be a 1 row and (I dont know how many) Columns
when I used this code based on the number of n from the user I get a 1 row and n Column matrix and then It fills by it self until the matrix reach the n Columns then it overwrites the first one
x2 =
0.0198 0.0333 0.0307
x4 = 0.03110199
x2 =
0.0198 0.0333 0.0307 0.0311
The differential of first guess is less than one
abs(g0)= 0.11126141
x1 = 0.02554462
x2 =
0.0255 0.0333 0.0307 0.0311

MatLab: Large time inputting matix elements? Vectorization the solution?

I have some MatLab function which calculates a Wavelet Bispectrum. In this a matrix is initialised and values (complex) are put in it after they are calculated in nested for loops. However when I time the the entire function I see a third of the time (~1000s) is spent adding these values to the matrix.
The Matrix size is (1025 x 1025) and so about 1million values are input. If I generate random numbers and put them in a matrix in a similar way it takes less than I second. So why is it taking up so much time in my code?
Anyone able to help me out?
I've included a sample of the code. It is putting the million or so values into the Bisp Matrix that takes over 1000s. WT is a matrix containing complex values and freq is a vector containing all the values that match the 1st dimension of the WT matrix.
nfreq = 1025;
Bisp = nan(nfreq, nfreq);
Norm = nan(nfreq, nfreq);
for j = 1 : nfreq
for k = 1 : nfreq
f3 = freq(j) + freq(k);
if f3 <= freq(end)
idx3 = find(freq <= f3);
idx3 = idx3(end);
x = (WT(j, :) .* WT(k, :)) .* conj(WT(indx3, :));
bb = nansum(x);
norm1 = nansum(abs(WT(j, :) .* WT(k, :)).^2);
norm2 = nansum(abs(WT(idx3, :).^2));
a = sqrt(norm1 * norm2);
Norm(j, k) = a;
Bisp(j, k) = bb; **This takes about 1000seconds**

how to vectorize array reformatting?

I have a .csv file with data on each line in the format (x,y,z,t,f), where f is the value of some function at location (x,y,z) at time t. So each new line in the .csv gives a new set of coordinates (x,y,z,t), with accompanying value f. The .csv is not sorted.
I want to use imagesc to create a video of this data in the xy-plane, as time progresses. The way I've done this is by reformatting M into something more easily usable by imagesc. I'm doing three nested loops, roughly like this
M = csvread('file.csv');
uniqueX = unique(M(:,1));
uniqueY = unique(M(:,2));
uniqueT = unique(M(:,4));
M_reformatted = zeros(length(uniqueX), length(uniqueY), length(uniqueT));
for i = 1:length(uniqueX)
for j = 1:length(uniqueY)
for k = 1:length(uniqueT)
M_reformatted(i,j,k) = M( ...
M(:,1)==uniqueX(i) & ...
M(:,2)==uniqueY(j) & ...
M(:,4)==uniqueT(k), ...
5 ...
once I have M_reformatted, I can loop through timesteps k and use imagesc on M_reformatted(:,:,k). But doing the above nested loops is very slow. Is it possible to vectorize the above? If so, an outline of the approach would be very helpful.
edit: as noted in answers/comments below, I made a mistake in that there are several possible z-values, which I haven't taken into account. If only a single z-value, the above would be ok.
This vectorized solution allows for negative values of x and y and is many times faster than the non-vectorized solution (close to 20x times for the test case at the bottom).
The idea is to sort the x, y, and t values in lexicographical order using sortrows and then using reshape to build the time slices of M_reformatted.
The code:
idx = find(M(:,3)==0); %// find rows where z==0
M2 = M(idx,:); %// M2 has only the rows where z==0
M2(:,3) = []; %// delete z coordinate in M2
M2(:,[1 2 3]) = M2(:,[3 1 2]); %// change from (x,y,t,f) to (t,x,y,f)
M2 = sortrows(M2); %// sort rows by t, then x, then y
numT = numel(unique(M2(:,1))); %// number of unique t values
numX = numel(unique(M2(:,2))); %// number of unique x values
numY = numel(unique(M2(:,3))); %// number of unique y values
%// fill the time slice matrix with data
M_reformatted = reshape(M2(:,4), numY, numX, numT);
Note: I am assuming y refers to the columns of the image and x refers to the rows. If you want these flipped, use M_reformatted = permute(M_reformatted,[2 1 3]) at the end of the code.
The test case I used for M (to compare the result to other solutions) has a NxNxN space with T times slices:
N = 10;
T = 10;
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(-N:N,-N:N,-N:N);
numPoints = numel(x);
x=x(:); y=y(:); z=z(:);
s = repmat([x,y,z],T,1);
t = repmat(1:T,numPoints,1);
M = [s, t(:), rand(numPoints*T,1)];
M = M( randperm(size(M,1)), : );
I don't think you need to vectorize. I think you change your algorithm.
You only need one loop to step through the lines of the CSV file. For every line, you have (x,y,z,t,f) so just store it in M_reformatted where it belongs. Something like this:
M_reformatted = zeros(max(M(:,1)), max(M(:,2)), max(M(:,4)));
for line = 1:size(M,2)
z = M(line, 3);
if z ~= 0, continue; end;
x = M(line, 1);
y = M(line, 2);
t = M(line, 4);
f = M(line, 5);
M_reformatted(x, y, t) = f;
Also note that pre-allocating M_reformatted is a very good idea, but your code may have been getting the size wrong (depending on the data). I think using max like I did will always do the right thing.

Optimizing code, removing "for loop"

I'm trying to remove outliers from a tick data series, following Brownlees & Gallo 2006 (if you may be interested).
The code works fine but given that I'm working on really long vectors (the biggest has 20m observations and after 20h it was not done computing) I was wondering how to speed it up.
What I did until now is:
I changed the time and date format to numeric double and I saw that it saves quite some time in processing and A LOT OF MEMORY.
I allocated memory for the vectors:
[n] = size(price);
x = price;
score = nan(n,'double'); %using tic and toc I saw that nan requires less time than zeros
trimmed_mean = nan(n,'double');
sd = nan(n,'double');
out_mat = nan(n,'double');
Here is the loop I'd love to remove. I read that vectorizing would speed up a lot, especially using long vectors.
for i = k+1:n
trimmed_mean(i) = trimmean(x(i-k:i-1 & i+1:i+k),10,'round'); %trimmed mean computed on the 'k' closest observations to 'i' (i is excluded)
score(i) = x(i) - trimmed_mean(i);
sd(i) = std(x(i-k:i-1 & i+1:i+k)); %same as the mean
tmp = abs(score(i)) > (alpha .* sd(i) + gamma);
out_mat(i) = tmp*1;
Here is what I was trying to do
temp = abs(score) > (alpha .* sd + gamma);
out_mat = temp*1;
But given that I'm totally new to Matlab, I don't know how to properly construct the matrix of neighbouring observations. I just think it should be shaped like: regroup_matrix= nan (n,2*k).
EDIT: To be specific, what I am trying to do (and I am not able to) is:
Given a column vector "x" (n,1) for each observation "i" in "x" I want to take the "k" neighbouring observations to "i" (from i-k to i-1 and from i+1 to i+k) and put these observations as rows of a matrix (n, 2*k).
EDIT 2: I made a few changes to the code and I think I am getting closer to the solution. I posted another question specific to what I think is the problem now:
Matlab: Filling up matrix rows using moving intervals from a column vector without a for loop
What I am trying to do now is:
[n] = size(price,1);
x = price;
matrix_left=zeros(n, k,'double');
matrix_right=zeros(n, k,'double');
matrix_group=[matrix_left matrix_right];
temp = abs(score) > (alpha .* sd + gamma);
outmat = temp*1;
I have problems with the matrix_left and matrix_right creation.
j1, that I am using for indexing is a column vector with the indices of price's observations. The output is simply
price is a column vector of double with size(n,1)
For your reshape, you can do the following:
idxArray = bsxfun(#plus,(k:n)',[-k:-1,1:k]);
reshapedArray = x(idxArray);
Thanks to Jonas that showed me the way to go I came up with this:
idxArray_left=bsxfun(#plus,(k+1:n)',[-k:-1]); %matrix with index of left neighbours observations
idxArray_fill_left=bsxfun(#plus,(1:k)',[1:k]); %for observations from 1:k I take the right neighbouring observations, this way when computing mean and standard deviations there will be no problems.
matrix_left=[idxArray_fill_left; idxArray_left]; %Just join the two matrices and I have the complete matrix of left neighbours
idxArray_right=bsxfun(#plus,(1:n-k)',[1:k]); %same thing as left but opposite.
matrix_right=[idxArray_right; idxArray_fill_right];
idx_matrix=[matrix_left matrix_right]; %complete index matrix, joining left and right indices
neigh_matrix=x(idx_matrix); %exactly as proposed by Jonas, I fill up a matrix of observations from 'x', following idx_matrix indexing
temp = abs(score) > (alpha .* sd + gamma);
outmat = temp*1;
Again, thanks a lot to Jonas. You really made my day!
Thanks also to everyone that had a look to the question and tried to help!