Loadrunner jmx as external resource to monitor - jboss

I have verified that it is possible to connect to a jboss node through jmx in jvisualvm using remote connection with a portnumber and user name and password. However wanting to add this jboss node as external monitor in LR controller there is no place to add i.e. username and password when setting up a remote UNIX monitor in loadrunner. When adding a UNIX resource and external measurement all I am asked is the name of the machine to add (in the wizard).
Is it possible to add a jboss node as UNIX resource monitor in LR controller without sitescope?

JMX requires Sitecope as the monitoring foundation for LoadRunner. Or, you can find some sort of JMX to SNMP bridge and then use the native SNMP monitor in LoadRunner. Howeverm, even then the SNMP monitor in SiteScope is more mature.


How to configure ActiveMQ Artemis server for remote access?

I have ActiveMQ Artemis server installed on a Unix box. I am able to create an Artemis broker instance which provides me with link to web console which is running on localhost.
Now I want access web console from an external machine, probably running Windows.
Can you please guide me on step by step process to configure the ActiveMQ Artemis server so that I can access it from another machine?
The embedded Jetty web server which is used to host the web console is configured in the bootstrap.xml file in the etc directory of your Artemis instance. Look for the web element in that file. You'll need to change its bind attribute to use something other than localhost since localhost is only accessible from the machine where the server is running. Typically this will be the externally accessible host name or IP address of the server.
You can find more information about configuring the embedded Jetty web server in the Artemis documentation.

Shutdown remote naming service in Wildfly

I need to shutdown port 1099 in Wildfly 10.1. This port normally used for remote JNDI/RMI and in Wildfly 10.1, the remote naming system has a
[security vulnerability][1].
The straightforward solution will be to configure a firewall to not allow traffic on 1099 port, but this is not acceptable by our client. I thought it possible to configure WF to not use remote JNDI/RMI but can't figure out how to configure it.
The JBoss documentation on Remote JNDI Interface says that you can deactivate the remote JNDI interface by executing the following command via CLI interface:
and it seems really stopping the service, but once you do server 'reload' the Wildfly resumes connection on the port 1099.

MQ error code 2058 when connecting to queue manager JMS

I am trying to connect to Queue Manager using MQ api and I am able to connect to queue manager
MQQueueManager queueManager=new MQQueueManager(qmgrName);
But when I try to connect to the same queue manager using JMS it fails with 2058 code.Not sure if I am missing something with JMS
MQQueueConnectionFactory qcf=new MQQueueConnectionFactory();
You have two or more queue managers on the local host. In your first example you connect in bindings mode so the queue manager is selected by name and you get the right one. In the second example the connection is being made over a client connection and so is received by the QMgr listening on 1414 which is not the one that you intend so the connection is rejected.
Please note that if both QMgrs have a listener on 1414 the connection will succeed or fail depending on which QMgr was started first. Only one can bind to that port so the first one started on it gets to use it. This might lead to what appears to be inconsistent behavior.
Please see Connection modes for IBM MQ classes for JMS which advises "To change the connection options used by the IBM MQ classes for JMS, modify the Connection Factory property CONNOPT." The acceptable values are provided on the page but you almost always want it to set for Standard Bindings (MQCNO_STANDARD_BINDING).
As documented here, MQRC 2058 means an invalid queue manager name or the queue manager name is unknown. But as you mention, bindings mode connection using MQ Base Java is successful, the queue manager name appears valid.
Sorry, I was mislead by your code and thought you are trying to do client mode connection using JMS. You don't need to set host and port for bindings mode connection.
Since the transport type is not set, default, WMQ_CM_BINDINGS is used. Suggest you to verify the queue manager name.
To connect with "BINDINGS", the queue manager needs to be local. Are you trying to connect to a remote queue manager? If so you would need to connect as "CLIENT". Also, check to be sure the qmgr is listening on the port you specified.

Is it possible to connect to Webpshere MQ?

I am having an incredibly difficult time finding any information by IBM on how to connect to our company's queue. Some more specific questions:
do I need the queue manage?
how do I know which queue connection factory to use?
how do I connect to the queue from a standalone java application?
I honestly can't find any MODERN, up-to-date resources explaining the websphere mq and how to make use of it (this includes within my own company).
You can connect to a queue manager in either binding mode or client mode. Binding mode allows an application to connect to the queue manager only when they are both running on the same machine. Client mode allows an application to connect to the queue manager when the two a running on separate machines. You can use client mode when they are both running on the same machine but its not as efficient as binding mode.
If you want to use binding mode then you only need to know the queue manager name.
If you want to use client mode then you will need to know the queue manager name, hostname, listener port number, and channel name.
The following URL provides some information on using JMS to connect to MQ:

Eclipse TCP/IP Monitor has two ports

I was trying to monitor request using TCP/IP Monitor.
But, I see there are two ports which are in use. One is the application port[8080] and other monitoring port[9833].
Can anybody tell , why there are two different ports?
When I launch the application it launches at 9833 instead of 8080. Why this change?
Eclipse monitoring is done by capturing all the requests sent to an application (a host and a port), dumping it on the Monitor console for you, then forwarding the original request to the application.
The monitored application itself will return its responses to eclipse (where it is the client from its prospective) where eclipse dumps it on the monitoring console too.
Now, how does eclipse captures the requests sent to the monitored application at the first place? it simply runs a service that accepts these requests (on behalf of the application) and forward it, this service also returns the application responses to the original requester.
Based on the above, in eclipse TCP/IP Monitor screen, the Local monitoring port is the port of the eclipse service (which you can use any available port number for), and the other Port is the monitored application port number.
So, in your case, the application you are monitoring is running on port 8080 and eclipse service is using the port 9833 (which is just a random port that you can change).
Your application port have not been changed, it still runs on 8080 and you can try that, but no data will be captured by eclipse TCP/IP monitor unless you use the port 9833.