Mongodb query which avoid duplicates items with different _id - mongodb

I'm working with dump of events provided by 3rd party side. And in this dump they have duplicates events, which is fully identical, but have different _id. So my goal is to provide unique only data, so I can't use duplicates event.
Is it possible to build the query which return me only documents with unique value?
Lets say, in each document i have EventId field, and I need all the events, with unique EventID
I can't change dump, have only read permission to it.

You can use db.collection.distinct() method


Does length of indexed field matter while searching?

The chat app schema that I have is something like below.
1. conversations {participants[user_1, user_2], convsersation_id}
2. messages {sender: user_1, sonversation_id, timestamps}
I want to map this relationship using existing _id:ObjectId which is already indexed.
But if I want to get all conversation of user_1 I have to first search in which conversation that user is involed and get that conversation's _id and again search for the messages in messages using that conversation _id.
So my questions are -
Does length of indexed field (here _id) matters while searching?
Should I create another shorter indexed fields?.
Also if there is any better alternative schema please suggest.
I would suggest you to maintain the data as sub documents instead of array. The advantage you have is you can build another index (only) on conversation_id field, which you want to query to know the user's involvement
When you maintain it as array, you cannot index the converstaion_id field separately, instead you will have to build a multi key index, which indexes all the elements of the array (sender and timestamps fields) which you are never going to use for querying and it also increases the index size
Answering you questions:
Does length of indexed field (here _id) matters while searching? - Not really
Should I create another shorter indexed fields? - Create sub-document and index converstaion_id
Also if there is any better alternative schema please suggest. - Maintain the array fields as sub-documents

mongodb multiple documents insert or update by unique key

I would like to get a list of items from an external resource periodically and save them into a collection.
There are several possible solutions but they are not optimal, for example:
Delete the entire collection and save the new list of items
Get all items from the collection using "find({})" and use it to filter out existing items and save those that do not exist.
But a better solution will be to set a unique key and just do kind of "update or insert".
Right now on saving items the unique key already exists I will get an error
is there a way to do it at all?
**upsert won't do the work since it's updating all items with the same value so it's actually good for a single document only
I have a feeling you can achieve what you want simply by using the "normal" insertMany with the ordered option set to false. The documentation states that
Note that one document was inserted: The first document of _id: 13
will insert successfully, but the second insert will fail. This will
also stop additional documents left in the queue from being inserted.
With ordered to false, the insert operation would continue with any
remaining documents.
So you will get "duplicate key" exceptions which, however, you can simply ignore in your case.

create unique id in mongodb from last inserted id using pymongo

Is there a way I can find the last inserted document and the field, i.e. _id or id such that I can increment and use when inserting a new document?
The issue is that I create my own id count, but I do not store this, now I've deleted records, I cannot seem to add new records because I am attempting to use the same id.
There is no way to check insertion order in MongoDB, because the database does not keep any metadata in the collections regading the documents.
If your _id field is generated server-side then you need to have a very good algorithm for this value in order to provide collision avoidance and uniqueness while at the same time following any sequential constraints that you might have.

how to join a collection and sort it, while limiting results in MongoDB

lets say I have 2 collections wherein each document may look like this:
Collection 1:
{ _id,
Collection 2:
I am paging through comments via $slice, let's say I take the first 25 entries.
From these entries I need the according usernames, which I receive from the second collection. What I want is to get the comments sorted by their reference username. The problem is I can't add the username to the comments because they may change often and if so, I would need to update all target documents, where the old username was in.
I can only imagine one way to solve this. Read out the entire full_names and query them in the user collection. The result would be sortable but it is not paged and so it takes a lot of resources to do that with large documents.
Is there anything I am missing with this problem?
Thanks in advance
If comments are an embedded array, you will have to do work on the client side to sort the comments array unless you store it in sorted order. Your application requirements for username force you to either read out all of the usernames of the users who commented to do the sort, or to store the username in the comments and have (much) more difficult and expensive updates.
Sorting and pagination don't work unless you can return the documents in sorted order. You should consider a different schema where comments form a separate collection so that you can return them in sorted order and paginate them. Store the username in each comment to facilitate the sort on the MongoDB side. Depending on your application's usage pattern this might work better for you.
It also seems strange to sort on usernames and expect/allow usernames to change frequently. If you could drop these requirements it'd make your life easier :D

Can I insert a document in sorted order?

I know I can find documents in sorted order, but can I insert them in sorted order? The data in the database is ordered like set datatype in Redis.
Generally order of records/documents in most (all?) databases is undefined. If you want them returned in a specific order - specify the order when querying. MongoDB is not an exception.
You can't affect what physical location will the new document go to, but you can query by insertion order (see $natural).