Eclipse manage file suffix list - eclipse

I decided to move some of my jsp files into separate files with special filetype (named *.part). Now I imported that files to be handled like jsp's to color them and make the coding more convenient.
I can find the new extension in "preferences/web/jsp/Add this suffix". Some comparable, registered file types can be found under e.g. pref./web/html or pref./web/css.
But how can I delete these types again? How to manage these files?

I found the answer to my above-mentioned question:
In Eclipse: Preferences->General->Content-Types->Text->[Remove/Add file here]


Mapping of URIs to files

I'm trying to understand mapping of URIs to files. Let's take this URI:
Is it correct that there are two possible locations for file.png?
It could be either
$MODELICAPATH/foo/file.png if file $MODELICAPATH/foo/ exists.
$MODELICAPATH/foo/bar/file.png if file $MODELICAPATH/foo/bar/ exists.
Likely Section "13.2.3 External resources" of the Modelica Language Specification helps.
A little modification of your example should help to understand how it works. Using modelica://foo/bar/file.png refers to foo as top-level package/library. The library the path is resolved when it is loaded in the simulation environment. In case you store the library hierarchically (i.e. every package is represented as folder, each model is a file) bar would be a subfolder within the libraries root directory. file.png would be the file name within bar.
This is different if the package is stored as a single file, but as this has several disadvantages I would recommend to go with the hierarchical option.
No need to edit $ModelicaPath$ if the library is loaded.
Usually pictures etc. are put into a Resources folder within the library. This folder can contain additional folders like data, Images, Scripts...

Source subdirectories in Swift package

In a library package, I would like to move some source files from the "Sources" folder to subdirectories, without changing language semantics (module name, visibility, etc).
Now I have a layout like:
And, if I change it to something like:
Then, invoking swift build fails:
error: the package has an unsupported layout, unexpected source file(s) found: [...]
Is this layout possible? I only found this issue that suggests that it is not, but I cant find confirmation (or reason) in the documentation.
I have found two options that work for Swift projects on Linux, either all .swift files must be directly in the Sources folder, or there must be one subfolder in Sources and as many subfolders within that as you like.
Swift builds a Module out of the top-level subfolder in Sources and includes all the subfolders within that.
I don't believe it is possible to have two Modules within the same Sources folder, as a Module would not recognise any code outside itself.
So in your example a working structure would be:
Here is the Folder structure for Swift package
And Here i have mentioned how to add the resources and add lines in Package

Newbie IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) issue: .class files not all usable

I'm working on a school project right now, and every time I have in the past, I always make a new Project in IntelliJ IDEA. However, this time she gave us some .class files that have methods in them that we can't see (she described what they do so we know how to use them) but need to use, so they have to be in the same folder, obviously.
SIDENOTE: I'm also new to using Macs, which is what I'm on at the moment.
Anyways, I put the .class files in my src folder that I found in the Project8 folder. I just made an array of the Book objects, which was one of the .class files I moved, and now I need to use a method from the other .class file, named BookInventory.class. I put that file in the src folder just like the other, but it won't let me use the only method in that class, which is LoadBooks.
Here is the LoadBooks signature:
public static void LoadBooks(Book[] b)
And here's the description of it that she gave to us:
"For each element in the array, accepts user input for the book, creates the Book object, and stores the object into the array."
So, when I made the array of Book objects, IDEA made an import statement up top all by itself, I didn't type it:
import java.awt.print.Book;
So why does IDEA recognize the Book.class file and allow me to use it in this .java file for my project, but it doesn't seem to notice the BookInventory.class file?
Any help appreciated, thanks ahead of time.
What is happening is when you first typed the line with LoadBooks(Book[] b), IntelliJ could not "see" your class files (you have subsequently loaded them in "class files" and added that as a project library, I presume).
IntelliJ however searched for and found a Book class in the internal java libraries, java.awt.print.Book. Note that this is a different class to the one your teacher gave you, which might have been e.g. edu.myschool.homework.Book.
Firstly, try to delete the line including the import statement, or manually change it to the correct package (your teacher can inform you what it is).
If the same import comes back automatically, you can go into Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import and untick Add unambiguous imports on the fly - this will cause intellij to prompt you before adding imports.
Also, I would ask your teacher to give you the class files in a jar file, since that's the usual approach.
Good luck.

How do I include files with no extension for my Xtext DSL?

By default Xtext allows to specify a single extension for DSL files when creating a new project. However, it is possible to add more extensions for a single DSL as described in Xtext FAQ. But I couldn't get it working with files with no extension at all.
A typical example is a makefile for Make build system. One can use Makefile, GNUmakefile and *.mk names, and Eclipse will open the same editor for such files.
I want to get Xtext to recognize both *.mydsl files and a file named Mydsl.
I tried to add
attribute to editor node of org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point in plugin.xml of my UI project. This enables Eclipse to open Mydsl files in the proper editor. But Xtext does not index these files and reports linking errors when I try to refer an element defined in Mydsl from any other file.
Is there a way to enable Xtext to process source files with fixed name but with no extension as well as regular files?
UPD. 1
Accordingly to Sebastian's answer I tried to specify a custom content type in plugin.xml of the main project:
name="My Language"
And binding it as follows:
But I still get linking errors as described above. I also added breakpoints into all methods of MyDslResourceServiceProvider and it seems that it doesn't even get instantiated or somehow invoked.
I also tried to move these extensions to the UI project but with no effect too.
UPD. 2
Finally, I've done it.
Steps to get things work in a nutshell:
Define new content type using org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes extension point
Create a content handler by extending org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.PlatformContentHandlerImpl class and override canHandle(URI) method to return true if and only if the argument is not null
Register it with org.eclipse.emf.ecore.content_handler
Create a new resource service provider with canHandle(URI) returning true always. One can extend org.eclipse.xtext.resource.impl.DefaultResourceServiceProvider and override the corresponding method
In the UI project bind it to org.eclipse.xtext.content_resourceServiceProvider, do not forget to specify an extension factory before the class name
In the UI project register org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceFactory as org.eclipse.emf.ecore.content_parser, again with the extension factory
Add content type bindings to org.eclipse.ui.editors, and
Depending on whether you need an old extension binding or not, remove org.eclipse.emf.ecore.extension_parser and org.eclipse.xtext.extension_resourceServiceProvider extensions
A change set (applied to a fresh project) for my case can be found here.
You could try to exploit the extension point for resource service providers and resource factories. It allows to register services / factory either by file extension or by content type. I think the latter should work if you provide a suitable content type for your files.

Buildr: adding a path to the generated eclipse/idea files

I have a legacy java project that we have been moving to buildr/artifactory from ant/jars in svn.
The primary code is in the default (src/main/java) folder, but we have a few external source paths, for various tests that we can't move into the default folder, but we want to have access with it.
Currently, when adding a new library/regenerating IDE fields, it does not pick up these source paths, and I can't find a succinct discussion in the buildr manual for how to actually add them, rather than re-adding everything manually in eclipse (which just gets wiped out on the next regen).
Any idea how to have multiple source paths get picked up explicitly by buildr so that the idea/eclipse targets generate properly?
There are two ways that I know will work with IDEA. The second one might also work with Eclipse, while the first is specific to the idea task.
The IDEA-specific solution:
define 'proj' do
# ...
iml.main_source_directories << _('src/other')
iml also has test_source_directories and excluded_directories arrays you can append to.
The possibly eclipse-compatible solution, with more background than you probably want:
The iml object gets its default values for the main and test source directory arrays from project.compile.sources and project.test.compile.sources (slight simplification; resources are considered also). Buildr defines these .sources project attributes from the layout, so instead of explicitly appending to the iml attributes, you could use a custom layout for your project that includes your special source paths. That might work with the eclipse task, but I haven't tried it.