PostgreSQL 9.x - pg_read_binary_file & inserting files into bytea - postgresql

I have been looking everywhere (google, stackoverflow, etc.) for some documentation on how to use the PostgreSQL pg_read_binary_file() function.
The only meaningful thing I can find is this page in the official documentation.
Every time I try to use this function I get an error.
For example:
SELECT pg_read_binary_file('/some/path/and/file.gif');
ERROR: absolute path not allowed
SELECT pg_read_binary_file('file.gif');
ERROR: could not stat file "file.gif": No such file or directory
Do I need to have my file in a specific directory for Postgres to have access to it? If so what directory?
If it matters, the reason I am looking at this function is because I am trying to insert a file into the database without doing crazy things.

As stated by #a_horse_with_no_name and #guedes the solution is to ensure that the file being uploaded is on the server in the PGDATA directory.
The postgres documentation does state the file location as a requirement.
Additionally, I made a symlink from another directory to the PGDATA directory so that I would not disturb any of the postgres data structure. This seems to be working well and I don't have to do any of the above crazy things.


How to backup postgres db hosted on cloud with pgadmin4?

I'm hosting my db using AWS RDS and I'm trying to backup tables. However once it's finished backing up, where is the downloaded on my computer?
Doesn't seem like theres a path to save the file
I've checked a couple of answers and others are having same issue
The "Filename" element in that dialog box lets you pick a directory as well as file name. That is where it is. If you just typed in a filename without giving a path, then on Windows it is probably in your user's "Documents" folder.

PostgreSQL: Error importing csv file from shared network folder

My goal is to import csv file to postgresql database.
my file is located in network shared folder and I do not have no option to make it in a local folder.
My Folder located in :
When I run my this PostgreSQL script:
COPY tbl_data
FROM 'smb://file-srv/doc/myfile.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;
I would get this error :
ERROR: could not open file "smb://file-srv/doc/myfile.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
I have no problem to access the file and open it.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.6 under Ubuntu 16.04.
Please Advice how to fix this problem.
When I try to access the file with postgres user I would have same error:
postgres#file-srv:~$$ cat smb://file-srv/doc/myfile.csv
cat: 'smb://file-srv/doc/myfile.csv' : No such file or directory
As I mention when I user mounted folder I created I can access the file.
it is about permission. you have to check read access on file and folders.
also, logging with superuser access may solve your problem.
In short, this is a permissions issue: Your network share is likely locally mounted to your user's UID, while the PostgreSQL server is running as the postgres user.
Second, when you log into your database, there is not an overlap between the database's users and the system's users, even if you have the same username. This means that when you request a file from your network share, the DB user, in this case postgres, does not have the necessary permissions.
To see this, and assuming you have root access on the box in question, you might try to become the postgres user and see that you cannot access the file:
$ sudo su - postgres
$ cat /run/user/.../smb.../yourfile.csv
Permission denied
The fix to your issue will involve -- somehow -- making the file or share accessible to the postgres user. Copying is certainly the quickest way. But that's off the table. You could mount the share (perhaps as read only) as the postgres user. You might do this in fstab.
However, unless this is going to be an automated detail that happens regularly, this seems like heroics. Without more information as to why you can't copy locally, I suggest copying the file locally.

Postgres equivalent to Oracle's "DIRECTORY" objects

Is it possible to create "DIRECTORY" object in Postgres?
If not can some help me with a solution how implement it on PostgreSQL.
Not the best option, but you could use:
COPY (select 1) TO PROGRAM 'mkdir --mode=777 -p /path/to/your/directory/'
Note that only the last part of directory get the permissions set in mode.
There is no equivalent concept to an "Oracle directory" in Postgres.
The alternatives depend on why the "Oracle directory" is needed.
If the directory is needed to read and write files on the database server, then this can be done through Generic File Access Functions. Access to those functions is restricted to superusers (details in the linked section of the manual). If regular users should be able to use them, the best thing would be to create wrapper functions and then grant execute on those functions to the users in question.
For security reasons, only directories inside the database cluster can be accessed.
But it's possible to create symlinks inside the data directory that point to directories outside the data directory. Access privileges on those directories need to be properly setup for the postgres operating system user (the one under which the postgres process is started)
If the directory is needed to access e.g. CSV files through Oracle's external tables, then there is no need for a "directory". The file FDW foreign data wrapper, can access files outside the data directory (provided access privileges have been setup correctly on the file system level).
The question doesn't even make sense really. PostgreSQL is a database management system. It doesn't have files and directories.
The closest parallel I can think of is schemas - see CREATE SCHEMA.
Now, if you want to use COPY to write output to the server's disk and want to create a directory to put that output in... then no, there's nothing like that. But you can use PL/Perlu or PL/Pythonu to do it easily enough.

How do you copy data from file to table in SQL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied
(17 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
How do you copy data from a file to a table in SQL? I'm using pgAdmin3 on a Macbook.
The table name is tutor, and the name of the file is tutor.rtf.
I use the following query:
COPY tutor
FROM /Users/.../tutor.rtf
but got the error "permission denied'.
The file is not locked. So how do you solve this problem? Or is there any other quicker way to copy data from file to table except for INSERT INTO ... VALUE(); ?
COPY opens the file using the PostgreSQL server backend, so it requires that the user postgresql runs as have read permission (for COPY FROM) for the file in question. It also requires the same SQL-level access rights to the table as INSERT, but I suspect it's file permissions that're getting you here.
Most likely the postgres or postgres_ (depending on how you installed PostgreSQL) user doesn't have read access to /Users/somepath/tutor.rtf or some parent directory of that file.
The easiest solution is to use psql's \copy command, which reads the file using the client permissions, rather than those of the server, and uses a path relative to the client's current working directory. This command is not available in PgAdmin-III.
Newer PgAdmin-III versions have the Import command in the table context menu. See importing tables from file in the PgAdmin-III docs. This does the equivalent of psql's \copy command, reading the file with the access rights of the PgAdmin-III application.
Alternately you can use the server-side COPY command by making sure every directory from /Users up somepath has world-execute rights - meaning users can traverse it, cd into it, etc, but can't list its contents without r rights too. Then either set the file to group postgres and make sure it has group read rights, or make it world-readable.

PostgreSQL issue: could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory

I get this exception in PostgreSQL:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement.executeQuery(
I searched a lot and most solution points to a wrong installation. But this is my test db which has been running without issues for a long time. Also inserts are working. Issue occurs only on select queries.
Apparently, you moved your PostgreSQL lib directory out of place. To confirm this, try the following in psql:
> SET client_encoding TO iso88591;
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/utf8_and_iso8859_1": No such file or directory
If you get an error message like this, then my theory is correct. You'll need to find out where those files ended up, or you can reinstall PostgreSQL to restore them.
To find out what $libdir is referring to, run the following command:
pg_config --pkglibdir
For me, this produces:
I have the same problem: the other postgres server instance (8.4) was interfering with the 9.1 one; when the 8.4 instance is removed it works.
the other instance can sometimes be removed from the system while still running (e.g. you do a gentoo update and a depclean without stopping and migrating your data). so the error seems particularly mysterious.
the solution is usually going to be doing a slot install/eselect of the old version (in gentoo terms, or simply downgrading on other distros), running its pg_dumpall, and then uninstalling/reinstalling the new version and importing the data.
this worked pretty painlessly for me