Set Defaults on attribute - enterprise-architect

In EA I when I am adding attributes to a class I use the insert button. I would like to change the default new attribute to be public and of type string. I quickly did a search and found nothing. EA is hard to search for based on so many bogus responses.
So I thought I would quickly ask here.
Thanks in advance.

I'm fairly sure there isn't an option for this.
If you create your own UML profile (with a customized diagram type), you can set the default attribute type for attributes created from the diagram toolbox (not from within the Properties dialog), but even then there isn't a way to specify the default visibility.


How do I set the length of an attribute on a class diagram in EA?

I have a class diagram and have defined an element on this diagram, and created a custom code engineering datatypes type, which allows a fixed width field, for which I want to define a length.
I just can't see where to enter it. The attributes window shows Name, Type, Scope, Stereotype, Alias and Initial Value but doesn't seem to allow anywhere to set the length or precision values.
I want to be able to use this in the report template Att.Length.
I'm sure I've done this before in an earlier version but I can't find where to set this on EA 14.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I've looked in every properties window I can find.
Thanks for looking! :-)
Length is typically not used with code engineering datatypes, but with database datatypes.
In that case this is intended to be used in database models, and EA will present a different GUI that enables you to edit the length of the datatype.
Technically these field are stored in t_attribute.Length in case of a type such as char, or t_attribute.Precision and t_attribute.Scale in case of a type such as numeric.
There is no (easy) way to fill in these field for regular (non «column») attributes.

Enterprise Architect: Change diagram type (MetaType) by script

i have to change the diagram type of a lot of diagrams within my Enterprise Architect model. The change can be made manually using following option (that works as expected):
Select diagram - Diagram - Advanced - Change Type...
As I have to change a lot of diagrams I have created a script which searches for all concerned diagrams and change the type automatically. I wrote already a lot of JScript EA scripts for changing some modeling elements. Unfortunately, this feature seems not be available over the scripting interface.
I have to change the "MetaType" of the the diagram object. But this is read-only (see Therefore, I got an error.
var currentDiagram as EA.Diagram
currentDiagram = theDiagram
currentDiagram.MetaType = MY_DIAGRAM_METATYPE // ERROR
In the next step I searched for appropriate functionalities in the Repository interface ( and in the project interface. But I found nothing appropiate.
I am using Enterprise Architect 12.0.1215 and I used JScript.
Has anyone already tried this by script?
Have I missed something?
Is there another approach to achieve the diagram type change by script?
Thanks in advance!
You have to do that in two steps (if you change to different MDG diagram types). E.g. to change a Class diagram to a BPMN2.0::BPEL you first change Diagram_Type from Logical to Analysis. Additionally you need to add MDGDgm=BPMN2.0::BPEL; to StyleEx. In case your old diagram is from another MDG you need to modify the existing MDGDgm attribute in StyleEx.
As Uffe noted, the diagram type in the API is r/o. So if you need to change that you would need to do something like
Repository.Execute("UPDATE t_diagram SET Diagram_Type='Analysis' WHERE Diagram_ID=<theId>")
where <theId> would be the correct diagram ID.

Display Notes of Custom Stereotypes in Enterprise Architect

I want to create my own custom toolbox. Therefore I created a metaclass and a stereotype. In the stereotype I wrote a note that gives some instructions about how to populate the object.
Problem is, when I create my MDG Technology, the Notes won't display in the objects I create in my diagram..
How can I fix this and display the Notes for every object I create?
You can either
Write and MDG-Addin to populate the notes for your elements.
Add an element with your stereotype to the template package and add the required notes there. This will have to be done on each model that uses your MDG.
Firstly I'm assuming that you can see the notes you seek on the Properties page of an element you create using your toolbox i.e. the notes field is populated.
If it is, check that notes visibility is turned on by doing these two things:
1) Select the element and go to Element->Feature and Compartment Visibility. Check the Show Notes box. Hit OK
2) Right click on an element and choose Advanced->Use Rectangle Notation

How can I have two editors for the same property on a switch?

I am trying to create an editor where the user can either select an existing item or create a new one inline. For example, imagine the typical person-address relationship. I want a form where the user, when editing a person, can either select an address from a set of existing addresses or create a new address without moving to a separate form.
Naively, this seems to require two different editors for the same property. Say I have a Person which has Address getAddress() and setAddress(Address). My PersonEditor class would need to have two sub-editors named address of differing types; one to select an existing person and the another a composite of editors to descend into the Address type and allow editing of its properties.
From reading the documentation on CompositeEditor, it seems like I have to make use of it to dynamically select the sub-editor. However, the documentation isn't detailed enough for me to really understand how I should implement the interface. I've tried looking at how ListEditor and OptionalFieldEditor are implemented for clues, but to avail. ListEditor doesn't seem like a straight fit as my sub-editors edit different paths.
For instance, trying to use CompositeEditor, I'm unclear on what createEditorForTraversal and getPathElement should return in my case.
How do I dynamically attach one of two different types of editors to one property?
I managed to do this in the end. I simply added two editors with the same #Path annotation. I was not expecting the editor framework to allow this, but it seems to work!

Drupal - dynamic options for text_list field

I have a custom node type for which I want to have a field that uses a special combobox based on list_text. When one chooses the type list_text it is normally possible to enter a static list of selectable texts, however, I want this list to be dynamic, i.e. based on the results of a db_query. What is the best way to do this using Drupal 7?
A simple example for clarification: A node of this custom type X contains a field that points to another node, so whenever a node of type X is created I want a combobox that contains all other nodes.
(Best solution would be to only display the combobox during node creation, and no longer during edit. But I could also live with it if the combobox was shown during the edit as well.)
I have tried to customize options_select by defining my own data type and implementing hook_options_list accordingly. The combobox was displayed during creation with the correct values, however, I could not save it.. I have no idea what went wrong there, but on the first submit it would change to a different theme, and when I tried again I got an internal server error. Am I on the right track at all with defining a completely new data type for the field? there surely must be a simpler way?
You're right in that you don't need a new datatype. Here's a good tutorial on how to do this. It's not specifically for D7 but I didn't see much that wasn't still applicable. There may be a better way to do it in D7 specifically but I would love to know it too if so :)
The tutorial linked by allegroconmolto sent me on the right way. Thanks for that.
Here's the simpler way of doing it: tutorial
Basically, it is, as I assumed, a common problem and hence a simple solution for it was included in the webform module by now. It provides a hook_webform_select_options_info which can be used to register a callback method. The callback method is then called each time a corresponding option select of a webform is shown, so that you can easily fill it with the results of a dbquery or anything else. Works like a charm and takes next to no time to implement.