How to select top 100 features(a subset) which are most relevant after pca? - matlab

I performed PCA on a 63*2308 matrix and obtained a score and a co-efficient matrix. The score matrix is 63*2308 and the co-efficient matrix is 2308*2308 in dimensions.
How do i extract the column names for the top 100 features which are most important so that i can perform regression on them?

PCA should give you both a set of eigenvectors (your co-efficient matrix) and a vector of eigenvalues (1*2308) often referred to as lambda). You might been to use a different PCA function in matlab to get them.
The eigenvalues indicate how much of your data each eigenvector explains. A simple method for selecting features would be to select the 100 features with the highest eigen values. This gives you a set of feature which explain most of the variance in the data.
If you need to justify your approach for a write up you can actually calculate the amount of variance explained per eigenvector and cut of at, for example, 95% variance explained.
Bear in mind that selecting based solely on eigenvalue, might not correspond to the set of features most important to your regression, so if you don't get the performance you expect you might want to try a different feature selection method such as recursive feature selection. I would suggest using google scholar to find a couple of papers doing something similar and see what methods they use.
A quick matlab example of taking the top 100 principle components using PCA.
[eigenvectors, projected_data, eigenvalues] = princomp(X);
[foo, feature_idx] = sort(eigenvalues, 'descend');
selected_projected_data = projected(:, feature_idx(1:100));

Have you tried with
B = sort(your_matrix,2,'descend');
C = B(:,1:100);

Be careful!
With just 63 observations and 2308 variables, your PCA result will be meaningless because the data is underspecified. You should have at least (rule of thumb) dimensions*3 observations.
With 63 observations, you can at most define a 62 dimensional hyperspace!


Principal component analysis in matlab?

I have a training set with the size of (size(X_Training)=122 x 125937).
122 is the number of features
and 125937 is the sample size.
From my little understanding, PCA is useful when you want to reduce the dimension of the features. Meaning, I should reduce 122 to a smaller number.
But when I use in matlab:
X_new = pca(X_Training)
I get a matrix of size 125973x121, I am really confused, because this not only changes the features but also the sample size? This is a big problem for me, because I still have the target vector Y_Training that I want to use for my neural network.
Any help? Did I badly interpret the results? I only want to reduce the number of features.
Firstly, the documentation of the PCA function is useful: It mentions that the rows are the samples while the columns are the features. This means you need to transpose your matrix first.
Secondly, you need to specify the number of dimensions to reduce to a priori. The PCA function does not do that for you automatically. Therefore, in addition to extracting the principal coefficients for each component, you also need to extract the scores as well. Once you have this, you simply subset into the scores and perform the reprojection into the reduced space.
In other words:
n_components = 10; % Change to however you see fit.
[coeff, score] = pca(X_training.');
X_reduce = score(:, 1:n_components);
X_reduce will be the dimensionality reduced feature set with the total number of columns being the total number of reduced features. Also notice that the number of training examples does not change as we expect. If you want to make sure that the number of features are along the rows instead of the columns after we reduce the number of features, transpose this output matrix as well before you proceed.
Finally, if you want to automatically determine the number of features to reduce to, one method to do so is to calculate the variance explained of each feature, then accumulate the values from the first feature up to the point where we exceed some threshold. Usually 95% is used.
Therefore, you need to provide additional output variables to capture these:
[coeff, score, latent, tsquared, explained, mu] = pca(X_training.');
I'll let you go through the documentation to understand the other variables, but the one you're looking at is the explained variable. What you should do is find the point where the total variance explained exceeds 95%:
[~,n_components] = max(cumsum(explained) >= 95);
Finally, if you want to perform a reconstruction and see how well the reconstruction into the original feature space performs from the reduced feature, you need to perform a reprojection into the original space:
X_reconstruct = bsxfun(#plus, score(:, 1:n_components) * coeff(:, 1:n_components).', mu);
mu are the means of each feature as a row vector. Therefore you need add this vector across all examples, so broadcasting is required and that's why bsxfun is used. If you're using MATLAB R2018b, this is now implicitly done when you use the addition operation.
X_reconstruct = score(:, 1:n_components) * coeff(:, 1:n_components).' + mu;

Should I perform data centering before apply SVD?

I have to use SVD in Matlab to obtain a reduced version of my data.
I've read that the function svds(X,k) performs the SVD and returns the first k eigenvalues and eigenvectors. There is not mention in the documentation if the data have to be normalized.
With normalization I mean both substraction of the mean value and division by the standard deviation.
When I implemented PCA, I used to normalize in such way. But I know that it is not needed when using the matlab function pca() because it computes the covariance matrix by using cov() which implicitly performs the normalization.
So, the question is. I need the projection matrix useful to reduce my n-dim data to k-dim ones by SVD. Should I perform data normalization of the train data (and therefore, the same normalization to further projected new data) or not?
Essentially, the answer is yes, you should typically perform normalization. The reason is that features can have very different scalings, and we typically do not want to take scaling into account when considering the uniqueness of features.
Suppose we have two features x and y, both with variance 1, but where x has a mean of 1 and y has a mean of 1000. Then the matrix of samples will look like
n = 500; % samples
x = 1 + randn(n,1);
y = 1000 + randn(n,1);
But the problem with this is that the scale of y (without normalizing) essentially washes out the small variations in x. Specifically, if we just examine the singular values of [x,y], we might be inclined to say that x is a linear factor of y (since one of the singular values is much smaller than the other). But actually, we know that that is not the case since x was generated independently.
In fact, you will often find that you only see the "real" data in a signal once we remove the mean. At the extremely end, you could image that we have some feature
z = 1e6 + sin(t)
Now if somebody just gave you those numbers, you might look at the sequence
z = 1000001.54, 1000001.2, 1000001.4,...
and just think, "that signal is boring, it basically is just 1e6 plus some round off terms...". But once we remove the mean, we see the signal for what it actually is... a very interesting and specific one indeed. So long story short, you should always remove the means and scale.
It really depends on what you want to do with your data. Centering and scaling can be helpful to obtain principial components that are representative of the shape of the variations in the data, irrespective of the scaling. I would say it is mostly needed if you want to further use the principal components itself, particularly, if you want to visualize them. It can also help during classification since your scores will then be normalized which may help your classifier. However, it depends on the application since in some applications the energy also carries useful information that one should not discard - there is no general answer!
Now you write that all you need is "the projection matrix useful to reduce my n-dim data to k-dim ones by SVD". In this case, no need to center or scale anything:
[U,~] = svd(TrainingData);
RecudedData = U(:,k)'*TestData;
will do the job. The svds may be worth considering when your TrainingData is huge (in both dimensions) so that svd is too slow (if it is huge in one dimension, just apply svd to the gram matrix).
It depends!!!
A common use in signal processing where it makes no sense to normalize is noise reduction via dimensionality reduction in correlated signals where all the fearures are contiminated with a random gaussian noise with the same variance. In that case if the magnitude of a certain feature is twice as large it's snr is also approximately twice as large so normalizing the features makes no sense since it would just make the parts with the worse snr larger and the parts with the good snr smaller. You also don't need to subtract the mean in that case (like in PCA), the mean (or dc) isn't different then any other frequency.

Polynomial data fitting in a special way in MATLAB

I have some data let's say the following vector:
[1.2 2.13 3.45 4.59 4.79]
And I want to get a polynomial function, say f to fit this data. Thus, I want to go with something like polyfit. However, what polyfit does is minimizing the sum of least square errors. But, what I want is to have
That is to say, I want to manipulate the fitting algorithm so that it will give me the exact points that I already gave as well as some fitted values where exact values are not given.
How can I do that?
I think everyone is missing the point. You said that "That is to say, I want to manipulate the fitting algorithm so that I will give me the exact points as well as some fitted values where exact fits are not present. How can I do that?"
To me, this means you wish an exact (interpolatory) fit for a listed set, and for some other points, you want to do a least squares fit.
You COULD do that using LSQLIN, by setting a set of equality constraints on the points to be fit exactly, and then allowing the rest of the points to be fit in a least squares sense.
The problem is, this will require a high order polynomial. To be able to fit 5 points exactly, plus some others, the order of the polynomial will be quite a bit higher. And high order polynomials, especially those with constrained points, will do nasty things. But feel free to do what you will, just as long as you also expect a poor result.
Edit: I should add that a better choice is to use a least squares spline, which is something you CAN constrain to pass through a given set of points, while fitting other points in a least squares sense, and still not do something wild and crazy as a result.
Polyfit does what you want. An N-1 degree polynomial can fit N points exactly, thus, when it minimizes the sum of squared error, it gets 0 (which is what you want).
y=[1.2 2.13 3.45 4.59 4.79];
coeffs = polyfit(x,y,4);
Will get you a polynomial that goes through all of your points.
What you ask is known as Lagrange Interpolation . There is a MATLAB file exchange available.
However, you should note that least squares polynomial fitting is generally preferred to Lagrange Interpolation since the data you have in principle will have noise in it and Lagrange Interpolation will fit the noise as well as the data you have. So if you know that your data actually represents M dimensional polynomial and have N data, where N>>M, then you will have a order N polynomial with Lagrange.
You have options.
Use polyfit, just give it enough leeway to perform an exact fit. That is:
values = [1.2 2.13 3.45 4.59 4.79];
p = polyfit(1:length(values), values, length(values)-1);
polyval(p,2) %returns 2.13
Use interpolation / extrapolation
values = [1.2 2.13 3.45 4.59 4.79];
xInterp = 0:0.1:6;
valueInterp = interp1(1:length(values), values, xInterp ,'linear','extrap');
Interpolation provides a lot of options for smoothing, extrapolation etc. For example, try:
valueInterp = interp1(1:length(values), values, xInterp ,'spline','extrap');

Feature Extraction through PCA

I'm trying to select a subset of features from a data that contains 2000 of them for 63 samples. Now I know how to do PCA in MATLAB. I used 'pcacov' and it returns the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues too. However, I don't know how to select the features I want. I mean if the features aren't labeled, how can I select my features ? or they will be returned in the same order ?
PCA does not tell you which features are the most significant, but which combinations of features keep the most variance.
What PCA does is rotate your dataset in such a way that it has the most variance along the first dimension, second most along second, and so on. So, what you do when you multiply your feature vectors by the first N eigenvectors is rotate the set and keep the first N dimensions to transform your vectors into a lower-dimensional representation that keeps most of the variance.
how can I select my features ?
If you call it like
[pc,variances,explained] = pcacov(covx)
then the principal components are the vectors in the first return argument with variances as in the second return argument. They are in correspondence and sorted from most significant to least significant.
or they will be returned in the same order ?
You can assume this if the function help says so, otherwise it's not safe to assume so and you can do something like.
[varsorted,varsortedinds] = sort(variances,'descend');
pcsorted = pc(:,varsortedinds);
And varsorted and pcsorted will be in order from most to least significant.
Edit 7 years later: I realized in re-reading the question that my answer doesn't actually answer this. I thought what was being asked was are the principal components sorted. Don Reba's answer is an answer to the actual question asked. I can't delete a selected answer though.

Matlab - bug with linear discriminant analysis

I run
Y_testing_obtained = classify(X_testing, X_training, Y_training);
and the error I get is
Error using ==> classify at 246
The pooled covariance matrix of TRAINING must be positive definite.
X_training is 1550 x 5 matrix. Can you please tell me what this error means, i.e. why is it appearing, and how to work around it?
Explanation: When you run the function classify without specifying the type of discriminant function (as you did), Matlab uses Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Without going into too much details on LDA, the algorithms needs to calculate the covariance matrix of X_testing in order to solve an optimisation problem, and this matrix has to be positive definite (see Wikipedia: Positive-definite matrix). The underlying assumption is that your data is represented by a multivariate probability distribution, which always has a positive definite covariance matrix unless one or more variables are exact linear combinations of the others.
To solve your problem: It is possible that one of your variables is a linear combination of the others. You can try selecting a sensible subset of your variables, or perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the training data and then classify using the first few principal components. Or, you could specify the type of discriminant function and choose one of the two naive Bayes classifiers, for example:
Y_testing_obtained = classify(X_testing, X_training, Y_training, 'diaglinear');
As a side note, you also need to have more observations (rows) than variables (columns), but in your case this is not the problem as you seem to have 1550 observations and 5 variables.
Finally, you can also have a look at the answers posted to a similar question on the Matlab forum.
Try regularizing the data using cvshrink function in Matlab