Add api from Meteor to develop in Eclipse or Aptana - eclipse

I have searched on meteor docs ( to find a way to add api in Eclipse or Aptana and develop my applications inside this IDE.
I Know how to add external libraries in my project but i don't know what are the library to add for use Meteor inside Eclipse / Aptana and use (for example) autocomplete feature so i can type:
Meteor. <-- And I want that eclipse show all functions
there is any sort of list of library to add? can you help me?
thank you!

Here is !! ;)
I used it at Eclipse and with sublime text, and it is very usefull


Is there any eclipse plugin available for React JS

I am planning to use React JS with Rest API But after spending long time on google cant find the best way to start. There are no eclipse plugins available for react js. Please suggest how i can start working on React with eclipse or other open source editors.
i had the same issue and ended up to use the atom editor:
Atom is based on google chrome, but you will not feel using google chrome, but a full featured editor with many cool plugins available.
I know, there is a nodeeclipse project but i was not able to install and run it out-of-the-box and it seems that jsx syntax for ES6 was not supported.
Now i really like atom editor, it is very easy to handle. Of course some shortcuts are different compared to eclipse, but anyway, i was really quickly able to produce code.
atom seems to be pretty lightweight and does not eat so much memory like eclipse. So there is no problem developing your reactjs app in atom and have eclipse as second editor running developing your rest app.
Kind regards
Genuitec has an Eclipse plugin called CodeMix that provides wizards, navigation, content assist, validation, and debugging for ReactJS in Eclipse. You can details for all the features that CodeMix provides for for React development on the Genuitec website.
Angelo Zerr's TypeScript IDE includes a JSX editor and provides some support. Search for it in the Eclipse Marketplace Client or go to
I use vim. Plenty support on syntax highlighting on JSX, ES6. auto formatting, unit test running, etc. There are plenty of vim configurations you can find on github so you can get a quick start. An example of mine:
There is not a proper plugin for eclipse, you can use codemix but the code completion are not proper and it is quite slower but for as if now that is the best for eclipse. Use VS code that is the best .
You can not directly install codemix plugin from marketplace, by drag n drop or by marketplace. To install codemix please follow the below steps:

Is there a 'diff' API in Eclipse?

I want to get the difference between two files in my eclipse plugin program. Is there such a "diff" API I can use?
The Eclipse Compare editor provides an API that plugins can use - see the section Compare support in the Eclipse help.
Try Using plug-in. Eclipse uses it to compare files inside eclipse.

eclipse: add Chrome extension library

In Eclipse, static html project:
Developing Chrome extension, it would be nice to have IntelliSense om methods.
Is it possible to add a library to eclipse, so you would have IntelliSense when creating chrome extensions?
The only way I could think of doing this would to be install the Eclipse Aptana plug-in, then you would have to find a Rubble that supported the chrome* API. I don't think you will find anything though. The API is actually very small.
I would just use the online docs...

Need suggestions on which plugin to install from eclipse market?

I am developing a new plugin in eclipse. I need a plugin from internet (for eclipse, of course) which I can dissect and understand its implementation (by looking into plugin.xml etc.). It would help me create my own plugin.
I want your help in suggesting some plug-ins which I download and dissect, so that i can use that logic to make my own plugin?
I will now give an insight to my proposed plugin:::
My plugin would take in some input via a GUI interface from the user and then I should be able to convert all the user input into a text file and trigger a perl script. It sounds sloppy, but I am completely new to Eclipse and Plugins.
I just need some suggestions from you experts.
Thanks a lot!!!
If you download either the Eclipse Classic package or the Eclipse for RCP Developers package, they include source for Eclipse itself. You can use the Eclipse plugins themselves as examples.

Is there a Joomla Plugin for Aptana IDE?

I use Aptana for 2 or 3 months now and i'm very happy with it.
But since i need to work with Joomla! and to write some modules, compenents, etc...
I'd have like to know if there is a joomla plugin for Aptana ?
I would just like to have autocompletion, autosuggest, links to methods and class of the Joomla API
Any ideas ?
The solution to enable Joomla code assist in Aptana Studio is in this video This is for Aptana Studio 3.
After creating your project, go to Project > Properties > PHP Buildpath > External Directories > Add... and choose the Joomla framework folder (your_joomla_folder/libraries/joomla).
As far as i am aware, there isn't any.
But I think for what your looking for this will depend on actually how you set up your development environment. To start, you could use the aptana PHP plugin, then create a new 'Joomla' Project, pointing to your entire Joomla folder.
I use aptana but solely for javaScript. none-the-less if autocompletion and autosuggestion are what you are looking for with php, u will love phpEdit or phpDesigner, once you create a new project, and point to the source folder, you are ready to start working. Unlike aptana and eclipse, (though you could) you won't need to add specific code libraries to the project!!
Codelobster PHP Edition is FREE but the Joomla plug-in is NOT you can download the IDE with a 30day trial of the plug-in...