disconnect filepicker - filepicker.io

I have disconnect filepicker when I close the session in my web application, with the intention that if another user starts session in the same PC , he will should starts newly login in the services of filepicker(for example dropbox), but I have not found a way to disconnect filepicker.
I appreciate any help and guidance on this issue.


How would you Clear an Auth0 user session in a Flutter app?

I need help in clearing the user session in an Auth0 flutter app.
The problem is I have gone through the necessary procedures but whenever I log out from the app and log in again, I'm unable to enter the credentials to log me back into the app. It just logs me in as if the user session has been stored somewhere even after calling the secureStorage.deleteAll() function. I added the login prompt but the problem still persists.
Any help will be deeply appreciated
I'm using flutter_secure_storage and flutter_appauth packages
Clearing the application session is not enough, logout also from Auth0.
See step 2. Auth0 Session Layer for details.

WKWebView Close User Session when App is Terminated

Out server has a limit on the number of concurrent sessions.
When user closing and opening the application 2 or more times, our web page is not displayed.
When user killing the application, and then when login again, the server apparently does not have time to track the end of the previous session and initiates a new one. Immediately the restrictions pop up and the application shows a crash screen instead of our web page.
Is there some way to forcefully terminate the user session when exiting the application?
Thanks in advance !
you can try this simply

Jasig Cas ticket validation on client web application logout

My web application is integrated with a portal that use cas authentication.
Logout is possible in two ways: on my web application (I first invalidate my session and then logout on portal page) or directly by portal (in this case session on my web application continues to exist - there are no single signout mechanisms implemented). In this last case there's a problem..if I logout on portal and then write directly URL of my web application the page is shown to me! So..I would like the validation of ticket for each request in order to understand that the ticket is no longer valid..but I don't know how I can do it.
Can someone help me?
If I logout on portal and then write directly URL of my web application the page is shown to me!
Yes, because as you noted there is no SLO. Just because you kill the portal session, it does not mean that your app session will be destroyed. The most ideal solution would be to implement SLO, such that the portal can reach out to registered applications and ask them to logout by sending them a logout notification. Then, in your app you just need to intercept that notification and kill the app session.

Error CTJSO1501E from Bluemix SSO Web UI

Attempting to set up an instance of the Bluemix SSO service for use in an app. I created a service instance but when I click on the tile to open it so that I can configure the settings I get:
com.ibm.sec.iam.platform.ui.DashboardException: CTJSO1501E You have arrived at this page without valid parameters. You must visit this page via the Bluemix administration console.
Now, I thought I was in the Bluemix administration console. I mean, I'm coming from this page:
I tried coming at this from other paths but every time I try to open the service I get this error.
Would appreciate any thoughts on what is wrong here or how I might workaround this failure.
I am not seeing this problem. Which browser do you use? You can try switching to a different browser, or cleaning current browser cache to see if that helps.
I get the same when using Safari on Mac. Using Chrome, it goes through.

how to login from the iphone to my rails app?

I've my rails app using authlogic for user session, I'm building an iphone-app as client of this site, how can I do with the login\logout\session management?
I know that's a common question but I've tried to look for it everywhere but I can't find anything clear and useful
You can handle through http authentication, and your server sends back a session cookie which is accepted by the NSURLConnection object. Nothing special in the server side.
You can just mimic the browser behaviour. When your user go to the app and want to login, you can ask the server side for a session. Then, user logins, in your server side, remember the session as already loggined.
Now, you use this session as the way to idenfity the user on the iphone side.