Confused about perl IPC::Run - perl

I'm trying to use code like this:
run \#cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err;
As discussed in IPC::Run.
Of course, this complains about undefined variables.
So then I try this:
my $in;
my $out;
my $err;
run \#cmd, \$in, \$out, \$err;
print $in "Hello World";
But then on the print line I get issues with an undefined reference.
Am I doing something totally wrong here? And if so, what do I need to modify?

The sample code on the IPC::Run page is assuming that you already have those variables / descriptors declared and setup elsewhere hence why once you set them up, it stopped complaining about that.
Printing to $in when it isn't a valid file handle will kick that error. You want to either just leave the file handle off of the print statement, or open a filehandle to a file you want to write to, and pass that to print.
See the doc pages on open and print for more info on those functions:
Also, I highly recommend that you use strict and warnings in your perl scripts if you are not already as it will catch many errors for you.
As LeoNerd mentioned, if you are not setting up the array #cmd to contain an array of commands that you want run, nothing is actually going to be executed in that call to run.
If you are just getting started with Perl and using CPAN modules, I highly recommend that you also start using Data::Dumper (in core Perl, nothing to install to use it, just put use Dumper; up top with your other use statments) to print out your variables as a way of debugging your code to get visibility into what is going on.


Using filehandles in Perl to alter actively running code

I've been learning about filehandles in Perl, and I was curious to see if there's a way to alter the source code of a program as it's running. For example, I created a script named "" which contained the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
open(my $append, ">>", "");
print $append "print \"It works!!\\n\";\n";
This program adds the line
print "It works!!\n";
to the end of it's own source file, and I hoped that once that line was added, it would then execute and output "It works!!"
Well, it does correctly append the line to the source file, but it doesn't execute it then and there.
So I assume therefore that when perl executes a program that it loads it to memory and runs it from there, but my question is, is there a way to access this loaded version of the program so you can have a program that can alter itself as you run it?
The missing piece you need is eval EXPR. This compiles, "evaluates", any string as code.
my $string = q[print "Hello, world!";];
eval $string;
This string can come from any source, including a filehandle.
It also doesn't have to be a single statement. If you want to modify how a program runs, you can replace its subroutines.
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
sub speak { return "Woof!"; }
say speak();
eval q[sub speak { return "Meow!"; }];
say speak();
You'll get a Subroutine speak redefined warning from that. It can be supressed with no warnings "redefine".
# The block is so this "no warnings" only affects
# the eval and not the entire program.
no warnings "redefine";
eval q[sub speak { return "Shazoo!"; }];
say speak();
Obviously this is a major security hole. There is many, many, many things to consider here, too long for an answer, and I strongly recommend you not do this and find a better solution to whatever problem you're trying to solve this way.
One way to mitigate the potential for damage is to use the Safe module. This is like eval but limits what built in functions are available. It is by no means a panacea for the security issues.
With a warning about all kinds of issues, you can reload modules.
There are packages for that, for example, Module::Reload. Then you can write code that you intend to change in a module, change the source at runtime, and have it reloaded.
By hand you would delete that from %INC and then require, like
# ... change source code in the module ...
delete $INC{''};
require ModuleWithCodeThatChanges;
The only reason I can think of for doing this is experimentation and play. Otherwise, there are all kinds of concerns with doing something like this, and whatever your goal may be there are other ways to accomplish it.
Note The question does specify a filehandle. However, I don't see that to be really related to what I see to be the heart of the question, of modifying code at runtime.
The source file isn't used after it's been compiled.
You could just eval it.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $code = <<'__EOS__'
print "It works!!\n";
open(my $append_fh, ">>", "")
or die($!);
print($append_fh $code);
eval("$code; 1")
or die($#);
There's almost definitely a better way to achieve your end goal here. BUT, you could recursively make exec() or system() calls -- latter if you need a return value. Be sure to setup some condition or the dominoes will keep falling. Again, you should rethink this, unless it's just practice of some sort, or maybe I don't get it!
Each call should execute the latest state of the file; also be sure to close the file before each call.
exec(""); or
my retval;
retval = system("perl");
Don't use eval ever.

Finding the standard out for a perl program

I'm redirecting standard out for a perl program. Example:
perl > /log/run_program.log
Is there a way to know what the standard out is. So in this case I'm looking to have the value of '/log/run_program.log'.
If it's not possible is there another/better way to get the same result?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The reason I'm not setting STDOUT in the program is because I'm calling a bunch of .pm that have print lines that I want to go to STDOUT with out having to pass the file to it.
On my system, you can use
EDIT: The reason I'm not setting STDOUT in the program is because I'm calling a bunch of .pm that have print lines that I want to go to STDOUT with out having to pass the file to it.
Just to let you know, you might be able to use the select command to redefine the FD for the default output:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $output_fd, ">", "/log/run_program.log";
my $old_default_fd = select( $output_fd );
print "I'm now going into /log/run_program.log\n";
select ($old_default_fd; # Restore the default when you no longer need it
This may work with most of your Perl modules. Just hope that they're not doing something stupid like:
print STDOUT "Ha, ha. I'm still going to STDOUT.\n".
I hate it when Perl modules print stuff.
To you Perl Module writers:
Perl modules should not be printing (unless that's their main purpose). You should instead return what you want to print and let the caller decide what to do with the output.
For the first part of your question, no. There's no way for the perl program to know where STDOUT is directed to.
The redirection happens external to the program, and is "wired up" before the perl process even starts. STDOUT could be pointed to a device, a file, or another process (a pipe).
The whole purpose of redirection from stdout to a file is to adapt a program which typically writes to stdout and redirect it to a file. The OS doesn't give you the name of the file, because it figures your program is too stupid to know what to do with a file name.
So your best bet is to get it as my $file_name = shift; and open it yourself. (A shift in the mainline pulls from #ARGV.)
Give a chance to this ideas:
my $log_path = "/log/run_program.log"; # or using $0 in some manner
open $log_handler, "<", $log_path or die;
Now you could code a myprint subroutine that will call print $log_handler and use it into the whole program, or better, having a look to OVERRIDING CORE FUNCTIONS you could self redefine print doing like this:
use subs 'print';
sub print { #redefine here }

Perl - New definition of myprint() or Overload print command

I am a newb to Perl. I am writing some scripts and want to define my own print called myprint() which will print the stuff passed to it based on some flags (verbose/debug flag)
open(FD, "> /tmp/abc.txt") or die "Cannot create abc.txt file";
print FD "---Production Data---\n";
myprint "Hello - This is only a comment - debug data";
Can someone please help me with some sample code to for myprint() function?
Do you care more about writing your own logging system, or do you want to know how to put logging statements in appropriate parts of your program which you can turn off (and, incur little performance penalty when they are turned off)?
If you want a logging system that is easy to start using, but also offers a world of features which you can incrementally discover and use, Log::Log4perl is a good option. It has an easy mode, which allows you to specify the desired logging level, and emits only those logging messages that are above the desired level.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
Log::Log4perl->easy_init({level => $INFO});
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile;
print $fh "---Production Data---\n";
WARN 'Wrote something somewhere somehow';
The snippet also shows a better way of opening a temporary file using File::Temp.
As for overriding the built-in print … It really isn't a good idea to fiddle with built-ins except in very specific circumstances. perldoc perlsub has a section on Overriding Built-in Functions. The accepted answer to this question lists the Perl built-ins that cannot be overridden. print is one of those.
But, then, one really does not need to override a built-in to write a logging system.
So, if an already-written logging system does not do it for you, you really seem to be asking "how do I write a function that prints stuff conditionally depending on the value of a flag?"
Here is one way:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package My::Logger;
use strict; use warnings;
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
exports => [
DEBUG => sub {
return sub {} unless $ENV{MYDEBUG};
return sub { print 'DEBUG: ' => #_ };
package main;
use strict; use warnings;
# You'd replace this with use My::Logger qw(DEBUG) if you put My::Logger
# in My/ somewhere in your #INC
sub nicefunc {
print "Hello World!\n";
DEBUG("Isn't this a nice function?\n");
Sample usage:
$ ./
Hello World!
$ MYDEBUG=1 ./
Hello World!
DEBUG: Isn't this a nice function?
I wasn't going to answer this because Sinan already has the answer I'd recommend, but tonight I also happened to be working on the "Filehandle References" chapter to the upcoming Intermediate Perl. That are a couple of relevant paragraphs which I'll just copy directly without adapting them to your question:
IO::Null and IO::Interactive
Sometimes we don't want to send our output anywhere, but we are forced
to send it somewhere. In that case, we can use IO::Null to create
a filehandle that simply discards anything that we give it. It looks
and acts just like a filehandle, but does nothing:
use IO::Null;
my $null_fh = IO::Null->new;
some_printing_thing( $null_fh, #args );
Other times, we want output in some cases but not in others. If we are
logged in and running our program in our terminal, we probably want to
see lots of output. However, if we schedule the job through cron, we
probably don't care so much about the output as long as it does the job.
The IO::Interactive module is smart enough to tell the difference:
use IO::Interactive;
print { is_interactive } 'Bamboo car frame';
The is_interactive subroutine returns a filehandle. Since the
call to the subroutine is not a simple scalar variable, we surround
it with braces to tell Perl that it's the filehandle.
Now that you know about "do nothing" filehandles, you can replace some
ugly code that everyone tends to write. In some cases you want output
and in some cases you don't, so many people use a post-expression
conditional to turn off a statement in some cases:
print STDOUT "Hey, the radio's not working!" if $Debug;
Instead of that, you can assign different values to $debug_fh based
on whatever condition you want, then leave off the ugly if $Debug
at the end of every print:
use IO::Null;
my $debug_fh = $Debug ? *STDOUT : IO::Null->new;
$debug_fh->print( "Hey, the radio's not working!" );
The magic behind IO::Null might give a warning about "print() on
unopened filehandle GLOB" with the indirect object notation (e.g.
print $debug_fh) even though it works just fine. We don't get that
warning with the direct form.

Debugging perl script

I don't know perl, but I need to debug a perl script which is needed by an application I am using, this is the error I get:
Unable to recognise encoding of this document at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/XML/SAX/PurePerl/ line 9
The thing is, this script cannot figure out what is the encoding of a file. What I am trying to find out is, which file is that. I couldn't be able to find a way to stack trace. Here is the script trimmed a little:
package XML::SAX::PurePerl; # NB, not ::EncodingDetect!
use strict;
sub encoding_detect {
my ($parser, $reader) = #_;
my $error = "Invalid byte sequence at start of file";
my $data = $reader->data;
if ($data =~ /^\x00\x00\xFE\xFF/) {
# BO-UCS4-be
} .. tons of if else statements
warn("Unable to recognise encoding of this document");
I checked, but this reader object doesn't have a name, or path attribute. I have a control over this script, so I may modify it if necessary. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: I have tracked down the problem until this line in the application I'm trying to use:
my #array = SystemImager::HostRange::expand_groups($clients);
If you use the Carp module and the confess method, you get a stack backtrace:
use Carp;
confess "Something went horribly wrong" if ($something == $wrong);
This is of most use inside a function (in a module), but it helps. However, it sounds as if the error is being reported by code you're using, so you may not be able to get it to croak for you, but you should read the manual for Carp, which says in part:
Forcing a Stack Trace
As a debugging aid, you can force Carp to treat a croak as a confess and a carp as a cluck across all modules. In other words, force a detailed stack trace to be given. This can be very helpful when trying to understand why, or from where, a warning or error is being generated.
This feature is enabled by 'importing' the non-existent symbol 'verbose'. You would typically enable it by saying
perl -MCarp=verbose
or by including the string -MCarp=verbose in the PERL5OPT environment variable.
Alternat[iv]ely, you can set the global variable $Carp::Verbose to true.
As suggested by daxim in a comment, also consider Carp::Always:
use Carp::Always;
makes every warn() and die() complain loudly in the calling package and elsewhere. More often used on the command line:
perl -MCarp::Always
The pure Perl implementation of XML::SAX::PurePerl is marked as 'slow' by its maintainer. You should perhaps look at using one of the many other XS-based SAX modules, especially one that provides automatic encoding detection.
To debug perl script you may use:
perl -d:DebugHooks::Terminal
Look at this

Why am I unable to load a Perl library when using the `do` function?

I'm new to Perl, and I'm updating an old Perl website. Every .pl file seems to have this line at the top:
do "";
So I figured I could use this file to tag on a subroutine for global use.
sub foobar
return "Hello world";
do "";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print foobar();
However, I get this error:
Undefined subroutine &main::foobar called at /path/to/ line 4.
Both files are in the same directory, and there's tones of subs in already which are used throughout the website. However, the script works in the Linux production environment, but does not work for my Windows 7 dev environment (I'm using ActivePerl).
It looks like the file is not being included; the sub works if the file is included using an absolute path...
do "C:/path/to/";
... so it looks like relative paths don't work for my local dev environment, but they work in the production environment through. But this is no good for me, because the absolute path on my dev machine will not work for the live server.
How do I get do to work using a relative path on my Windows 7 dev machine?
Update 2:
I was using the Perl -T switch. Unfortunately this removes "." from #INC, and so stops us from using relative paths for do. I removed this switch and the old code is working now. I'm aware that this is not good practice, but unfortunately I'm working with old code, so it seems that I have no choice.
The perlfunc documentation for do reads
Uses the value of EXPR as a filename and executes the contents of the file as a Perl script.
do '';
is just like
eval `cat`;
except that it's more efficient and concise, keeps track of the current filename for error messages, searches the #INC directories, and updates %INC if the file is found.
So to see all this in action, say C:\Cygwin\tmp\mylib\ looks like
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
and we make use of it in the following program:
use warnings;
use strict;
# your code may have unshift #INC, ...
use lib "C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib";
my $func = "";
do $func;
# Now we can just call it. Note that with strict subs enabled,
# we have to use parentheses. We could also predeclare with
# use subs qw/ hello /;
# do places's location in %INC
if ($INC{$func}) {
print "$0: $func found at $INC{$func}\n";
else {
die "$0: $func missing from %INC!";
Its output is
Hello, world!
./prog: found at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/
As you've observed, do ain't always no crystal stair, which the do documentation explains:
If do cannot read the file, it returns undef and sets $! to the error. If do can read the file but cannot compile it, it returns undef and sets an error message in $#. If the file is successfully compiled, do returns the value of the last expression evaluated.
To check all these cases, we can no longer use simply do "" but
unless (defined do $func) {
my $error = $! || $#;
die "$0: do $func: $error";
Explanations for each case are below.
do cannot read the file
If we rename to and rerun the program, we get
./prog: do No such file or directory at ./prog line 12.
do can read the file but cannot compile it
Rename back to and delete the closing curly brace in hello to make it look like
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
Running the program now, we get
./prog: do Missing right curly or square bracket at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/ line 4, at end of line
syntax error at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/ line 4, at EOF
do can read the file and compile it, but it does not return a true value.
Delete the 1; at the end of to make it
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
Now the output is
./prog: do at ./prog line 13.
So without a return value, success resembles failure. We could complicate the code that checks the result of do, but the better choice is to always return a true value at the end of Perl libraries and modules.
Note that the program runs correctly even with taint checking (-T) enabled. Try it and see! Be sure to read Taint mode and #INC in perlsec.
You use the subroutine the same way that you'd use any other subroutine. It doesn't matter that you loaded it with do. However, you shouldn't use do for that. Check out the "Packages" chapter in Intermediate Perl for a detailed explanation of loading subroutines from other files. In short, use require instead.
See the documentation for do. You need to have (which you can also just call since pl is "perl library") in one of the directories where Perl will look for libraries. That might be different than the directory that has Put in #INC somewhere, or add its directory to #INC. do also doesn't die if it can't load the file, so it doesn't tell you that it failed. That's why you shouldn't use do to load libraries. :)
Making sure the path is correct, use:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print foobar();
I would first check if the file was actually loaded, the documentation for do mentions that it updates %INC if the file was found. There is also more information in the documentation.
make sure you have in the correct path.
do ""
means you are saying is in the same path as your perl script. check the correct path and then do this
do "/path/"