UITableViewCell - Changing All Cells to BackgroundView - iphone

I would like to add a UIButton to my TableViewController that will change all the cells in a UITable to the backgroundView from the contentView.
It would have the same functionality as setting self.myTableView.editing = YES to reveal the editingAccessoryView for all the cells.
Is this possible? If so, how can this be done? Thank you for your responses!

The button toggles a flag (e.g. sets a BOOL property to YES if it is currently NO) and calls [self.myTableView reloadData].
This causes cellForRowAtIndexPath: to be called again for all the visible rows. And cellForRowAtIndexPath: examines that flag (the same BOOL property) to decide what to do about the background view.


How to set the height of subviews of UItableViewCell when cell is created programaticalliy

I have custom cell created with nib. In the table view I am using the method -(float)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath to set the height of cell
Everything works fine.
But the problem is that I also want to change the size of UIlabel which is added as subview in nib of cell.
How do I do that?
Which metod to override in customcell class ?
The method you are looking for is:
[super layoutSubview];
//Do your magic
layoutSubviews is call after the cell is created and whenever the device orientation changes, to allow you to resize and/or move the subviews (plus make any other minor adjustments) to compensate for differences between the orientations, but in this case you can also use it to redraw your subviews.
As you have UILabel in your custom cell class, make a function in that class that take frame you want to set as parameter. Set frame of label in that function. You need to call this function from your cellForRowAtIndexPath method before returning the cell.
If you are reusing your custom cell you should call method only when the (cell == nil)
Also if you can add some code in your question that would be helpful and you can get more precise answer.
You need to treat your custom cell in the same way you would treat a normal view or view controller class with a xib. i.e. You need to create IBOutlets for the controls in you custom cell and during creation of the cell you can access the controls quite easily.
myCell.myCustomUILabel.text = #"blah"
There are some gotchas when using custom cells in a xib and onnecting up the IBOutlets. This SO answer (of mine) explains how to create and link up IBOutlets of a custom cell.

Setting UIPickerView selection to UITextField inside a UITableViewCell

I have a UITextField in a custom tableview cell. On tapping the textfield area I display a popover which contains a pickerview. I need to set the selection from the pickerview to the textfield's text. I show the popover from the textDidBeginEditing method. How do I pass the selection from the pickerView's didSelect method to the textfield?
By design the entire thing is in a TableViewController with the textfield and pickerview delegate methods implemented.
Just set the UIPickerView's delegate to be the viewcontroller that has your UITableView. That way on the UIPickerView's didSelect (implemented in the tableview's viewcontroller) you would simply use the pickerview's datasource to populate the textfield.
To get your custom cell from a tableview you simply do:
CustomTableViewCell *thisCell = (CustomTableViewCell*)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:row inSection:section]];
Then you set the textfield in that to have whatever text you want:
thisCell.textField.text = #"text";
Can you provide a little more information? What's the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: look like? I'm curious where the object you're editing is available.
There are a couple approaches I can think of...
Set the tag on the textField(s) and use it to locate the specific textField being edited
Set the delegate for the pickerView to the tableCell and have it handle the textual change
I believe the best approach is to set the UITextField's inputView property to a UIPickerView. This view will be displayed instead of the keyboard.
When a UITableViewCell is scrolled beyond a table's bounds, it may be deallocated. Therefore, storing a reference to the UITextField which invoked its textFieldDidBeginEditing: delegate method could result in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception.
The solution is to modify the cell's model which is stored in an array by the view controller. When the cell is initialized, it should set the text field's value to the corresponding value in its model object. Finally, the cell should observe changes to its model via KVO and update the value of the text field accordingly.

UITextView in custom UITableViewCell not responding to didSelectRowAtIndexPath

I have a UITextView in my custom UITableViewCell and the issue is that when I tap on it it won't respond to the didSelectRowAtIndexPath or even swipe events. How can I fix this? This UITextView is not editable. The reason why I use this over a UITextField is because I want to be able to detect links easily.
I realize this is an old question, but I recently had the same issue. The fix in my case was to simply turn off "User Interaction Enabled" for the UITextView.
you need to forward the touch messages from UITableView to UITextView
UITextView inside UITableView
The first idea that came to mind...
In cellForRow set the textfield tag as the indexpath.row
Implement - (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
Based on this textView.tag, call the selectrow
[self.tableView selectRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:textView.tag inSection:<#(NSUInteger)#>]
animated:<#(BOOL)#> scrollPosition:<#(UITableViewScrollPosition)#>]
I don't know if it's what are you looking for But in my case i had a custom cell with UIImage, and UITextView and only when I clicked on UIImageView i got didSelectRowAtIndexPath recogniser. Make sure UITextView is user interections unable like that to fix the problem
Check if your TableView Selection property is set to NO
Wrong :
tableView.allowsSelection = false
DidSelect Wont be called
It has to be:
tableView.allowsSelection = true
Also Check your Nib

Drawing selected state on custom UITableViewCell

I have a customer UITableViewCell whose whole display is drawn indrawRect. When it draws it creates CGLayers so that it can reuse certain pieces when something is changed.
I have changed my UITableViewCellSelectionStyle to "None" because I don't want the default selected view to cover my drawing.
My problem is that I call setNeedsDisplay in setSelected:animated: for my cell but by the time drawRect is called, setSelected:animated: has already been called again to deselect the cell. In my table view controller didSelectRowAtIndexPath, I call deselectRowAtIndexPath as Apple advises.
EDIT - I have also tried called the setNeedsDisplay on my cell from my table view controller's (NSIndexPath *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath but that didn't change anything.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Use the table cell's selectedBackgroundView property. If you assign a custom view to that, it'll get shown and hidden at the same time as the default selection backgrounds—in other words, without having to wait for the setNeedsDisplay to get around to calling drawRect: on the cell itself.

Change properties of UILabel in a TableViewCell

I have a tableView that's loosely based on the DetailViewController in ye olde SQLiteBooks. It's created programatically. Each cell displays a single value that when clicked displays a generic editingController that allows the user to edit that value. Pretty standard Cocoa-touch stuff...
Except...I also have a segmented control in the header of said tableView that depending on it's setting needs to change an attribute (textColor) on a UILabel in ONE of the 8± tableViewCells in the table. I have no IBOutlets for this tableView because I created it entirely in code. So, what do I need to do in my (void)segmentAction:(id)sender method (triggered when segmentedControl changes state) to allow me to access & change this value and display it to the user? When the table was built (cellForRowAtIndexPath) every UILabel was called "value" and then added: [cell.contentView addSubview:value].
I've tried setting a property of the viewController itself that is then checked during cellForRowAtIndexPath and does the textColor business there...and then adding [self.tableView setNeedsDisplay] to my segmentAction: method but it doesn't seem to work?!?
Any ideas?
If you know the indexpath of the cell you want to modify, you can call cellForRowAtIndexPath: to retrieve the UITableViewCell. Once you have that, you can get the UILabel from it. If you set the UILabel's tag to some useful value when create it, you can then retrieve it from the UITableViewCell via viewWithTag:.
In the class that implements cellForRowAtIndexPath you could also store a reference to the UILabel that you want when you build the relevant cell.
This would then mean you could alter the label and mark it to be repainted.
Alternately you could hold a local BOOL to show that the cell should be drawn differently - and then use this this in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: to draw it with a background.
You might find this easier with the 3.0 textLabel object in a UITableViewCell