sbt cannot resolve ensime-sbt-cmd in a Play2-Scala project - scala

I'm trying to configure Sublime Text 2 to better support working with Scala and Play! 2 Framework by following instructions from (I made just one change: I updated the plugin version to 0.1.1.)
I was able to almost complete the steps given in the tutorial but the second one always fails (generate ensime config file) simply because sbt is unable to resolve ensime-sbt-cmd plugin (when I enter a project directory and execute play command). I'm not able to find the cause of the problem but sbt gives me an error like:
[error] Server access Error: connect: Address is invalid on local machine, or port is
not valid on remote machine url=
(The command output shows other urls to: and, but the maven repo url exists). After that, some warnings are displayed, again with urls of repositories.
sbt is able to resolve all other plugins or dependencies that the project has (I just finished create the project, so there are no other extra plugins or dependencies except from ensime-sbt-cmd).
I tried to change scalaVersion (on project_dir/build.sbt) but it make no difference. sbt version is 0.12, scala version is 2.9.2.
Someone knows what I can do to solve this problem? Is it possible to be something related to Java 7 on Windows 8 64 bits machine and Kaspersky Internet Security 2013? With this combination of softwares I was unable to launch Eclipse Marketplace and Netbeans plugins updates until I configured KIV exclusion rules with Java commands (java.exe, javaw.exe, javaws.exe).
Thanks and sorry because of the long text.

Make sure that your project/build.sbt file contains
According to your error message, your sbt version has been set to "012" not "0.12"


IntelliJ doesn't recognize properly SBT plugin test projects under 'sbt-test'

While everything in SBT is correct and work properly, all sub-projects in sbt-test are not recognized by IntelliJ. (leading to red hell inside files)
I tried to add them as module from existing source, but it led to an error (plugin version property isn't available from tested plugin project).
If by chance someone has already configured this, could you explain the procedure to follow?

Why does IntelliJ seem to import my scala libraries twice?

I have just started trying to use Scala with IntelliJ. I created a new project as per the instructions in:
I installed scala 2.12.6 using Homebrew and selected that when creating my new Scala project in IntelliJ.
For some reason, under External Libraries, I have every jar inside the scala installation twice:
I created a hello world and when I try to run it, I get this error:
Error:scalac: Multiple 'scala-library*.jar' files (scala-library.jar, scala-library.jar) in Scala compiler classpath in Scala SDK scala-sdk-2.12.6
However inside the Scala libraries folder there is only one jar of each.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've tried other versions of Scala, but got the same results. I tried to delete one of the jars, and deleted the actual only copy of it and I had to reinstall scala.
Follow this,
Click File --> Project Structure; Select Modules; Select Dependencies
You should see scala-sdk-2.12.6 there. Remove it by selecting it first and then clicking the "-" sign below.
Once done click the "+" button and select "2. Library --> Scala from SDK"; Select the appropriate version and hit Apply;Ok.
This should resolve it.
I just found the problem. When I right click on the library in the project explorer, I saw the paths for each jar file. It seems like in the scala installation by homebrew made in /usr/local/Cellar/scala/<version> there are two folders that contain the same jars:
Since I was importing in IntelliJ this path /usr/local/Cellar/scala/<version>, all jars from both folders were imported, causing the duplication.
Solution is to import just one of those two options. I have now set up IntelliJ to just use as external libraries /usr/local/Cellar/scala/<version>/idea/lib and it seems to work!
I am using windows & intelliJ combination, I faced the same issue since i am new to scala, as usual i was searching in google and spend much time in resolving my issue.
Most of the suggestions are for linux based, please try the below, in my case it worked out.
1) Check your iml file and verify the orderEntry. By default if you download sbt, it would contain 2 set of libraries. I downloaded the SBT version 1.2.7, it by default contain 2 set of libraries. one with 2.12.0 and another with 2.12.7.
2) The project iml file of mine had with scala SDK 2.12.0 which was the reason for my issues, I edited that to change to 2.12.7 which automatically changed the order with 2.12.7 first and solved my issue.
This solved my problem.

Can't run java when trying to download Scala

I'm working with a Scala project and am trying to get IntelliJ to work with it. (If it makes a difference, I've gotten it to work before. But my machine died and had to be replaced, and this is the first time I've tried to use Scala since reinstalling IntelliJ on the new machine.) The machine is running Linux.
I've gotten the banner that says "No Scala SDK in module", and I selected "Setup Scala SDK"; Create; Download; Version 2.11.11; OK. But I get the message
Cannot run program "java" (in directory "/tmp/sbt-project"): error=2,
No such file or directory
Why is it looking in that directory (which does not exist on my machine)? It's possible there are some settings that got copied over from my previous machine. If so, where would I find and fix the setting?
How do I get past this problem?
Note: In a desperate attempt to work around the error, I created /tmp/sbt-project and symlinked the Java binaries into it. When I tried again, I got the same error except it said in directory "/tmp/sbt-project1". I tried creating /tmp/sbt-project1 as a symlink, and when I retried, it said in directory "/tmp/sbt-project2". What's going on?
In short: I have no idea why you and I both experienced this problem, but these steps remedied the situation for my particular case (no guarantees but maybe it will help you too)
Close Intellij
Likely in your home directory, backup and remove the .Idea* directory containing your personal settings
Open Intellij and at the welcome screen choose Do not import settings
Using the guided installation, ensure the "Featured" plugin, Scala, is installed
Reopen your project and when you setup the Scala SDK, miraculously a pre-existing version of Scala SDK should exist from the "Ivy" repository (I tested this on a fresh VM of Lubuntu)
After selecting the (likely outdated) Scala SDK, again go to Project Settings and under Global Libraries click the + symbol to add the latest Scala SDK.
Miraculously once again, you will see now both the SDK version from before and the latest version of Scala - choose that one and done!
Before running those above steps, I tried the same things you did on the VM, possibly caching install versions I wasn't even aware of that later became available once I resetup Intellij.
The reason I suspect this worked is because I thought I would save myself time by copying the .Idea* directory from a different machine and using that - many paths were different! So likely I just disabled features with broken paths from my other machine
Even though I never needed to press the "Download" button, if I do I still get that same error! So I guess all this did was bypass manually downloading the SDK like you had to do...
My setup:
OS: Lubuntu-16.04.3-lts
Intellij Version:
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.4 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-181.5087.20, built on May 16, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b39 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 4.13.0-43-generic
echo $PATH
I met the same problem when installing Scala by IntelliJ.
You can choose to install Scala mannually.
For example, install Scala follow this tutorial:
Then use Browse when selecting Scala SDK. Choose your directory, e.g. /usr/share/scala/
You can use Scala in IntelliJ now.

IntelliJ IDEA 13: new Scala SBT project hasn't src directory structure generated

I followed the getting start video on Jetbrains website to setup IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 Community Edition to work with Scala. Scala plugin v0.36.431 had been installed. While I created a new Scala SBT project with wizard, there was no src/ directory structure generated in the project. Only two sbt files were generated:
├── build.sbt
└── project
└── plugins.sbt
From the video and other document I know that there should be a src/ directory structure, including src/main/scala, src/test/scala, etc. sbt uses the same directory structure as Maven for source files by default.
I can create those folders manually and mark it as source root. However it is trivial. So my question is: Why IntelliJ IDEA new project wizard doesn't generate the directory structure as said in document? Was I doing something wrong? I checked the preferences and couldn't find anything that seems related.
Normally it should create these folders automatically. It may take a while though - it takes couple of seconds in my case.
When creating project make sure you have selected Scala -> SBT, then proceed with the wizard.
Once the Finish is clicked, the project will be loaded. This part takes couple of seconds, and I can see no src/main/scala nor src/test/scala generated until it's done. Observe the bottom of the screen to see when it's done.
Once the process is finished, you'll see the folders.
If that's not the case, check the settings. You should have the Create directories for empty content roots automatically checked. You may want to check Use auto-import to automatically propagate changes in the build.sbt.
After changing the settings (if the change is required) you may need to refresh the project, as seen in picture below.
This can also happen if you do not have a JDK selected. For some reason you no longer get the option to select an SDK so you must make sure you have configured this before hand. To fix this do the following:
From the welcome screen, go to
Configure -> Project defaults -> Project structure and add the jdk.
What's the reason for "Error:Cannot determine Java VM executable in selected JDK"?
Thanks to lpiepiora, with his hint I find out the reason.
Because my sbt is newly installed, there is nothing in ~/.ivy2/cache/ and ~/.sbt/boot/. sbt needed to download required dependencies from repositories on network. It happened that my proxy to internet had something wrong, download stuck.
And also need to notice that, if quit IntelliJ IDEA when sbt is running in background, the next time you'll get error of waiting for some lock file. Have to remove the lock file on filesystem and restart IntelliJ IDEA again.
After fixed the network problem, everything work as promised. It requires several minutes, depends on network speed, to download required jar files. After finished, the src/ directory structure is created.
I followed the instructions in this thread but I had a java crash in the final phase in sbt with the configuration bellow and I think this info maybe useful:
The problem happened with IDEA 2016.2, sbt 0.13.8 (I tried later to import using 0.13.12 but the crash was the same), scala 2.11.8 and ubuntu 16.04.
The only way I could make it work was to use java 8 instead of 9.
error: error while loading package, Missing dependency 'object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror', required by /home/jbamaral/.sbt/boot at xsbt.boot.Boot.main(Boot.scala)
stack log here
[error] scala.reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError: object java.lang.Object in compiler mirror not found.

Can not download dependencies for SBT (the build tool for Scala) in the first run

As you must known, the first time you run SBT, it starts to download his dependencies:
>sbt sbt-version
Getting org.scala-sbt sbt 0.12.4
downloading ...
The problem is that I'm living in Africa and the ISP is not very good: for some unknown reason, they are some domains from which I can not download any file. For example, if I enter to the site of WAMP and try to download the installer, the download begins but it never ends. Normally I fix this issue by using a proxy (such as HideMyAss or ZendProxy), which servers as an intermediate between the site and the ISP, allowing me of download the file. seems to be one of the not-work-for-download-in-africa domains, as consequence, SBT can not download his dependencies.
The question is, there is a way of download manually the dependencies? (I have downloaded them using a proxy, but I do not known in which folder put them in order to avoid SBT to try to download them)?
Create a directory in the root of your sbt project called lib and put the jars there.