Usages of Null / Nothing / Unit in Scala - scala

I've just read:
As far as I understand, Null is a trait and its only instance is null.
When a method takes a Null argument, then we can only pass it a Null reference or null directly, but not any other reference, even if it is null (nullString: String = null for example).
I just wonder in which cases using this Null trait could be useful.
There is also the Nothing trait for which I don't really see any more examples.
I don't really understand either what is the difference between using Nothing and Unit as a return type, since both doesn't return any result, how to know which one to use when I have a method that performs logging for example?
Do you have usages of Unit / Null / Nothing as something else than a return type?

You only use Nothing if the method never returns (meaning it cannot complete normally by returning, it could throw an exception). Nothing is never instantiated and is there for the benefit of the type system (to quote James Iry: "The reason Scala has a bottom type is tied to its ability to express variance in type parameters."). From the article you linked to:
One other use of Nothing is as a return type for methods that never
return. It makes sense if you think about it. If a method’s return
type is Nothing, and there exists absolutely no instance of Nothing,
then such a method must never return.
Your logging method would return Unit. There is a value Unit so it can actually be returned. From the API docs:
Unit is a subtype of scala.AnyVal. There is only one value of type
Unit, (), and it is not represented by any object in the underlying
runtime system. A method with return type Unit is analogous to a Java
method which is declared void.

The article you quote can be misleading. The Null type is there for compatibility with the Java virtual machine, and Java in particular.
We must consider that Scala:
is completely object oriented: every value is an object
is strongly typed: every value must have a type
needs to handle null references to access, for example, Java libraries and code
thus it becomes necessary to define a type for the null value, which is the Null trait, and has null as its only instance.
There is nothing especially useful in the Null type unless you're the type-system or you're developing on the compiler. In particular I can't see any sensible reason to define a Null type parameter for a method, since you can't pass anything but null

Do you have usages of Unit / Null / Nothing as something else than a
return type?
Unit can be used like this:
def execute(code: => Unit):Unit = {
// do something before
// do something after
This allows you to pass in an arbitrary block of code to be executed.
Null might be used as a bottom type for any value that is nullable. An example is this:
implicit def zeroNull[B >: Null] =
new Zero[B] { def apply = null }
Nothing is used in the definition of None
object None extends Option[Nothing]
This allows you to assign a None to any type of Option because Nothing 'extends' everything.
val x:Option[String] = None

if you use Nothing, there is no things to do (include print console)
if you do something, use output type Unit
object Run extends App {
//def sayHello(): Nothing = println("hello?")
def sayHello(): Unit = println("hello?")
... then how to use Nothing?
trait Option[E]
case class Some[E](value: E) extends Option[E]
case object None extends Option[Nothing]

I've never actually used the Null type, but you use Unit, where you would on java use void. Nothing is a special type, because as Nathan already mentioned, there can be no instance of Nothing. Nothing is a so called bottom-type, which means, that it is a sub-type of any other type. This (and the contravariant type parameter) is why you can prepend any value to Nil - which is a List[Nothing] - and the list will then be of this elements type. None also if of type Option[Nothing]. Every attempt to access the values inside such a container will throw an exception, because that it the only valid way to return from a method of type Nothing.

Nothing is often used implicitly. In the code below,
val b: Boolean =
if (1 > 2) false
else throw new RuntimeException("error")
the else clause is of type Nothing, which is a subclass of Boolean (as well as any other AnyVal). Thus, the whole assignment is valid to the compiler, although the else clause does not really return anything.

In terms of category theory Nothing is an initial object and Unit is a terminal object.
Initial objects are also called coterminal or universal, and terminal objects are also called final.
If an object is both initial and terminal, it is called a zero object or null object.

Here's an example of Nothing from scala.predef:
def ??? : Nothing = throw new NotImplementedError
In case you're unfamiliar (and search engines can't search on it) ??? is Scala's placeholder function for anything that hasn't been implemented yet. Just like Kotlin's TODO.
You can use the same trick when creating mock objects: override unused methods with a custom notUsed method. The advantage of not using ??? is that you won't get compile warnings for things you never intend to implement.


Why SAM rule doesn't work on parameterless method

// ok
val sam0: MySamWithEmptyParameter = () => 100
// doesn't work
// val sam1: MySamWithParameterless = () => 100
trait MySamWithEmptyParameter {
def receive(): Int
trait MySamWithParameterless {
def receive: Int
Why sam1 fails to override the receive method? The scalac compile both of traits to same code.
abstract trait TestSAM$MySamWithEmptyParameter extends Object {
def receive(): Int
abstract trait TestSAM$MySamWithParameterless extends Object {
def receive(): Int
SI-10555 talks exactly about this. This was a simple design decision to only support an explicit empty parameter list, even though the two compile down to an empty parameter list anyway.
The relevant part of the Specification says (emphasis mine):
the method m must have a single argument list;
This is indeed a bit awkward as eta expansion does work for methods with an empty parameter list.
Contacted the guys at Lightbend. Here is a response by Adrian Moors, Scala team lead:
The original reason was to keep the spec simple, but perhaps we should revisit. I agree it’s surprising that it works for def a(): Int, but not in your example.
Internally, methods that don’t define an argument list at all, and those that do (even if empty) are treated differently.
This has led to confusion/bugs before — to name just one:
In 2.13, we’re reworking eta-expansion (it will apply more aggressively, but ()-insertion will happen first). We’ve been back and forth on this, but the current thinking is:
0-ary methods are treated specially: if the expected type is sam-equivalent to Function0, we eta-expand; otherwise, () is inserted (in dotty, you are required to write the () explicitly, unless the method is java-defined) — I’m still not sure about whether we should ever eta-expand here
for all other arities, a method reference is eta-expanded regardless of the expected type (if there’s no type mismatch, this could hide errors when you refactor a method to take arguments, but forget to apply them everywhere. However, since functions are first-class values, it should be easy to construct them by simplify referring to a method value).
The upshot is that we can deprecate method value syntax (m _), since it’s subsumed by simply writing m. (Note that this is distinct from placeholder syntax, as in m(, _).)
(See also the thread around this comment:

Scala method definition with `functionName` : `dataType` = `functionName`

I have come across this new method definition. Need explanation what exactly happens here.
Parent trait
sealed trait Generic{
def name : String = name // what is the body of this function call?
def id : Int = id
def place : String = place
Child case classes
case class Capital(
countryName : String,
override val id: Int,
override val place:String
) extends Generic
warning: method place in trait Generic does nothing other than call itself recursively I get this warning message is there anything wrong in using these types of methods?
How exactly compiler treat these type of function calls def name : String = name?
Is it this call treats its body as its method name?
You are providing default implementations in the trait that are infinite loops, very much like in the following example:
def infiniteLoop: Unit = infiniteLoop
This is arguably the most useless and dangerous code that you could possibly put in a method of a trait. You could only make it worse by making it non-deterministic. Fortunately, the compiler gives you a very clear and precise warning:
warning: method place in trait Generic does nothing other than call itself recursively
"Is there anything wrong in using these types of methods"?: having unproductive infinite loops in your code is usually considered wrong, unless your goal is to produce as much heat as possible using computer hardware.
"How exactly compiler treat these type of function calls"?: Just like any other tail recursive function, but additionally it outputs the above warning, because it sees that it is obviously not what you want.
"Is it this call treats its body as its method name?": The body of each method declaration is what follows the =-sign. In your case, the otherwise common curly braces around the function body are omitted, and the entire function body consists only of the recursive call to itself.
If you don't want to have any unnecessary infinite loops around, simply leave the methods unimplemented:
sealed trait Generic{
def name: String
def id: Int
def place: String
This also has the additional advantage that the compiler can warn you if you forget to implement one of these methods in a subclass.
Ok, so in your trait you define methods body via recursion. Means that these methods, if not overridden (and they should not as soon as you have defined them somehow), will call itself recursively till StackOverflowError happens. For example, you did not override name method in Capital, so in this case you get StackOverflowError at runtime:
val c = Capital("countryName", 1, "place")
So, you are warned, that you have recursive definition. Trait is sealed, so at least it cannot be overridden in other places, but anyway, such definition is something like put mines on your road and rely on your memory, that you will not forget about them (and anybody else will be care enough to check trait definition before extending)

Class Cast Exception on a simple code ( "==" override )

This is a simplified code of what is happening in our application:
class First { def ==(first:First)= "mystring"}
case class Second(first:First)
Second(new First) == Second(new First)
this give:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean
I understand that I'm doing something wrong but I don't understand what.
I have modified the code by changing:
class First { def ==(first:First)= true}
and now the error in REPL is:
error: type mismatch;
found : First(in object $iw)
required: First(in object $iw)
Second(new First) == Second(new First)
even more unexpected to me :\
UPDATE the second example is my fault. I changed class First in REPL interactively causing the strange result. Starting from scratch It works. Still the first one...
The updated version (with == returning a Boolean) works for me.
The reason for your weird error is, probably, because you were trying it in REPL, and redefined the First class, but not Second.
REPL does some trickery to allow you redefine classes and variables, which is usually not possible in scala, so you basically end up having two versions of First, and your Second definition still references the older one, while the one you send to the constructor with new First() is the new one - thus the mismatch.
Just redefine the Second class again, and it will work.
There isn't much wrong with redefining == BTW, but it's just more common to override equals in these cases, which would have the same effect. The default implementation of == just calls equals, so, one problem with it is that someone downstream may override equals in one of your subclasses, and be stumped by the fact that it does not do what they expected.
Never override == operator, it's provided by the scala compiler, with the semantics similar to Object.equals method from java. This is the reason that it always returns boolean. So i assume that when you implemented your own operator scala tries to cast it's result to boolean.
Because Second is a case class and it doesn't define or inherit custom equals method, the generated code for Second#equals should look like
override def equals(x: Any): Boolean = x match {
case x: Second => first == x.first
case _ => false
The == in the first branch will be your ==(First), not the usual ==(Any), because it's the more specific overload. So you "should" get a compilation error when declaring Second.
But from the stack trace it seems the compiler inserts a cast somewhere instead, either (x match ...).asInstanceOf[Boolean] or (first == x.first).asInstanceOf[Boolean]. To be honest, I can't really think of a reason why it would be written this way. But this makes Second compile and your later call fail.

Calling type-specific code from a library function, determined at compile-time

How can you make code in a Scala library call type-specific code for objects supplied by a caller to that library, where the decision about which type-specific code to call is made at compile-time (statically), not at run-time?
To illustrate the concept, suppose I want to make a library function that prints objects one way if there's a CanMakeDetailedString defined for them, or just as .toString if not. See nicePrint in this example code:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait CanMakeDetailedString[A] extends (A => String)
def noDetailedString[A] = new CanMakeDetailedString[A] {
def apply(a: A) = a.toString
object Util {
def nicePrint[A](a: A)
(implicit toDetail: CanMakeDetailedString[A] = noDetailedString[A])
: Unit = println(toDetail(a))
def doStuff[A](a: A)
: Unit = { /* stuff goes here */ nicePrint(a) }
Now here is some test code:
object Main {
import Util._
case class Rototiller(name: String)
implicit val rototillerDetail = new CanMakeDetailedString[Rototiller] {
def apply(r: Rototiller) = s"The rototiller named ${}."
val r = Rototiller("R51")
Here's the output in Scala 2.11.2:
The rototiller named R51.
When I call nicePrint from the same scope where rototillerDetail is defined, the Scala compiler finds rototillerDetail and passes it implicitly to nicePrint. But when, from the same scope, I call a function in a different scope (doStuff) that calls nicePrint, the Scala compiler doesn't find rototillerDetail.
No doubt there are good reasons for that. I'm wondering, though, how can I tell the Scala compiler "If an object of the needed type exists, use it!"?
I can think of two workarounds, neither of which is satisfactory:
Supply an implicit toDetail argument to doStuff. This works, but it requires me to add an implicit toDetail argument to every function that might, somewhere lower in the call stack, have a use for a CanMakeDetailedString object. That is going to massively clutter my code.
Scrap the implicit approach altogether and do this in object-oriented style, making Rototiller inherit from CanMakeDetailedString by overriding a special new method like .toDetail.
Is there some technique, trick, or command-line switch that could enable the Scala compiler to statically resolve the right implicit object? (Rather than figuring it out dynamically, when the program is running, as in the object-oriented approach.) If not, this seems like a serious limitation on how much use library code can make of "typeclasses" or implicit arguments. In other words, what's a good way to do what I've done badly above?
Clarification: I'm not asking how this can be done with implicit val. I'm asking how you can get the Scala compiler to statically choose type-appropriate functions in library code, without explicitly listing, in every library function, an implicit argument for every function that might get called lower in the stack. It doesn't matter to me if it's done with implicits or anything else. I just want to know how to write generic code that chooses type-specific functions appropriately at compile-time.
implicits are resolved at compile time so it can't know what A is in doStuff without more information.
That information can be provided through an extra implicit parameter or a base type / interface as you suggested.
You could also use reflection on the A type, use the getType that returns the child type, cast the object to that type, and call a predefined function that has the name of the type that writes the string details for you. I don't really recommend it as any OOP or FP solution is better IMHO.

Using private constructor in a macro

I want to use a private constructor in a macro. This example is a positive integer, but the basic pattern could not only be used for other numeric types like even numbers, but also string derived types like email addresses or a directory name. By making the constructor private the user is denied the opportunity to make an illegal type. I have the following code:
object PosInt
import language.experimental.macros
import reflect.runtime.universe._
import reflect.macros.Context
def op(inp: Int): Option[PosInt] = if (inp > 0) Some(new PosInt(inp)) else None
def apply(param: Int): PosInt = macro apply_impl
def apply_impl(c: Context)(param: c.Expr[Int]): c.Expr[PosInt] =
import c.universe._
param match {
case Expr(Literal(i)) if (i.value.asInstanceOf[Int] > 0) =>
case Expr(Literal(i)) if (i.value.asInstanceOf[Int] == 0) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "0 is not a positive integer")
case Expr(Literal(i)) => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "is not a positive integer")
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Not a Literal")
reify{new PosInt(param.splice)}
class PosInt (val value: Int) extends AnyVal
However if I make the PosInt Constructor private, although the Macro compiles as expected I get an error if try to use the macro. I can't work out how to build the expression tree manually, but I'm not sure if that would help anyway. Is there anyway I can do this?
You still can't use a private constructor even if PosInt is not a value class. I'll accept an answer that doesn't use a value class. The disadvantage of value classes is that they get type erasure. Plus classes that I'm interested in like subsets of 2d co-ordinates can't be implement as value classes anyway. I'm not actually interested in Positive Integers, I'm just using them as a simple test bed. I'm using Scala 2.11M5. Scala 2.11 will have the addition of the quasiquotes feature. I haven't worked out how to use, quasiquotes yet, as all the material at the moment on them seems to assume a familiarity with Macro Paradise, which I don't have.
Unfortunately for what you are trying to achieve, macros do not work this way. They just manipulate the AST at compile time. Whatever the final result is, it is always something you could have written literally in Scala (without the macro).
Thus, in order to constrain the possible values of PosInt, you will need a runtime check somewhere, either in a public constructor or in a factory method on the companion object.
If runtime exceptions are not palatable to you, then one possible approach would be:
Make the constructor private on the class.
Provide (for example) a create method on the companion object that returns Option[PosInt] (or Try[PosInt], or some other type of your choice that allows you to express a "failure" when the argument is out of range).
Provide an apply method on the companion object similar to your example, which verifies at compile time that the argument is in range and then returns an expression tree that simply calls create(x).get.
Calling .get on the Option is acceptable in this case because you are sure that it will never be None.
The downside is that you have to repeat the check twice: once at compile time, and once at runtime.
I'm not an expert, but I figured I'll give it a shot...
In Java, the scope of a private constructor is limited to the same class... so the PosInt object would need to be moved into the scope of the same class from which it's being called.
With that said, I found an article that shows two ways you can keep the object from being inherited #
It describes using the "final" keyword in the class declaration to prevent it from being inherited. That's the "official" way. The "unofficial" way is to make the constructor private, but add a public static method that returns an object of the class...
Yes, I know, it is an old question... but it was left unanswered. You never know when an old question will be the top hit in someone's search results...