Cannot find custom application - facebook

This is going to sound like a really dumb question, but we had a developer who created a Facebook web application for us.
He has left the company and is not being very co operative. We have the log in details of the account he used to created the app, but when we log in and try to view the app, it does not appear in our list of custom apps.
In the graph explorer, when trying to debug the key and URL, the app does appear in the drop down though, but we need to change some other custom settings.
Can anyone direct me in which direction I need to go to look for this?

Finally. got him to let us log in and that is where it was. All that time wasted for nothing.


Making an overlay for profile picture on FB

TL;DR: look for bold text to see the questions without context.
When something bad (or good, but this is a cruel world) happens, FB has a feature to change your profile picture - when USA legalized gay marriage you could have had a rainbow flag over your pic, when SW7 came out, you could have added a lightsaber, etc.
I wanted to do something similiar for a social campaign and started writing an app for that. I figured it should be possible, as in case of Star Wars it seemed to be managed by private company (Disney), not FB itself.
My plan was to:
download current user profile pic (done, though I cannot get good quality; anyway, gonna fix that later)
in-memory add the banner (done)
upload that photo with banner added (done)
redirect user to photo from (3) with makeprofile=1 as proposed here, to make it users profile picture
Unfortunately, the answer quoted in (4) doesn't seem to be working anymore.
My question is: is this still possible? If yes - how?
If not - do I have any alternatives?
I've also tried figuring out how is the link "Make Profile Picture" in webview composed. It looks like:<<picture id>&set=a.<<similiar, but not the same as picture id>>.<<not a clue>>.<<seems to be profile id>>&type=3&makeprofile=1&profile_id=<<profile id, duh>>&pp_source=photo_view
If anyone knows what following parts mean, my issue would probably be solved:
<<similiar, but not the same as picture id>>
<<not a clue>>
<<seems to be profile id>>
I also tried figuring out ProfilePictureSource, but the abstraction itself isn't described anywhere (or I couldn't find it) and judging by permissions needed, that doesn't seem like what I need (why would I need any pages, groups, mailbox or business permissions when I only want to update a profile pic?). If that is the way and I just lost it, please tell me how to use it.
Another way to answer this question would be to propose alternative way of having the banner over profile picture.
For the record, I'm using Python with facebook-sdk wrapper, but only for fast prototyping - I could as well use Java with Spring Social, DLang with manual HTTP calls, whatever - technology isn't an issue, I need a general way here.

Django Custom Admin Popup

I need to resend an email to a user in case the user requests it, from the back-end.
I want to handle the logic in a separate template than the one I trigger the view from.
I figured using a Pop-up would be the best approach for this, but Django doesn't seem to provide any documentation on this.
I have checked out a few posts similar to what I am looking for like, , but they are either too old or too different.
I would really appreciate a nudge in the right direction.
I rolled my own version using guidelines from this links, Open link in Popup Window with Javascript. I hope somebody else finds it helpful.

OwnCloud enhance core features with App (eg. user registration)

I started looking into OwnCloud app development to add some capabilities I would like to my server. To me it seems like Apps can't modify anything like the Login page or User Management page. Is this the case?
I want to build a user registration app and would love to integrate it into the user management page (if not and it has to exist as its own app page not a big deal). The one big problem I see so far is not being able to add a "Register" link to the login page. I could just go in and add it to the source manually, but I would like to keep the App self contained so others can use it too.
If this is not possible to do in an App I may just need to modify the core application and then see if they will accept my feature addition in a pull request.
Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this for me. I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out how to do it with an App on the platform if it wont be doable.
After a lot of digging around I did figure out a way to do this.
In the App's app.php file, you can force a script to be loaded if the plugin is enabled:
$api->addScript('script_name'); // without .js
In that script jQuery can be used to add the elements to the page where you need them.
This was a good solution for me since I only needed to add a single button to the login page. I can see this being a bad idea if you want to make vast modifications. At that point you might as well just create a separate page that you have full control over.

Cannot access App Namespace

I created my app's namespace using the wrong FB profile, so I deleted the app. And now I'm trying to recreate the namespace and it won't let me - it says it already exists. It doesn't exist! I deleted it! Help! Another user posted a similar question and got an answer suggesting he pick a different name. I'm hoping you will consider that I can guarantee it doesn't exist because I deleted it. Is it hopeless? This is not a name that can be easily changed with punctuation - this is a trademarked product name. And yes, I own the trademark. Please help! Thanks!
It may be temporarily cached and you can wait a couple of days and it'll free up.
But, the more important point is that the app namespace means very little. Practically the only time a user will see it is in their address bar when they go to your app. Most users will not find your app by directly typing in it's URL, instead they'll discover it through App Center or they'll click on a bookmark on Facebook, on a search result on Facebook or elsewhere, they'll see a link or request in news feed or they'll see an add for it.
App Namespace is used a lot in Open Graph code and such, but none of this is ever exposed to the user, only the developer. Therefore, having to use a difference namespace than your original one will make little difference.
As an example of how little app namespace matters, what do you suppose Farmville's app namespace is? farmville? Nope, it's onthefarm
Once you delete an app you created on FB, you can't re-create it with same namespace. It is a bug in FB. Once I had same issue and when I tried to get hep from FB community help center, I found many people having same issue. But the issue still not solved.

Up to date instructions for September 2011 onwards for beginners

Sorry for this basic question but all attempts at Googling and using facebook help only provide out of date information.
I am attempting to make my first fb app. Just an html page saying hello. From what I understand the app (or webpage) is stored on my server and I set up a facebook app that basically points to the URL of the app (or webpage) on my server.
Is this basically correct.
Where do I enter this URL information in my edit app screen. I have followed the latest fb instructions and all I see when I view the app is the admin page in fb for the app.
Does it take a long time for the page to appear.
Is there a current idiots guide. The app design is not a problem for me loading it in to facebook is the problem.
Unfortunately this wasn't very helpful, not because of what you posted but due to the fact that it appears that Facebook has updated the way in which pages are linked to again.
The pages you suggested I look at were well laid out with lots of information on them but they are already out of date and do not seem to correspond with the layout of the Facebook 'dev app' and even the fields in the form seem to have been either dropped added to renamed.
Thanks for trying to help me and I hope that FB may produce some up to date information soon and not keep changing the interface.
I can completely understand your confusion - the Facebook docs give very little information for the complete beginner. The 'Getting Started' section makes some massive assumptions and completely ignores huge key areas you need to know to get your first application up and running.
So to address your points:
Yes, this is basically correct. Apps on Facebook are served up to the user in one of two ways. Either as a 'Canvas App' or a 'Tab App'. A Tab App is an application you can install as a tab on a profile page. A Canvas App can operate on it's own page and has more room as there's no left menu as you would have on a profile page. You can configure a single app to work in both ways.
To edit your application settings, go to your own Facebook home page. Use the search bar to search for the 'Developer App'. Typing in 'developer' should do it - it should be the first result in the App section with around 830,000 monthly users. This Developer app is the window into your own app settings. You need to install it if you haven't already. It's a hub where all the apps you create will be available for you to edit. Whenever you want to edit one of your app settings in future, you click the Developer bookmark that will now be in the left menu on your own Facebook home page.
No. Apps are basically an iframe onto your code. There should be very little if any wait at all. Start with something very simple like spitting out some straight html so you can easily tell if things are set up correctly.
Yes. I found to be massively useful in the early days to get my head round the basics and then more advanced concepts. There's tons of examples ranging from very simple to quite advanced. I've just had a quick look around and found this page which should give you a decent head start in getting things moving. Note: I have no affiliation with at all - I just found them helpful in the past.
Finally, a request from me; this whole stack overflow thing is new for Facebook developers and very few people are voting up answers they consider helpful. This means new users to SO but experienced FB developers can't vote up good answers and vote down bad ones as we need enough Reputation Points to do so. If this has helped you, please ensure you vote up the answer. Of course if it was rubbish and you're just as lost, dont :D
Hope I've helped in some small way; I know I was completely lost for the first few weeks with FB development and even now there are things that make me tear my hair out! In the end it's very rewarding, but you have to put in the time. Good luck :)