Maximum characters Facebook comments? - character

Is it possible to reduce the maximum characters so you get earlier the "read more" link?
I added comments this way to my website:
I dont want to let the comments stretch my webpage by lager comments...


Increase Facebook embed width

Short question but so far no solution.
I want a Facebook page embedded om my website.
So I used the Facebook developers page to get it all working but Facebook won't let me use a width over 500px.
Is there any way I can change this? I tried to give the data-width attribute a larger number but that won't take. Also CSS isn't an option.

How to create anchor text links in facebook posts

How can I create a text link with anchor text in a facebook fanpage post?
It works because I have seen many posts containing such links, even in comments.
I have tried this but it does not work:
Anchor Text
Two scenarios:
Posts: Not possible. Can only have very basic HTML formatting: bold, italic, strike, underline.
Notes: Possible. Quite a number of HTML allowed. Access by typing "My Notes" into the search field. Click. Edit your note and publish it as if it was a Post.
Most easy solution with photo tutorial
see there >>
How to Create Hyperlinks to Anchor Text on Facebook

description max limit in facebook sharer

Does anyone know the maximum limit of description field in facebook feed sharer?
It seems to be 100 characters but I can't find any documentation says about max length od description field.
It's as of today 100 characters for the title and 108 characters for the description. That's what shows up in the preview when you post a link to Facebook. The actual sharer.php page however will show more of the description.
There is a related question here:
Facebook open graph meta tags maximum content length
(since open graph tags are used by the sharer)
It seems the answer is that there isn't a hard limit, but Facebook will truncate it as needed, which is different depending where it is used; and that the limit for news feeds changes all the time.

Facebook open graph meta tags maximum content length

Does anyone know the maximum valid length for each of Facebook's open graph meta tags?
The description of the meta tags on does not list maximum lengths, only general descriptions such as "A one to two sentence description of your object" for the og:description meta tag.
From what I understand, there is no maximum content length for meta tags in general, just recommendations to keep them under certain lengths for SEO reasons.
I'd be curious to know if there is a hard limit and what the limits are for what is visible on a link posted to Facebook.
There isn't a hard limit on the data you can put there, but in various rendering places Facebook will limit it. The limit in news feed is different from the limit in Ticker which is different than the limit on timeline.
Just put the correct content in there and we'll truncate it when rendering.
In my testing:
og:title 40 chars
og:description has 2 max lengths:
When the link is used in a Post, it's 300 chars. When a link is used in a Comment, it's 110 chars.
So you can either treat it as 110, or, write your Descriptions to 300 but make sure the first 110 is the critical part and still makes sense when it gets cut off.
Here's a good link regarding this topic:
Regarding Facebook it says:
"Right now Facebook only displays the first 300 characters of a description so if your primary audience is on Facebook write your OG:Description tag accordingly."
In my experience 90+ characters get cut off so try to use 90 or less in the description.

Adding FBML to users wall post?

When posting to the users wall can I include FBML? i.e. "Mick just scored the high score on {GAME}"?
I'm not sure if it's possible or not.
All the details about the allowed content of the various fields in a stream post are available in the documentation.
description: Descriptive text about
the story. This field can contain
plain text only and should be no
longer than is necessary for a reader
to understand the story. The
description can contain up to 1,000
characters, but Facebook displays the
first 300 or so characters of text by
default; users can see the remaining
text by clicking a "See More" link
that we append automatically to long
stories, or attachments with more than
one image.