recall form value not working for textareas - forms

Im trying to modify this script
to work for textareas, and not just input text boxes. Heres what im guessing are the relevant parts of the script, i just cant figure it out myself
rememberForm.prototype.savevalues=function(){ //get form values and store in cookie
for (var i=0; i<this.fields.length; i++){
if (this.fields[i].type=="text")
if (typeof this.togglebox!="undefined"){ //if "remember values checkbox" is defined
this.persistdays=(this.togglebox.checked)? this.persistdays : -1 //decide whether to save form values
this.cookiestr=(this.togglebox.checked)? this.cookiestr+"toggleboxid:on;" : this.cookiestr
else //if checkbox isn't defined, just remove final "#" from cookie string
this.cookiestr=this.cookiestr.substr(0, this.cookiestr.length-1)+";"
setCookie(this.cookiename, this.cookiestr, this.persistdays)
rememberForm.prototype.recallvalues=function(){ //populate form with saved values
var cookievalue=getCookie(this.cookiename)
if (cookievalue!=""){ //parse cookie, where cookie looks like: field1:value1#field2:value2...
var cookievaluepair=cookievalue.split("#")
for (var i=0; i<cookievaluepair.length; i++){
if (cookievaluepair[i].split(":")[0]!="toggleboxid" && this.getfield(cookievaluepair[i].split(":")[0]).type=="text")
this.getfield(cookievaluepair[i].split(":") [0]).value=unescape(cookievaluepair[i].split(":")[1])
else //else if name in name/value pair is "toggleboxid"

The method persistfields(id, ...) sets the fields you want to persist in the cookie. The fields are looked up by id so I guess adding a textarea with an id attribute would suffice.
For example:
<form id="myFormId">
<input type="text" id="someInputId" />
<textarea id="textareaId"></textarea>
var f = new rememberForm('myFormId');
f.persistfields('someInputId', 'textareaId');
This will add the input and textarea to the rememberForm instance fields property.
The problem lies in this method of rememberForm. I formatted the code for readability since the original source has horrible formatting.
rememberForm.prototype.savevalues = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; i++) {
// PROBLEM: only allows type="text"
if (this.fields[i].type == "text") {
this.cookiestr += this.fields[i].fname + " : " + escape(this.fields[i].value) + "#"
if (typeof this.togglebox != "undefined") {
this.persistdays = (this.togglebox.checked) ? this.persistdays : -1;
this.cookiestr = (this.togglebox.checked) ? this.cookiestr + "toggleboxid:on;" : this.cookiestr
} else {
this.cookiestr = this.cookiestr.substr(0, this.cookiestr.length - 1) + ";"
setCookie(this.cookiename, this.cookiestr, this.persistdays)
As mentioned in my comment it will test the type of the input element to be 'text'. If you'd like to add textareas in the cookie you could change that line to:
if (this.fields[i].type == "text" || this.fields[i].type == 'textarea') {
That should work.


Prevent submitting a form

I am making a DB of words. And before submitting a new word I want to check if entered word already exists in my DB. For that, I added e.preventDefault() but somehow it does not prevent the form and submitted with the same word that I already have (though the message is displayed correctly)
let bannedWords = <?php echo json_encode($bannedwords); ?>;
$('#submitAddedWord').submit(function (e) {
for (let i = 0; i < bannedWords.length; i++) {
let word = document.querySelector('#word').value;
let message = document.createElement('p');
if(bannedWords[i].word === word) {
message.innerHTML = 'Oooops, this word already exists'; = 'red';
// setTimeout(function() {message.innerHTML = ''},1500);
} else {

Is it necessary to create <span> elements to register event listeners

I have a working web app that reads local .txt files and displays the content in a div element. I create a span element out of each word because I need to be able to select any word in the document and create an EEI (Essential Elements of Information) from the text. I then register a click handler on the containing div and let the event bubble up. The three functions below show reading the file, and parsing it, and populating the text div with spans:
function readInputFile(evt) {
var theFile =[0];
if(theFile) {
$("#theDoc").empty(); //Clean up any old docs loaded
var myReader = new FileReader();
var ta = document.getElementById("theDoc");
myReader.onload = function(e) {
} else {
alert("Can not read input file: readInputFile()");
function parseTheDoc(docContents) {
var lines = docContents.split("\n");
var sentWords =[];
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
sentWords = lines[i].split(" ");
words = words.concat(sentWords);
function createSpans() {
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var currentWord = words[i];
if(currentWord !== "<br>") {
var $mySpan = $("<span />");
$mySpan.text(currentWord + " ");
$mySpan.attr("id", "word_" + i);
buildDocVector(currentWord, i, $mySpan);
else {
var $myBreak = $("<br>");
$myBreak.attr("id", "word_" + i);
buildDocVector("br", i, $myBreak);
//console.log("CreateSpans: Debug");
So basically a simple fileReader, split on \n, then tokenize on white space. I then create a span for each word, and a br element for each \n. It's not beautiful, but it satisfies the requirement, and works. My question is, is there a more efficient way of doing this? It just seems expensive to create all these spans, but my requirement is to annotate the doc and map any selected word to a data model/ontology. I can't think of a way to allow the user to select any word, or combination of words (control click) and then perform operations on them. This works, but with large docs (100 pages) I start having performance/memory issues. I understand this is more a design question and may not be appropriate, but I'd really like to know if there are more performant solutions.

How to prevent individual form elements from updating using Meteor + React?

I have a Meteor + React single-page-application with a basic form in it. Data is collected from MongoDB using the createContainer method and passed to a form component. The problem I am facing is this. A user starts completing the form but, if the data that originally populated the form changes (by another user somewhere else in the world saving the form), the createContainer method will re-compute, which in turn pushes a new set of props to the form component and therefore overwrites what the user is typing in.
For many reasons, I cannot use the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method within the form component. One reason is that the form contains a select element, whose list of items should still accept reactive updates.
I need a way of halting certain reactive updates, but allowing others, whilst the user is completing the form. Any suggestions?
export default FormContainer = createContainer(( params ) => {
const dataFormHandle = Meteor.subscribe('FormsPub');
const dataFormIsReady = dataFormHandle.ready();
const dataListHandle = Meteor.subscribe('ListItemsPub');
const dataListIsReady = dataListHandle.ready();
let name = "";
let listItems = [];
let listSelectedValue = null;
if(dataListIsReady) {
listItems = collections.ListItemsColl.find({_id: ListId}).fetch();
if(dataFormIsReady) {
let formData = collections.FormsColl.find({_id: formId}).fetch();
name = formData[0].name;
listSelectedValue = formData[0].listSelectedValue;
return {
}, Form);
export default class Form extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: ( ? : "",
listSelectedValue: (this.props.listSelectedValue) ? this.props.listSelectedValue : null
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({name: ( ? : ""});
this.setState({listSelectedValue: (nextProps.listSelectedValue) ? nextProps.listSelectedValue : null});
var name =;
var val =;
if(name == "name"){this.setState({name: val});}
if(name == "list"){
if( typeof[] != "undefined" ) {
this.setState({listSelectedValue: val});
return (
<input type="text" name="name" value={} onChange={this.updateFormState.bind(this)} />
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity
For the data in the form that you wish to be non-reactive simply specify reactive: false in your .find(), for example:
let formData = collections.FormsColl.find({ _id: formId },{ reactive: false }).fetch();
This will prevent the data from reactively updating while the form is open.

How to generate typescript interfaces/definitions for breeze entities

I’m new to SPA and I’m learning it with durandal and breeze. Recently I have switched my solution to Typescript and I’m wondering is there any good solution to generate typed breeze entities in TypeScript basing on EF model on the server. Only thing I have found is this post Breeze.js typed entities but this is only small piece of code and not even a real project. I’m wondering is there any better solution to this issue?
Below is a page you can drop in your site to generate typescript interface definitions. The page fetches the breeze metadata then iterates through all of the types and outputs a typescript interface declaration for each type. The output of this page can then be pasted in any typescript file (*.ts) or typescript definition file (*.d.ts). Enclose the results in a module declaration if you want to namespace the interfaces: declare module northwind { ... paste interfaces here... }.
Before using the page you'll need to make one edit: change the entity manager's controller url from "api/northwind" to whatever your breeze controller's url is.
The generated interfaces have a dependency on the Knockout.js typescript definitions which you can grab here:
Using the northwind example from, the output of this definitions generator page would be something like this:
export interface Employee extends breeze.Entity {
FirstName: KnockoutObservable<string>;
LastName: KnockoutObservable<string>;
you could then execute a query using breeze and cast the results to an array of employees like this:
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager('api/northwind');
var query = new breeze.EntityQuery()
manager.executeQuery(query).then(data => {
// ***cast the results to a strongly typed array of Employee***
var employees = <Employee[]>data.results;
}).fail(e => {
below is the definitions generator page- add a new html file to your project named "definitions.html", run the project and navigate to the page.
<title>Typescript Definition Generator</title>
code {
white-space: pre;
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var entityManager = new breeze.EntityManager('api/northwind');
.then(function () {
var html = '',
types = entityManager.metadataStore.getEntityTypes(),
crlf = String.fromCharCode(13),
code = document.createElement('code'),
script = document.createElement('script');
function getJSType(metadataType) {
if (/(Int64)|(Int32)|(Int16)|(Byte)|(Decimal)|(Double)|(Single)|(number)/.test(metadataType))
return 'number';
else if (/(DateTime)|(DateTimeOffset)|(Time)|(Date)/.test(metadataType))
return 'Date';
else if (/(Boolean)/i.test(metadataType))
return 'boolean';
return 'string';
for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
// type declaration
var type = types[i];
html += 'export interface ' + type.shortName;
// base type
html += ' extends ';
if (type.hasOwnProperty('baseEntityType')) {
html += type.baseEntityType.shortName;
} else {
html += 'breeze.Entity';
html += ' {' + crlf;
// data properties
for (j = 0; j < type.dataProperties.length; j++) {
property = type.dataProperties[j];
if (type.baseEntityType && type.baseEntityType.dataProperties.filter(function (p) { return ===; }).length > 0)
html += ' ' +;
//if (property.isNullable)
// html += '?';
html += ': KnockoutObservable<';
html += getJSType(;
html += '>; //' + + crlf;
// navigation properties
for (j = 0; j < type.navigationProperties.length; j++) {
property = type.navigationProperties[j];
if (type.baseEntityType && type.baseEntityType.navigationProperties.filter(function (p) { return ===; }).length > 0)
html += ' ' +;
//if (property.isNullable)
// html += '?';
if (property.isScalar)
html += ': KnockoutObservable<';
html += ': KnockoutObservableArray<';
html += property.entityType.shortName;
html += '>;' + crlf;
html += '}' + crlf + crlf;
code.innerHTML = html;
script.setAttribute('src', '//');
.fail(function (reason) {

Zend_Form with Ajax/json

I'm a bit lost using Zend_Form with Ajax. I have a form in a class extending Zend_Form called from my controller, that way :
class Default_Form_GoodAddGroup extends Zend_Form {
public function init()
// Load Elements class
require "Form/Elements.php";
$magElements = new Elements();
// Category
$categoryElement = $magElements->getCategorySelectField();
// Barcode
$barcodeElement = $magElements->getGoodBarcodeTextField();
// Add elements to the form
In GoodsController.php
private function getAddGroupForm()
return new Default_Form_GoodAddGroup();
public function addGroupAction()
// Initialize the form for the view.
$this->view->form = $this->getAddGroupForm();
public function processAddGroupAction()
$form = $this->getAddGroupForm();
if ($_POST)
if ($form->isValid($_POST))
// Do things
} else {
$this->view->form = $form;
Basically, the form has a category select field, when selecting a category, a second "code" selector is added filled with the items related to this category. When the page with the form is displayed (http://myapp/goods/add-group), everything works fine, the ajax call does its job, the second select field is added and well fed, but as you can see, the form processing is done with the processAddGroupAction(), this method get the instance of the form to get its values and to re-display it in case of problem. But that way, my "new" select field doesn't exist anymore, so i can never validate the form.
It's my first attempt using ajax/json with Zend, i think i need help at this poind.
Thank you.
EDIT : added the view code as requested
$("#code").parent().parent().css('display', 'none');
function getSelectBox(element)
if($(element).val() != '')
$("#code").parent().parent().css('display', 'block');
if ($('#code').length <= 0) {
$("#cats").after('<select name="code" id="code" style="margin-left:10px"></select>');
$.getJSON("/goods/json-get-codes-from-category", {id: $(element).val(), ajax: "true"}, function(j){
var options = "";
jQuery.each(j, function(i, val) {
options += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + val + '</option>';
<?php echo $this->form; ?>
You can add the select element 'code' in the form, but don't display it in the view (it will be created from the js). So when the form is posted the 'code' will also be validated since it is in the $_POST.
After post you have to display the select box without $("#cats").change({..}). You can accomplish it by spiting the js code into functions
function getSelectBox(element)
if($(element).val() != '')
if ($('#code').length <= 0) {
$("#cats").after('<select name="code" id="code" style="margin-left:10px"></select>');
$.getJSON("/goods/json-get-codes-from-category", {id: $(element).val(), ajax: "true"}, function(j){
var options = "";
jQuery.each(j, function(i, val) {
options += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + val + '</option>';
Hope this helps
Ok, i found the solution! I post it in case it can be useful for other people.
I knew what was the problem, but unable to know how to achieve it.
At form processing time, the new select element does not exist for the action as it has been added in the view with javascript. To fix this, we need to inform the action about the new field, to do so, we first need to override the method “isValid” of Zend_Form in the form class :
public function isValid($values)
$values = $this->_modifyElements($values);
return parent::isValid($values);
Then create a method "_modifyElements" that will modify the form by adding the new element :
protected function _modifyElements($values)
// Search for codes
$dbu = new DbUtils();
$codes = $dbu->getCodesFromCategory($values['cats']);
// Remove the current code element
// Create a new element
$codeElement = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('code', array());
$codeElement->setLabel(_('Code :'));
return $values;
We have to override the method "populate" too :
public function populate(array $values)
$values = $this->_modifyElements($values);
return parent::populate($values);
And voilà. It works for me ;>
All the credits about this go to Mohamed :