How to change live date? - mongodb

I wonder, How do I change a live data schema with MongoDB ?
For example If I have "Users" collection with the following document:
var user = {
now, in a new version of my application, if I add a new property to "User" entity, let us say weight, tall or adult ( based on users year ), How to change all the current live data which does not have adult property. I read MapReduce and group aggregation command but, they seem to be comfortable and suitable for analytic operation or other calculations, or I am wrong.
So what is the best way to change your current running data schema in MongoDB ?

It really depends upon your programming language. MongoDB is really good at having a dynamic schema. I think your pattern of thought at the moment is too SQL related whereby you believe that all rows, even if they do not yet have a value, must have the new field.
The reality is quite different. The rows which have nothing meaningful to put into them do not require the field and you can, in your application, just check to see if the returned document has a value, if not then you can assume, as in a fixed SQL schema, that the value is null.
So this is one aspect where MongoDB shines, is the fact that you don't have to apply that new field to the entire schema on demand, instead you can lazy fill it as data is entered by the user.
So just code the field into your application and let the user do the work for you.
The best way to add this field is to write a loop, in maybe the console close or on the primary of your replica (if you have one, otherwise just on the server), like so:
doc.weight = '44 stone';;
That is currently the best way to do something like what your asking.


MongoDb Best Practice | Insert "null" fields

I have a question regarding best practices to insert Documents in MongoDb.
In my data source the key "myData2" can be null or a string. Should I add "myData2" as null to my database or is it better to leave the value out if not defined? What is the "clean" way to deal with this?
"myData1": "Stuff",
"myData2": null
Since MongoDB permits fields to be added to documents at any time, most (production) applications are written to handle both of the following cases:
A new field is added to the code, but the existing data doesn't have it, and it needs to be added over time to the existing data either on demand or as a background process
A field is no longer used by the code but still contains values in the database
What would your application do if the field is missing, as opposed to if it's set to the null value? If it would do the same thing, then I suggest not setting fields to null values for two reasons:
It streamlines the code because you only need to handle one possibility (missing field) on the reading side, instead of two (field missing or null)
It requires less storage space in the database.

DynamoDB model that supports queries on any given attribute

The application we're designing has a function where users can dynamically add new elements to an entity that then need to be efficiently searched. The number of these elements is essentially unlimited. Our team has been looking at DynamoDB as a data store option, and we've been wrestling with the key/value model and how to get this dynamic data under an index for efficient querying.
I think I have a single-table solution that handles the problem elegantly and also allows for querying on any given attribute in the data store, but am disturbed that I can't find an example of it anywhere else. Hopefully it's not fundamentally flawed in some way - I would appreciate any critique!
The model is essentially the Entity-Attribute-Value approach used for adding dynamic or sparse data to RDBMs. So instead of storing different entities/objects in a DynamoDB table like so:
PK SK SK-1 SK-2 SK-3 SK-N... PK SK SK-1 SK-N...
Key Key Key Key --> Name Money
Entity Id Value Value Value Value Person 22 Fred 30000
... which lets me query things like "all persons where name = Fred" but where you would eventually run out of sort key indexes and you would need to know which index goes with which key before you query, the data could be stored in EAV format like so:
Id Entity#Key Value 22 Person#Name Fred
Id Entity#Key Value --> 22 Person#Money 30000
Id Entity#Key Value 22 Person#Sex M
Id Entity#Key Value 22 Person#DOB 09/00
Now, with one global secondary index (GSI-1 PK over Entity.Key and GSI-1 SK over Value) I can do a range search on any value for any key and get a list of Ids that match. Users can add their attributes or even entirely new entities and have them persisted in a way that's instantly indexed without us having to revamp the DynamoDB schema.
The one major downside to this approach that I can think of is that data returned from a query on an Entity#Key-Value only contains values for that key and the entity Id, not the entire entity. That's fine for charts and graphs but a problem if you want to get a grid-type result with one query. I also worry about hot partition keys on the index, but hopefully we could solve that with intelligent write sharding.
That's pretty much it. With a few tweaks the model can be extended to support the logging of all changes on each key and allow some nice time series queries against those changes, but my question is if anyone has found it useful to take an EAV type approach to a KV store like DynamoDB, or if there's another way to handle querying a dynamic schema?
You can have pk as the id of the entity. And then a sort key of {attributeName}. You may still want to have the base entity with fields like createdAt, etc.
So you might have:
PK SORT Attributes:
#Entity#22 #Entity#Details createdAt=2020
#Entity#22 #Attribute#name key=name value=Fred
#Entity#22 #Attribute#money key=money value=30000
To get all the attributes of an entity you simply do a query with no filter of pk={id}. You cannot dynamically sort by every given attribute, this is exactly what DynamoDB is not good at, I repeat! That case is exactly what NOSQL performs poorly at.
What you can do is use streaming to do aggregation. So you can for instance store the top 10 wealthiest people:
PK SORT Attributes:
#Money#Highest #1 id=#Entity#22 value=30000
#Money#Highest #2 id=#Entity#52 value=30000
Which you would calculate in a DynamoDB Streams. But you couldn't dynamically index values, DynamoDB works by effectively copying data from one form to another so that it can be efficiently retrieved. So you would be copying your entire database for each new attribute you wanted to search by, or otherwise you would have to use Scans and that wouldn't make any sense to do because you would get no benefit to using DynamoDB if all you ever did was do Scans all the time.
Your processes need to be very well understood to make good use of DynamoDb, if you want to index data at will, and do all sorts of different queries, you probably want an SQL database or elasticsearch.

Meteor and MongoDB dropdown population and integrity

Hopefully I can describe this correctly but I come from the RDBMS world and I'm building an inventory type application with Meteor. Meteor and Mongodb may not be the best option for this application but hopefully it can be done and this seems like a circumstance that many converts will run into.
I'm trying to forget many of the things I know about relational databases and referential integrity so I can get my head wrapped around Mongodb but I'm hung up on this issue and how I would appropriately find the data with Meteor.
The inventory application will have a number of drop downs but I'll use an example to better explain. Let's say I wanted to track an item so I'll want the Name, Qty on Hand, Manufacturer, and Location. Much more than that but I'm keeping it simple.
The Name and Qty on Hand are easy since they are entered by the user but the Manufacturer and the Location should be chosen in a drop down from a data driven list (I'm assuming a Collection of sorts (or a new one added to the list if it is a new Manufacturer or Location). Odds are that I will use the Autocomplete package as well but the point is the same. I certainly wouldn't want the end user to misspell the Manufacturer name and thereby end up with documents that are supposed to have the same Manufacturer but that don't due to a typo. So I need some way to enforce the integrity of the data stored for Manufacturer and Location.
The reason is because when the user is viewing all inventory items later, they will have the option of filtering the data. They might want to filter the inventory items by Manufacturer. Or by Location. Or by both.
In my relational way of thinking this would just be three tables. INVENTORY, MANUFACTURER, and LOCATION. In the INVENTORY table I would store the ID of the related respective table row.
I'm trying to figure out how to store this data with Mongodb and, equally important, how to then find these Manufacturer and Location items to populate the drop down in the first place.
I found the following article which helps me understand some things but not quite what I need to connect the dots in my head.
referential data
Still working at this, of course, but the best I've come up with is to do it normalized way much like is listed in the above article. Something like this:
name: "Pen",
manufacturer: id: "25643"},
location: {id: "95789"}
name: "BIC",
id: "25643"
name: "East Warehouse",
id: "95789"
Seems like this (in a more simple form) would have to be an extremely common need for many/most applications so want to make sure that I'm approaching it correctly. Even if this example code were correct, should I use an id field with generated numbers like that or should I just use the built-in _id field?
I've come from a similar background so I don't know if I'm doing it correctly in my application but I have gone for a similar option to you. My app is an e-learning app so an Organisation will have many Courses.
So my schema looks similar to yours except I obviously have an array of objects that look like {course_id: <id>}
I then registered a helper than takes the data from the organisation and adds in the additional data I need about the courses.
// Gets Organisation Courses - In your case could get the locations/manufacturers
UI.registerHelper('organisationCourses', function() {
user = Meteor.user();
if (user) {
organisation = Organisations.findOne({_id: user.profile.organisation._id});
courses =;
return courses;
} else {
return false;
// This takes the coursedata and for each course_id value finds and adds all the course data to the object
UI.registerHelper('courseData', function() {
var courseContent = this;
var course = Courses.findOne({'_id': courseContent.course_id});
return _.extend(courseContent, _.omit(course, '_id'));
Then from my page all I have to call is:
{{#each organisationCourses}}
{{#with courseData}}
{{> admListCoursesItem}}
If I remember rightly I picked up this approach from an EventedMind How-to video.

Search inside an intmap collection for a specific attribute (not using map index)

My question is (again) about OPA database high-level API.
I have the following data-model declared:
database click = #mongo
db /click/click : intmap(Scan.scan)
and here's the Scan.scan type:
type Scan.scan = {
user : int
qr : int
date :
My problem here is that I need to query the database for specifics "clicks" for a given "qr" attribute, but the fact that an intmap is used forces me to retrieve all the clicks, and then manually search in the entire list for a match with the given "qr" parameter.
What I'm doing actually is fetching all the clicks via /click/click and then applying a List.filter on it....but I have performance issues (and I have the feeling that I'm doing MongoDB's work)
So my question is quite simple:
Did I miss something with the OPA database high-level API, or do I necessarily need to do a data migration on my click collection as I can't retrieve the intmap Index value that isn't stored anywhere else.
I hope my question is clear enough.
Thanks for your replies.
What I usually do in this situation is build another index, e.g.
db /click/by_qr : intmap(Scan.scan)
db /click/by_qr : intmap(int) // int represents user id
Of course, this means you have to be careful to maintain the index. My understanding is that there will eventually be a better way to handle this, but right now you have to do it manually; I agree it's not a very nice solution.

Searches (and general querying) with HBase and/or Cassandra (best practices?)

I have User model object with quite few fields (properties, if you wish) in it. Say "firstname", "lastname", "city" and "year-of-birth". Each user also gets "unique id".
I want to be able to search by them. How do I do that properly? How to do that at all?
My understanding (will work for pretty much any key-value storage -- first goes key, then value)
u:123456789 = serialized_json_object
("u" as a simple prefix for user's keys, 123456789 is "unique id").
Now, thinking that I want to be able to search by firstname and lastname, I can save in:
f:Steve = u:384734807,u:2398248764,u:23276263
f:Alex = u:12324355,u:121324334
so key is "f" - which is prefix for firstnames, and "Steve" is actual firstname.
For "u:Steve" we save as value all user id's who are "Steve's".
That makes every search very-very easy. Querying by few fields (properties) -- say by firstname (i.e. "Steve") and lastname (i.e. "l:Anything") is still easy - first get list of user ids from "f:Steve", then list from "l:Anything", find crossing user ids, an here you go.
Problems (and there are quite a few):
Saving, updating, deleting user is a pain. It has to be atomic and consistent operation. Also, if we have size of value limited to some value - then we are in (potential) trouble. And really not of an answer here. Only zipping the list of user ids? Not too cool, though.
What id we want to add new field to search by. Eventually. Say by "city". We certainly can do the same way "c:Los Angeles" = ..., "c:Chicago" = ..., but if we didn't foresee all those "search choices" from the very beginning, then we will have to be able to create some night job or something to go by all existing User records and update those "c:CITY" for them... Quite a big job!
Problems with locking. User "u:123" updates his name "Alex", and user "u:456" updates his name "Alex". They both have to update "f:Alex" with their id's. That means either we get into overwriting problem, or one update will wait for another (and imaging if there are many of them?!).
What's the best way of doing that? Keeping in mind that I want to search by many fields?
P.S. Please, the question is about HBase/Cassandra/NoSQL/Key-Value storages. Please please - no advices to use MySQL and "read about" SELECTs; and worry about scaling problems "later". There is a reason why I asked MY question exactly the way I did. :-)
Being able to query properties directly is one of the features you lose when moving away from SQL, so you need a way to maintain your own index to let you find records.
If your datastore does not have built in indexing or atomic list operations, you will need to deal with the locking issues you mention. However, indexing doesn't necessarily need to be synchronous - maintain a queue of updated records to be reindexed and you have a solution for 3 that can be reused to solve 2 also.
If the index list for a particular value becomes too large for the system to handle in a single list, you can replace the list of users with a list of lists. However, if you have that many records with the same value it probably isn't a particularly useful search criteria anyway.
Another option that is useful in some cases is to use a seperate system for the indexing - for example you could set up lucene to index the records in your main datastore.
I guess i would have implemented this as a MapReduce job, which would run on schedule.
Each search word, would be a row-key with lookup to UID.
profile:firstName: Joe
profile:lastName: Doe
profile:nick: DoeMaster
Rowkey: uid2
profile:firstName: Jane
profile:lastName: Doe
profile:nick: SuperBabe
MapReduse indexes all searchable properties and add them with search word as row key
Rowkey: Jane
lookup:uid: uid2
Rowkey: Doe
lookup:uid: uid2, uid1
Rowkey: DoeMaster
lookup:uid: uid1
Now, if you need to update the index list on the fly as a user change, you would write the change directly to the index base, by remove uid value from index and add to another row key. In case of this happens at the same time, temporary locking could be implemented.
For users being removed, an additional attribute telling the state of the user could be use to filter them out from search.
Adding additional search word isn't very hard, since its just about which name:value you want to index. you could filter search more also by adding type attribute to your row key/keyword. i.e boston - lookup:type: city.
The idea is to maintain your own row key based search index inside hbase.