lost PATH while trying to set custom winlogon shell in WindowsXP - windows-xp

I have changed the shell key in windows registry to gain custom shell (Kiosk usage):
I set shell key to a batch file which runs two applications as below:
start "myFirstAppTitle" "myAppPath\myApp1.exe"
start "mySecondAppTitle" "myAppPath\myApp2.exe"
Each application runs but the second application which needs some files to be excuted throws an error which says could not find dependency files. whereas the dependency files are adjoining to the exe file and the mentioned app works fine, when starts from startup.
Meanwhile when i run the batch file manually it rusn fine.
I added the PATH command to the batch file but it did't work too.

Change the batch file to this:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MyAppPath
start "myFirstAppTitle" "myApp1.exe"
start "mySecondAppTitle" "myApp2.exe"
If you start executables without an absolute path, the path is relative to the current working directory. Also, when you specify an executable with a relative path, %PATH% is not searched for a matching subfolder with a matching executable.
Since the script worked when you manually started it, your working directory probably was C:\. However, when run at logon as a replacement shell, the working directory is most likely "%SystemRoot%\system32".

The problem solved strangely, i removed the title parameter of start command and it worked. In fact i used start command this fashion:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MyAppPath
start myapp.exe
start myapp2.exe


cd command doesn't work in Dymola.mos file

I am trying to configure dymola.mos file, here is an example of changing directory, but when I activate Dymola, it seems the working directory doesn't change at all, even though the log shows Dymola run the script.
My question is:
How could I make the cd command work in the dymola.mos file?
I assume you have activated the option Save startup directory. You can check this with the flag Advanced.StartupDirectory, which will be either 1 or 2. You can simply turn that off or follow the steps below.
From your command log we see that:
Dymola first executes the script <install-path/insert/dymola.mos
Then it restores the settings stored in setup.dymx
Hence the settings in setup.dymx override your working directory.
Instead of using <install-path/insert/dymola.mos you should use a custom .mos script, which is passed as first argument to dymola.exe on startup. This will always be executed last.
Example for Windows
Create the file startup.mos somewhere, e.g. in C:\dymola\startup.mos
Create a shortcut to Dymola.exe, (for Dymola 2021x: C:\Program Files\Dymola 2021x\bin64\Dymola.exe)
Add the .mos script as argument in the Target field in the properties of the shortcut. The result will be:
"C:\Program Files\Dymola 2021x\bin64\Dymola.exe" "C:\dymola\startup.mos"

Application cannot be executed when launch from a different folder

I have a third party application that has following two files in c:\sandbox folder.
The executable uses the ini file for various configuration settings. When I run this executable from the powershell command prompt after change my directory to c:\sandbox, all works great.
PS C:\sandbox> SomeApplication.exe
INFO: Its working great
However when I try to run same application without changing my directory to sandbox folder, it does not work.
PS C:\> .\Sandbox\SomeApplication.exe
ERROR: SomeApplication.ini could not be found
I try to do following before running the application
PS C:\> Set-Location -Path "C:\Sandbox"
But still get same error. Any idea what could be wrong?
The program assumes that it will be launched from the current directory and looks for the ini file using windows apis that search the current direction and the path. If you add it to the path it might work.

PostgreSQL copy 0?

I have written a simple batch script which loops a directory and echoes some details about each file.When I view its results in the CMD terminal or output it to some file, I can view the results as expected.
The problem comes with PostgreSQL: when I try to import its results into a table, executing the following command:
copy schema.table(field) from program 'C:\\...\\my_bat.bat' with CSV header delimiter E'\t';
It imports 0 results, whereas if I run the same command pointing to a similar batch file in another directory, it works as expected.
What's going on? I am using windows.
Update: I have tried running the copy command calling program again on another batch script and this time, only a part of the string output is being imported.
The service user postgres needs sufficient permissions to run the program.
I remember that it was hard to change settings for that account on windows XP, I have not tried on more recent windows - service users are hidden by most GUI tools.

Executing subprocess.Popen inside Python script in PyDev context is different than running in terminal

I'm executing this code:
p = subprocess.Popen(['/path/to/my/script.sh','--flag'] , stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
It works when executing it on the shell using "python scriptName.py",
BUT when executing using PyDev in Eclipse, it fails, the reason:
/path/to/my/script.sh: line 111: service: command not found
This bash script "script.sh" contains the following command which causes the error:
service mysqld restart
So "service" is not recognized when running the .sh script from the context of PyDev.
I guess it has to do with some ENV VAR configurations, couldn't find how to do it.
BTW - Using "shell=True" when calling subprocess.Popen didn't solve it.
service usually is located in /usr/sbin, and that this directory isn't on the PATH. As this usually contains administrative binaries and scripts which arn't designed to be run by everyone (only by admins/root), the sbin directories arn't always added to the PATH by default.
To check this, try to print PATH in your script (or add an env command).
To fix it, you could either
set the PATH in your python script using os.setenv
pass an env dict containing the correct PATH to Popen
set the PATH in your shellscript
use the full path in your shellscript
set the PATH in eclipse

Why is the Powershell Environment PATH different to the System Environment PATH?

I'm having this weird situation :
My user's and system's PATH variable is different than the PATH in powershell.
When I do :
PS C:\$env:path
However this is not correct, it looks like it stuck on some old PATH variable of my system, so none of the udpates I've done on it didn't change this variable (I do restart after every change to test).
Why is this happening? Do I have to set a PATH variable just for powershell?
The change might be "delayed", so try one or more of these solutions:
Log off and on again;
Task Manager > Restart "Windows Explorer" (explorer.exe)
Restart your launcher app (launchy, SlickRun, etc)
Powershell will inherit the environment of the process that launched it (which depends on how you launch it). This is usually the interactive shell (explorer.exe). When you modify the environment from computer properties, you modify the environment of explorer.exe, so if you launch powershell from explorer.exe, (for example from the start menu) you should see the new environment.
However, if you launch it from something else (say a cmd.exe shell that you already had opened), then you won't since that process was launched under the old environment.
In other words: be careful how you are launching things.
In my case, I installed an app that incorrectly added itself to the PATH by creating a powershell profile that would override $env:PATH and blow out the existing configuration every time I started powershell.
Check if you have profile at USER\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 and if it's doing anything fishy like setting $env:PATH.