Fighter Game in Unity3D - Fighter hit opponent [unityscript] - unity3d

I'm making a fighter game in Unity. When I punch I need to find a way for Unity to detect that if I'm hitting the opponent. The problem is that I don't seem to find a way to do so.
Isn't there a way to make it detect if the meshes are touching each other or maybe some better way.
Do you have any ideas?
Robert Dan

I would take a look at Physics.SphereCastAll. Sphere casting is similar to ray casting. Consider sphere casting a thick ray cast. The idea behind this is to cast a sphere from where the punch originates in the direction that the punch is going. If any colliders are returned from the function, then you know that it hit something so you will just have to check that what it hits satisfies the right conditions (i.e. is another player).

The most obvious solution is to add mesh collider and kinematic rigidbody to the mesh you're attacking with and use OnCollisionEnter to detect collisions with other rigidbodies.


Setting up a sliding character in the right way

I would like to try and make a game similar to Altos Adventure. I am having trouble starting.
How to set up the terrain so that my character doesnt get stuck?
I simply drew a test sprite for the ground in photoshop. What collider2d should I use?
I use polygon collider and reduce friction in the material. But the character gets stuck, hits small invisible bumbs and it feels awful. The worst part is connecting 2 ground sprites together! The point where they connect is always messy.
I have a question for the future as well. How would I add the endless part of the game?
Would having many "pieces" set up and just spawning them as the player rides down work?
I havent written any code yet as the problem is simply in the physics in my opinion.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time and tries to help!
To move your player use rigid body.AddForce(Vector3 direction, ForceMode forceMode); then create a Physics Material with friction = 0 and put it in your player's collider.

The GameObject passes through the terrain - Unity3D

I am trying to make some kind of simulation program with Unity. The simulation includes a missile launched from an aircraft and a terrain.
I get the coordinate data required for the movement of the missile from another program using a socket connection.
I created an explosion effect for the missile to explode as soon as the missile and the terrain collided. But the explosion effect is not triggered in any way.
I used the OnCollisionEnter() method to detect the collision, but this method does not seem to work.
The missile has its own rigidbody and collider and The terrain has Terrain Collider, but still no collision is detected and the missile passes through the terrain.
What could be the cause of this error?
I thank everyone for their help, but none of the solutions worked. I solved the error using the OnTriggerEnter method. For this, I also had to enlarge the object's collider a little more.
As mentioned in the comment section above (I dont have enough rep to contribute to the discussion but will provide a solution), you need to enable continuous collision detection. Once you have done that we can move onto the next step.
It is generally bad practice to interact with rigidbodies in update and it can lead to all sorts of strange bugs so I wouldn't recommend it. That being said I dont think it's the cause of your issues. As #HumanWrites mentioned, you are manually moving the position each frame which causes your missile to never actually collide with your mesh. the solution to this is:
The reason for this is that by using the method on the rigidbody, you inform the physics engine that you want to move from one position to the other and you would like the physics to take care of this instead of you doing it directly. This allows it to "sweep" between the current position and target position and detect any collisions that would have happened along the way.
Your missile is moving too fast to ever actually touch the mesh within a frame so you need to rely on the physics engine doing that sweep check.

using unity physics with SteamVR

I want to make a plank game in VR with Unity. So when the player walk outside of the plank, he falls. Right now the only way to make it work is by using VRTK which is another physics system and it makes a lot of things complicated.
I've put a rigidbody on the CameraRig and uncheck "is kinematic". The player falls, but the colliders on other objects are not working anymore...
Is there a way to use Unity's physics with SteamVR and without VRTK ??
Thank you !
Firstly I would read up on Rigidbodies and Colliders/Trigger Colliders - here's a link.
Here's a useful table from that website:
You will need to use this to understand why the player is falling. Is the CameraRig actually colliding with the ground? Is it a Trigger Collider (which has a callback method but doesn't do any physical collision). There's many possibilities for why.
I wrote a script that you can drag in two objects and see if they collide. You could use that if it helps.
The issue in VR with Vive is that determining where someone walks can be difficult, as we are only tracking their head and their hands. If you have a Vive Tracker available and it fits your use case you could use that to track someones foot.
What I have done in the past is use the Camera(eyes) GameObject within the CameraRig and get it's transform.position.x and transform.position.z value to determine if it has gone outside of the boundaries of the object the user is standing on.
Hope this helps,

swift usesPreciseCollisionDetection does not work?

i have made an app where you need to shoot on an enemy but sometimes the bullet goes through the enemy. swift sprite kit game when I shoot on a enemy sometimes the bullet goes trough the enemy, how can I fix this?
so i added usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true.
but the bullet sometimes still goes trough the enemy. so my question was did i do something wrong or is usesPreciseCollisionDetection not working?
thank you for reading my question I hope someone can help me.
You are using moveTo to move your bullets, Physics Engine does not work with moveTo the way you want it to, usesPreciseCollisionDetection will not do anything
As far as your Physics World is concerned, your bullet is stationary. You are just playing God and performing some kind of molecular transportation to move items.
You need to use functions like applyImpulse or even just give the physicsBody a velocity if you want this to work correctly
I had similar problem that is collision was sometimes not detected even when usesPreciseCollisionDetection was set to true and both SKPhysicsBody were rectangles. In my case usesPreciseCollisionDetection for some reason started working much better when I changed one of the SKPhysicsBody to circle instead of rectangle. Try changing your bullet physics body to circle, it seems that collision detection algorithm with circles is more precise so that might help you.

How to change the shooting accuracy?

I am making an FPS game using unity 3d, I've a problem in the shooting accuracy script. Can you tell me how I can change it with a single script that shoot the bullet and include the shooting accuracy and equipped to the gun, please?
If you are currently using a raycast, you should have no problem.
If you are spawning a sphere and thrusting it forwards, I suggest you use a raycast.
Raycasts go in a completely straight line. Bullets follow gravity, and quickly fall to the ground.
You don't see bullets, they move too fast. Raycasts are invisible.
When it hits something, it sends you back the information you need. If you make the sphere go too fast, it might glitch through objects.
You can learn about raycasts here.