Retrieve single Row from dataset with help of -

I Want To retrieve last to second and third row from dataset
var lastUploaded = ds.Tables["title"].AsEnumerable().OrderByDescending(r => r.Field<int>("video_id")).Take(3);

The Following Ans Gives Second Row:
ds.Tables["title"].Rows[ds.tables["title"].rRows.count-2][" Column name here"].ToString();
Third Row:
ds.Tables["title"].Rows[ds.tables["title"].rRows.count-3][" Column name here"].ToString();
And so on...


Index column based on value/category

I would like to create a new index column in power bi. The index column already refers to the tour level. The second index (e.g. Index.1) should refer to the time of the respective tour. So if index =1 and column date_stop_order = 09/16/2022 07:19 then index.1 =1, if index = 1 and column date_stop_order = 09/16/2022 07:34 then index.1 = 2... and so on.
If Index = 2 then Index.1 should start again from new 1.
Click select first and second columns. Right click group by and use operation all data. Add index. Expand data

How to assign the same value to all table cells in a column in a table in Matlab?

I tried
but all failed.
Is there any way?
MATLAB requires:
To assign to or create a variable in a table, the number of rows must match the height of the table.
So it would be:
myTable.MyField = repmat('AAA', length(myTable.MyField), 1);
or if you know the column number of MyField, you can do:
myTable(:,colnum) = {'AAA'}; %where colnum is the column number
or otherwise if you don't know the column number, you can directly use the column name as well:
myTable(:,'MyField') = {'AAA'};

PostgreSQL : Update column with same vaue

Following is sample table and data
create table chk_vals (vals text);
insert into chk_vals values ('1|2|4|3|9|8|34|35|38|1|37|1508|1534');
So,How to update column vals by appending integer in 4th position of the existing value(ie. 3 | is used as a seperator) into the last position along with symbol |
as you can see the existsing value if 1|2|4|3|9|8|34|35|38|1|37|1508|1534 and the output should be 1|2|4|3|9|8|34|35|38|1|37|1508|1534|3
Use PostgreSQL's split_part() to splits the field and find the value at position 4
select split_part(vals,'|',4) val from chk_vals
this will return value 3
update chk_vals
set vals=vals||format('|%s',(select split_part(vals,'|',4) val from chk_vals))

how to access one by on value of the stored procedure and calculate the average of them row wise

I executed a stored procedure in java which results into a table of 16 column and 3600 rows.Now I want to access 3 column of the retrieved table in row by row fashion and calculate the average of all column in row wise fashion.To do this,I need to access values of columns one by one .How to do it. My code for accessing column is
while (
sum +=(a1+a2+a3);
return sum/3;
but through this,i think i'am getting a total average of all the columns .But i need average of column row by row i.e average of all three column of first row,then second row this.
You are indeed adding all the values from 3 columns and doing row by row addition.
If you want row by row, then for each entry that you get from database you need to store the result in a list like below and return it where needed:
List<Double> averageList = new ArrayList<Double>();
while (
return averageList;

How to select a row in kendogrid after filtering

I have a kendogrid. What I do is first filter it, which works fine.
After having it filtered, I want to select a specific row. I am sure I have the row in the result of the filter.
data = id=a1, id=a2, id=a3, id=a4, id=a5, id=a6
filter result:
id=a2, id=a4, id=a6
I would like to select the row a4.
First of all loop through the Grid's data which is currently displayed (i.e.
var arrayOfModels = $('#GridName').data().kendoGrid.dataSource.view();
next add the k-state-selected class to the row you want to make it selected
$('#GridName tbody [data-uid='+model.uid+']').addClass('.k-state-selected')
where model is the record from the arrayOfModels above which you need