Error during expansion of macro in Chicken Scheme - macros

I'm learning how the macro system in Scheme works and I'm trying to make my code look more JavaScript-y. So I thought I would start with the function macro. This is how I want a function definition to look:
(function id (x) x)
It should expand to the following:
(define (id x) x)
So I write a macro as follows:
(define-syntax function
(lambda (name args . body)
`(define (,name ,#args) ,#body)))
However when I use it I get the following error (in Chicken Scheme):
Error: during expansion of (define ...) - in `define' - lambda-list expected: (define ((function id (x) x) . #<procedure (rename sym1348)>) #<procedure (compare s11400 s21401)>)
Call history:
<syntax> (function id (x) x)
<eval> (##sys#cons (##core#quote define) (##sys#cons (##sys#cons name args) body))
<eval> (##sys#cons (##sys#cons name args) body)
<eval> (##sys#cons name args) <--
Where am I going wrong? In addition how do I read such error messages to be able to debug the program myself?

In Scheme, using syntax-rules():
(define-syntax function
(syntax-rules ()
((function name (args ...) body ...)
(define (name args ...) body ...))))
The error you are seeing is that apparently Chicken Scheme's compiler expects the second form of define-syntax to be a macro expansion procedure - they typically require arguments for renaming and comparing identifiers. The lambda in your macro doesn't produce a suitable function - syntax-rules does.
The above is guaranteed hygienic.

The way you have defined the macro is not correct as per Chicken documentation. Your code seems to be more inspired by Common Lisp macros. Check out the doc here for define-syntax with transformer function:
The macro should be defined as:
(define-syntax function
(lambda (expr inject compare)
`(define (,(cadr expr) ,#(caddr expr)) ,(cadddr expr))))
expr is the whole macro expression i.e (function id (x) x) and inject and compare are special utility functions passed to the macro while perfoming macro expand.


How to call a macro with a parameter instead of list in LISP?

Based on the example provide in the practical common lisp reference, I define a macro to create a class as followed.
(defmacro define-class (class-name class-slot)
`(defclass ,class-name ()
,(mapcar #'slot->defclass-slot class-slot))))
The function slot->declass-slot take a single argument and generate a standard line describing a slot in a class. The code is the following:
(defun slot->defclass-slot (spec)
`(,spec :initarg ,(as-keyword spec) :accessor ,spec :initform 0))
For example,
(slot->defclass-slot 'nom)
All this work fine, when I create a class 'model' as follow:
(define-class model (nom id))
But suppose that I define a parameter instead.
(defparameter *test* '(nom id))
(define-class model *test*)
Then, the code end-up in an error:
The value *TEST* is not of type LIST.
What is wrong?
Your define-class macro does not evaluate its class-slots argument.
You can "fix" your code like this:
(defmacro define-class (class-name class-slots)
`(defclass ,',class-name ()
,#(mapcar #'slot->defclass-slot ,class-slots))))
(macroexpand-1 '(define-class model '(nom id)))
(defparameter *test* '(nom id))
(define-class model *test*)
Note that you now have to quote the literal second argument to define-class.
Note also that you are now using eval (for a good reason, in this case).
Note finally that I seriously doubt that you truly want to do this. Chances are you don't need this level of dynamism, and you are just complicating your life for no good reason.
E.g., if you just want to get the list of class slots (using your *test* variable), you should use MOP instead.
In fact you can make your macro expand to the function ensure-class:
> (mop:ensure-class 'foo :direct-slots '((:name a)))
but this relies on a somewhat brazen assumption that your implementation is MOP-compliant.
(defparameter *test* '(nom id))
(define-class model *test*)
You shouldn't try to do this, for the same reason that you never try to do:
(with-open-file '(...)
The point of the macro is to not evaluate the arguments in order that you can do something with them. What you can do instead, if you do for some reason, need both a macro- version and non-macro- version, is to define the macro functionality in terms of a function, and then wrap the function in a macro when you need a macro. E.g., (for a not-particularly robust) with-open-file):
(defun %with-open-file (filename function &rest args)
(let ((file (apply 'open filename args)))
(prog1 (funcall function file)
(close file))))
(defmacro with-open-file ((var filename &rest args) &body body)
`(%with-open-file ,filename
(lambda (,var) ,#body)
Then you can use the macro-version when you want it, and the function-version when you want it. In your case, though, that's not a perfect solution, since you're expanding to another macro call.

How to map a macro over a list - or - How to use macros to define data types

I like to build a REPL with my own datatypes, but I don't like to write all the same pattern functions over and over again.
So this is a nut, which bothers me.
I got my own set of primitive datatypes (define primitives '("mytrue" "myfalse" "mynumber" ...))
Also I have (define primitiveTesters (list "mytrue?" "myfalse?" "mynumber?" ... )
The problem now is, I just want to apply (map) or a macro to get the datatype? procedurces, which basically just checks if the car of record (mynumber . ( . )) exists.
So something similar like (mynumber? (car (mynumber.(1.))) => #t in the end. But for this I need (define mynumber? (lambda (...)(...))
My define-batching macro looks like this, but I just have no luck to infuse the <variable>.
(define-syntax define-batching
(syntax-rules ()
((_ value expr)(define value expr))
((_ value) value)
((_ value1 value2 ...) (begin (define value1 expr) (define-batching test2...)))
So have I reached a dead end of scheme ?
I've seen something similar, I think in Emacs Lisp.
What I am looking for in the end is:
(define checker '(audi? volkswagen? mercedes?))
(define datatype '(audi volkswagen mercedes))
(map define-checker checker datatype )
(define-checker (car checker) (car datatype))
If I understood the question right, you need a macro
to define your own type checkers?
Here is one way to do it:
(define-syntax define-checker
(syntax-rules ()
[(define-checker name tag)
(define (name object)
(and (list? object)
(not (null? object))
(eq? (car object) 'tag)))]))
(define-checker my-car? car)
(my-car? '(car audi black)) ; evaluates to #t
(my-car? '(truck ford pink)) ; evaluates to #f
If you write
(define checker '(audi? volkswagen? mercedes?))
(define datatype '(audi volkswagen mercedes))
the values will become available at runtime.
Therefore you need to a different approach.
You could for example write:
(define-checker+datatype (audi? audi) (volkswagen? volkswagen?))
Here is the code:
(define-syntax define-checker
(syntax-rules ()
[(define-checker name tag)
(define (name object)
(and (list? object)
(not (null? object))
(eq? (car object) 'tag)))]))
(define-syntax define-checkers+datatype
(syntax-rules ()
[(define-checkers+datatype (name tag) ...)
(define-checker name tag)
(define-checkers+datatype (audi? audi) (wv? wv))
(audi? '(audi black))
define-syntax is hygienic, that means it cannot influence on parent environment, that means it cannot define symbols in it.
You may try to use er-, ir- macro-transformers which allow you to explicit renames symbols.
keywords to google in you scheme documentation are 'er-macro-transformet' and 'ir-macro-transformer'

How does the definition for `apply-partially` work in Emacs 24?

The Emacs code for apply-partially is this:
(defun apply-partially (fun &rest args)
"Return a function that is a partial application of FUN to ARGS.
ARGS is a list of the first N arguments to pass to FUN.
The result is a new function which does the same as FUN, except that
the first N arguments are fixed at the values with which this function
was called."
`(closure (t) (&rest args)
(apply ',fun ,#(mapcar (lambda (arg) `',arg) args) args)))
It returns a list that looks a lot like a lambda expression, except that lambda is replaced by closure (t). For example, (apply-partially 'cons 1) returns this:
(closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote cons) (quote 1) args))
which, as far as I can tell, looks and works exactly like this:
(lambda (&rest args) (apply (quote cons) (quote 1) args))
except that the "closure" expression does not have the "self-quoting" property of a lambda, so when I try to evaluate it, Emacs informs me that closure has no function definition: Lisp error: (void-function closure).
I can't find any references in the Elisp manual to using the symbol closure in this way. It seems like some kind of internal Emacs magic. The closure expression is clearly not being evaluated according to the normal rules (since doing that manually gives an error).
So what's going on here? Do I need to grep the C code for references to "closure" to find out?
EDIT: It appears that in Emacs 23 and below, apply-partially simply uses the lexical-let from the cl package to make a closure. The definition above is from version "".
I found the answer in eval.c, in the funcall_lambda function:
if (EQ (XCAR (fun), Qclosure))
fun = XCDR (fun); /* Drop `closure'. */
lexenv = XCAR (fun);
CHECK_LIST_CONS (fun, fun);
lexenv = Qnil;
closure (t) appears to be the lexical equivalent of lambda. The second element, (t), gets assigned to lexenv, so I guess this element is for closing over lexical values defined outside of the function itself or something.
I suspect that the lack of self-quoting may be an oversight, which can be remedied as follows:
(defmacro make-self-quoting (name)
"Make NAME into a self-quoting function like `lambda'."
`(defmacro ,name (&rest cdr)
(list 'function (cons ',name cdr))))
(make-self-quoting closure)
With my "GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin)" it is defined as
(defun apply-partially (fun &rest args)
"Return a function that is a partial application of FUN to ARGS.
ARGS is a list of the first N arguments to pass to FUN.
The result is a new function which does the same as FUN, except that
the first N arguments are fixed at the values with which this function
was called."
(lexical-let ((fun fun) (args1 args))
(lambda (&rest args2) (apply fun (append args1 args2)))))
Understanding how it works seems to be quite easy here: The lambda remembers the partial set of args and appends the rest when calling the original function.

Trouble with Lisp macros

I'm trying to write a macro in Lisp that re-implements let using itself. This is a trivial exercise which has no practical purpose; however after giving a response to a related question, I realized I should probably learn more about macros. They're touted as one of the great things about Lisp, but I rarely use them.
Anyway, here's what I tried first:
(defmacro mylet (args &rest exp) `(let ,args (dolist (x ,exp) x)))
but when I try something like:
(mylet ((a 5) (b 2)) (print (+ a b)))
this throws up an error:
#1=(PRINT (+ A B)) is not a symbol or lambda expression in the form (#1#) .
args (a and b) are set properly, but the print statement doesn't work. I think it's because I'm using two levels of indirection-- referring to a variable that I've created within the macro. But I can't seem to figure out how to fix it! Any ideas?
Your macro expands to:
(LET ((A 5) (B 2))
(DOLIST (X ((PRINT (+ A B)))) X))
which is invalid because ((PRINT (+ A B))) is not a valid expression. There is also an issue that using an interned symbol in macro expansion can lead to variable capture, but that is not directly relevant (read more in PCL).
Using DOLIST here is unnecessary, and compilcated to get right (you would have to convert all subforms to anonymous function in order to stick them in a list, funcall them in sequence and then store the final result in order to conform to PROGN behaviour). You can just use PROGN, or, since LET includes an implicit PROGN, just splice the body using the ,# feature of backquote mechanism:
(defmacro mylet (args &body exp) `(let ,args ,(cons 'progn exp)))
(defmacro mylet (args &body exp) `(let ,args ,#exp))

How do I define functions using Racket macros?

I am trying to write a macro that defines a special class of data structure with associated functions.
I know this is possible; it is done multiple times in the core language itself.
As a specific example, how would I define the define-struct macro in Scheme itself. It needs to create make-struct, struct-<<field>>, etc functions.
I tried doing this using define, however, this only defines the function in the macro's lexical scope.
How can I actually define a function in a macro?
The key for an answer is datum->syntax. The basic idea is that you want to take some random data and turn it into a syntax -- in this case, turn a symbol into an identifier. An identifier is basically a symbol with some lexical information that (very roughly) indicates how it is bound. Using datum->syntax you can do exactly that: it expects an existing piece of syntax which is where it copies the binding from, and a datum (a symbol here) which is the value that is contained in the syntax wrapper.
Here's an example that demonstrates a define-struct-like tool using this:
#lang scheme
;; implements a defstruct-like macro that uses association lists
(define-syntax (defstruct-lite stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(defstruct-lite name field ...)
(let ([make-id
(lambda (template . ids)
(let ([str (apply format template (map syntax->datum ids))])
(datum->syntax stx (string->symbol str))))])
(with-syntax ([make-name (make-id "make-~a" #'name)]
[name? (make-id "~a?" #'name)]
[(arg ...) (generate-temporaries #'(field ...))]
[(name-field ...)
(map (lambda (f) (make-id "~a-~a" #'name f))
(syntax->list #'(field ...)))])
(define (make-name arg ...) (list 'name (cons 'field arg) ...))
(define (name? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? 'name (car x))))
(define (name-field x)
(and (name? x) (cdr (assq 'field (cdr x)))))
And here's an example of using it:
(defstruct-lite point x y)
(point-y (make-point 1 2))