netsuite sso landing url redirected to customer login - single-sign-on

I am trying to implement inbound single sign on feature to log-in to NetSuite from an external application.The steps I followed for this are :
Created private public keys and send the public key to the NetSuite.
Generate token using company id, user id and the current timestamp
Constructed the single sign-on URL
When I redirect the URL to browser I got either a redirection to NetSuite customer login or a notice like "System Maintenance Period". What should I do for getting NetSuite single sign-on jsp page?
Thankz in advance

If (your URL is well-formed) and
(your authorization token has the correct parameters) and
(your authorization token's timestamp has not expired) and
(your authorization token is encrypted correctly) and
(your authorization token is encoded correctly) then
if (this is the first time mapping the user_id) then
You will be redirected to a special SSO first-time login page
You will be redirected to the user account's home page
You will be redirected to the standard NetSuite login page
Please note, the very first mapping for an organization must be mapped to a NetSuite admin account.

The first time you do the "redirection", it is called the mapping. This means you are mapping the SSO login to your standard NetSuite login (email + password). You just need to complete this step and then the next time you do the sso login, you should get directed to your NetSuite landing page/dashboard. If that doesn't happen, then there is something wrong with how SSO was setup.


What does it mean to "redirect with token" for single sign on?

(Background: I am trying to use my website hosted on wix as a simple identity provider so my members can access a separate sveltekit app I am creating--without logging in again--on a separate server because I do not think I can create the app on the wix platform. Basically I just need the user id, but I would like to also ensure they are in fact authenticated on my Wix hosted site before granting access).
In multiple pages explaining single sign on, it is explained that when my browser requests a protected resource from a web server, the server can (if it is configured to do so) verify my identity via a separate identity provider. This is done via a redirect to the identify provider. If I am not authenticated by the identify provider, I am asked to authenticate (by entering username and password, or whatever).
Once I am authenticated (by logging in or by verifying the presence of a valid session id on the identify provider's server from a prior login), the identify provider then "redirects with token" or a "token can be passed to the original domain by a redirect" according to these web sites I have encountered.
But what does it mean to "redirect with token"? This conflicts with other reading I have done which points out that redirects cannot have authentication or other headers or data associated with them.
How does it come to pass that (1) the web server I made my original request from gets my token from the identify provider while at the same time (2) returning my requested resource to my browser instead of back to the identity provider's server?
"Redirect with token" is a common method used in single sign-on (SSO) systems to authenticate users. In this method, when a user tries to access a protected resource on a server, the server redirects the user's browser to the SSO login page, along with a token that identifies the resource being accessed and the server that is requesting authentication.
The user then enters their login credentials on the SSO login page. If the credentials are correct, the SSO system authenticates the user and sends them back to the original server, along with a token that indicates that the user has been authenticated. The server checks the token to confirm that the user has been authenticated, and if the token is valid, the user is granted access to the protected resource.
Redirecting with a token is a secure and efficient way to authenticate users across multiple servers, as it allows the servers to rely on the SSO system to authenticate users and eliminates the need for each server to store and manage its own set of login credentials.

Is there a possibility to automatically login by clicking on verify email link triggered by /send-verify-email

If Keycloak's self-registration form is used, once submitted, it will send an email verification link to that newly registered user.
Once the user clicks the link, his email will be verified, and it will redirect him to the redirectUri from his client and provide the authorization code, which is perfect.
The problem arises when I don't want to use Keycloak's registration form, instead I have a custom registration mobile form, which sends the user data. Those data is then sent to the Keycloak by Admin REST create user API.
Once the user is created, by triggering /send-verify-email or /execute-actions-email APIs none of them are returning authorization code in the end. Yes, they do redirect to the redirectUri which you specified, but I need authorization code as well, in order to be logged in automatically upon clicking on the link.

Is it okay to use an OAuth2 authorization code as proof of a successful login?

I have a database with emails and passwords, and a Flutter app that lets those users log into the app by providing their email and password (the old fashioned way).
Now, some of those users are part of an organization that has a separate website where they use Microsoft/Office 365 accounts to sign in. Of course they want to be able to log into my app using their Office 365 accounts as well, instead of having to remember and type a different password in the app than they normally use on their organizations website.
So I've been looking at their website, which uses Microsoft Azure as a the backend. From their current login page I could find the tenantID, clientID, redirectURL and scope. From this I am able to get an authorization code back from the authorization endpoint. However, as my app is not registered in the organizations Azure account, I don't have a clientSecret so I can't call the token endpoint and get an idToken.
I'm using a WebView to display the login to their organizations website, so I can grab the authorization code from the redirect URL when they are redirected.
So my question is if I can use the authorization code directly to verify that the user has successfully signed in using their Office 365 account? All I need to know is that the user has an account at the organization, and that they could provide a valid email and password to login.
If they are redirected to the redirect URL with an autorization code, it means that they successfully logged in. Then I could consider them logged in to my app as well, based on the email provided to the Office 365 authorization endpoint. Because if they couldn't log in to their Office 365 they wouldn't get an authorization code, right?
No, the authorization code only has meaning to the identity provider, in this case Azure AD. It doesn't prove anything to your app.
What you could do is try response_type=code+id_token in the authorization URL.
If ID tokens have been configured as returnable from the authorization endpoint (this is done in the app registration configuration), you will get back a signed id token that you can verify.

how to implement passwordless authentication in identityserver3

I'm looking for the correct way to customize or extend identityserver3 to implement passwordless authentication.
the user scenario is
user uses browser to go to website
website detects non-authenticated
user and redirects to idsrv3 instance
idsrv3 asks for email address (or uses a cookie stored one) and if email address matches a known user, sends an email with a link (e.g. like the registration or password reset link)
user clicks on link
idsrv3 instance checks if token in link matches a known user and is not expired
idsrv3 issues token
idsrv3 redirects to original url
after some reading, I think the correct way to customize idsrv3 would be to
create a custom viewservice
checks the emailaddress
generates and stores a token in the user account record
sends an email with a link consisting of a custom grant, the token and a returnurl
create a custom grant and corresponding validator
checks the incoming token and if valid returns a positive validation result linked to a user account
the normal idsrv3 token issuing flow takes over to issue a token and redirect to the returnurl
In my experience, idsrv3 is great, but it can be time-consuming to get things right when customizing and I would like to be sure that I don't hit a brick wall somewhere near the end of the solution.

Can i achieve single sign on with openid

I have been reading a lot on Single Sign on and OpenId
I have checked the documentation for OpenId and Single Sign On on the below Link
Single Sign On
OpenId -- Flow Diagram
Simple concept what i understood on Single Sign on can be explained as below
User hits sees there's no session cookie. redirects to presents login page, and take credentials sets session cookie for the user then redirects back to domain1 to a special url (like
the ssologin URL contains a parameter that is basically "signed" by the It could be as simple as a base64 of encrypting the loginid using a shared secret key. takes the encrypted token, decrypts it, uses the new login id to log in the user.
domain1 sets the session cookie for the user.
Now, the next case.
User hits, which follows domain1 and redirects to already has a cookie for the user, so does not present the login page redirects back to with the encrypted information logs in the user.
OpenId Concept what I got can be explained as
OpenID allows you to use an existing account to sign in to multiple websites, without needing to create new passwords.
An OpenID is a way of identifying yourself no matter which web site you visit.
Now My problem is even after reading a lot of documentation, am not sure will i be able to achieve single sign on using openID and this is very important for me to know before i start my code.
Is there any way where i can upload my database to OpenId for Authentication, So my users do not need to go through all the drill again.
I will really appreciate if anyone has implemented this earlier or has any reference for me to make this clear
Yes, OpenID will give you single signon across web applications that may live in different domains. Note that OpenID 2.0 (which is the subject of the links that you point to) was deprecated and followed up by OpenID Connect, see:
There are a number of product and libraries that you can use to build on: