exporting to csv from db2 with no delimiter - db2

I need to export content of a db2 table to CSV file.
I read that nochardel would prevent to have the separator between each data but that is not happening.
Suppose I have a table
Field_A varchar(10)
Field_B varchar(10)
Field_A varchar(10)
I am using this command
export to myfile.csv of del modified by nochardel select * from MY_TABLE
I get this written into the myfile.csv
data1 ,data2 ,data3
but I would like no ',' separator like below
data1 data2 data3
Is there a way to do that?

You're asking how to eliminate the comma (,) in a comma separated values file? :-)
NOCHARDEL tells DB2 not to surround character-fields (CHAR and VARCHAR fields) with a character-field-delimiter (default is the double quote " character).
Anyway, when exporting from DB2 using the delimited format, you have to have some kind of column delimiter. There isn't a NOCOLDEL option for delimited files.
The EXPORT utility can't write fixed-length (positional) records - you would have to do this by either:
Writing a program yourself,
Using a separate utility (IBM sells the High Performance Unload utility)
Writing an SQL statement that concatenates the individual columns into a single string:
Here's an example for the last option:
export to file.del
of del
modified by nochardel
cast(col1 as char(20)) ||
cast(intcol as char(10)) ||
cast(deccol as char(30));
This last option can be a pain since DB2 doesn't have an sprintf() function to help format strings nicely.

Yes there is another way of doing this. I always do this:
Put select statement into a file (input.sql):
cast(col1 as char(20)),
cast(col2 as char(10)),
cast(col3 as char(30));
Call db2 clp like this:
db2 -x -tf input.sql -r result.txt
This will work for you, because you need to cast varchar to char. Like Ian said, casting numbers or other data types to char might bring unexpected results.
PS: I think Ian points right on the difference between CSV and fixed-length format ;-)

Use "of asc" instead of "of del". Then you can specify the fixed column locations instead of delimiting.


Export Postgres data to s3 with headers on each row

I'm was able to export data from Postgres to AWS S3 using this document by using the aws_commons extension.
The table columns are id and name. with this table I was able to export as csv file using below mentioned query
SELECT * from aws_s3.query_export_to_s3('select * from sample_table',
aws_commons.create_s3_uri('rds-export-bucket', 'rds-export', 'us-east-1') ,
options :='format csv , HEADER true'
with the query I'm able to generate csv file like
but is it possible to generate the csv file in the below mentioned format
I tried to create a different table with jsonb structure, and each row inserted as a json. then export had curly braces and two double quotes in it.
Sample insertion command,
CREATE TABLE unstructured_table (data JSONB NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO unstructured_table VALUES($$
"id": "1",
"name": "test"
after exporting from this table, I'm getting csv file like,
"{""id"": ""1"", ""name"": "test"}"
Thanks in advance
JSON requires double quotes around strings and CSV also requires double quotes around fields when they contain commas or double quotes.
If your goal is to produce a comma-separated list of ColumnName:ColumnValue, for all columns and rows without any kind of quoting, then this requirement is not compatible with the CSV format.
This could however be generated in SQL relatively generically, for all columns and rows of any sample_table, id being the primary key, with a query like this:
select string_agg(k||':'||v, ',')
from sample_table t,
lateral row_to_json(t) as r(j),
lateral json_object_keys(j) as keys(k),
lateral (select j->>k) as val(v)
group by id order by id;
If you feed that query to aws_s3.query_export_to_s3 with a format csv option, it will enclose each output line with double quotes. That may be close enough to your goal.
Alternatively, the text format could be used. Then the lines would not be enclosed with double quotes, but backslashes sequences might be emitted for control characters and backslashes themselves (see the text format in the COPY documentation).
Ideally the result of this query should be output verbatim into a file, not using COPY, as you would do locally in a shell with:
psql -Atc "select ..." > output-file.txt
But it doesn't seem like aws_s3.query_export_to_s3 provides an equivalent way to do that, since it's an interface on top of the COPY command.

copy columns of a csv file into postgresql table

I have a CSV file with 12 - 11 - 10 or 5 columns.
After creating a PostgreSQL table with 12 columns, I want to copy this CSV into the table.
I use this request:
COPY absence(champ1, champ2, num_agent, nom_prenom_agent, code_gestion, code_service, calendrier_agent, date_absence, code_absence, heure_absence, minute_absence, periode_absence)
FROM 'C:\temp\absence\absence.csv'
My CSV file contains 80000 line.
Ex :
20\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51110\39H00\21/02/2020\1471\03\54\Matin
21\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51110\39H00\\8130\7H48\Formation avec repas\
30\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51430\39H00\\167H42\
22\9993\Temps de déplacement\98\37
when I execute the request, I get a message indicating that there is missing data for the lines with less than 12 fields.
Is there a trick?
copy is extremely fast and efficient, but less flexible because of that. Specifically it can't cope with files that have a different number of "columns" for each line.
You can either use a different import tool, or if you want to stick to built-in tools, copy the file into staging table that only has a single column, then use Postgres string functions to split the lines into the columns:
create unlogged table absence_import
line text
\COPY absence_import(line) FROM 'C:\temp\absence\absence.csv' DELIMITER E'\b' CSV
E'\b' is the "backspace" character which can't really appear in a text file, so no column splitting is taking place.
Once you have imported the file, you can split the line using string_to_array() and the insert that into the real table:
insert into absence(champ1, champ2, num_agent, nom_prenom_agent, code_gestion, code_service, calendrier_agent, date_absence, code_absence, heure_absence, minute_absence, periode_absence)
select line[1], line[2], line[3], .....
from (
select string_to_array(line, '\') as line
from absence_import
) t;
If there are non-text columns, might need to cast the values to the target data type explicitly: e.g. line[3]::int.
You can add additional expressions to deal with missing columns, e.g. something like: coalesce(line[10], 'default value')

export records from a table by modifying without double quotes for the numeric columns from the table in db2(udb)

I am trying to remove the double quotes for the numeric columns using export command by using replace function but it wont worked out, below is the query I used in Linux environment,
EXPORT TO '/Staging/ebi/src/CLP/legal_bill_charge_adjustment11.csv' OF DEL
MESSAGES '/Staging/ebi/src/CLP/legal_bill_charge_adjustment11.log'
WF_TASK_DESC from CLP.legal_bill_charge_adjustment1;
If anyone suggest me the exact db2 query it would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
Export will not have quotes around numeric data types. You have not provided any data type information so I suppose your numeric content may be stored in a CHAR/VARCHAR column.
Try casting the columns to numeric data types in the export SQL statement.
SELECT cast(Textcol as integer) as colname

Which delimiter to use when loading CSV data into Postgres?

I've come across a problem with loading some CSV files into my Postgres tables. I have data that looks like this:
123,true,Hi Joe, I am looking for a new vehicle, can you help me out?
Now, the problem here is that the text in what is supposed to be the BODY_TEXT column is unstructured email data and can contain any sort of characters, and when I run the following COPY command it's failing because there are multiple , characters within the BODY_TEXT.
COPY sent from ('my_file.csv') DELIMITER ',' CSV;
How can I resolve this so that everything in the BODY_TEXT column gets loaded as-is without the load command potentially using characters within it as separators?
Additionally to the fixing the source file format you can do it by PostgreSQL itself.
Load all lines from file to temporary table:
create temporary table t (x text);
copy t from 'foo.csv';
Then you can to split each string using regexp like:
select regexp_matches(x, '^([0-9]+),(true|false),(.*)$') from t;
{123,true,"Hi Joe, I am looking for a new vehicle, can you help me out?"}
{456,false,"Hello, honey, there is what I want to ask you."}
(2 rows)
You can use this query to load data to your destination table:
insert into sent(id, is_alive, body_text)
select x[1], x[2], x[3]
from (
select regexp_matches(x, '^([0-9]+),(true|false),(.*)$') as x
from t) t

How do I escape single quotes in data which is of hstore datatype using Pentaho

I am trying to read hstore data from source and insert into target hstore column. But for some weird reason the data has some single quotes in it and I cannot delete or remove them. Source hstore data looks something like
Value 1: "Target_Payment_Type"=>"Auto_Renew", "Target_Membership_term"=>"1 Year"
Value 2: "Target_Payment_Type"=>"'Auto_Renew'", "Target_Membership_term"=>"'1 Year'"
The transformation works fine with the 1st value but fails when at Value2. Can could anyone suggest me a way I can escape the single quotes which may appear in data using pentaho or postgresql (source & target database). Thanks in advance.
At least, you can use postgres replace function in Table Input step:
,replace(string_column,'''', '') //note that '''' represents '
Real solution you could find in up-to-date driver perhaps.