Debugging 500 Response for Create Sales Receipt Through API Explorer - intuit-partner-platform

I've been developing an IPP application using the PHP devkit. I've been using the XML returned from the $object->asIDSXML() method to debug my objects through the API Explorer. Within the API Explorer I have been recieving a very ambiguous error when trying to create a Sales Receipt and I'm hoping I can learn more about the scheme requirements. Is there a validation xsd file somewhere? I'm currently unable to understand why I receive the following 500 code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <FaultInfo
<Message>Internal Server Error</Message>
<Cause>SERVER</Cause> </FaultInfo>
The documentation regarding a 500 states something along the lines of :
Possible Causes:
Illegal permissions.
Illegal values that are not verified in the validation process.
Invalid data that the business logic verified.
I know that I have proper permissions, I have authenticated with an OAuth Token that has all privileges. The later two possibilities I believe are the issue, but I don't know how to get any additional information regarding the potentially invalid or missing data. I have literally tried creating a duplicate by using the API explorer to retrieve the SalesReceipt XML and then removing the DocumentID and sending to a create POST through the API explorer at which point I receive the same error shown above.
The following is the XML post data provided to the API. As far as I can tell the xml contains all the required fields fore creating a Sales Receipt. Thanks in advance for any help.
<CustomerId idDomain="QBO">78</CustomerId>
<Line1>123 Fake Ave</Line1>
<City>Fake City</City>
<Desc>Face to face IT Consulting Services, providing solutions to client's IT issues.</Desc>

Can you please try the following
<SalesReceipt xmlns=''>
<Header xmlns:ns3=''>
<Line1>123 Fake Ave</Line1>
<City>Fake City</City>
<Line xmlns:ns11=''>
<ns11:Desc>Face to face IT Consulting Services, providing solutions to client's IT issues.</ns11:Desc>


Microsoft Ads 'AccountPerformanceReportRequest' data contract. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this contract

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Bing Ads' Reporting API to gather ad performance data such as clicks, spend, etc. programmatically. Below, I describe the steps taken.
There are two issues -
1 - I have to request for user consent again and again as access token
is short lived and refreshed token also giving unauthenticated token
2 - After following the steps I don't get the expected SOAP
Response. Instead I get below response.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<faultcode xmlns:a="">a:DeserializationFailed</faultcode>
<faultstring>The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'Error in line 13 position 71. Element '' contains data of the ':AccountPerformanceReportRequest' data contract. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this contract. Add the type corresponding to 'AccountPerformanceReportRequest' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'. Please see InnerException for more details.</faultstring>
I'm using Postman to test the service and my end goal is to use http to do the same in Mulesoft later. This is the URL I am using
I have followed their OAuth 2.0 Authentication Flow in that, I have:
Registered my Application (using the Developer Account)
Requested user consent (through the Ad account)
Generated the Access Token and Refresh Token Every time I hit the API.
I generate a new Access Token by requesting user consent again and again as refreshing
token is also not working.
Making the Request
The documentation describes a Reporting Service Operation which follows an asynchronous approach. First we need to use SubmitGenerateReport to make a request to the Reporting Service. This returns a ResponseRequestId which we can then use to repeatedly poll the service using PollGenerateReport till we get the requested report in response.
SubmitGenerateReport has to be in SOAP XML Format as stated here. Following is the document I generated for my use case looking at the provided example in the documentation. Action I am passing as header attribute - SOAPAction:SubmitGenerateReport
<v:ReportRequest i:type="AccountPerformanceReportRequest">
I even tried passing all the input variables, scope, time etc but getting some error again. I understand error clearly tells me where the error is but the report types I am using are given in Microsoft documentations.
Any help and suggestion would be really helpful.
1. I have to request for user consent again and again as access token is short lived and refreshed token also giving unauthenticated token error.
I would like to point you to these tutorial, as reference for my code below.
In the first step, you fetch code, for this you need browser verification.
$clientId = '...'
Start-Process "$clientId&scope=openid%20profile%20"
$code = '<code>&state=ClientStateGoesHere'
$code = $code -match 'code=(.*)\&'
$code = $Matches[1]
Now, using this code, you get accessToken/refreshToken.
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType application/x-www-form-urlencoded -Method POST -Body "client_id=$clientId&scope=$code&grant_type=authorization_code&"
$oauthTokens = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
Since, this access token $oauthTokens.access_token will expire after one hour, use the refresh token to get new access and refresh tokens. This process you need to do periodically, say on 1/2 hourly basis.
Process to refresh is the following. This does not require you to login.
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType application/x-www-form-urlencoded -Method POST -Body "client_id=$clientId&scope=$code&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$($oauthTokens.refresh_token)"
$oauthTokens = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
PS, I'm unclear if we could refresh infinitely or whether it is bound to a day. I verified that an expired accessToken could be renewed via refreshToken via this method after 1.5 hours - no need of generating code again via relogin.
2. After following the steps I don't get the expected SOAP Response. Instead I get below response
Thank you for providing the detailed soap xmls. I tried the same on my test account and able to repro exact same error message.
Here's the udpated SOAP xml request I used to get it to work.
<s:Envelope xmlns:i="" xmlns:s="">
<s:Header xmlns="">
<AuthenticationToken i:nil="false">here goes token</AuthenticationToken>
<CustomerAccountId i:nil="false">176045209</CustomerAccountId>
<CustomerId i:nil="false">169549046</CustomerId>
<DeveloperToken i:nil="false">here goes dev Token</DeveloperToken>
<SubmitGenerateReportRequest xmlns="">
<ReportRequest i:nil="false" i:type="AccountPerformanceReportRequest">
<Format i:nil="false">Csv</Format>
<ReportName i:nil="false">reportName1</ReportName>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to AccountPerformanceReportRequest-->
<Columns i:nil="false">
<Scope i:nil="false">
<AccountIds i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Time i:nil="false">
<CustomDateRangeEnd i:nil="false">
<CustomDateRangeStart i:nil="false">
Here's the postman result.
PS, I received error, when some fields were missing. I did not use xml namespaces.
Hope this helps.

how to unlock objects in IBM content navigator from a SOA webservice call

In my SOA, there are two apps trading document information back and forth. One of them is IBM's filenet/content navigator. Now the other app cannot call upon documents in filenet when these document are checked out in filenet. This usually is solvable by manually logging into Filenet and right clicking the document and selecting to undo the checkout.
Since the holdup really screws with my SOA integration I want to be able to perform this "undo checkout" action in filenet through a webservice call in my SOA. This would save a lot of time spent on manual actions unlocking the documents. I am using Oracle's SOA suite 11g (and 12c), and my process is heavily carried by BPELs. I already have a nice webservice interacting with Filenet. However, I will need to create a new operation "UnlockDocument" to interact and perform this action in filenet.
What I need: I need to have the code that would cover the "UnlockDocument" operation in a filenet environment, or some similar trick that would get the job done. Any information (also non-code!) on how I could proceed is very welcome, and I´ll keep updating my post if I find more info myself!
Thank you for your help!
It turns out there is no possible "UnlockDocument" or "CancelCheckout" operation in filenet's webservice. However, I have found a neat workaround that let's you do just that.
When a document is checked out in filenet through the client or through a webservicecall of the operation:
A copy of the document is made internally in filenet with the same VersionSeriesId as the original document, but with the property Isreserved = 'true'. If you perform a "DeleteAction" on this copy, you essentially recreate the manual "Cancel Checkout" step available in the filenet client. "DeleteAction" requires an ObjectIdand doesn't work on the VersionSeriesId. In order to get this ObjectID through a webservice call, you need to make a SOAPCall that obtains this ObjectID. To cancel the initial checkout, a second SOAPCall should be made that deletes the document with the in the previous step obtained ObjectID, aka: "the copy". Herefollows two examples of usable SOAPCalls:
ExecuteSearchRequest SoapCall:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sch="">
<sch:ExecuteSearchRequest xsi:type="RepositorySearch" xmlns:xsi="">
<sch:SearchScope xsi:type="ObjectStoreScope" objectStore="ObjectStoreXXX"/>
<sch:SearchSQL>SELECT [Id] FROM Document WHERE VersionSeries = {"enter the VersionSeriesID of the initial document without quotes"} AND IsReserved = true</sch:SearchSQL>
DeleteActionRequest SoapCall:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sch="">
<sch:ExecuteChangesRequest xmlns:xsi="">
<sch:TargetSpecification classId="Document" objectId="{"enter the objectId of the previously obtained document without quotes"}" objectStore="ObjectStoreO7"/>
<sch:Action xsi:type="sch:DeleteAction"/>
Now in order to get this to work from a SOA, you'll need to invoke filenet's webservice twice from your BPEL. First with the first operation: ExecuteSearchRequest, which yields you the ObjectId required to cancel the checkout, afterwards with the second operation ExecuteChangesRequest, which deletes the correct document, undoing the initial checkout. These operations are listed in the above SOAP examples. Additionally you need to add WS-security in your outgoing header with working credentials to access the Filenet service. Otherwise you won't be able to connect with filenet.
This has cost me a lot of time so I hope this helps someone besides me. Enjoy your mastery of filenet checkout deletion!

Mule Rest Post call to SFDC to create a lead

I need to post a Rest call to SFDC with the respective credentials and create the SalesLead in SFDC. The response should come inthe form of Acknowledgment JSON response.
I am not sure how to use http:rest-service-component to post the data for creating lead.
Any help or sample is appreciated...
It is resolved now by using the "https:outbound-endpoint". All this code need is a JSON object as input.
Below is the snippnet:
method="POST" exchange-pattern="request-response"
contentType="application/json" doc:name="HTTP" >
<message-properties-transformer scope="outbound">
<add-message-property key="Authorization" value="OAuth ****"/>
<echo-component doc:name="Echo"/>

Customer Address Field is Mandatory?

A client of our IA app just reported a slew of IDS synch error messages like:
Error updating customer in Intuit Data Services. Error message was: empty addresses not allowed party_id = 679598
I looked at your new online docs and see that the Object Reference indicates that the customer address is "mandatory". Is this something new? If so, since when? Customers have been synching successfully with empty addresses up to now, this change took us completely unaware (if indeed it is a change). Is there some way you can apprise us of upcoming changes so we can act proactively? Also, what exactly qualifies as an "empty" address? What fields exactly, at a minimum, need to be non-empty? For example, if "State" is filled in is that enough?
BTW, what is party_id and how can I use it to identify the customer object?
Thanks in advance.
It's not a required field to add/update a customer but if you are including the XML address fields tag in your request, then you must enter a value for it. If you don't want to update the address then leave it out.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Mod xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" RequestId="7699faaff20f4e16987e26bddbbf9461" xmlns="">
<Object xsi:type="Customer">
<Name>Jane Doe</Name>

Getting 400 Bad Request while trying to upload contents to sharepoint site using Copy.asmx web service

I am trying to upload content to SharePoint site using its Copy.asmx web service's CopyIntoItems operation from one of my iPhone applications.
Here is the sample xml That I am trying to POST.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<CopyIntoItems xmlns="http:"//"><SourceUrl>http://null</SourceUrl><DestinationUrls><string>mytestsite/Upload Library/Check_File_Upload.txt</string></DestinationUrls><Fields><FieldInformation Type="File" DisplayName="Name" InternalName="FileLeafRef" Value="Check_File_Upload.txt" /><FieldInformation Type="Guid" DisplayName="GUID" InternalName="GUID" Value="{21026DFC-E19E-470E-8B1D-7D7C5FA84FF3}" /></Fields><Stream>VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QgZmlsZSB0byBjaGVjayB1cGxvYWQgZnVuY3Rpb25hbGl0eS4gYW5kIGNoZWNraW5nIGFnYWluLg==</Stream></CopyIntoItems>
Can anyone help me to figure out the issue?
I'm was able to do it with Java. See this thread
Gettting 400 Bad Request while uploading file to SharePoint 2010 using Copy.CopyIntoItems web service
Hope this helps.
Also here are some very useful field type that I've compiled. I'm using SharePoint 2010
Choice List
fieldInfo.setDisplayName("Day Of Week");
Multi Choice List, note that each value is separated by ;#
Enterprise Keywords,
fieldInfo.setDisplayName("Enterprise Keywords");
Managed Metadata. Important, note that the displayname must be append to “_0” and the value must be in the format of -1#SomeValue|guid as shown below
Content Type. You can get the Id of the content type by viewing on the content type properties and note the id in the url, something like. Get the value of the param, ctype
fieldInfo.setDisplayName("Content Type Id");