How to rollback transaction in Grails integration tests on MongoDB - mongodb

How I can (should) configure Grails integration tests to rollback transactions automatically when using MongoDB as datasource?
(I'm using Grails 2.2.1 + mongodb plugin 1.2.0)

For spock integration tests I defined a MongoIntegrationSpec that gives some control of cleaning up test data.
dropDbOnCleanup = true // will drop the entire DB after every feature method is executed.
dropDbOnCleanupSpec = true // will drop the entire DB after after the spec is complete.
dropCollectionsOnCleanup = ["collectionA", "collectionB", ...] // drops collections after every feature method is executed.
dropCollectionsOnCleanupSpec = ["collectionA", "collectionB", ...] // drops collections after the spec is complete.
dropNewCollectionsOnCleanup = true // after every feature method is executed, all new collections are dropped
dropNewCollectionsOnCleanupSpec = true // after the spec is complete, all new collections are dropped
Here's the source
And the project has a couple usage examples too.

I don't think that it's even possible, because MongoDB doesn't support transactions. You could use suggested static transactional = 'mongo', but it helps only if you didn't flush your data (it's rare situation I think)
Instead you could cleanup database on setUp() manually. You can drop collection for a domain that you're going to test, like:
and (optinally) fill with all data require for your test.

Can use static transactional = 'mongo' in integration test and/or service class.
Refer MongoDB Plugin for more details.

MongoDB does not support transactions! And hence you cannot use it. The options you have are
1. Go around and drop the collections for the DomainClasses you used.
MyDomain.collection.drop() //If you use mongoDB plugin alone without hibernate
MyDomain.mongo.collection.drop() //If you use mongoDB plugin with hibernate
Draw back is you have to do it for each domain you used
2. Drop the whole database (You don't need to create it explicitly, but you can)
String host =
Integer port = grailsApplication.config.grails.mongo.port
Integer databaseName = grailsApplication.config.grails.mongo.databaseName
def mongo = new GMongo(host, port)
mongo.getDB(databaseName).dropDatabase() //this takes 0.3-0.5 seconds in my machin
The second option is easier and faster. To make this work for all your tests, extend IntegrationSpec and add the code to drop the database in the cleanup block (I am assuming you are using Spock test framework) or do a similar thing for JUnit like tests!
Hope this helps!


Atomically query for all collection documents + watching for further changes

Our Java app saves its configurations in a MongoDB collections. When the app starts it reads all the configurations from MongoDB and caches them in Maps. We would like to use the change stream API to be able also to watch for updates of the configurations collections.
So, upon app startup, first we would like to get all configurations, and from now on - watch for any further change.
Is there an easy way to execute the following atomically:
A find() that retrieves all configurations (documents)
Start a watch() that will send all further updates
By atomically I mean - without potentially missing any update (between 1 and 2 someone could update the collection with new configuration).
To make sure I lose no update notifications, I found that I can use watch().startAtOperationTime(serverTime) (for MongoDB of 4.0 or later), as follows.
Query the MongoDB server for its current time, using command such as Document hostInfoDoc = mongoTemplate.executeCommand(new Document("hostInfo", 1))
Query for all interesting documents: List<C> configList = mongoTemplate.findAll(clazz);
Extract the server time from hostInfoDoc: BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) hostInfoDoc.get("operationTime");
Start the change stream configured with the saved server time ChangeStreamIterable<Document> changes =;
Since 1 ends before 2 starts, we know that the documents that were returned by 2 were at least same or fresher than the ones on that server time. And any updates that happened on or after this server time will be sent to us by the change stream (I don't care to run again redundant updates, because I use map as cache, so extra add/remove won't make a difference, as long as the last action arrives).
I think I could also use watch().resumeAfter(_idOfLastAddedDoc) (didn't try). I did not use this approach because of the following scenario: the collection is empty, and the first document is added after getting all (none) documents, and before starting the watch(). In that scenario I don't have previous document _id to use as resume token.
Instead of using "hostInfo" for getting the server time, which couldn't be used in our production, I ended using "dbStats" like that:
Document dbStats= mongoOperations.executeCommand(new Document("dbStats", 1));
BsonTimestamp serverTime = (BsonTimestamp) dbStats.get("operationTime");

Mongo Java Driver 3.6: Change Streams Codec Error

I'm trying to use the new ChangeStream feature with Mongo Java Driver 3.6, but I'm stuck. This is my error:
ChangeStreamDocument contains generic types that have not been specialised.
Top level classes with generic types are not supported by the PojoCodec.
Here's how I'm starting the changeStream:
CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry(),
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(mongoClientURI.getDatabase())
collection.insertOne(Person.builder().age(100).build());<? super ChangeStreamDocument<Person>>) personChangeStreamDocument -> {
Person is just a POJO.
There's currently a bug with the automatic ProjoCodecProvider as described in JAVA-2800.
The temporary workaround is register the POJO classes manually for example:
CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry(),
Additionally, please note that you may not be able to see the event insert if you performed the insert operation before you open a change stream on a collection. Although you can test this easily by inserting/altering documents from another thread or process. See also Change Streams for more information.
UPDATE: The ticket JAVA-2800 has been resolved and a fix version is available on MongoDB Java Driver v3.6.4+.

better solution than timertask with scala in play framework

I need to regularly check the database for updated records. I currently use TimerTask which works fine. However, I've found its efficiency is not good and consumes a lot of server resouces. Is there a solution which can fulfill my requirement but is better?
def checknewmessages() = Action{
request =>
//code to check database
I can think of two solutions:
You can use the ReactiveMongo driver for Play which is completely non-blocking and async and capped collection in Mongo DB.
Please see this for an example -
How to listen for changes to a MongoDB collection?
If you are using a database that doesn't support a push mechanisms you can implement that using an Actor by scheduling messages to itself at regular intervals.
If your logic is in your database (stored procedures etc) you could simply create a cron job.
You could also create a command line script that encapsulates the logic and schedule (cron again).
If you have your logic in your web application, you could again create a cron job that simply makes an API call to your app.

How to properly handle mongoose schema migrations?

I'm completely new to MongoDB & Mongoose and can't seem to find an answer as to how to handle migrations when a schema changes.
I'm used to running migration SQL scripts that alter table structure and any underlying data that needs to be changed. This typically involves DB downtime.
How is this typically handled within MongoDB/Mongoose? Any gotcha's that I need to be aware of?
In coming across this and reasonably understanding how migrations work on a relational database, MongoDB makes this a little simpler. I've come to 2 ways to break this down. The things to consider when dealing with data migrations in MongoDB (not all that uncommon from RDBs) are:
Ensuring local test environments do not break when a developer merges the latest from the project repository
Ensuring any data is correctly updated on the live version regardless if a user is logged in or out if authentication is used. (Of course if everyone is automatically logged out when an upgrade is made, then only worrying about when a user logs in is necessary).
1) If your change will log everyone out or application downtime is expected then the simple way to do this is have a migration script to connect to local or live MongoDB and upgrade the correct data. Example where a user's name is changed from a single string to an object with given and family name (very basic of course and would need to be put into a script to run for all developers):
Using the CLI:
use myDatabase
db.myUsers.find().forEach( function(user){
var curName =' '); //need some more checks.. = {given: curName[0], family: curName[1]}; user );
2) You want the application to migrate the schemas up and down based on the application version they are running. This will obviously be less of a burden for a live server and not require down time due to only upgrading users when they use the upgraded / downgraded versions for the first time.
If your using middleware in Expressjs for Nodejs:
Set an app variable in your root app script via app.set('schemaVersion', 1) which will be used later to compare to the users schema version.
Now ensure all the user schemas have a schemaVersion property as well so we can detect a change between the application schema version and the current MongoDB schemas for THAT PARTICULAR USER only.
Next we need to create simple middleware to detect the config and user version
app.use( function( req, res, next ){
//If were not on an authenticated route
if( ! req.user ){
//retrieving the user info will be server dependent
if( req.user.schemaVersion === app.get('schemaVersion')){
//handle upgrade if user version is less than app version
//handle downgrade if user version is greater than app version
//save the user version to your session / auth token / MongoDB where necessary
For the upgrade / downgrade I would make simple js files under a migrations directory with an upgrade / downgrade export functions that will accept the user model and run the migration changes on that particular user in the MongoDB. Lastly ensure the users version is updated in your MongoDB so they don't run the changes again unless they move to a different version again.
If you're used to SQL type migrations or Rails-like migrations then you'll find my cli tool migrate-mongoose the right fit for you.
It allows you to write migrations with an up and a down function and manages the state for you based on success and failure of your migrations.
It also supports ES6 if you're using ES 2015 syntax.
You get access to your mongoose models via the this object, making it easy to make the changes you need to your models and schemas.
There are 2 types of migrations:
Offline: Will require you to take your service down for maintenance, then iterate over the entire collection and make the changes you need.
Online: Does not require to take your service down for maintenance. When you read the document, you check its version, and run a version specific migration routine for each version between the old and the new. Then you load the resulting thing.
Not all services can afford an offline migration, I recommend the online approach.

HSQLDB and in-memory files

Is it possible to setup HSQLDB in a way, so that the files with the db information are written into memory instead of using actual files? I want to use hsqldb to export some data structures together with hibernate mappings. Is is, however, not possible to write temporary files, so that I need to generate the files in-memory and return a stream with their contents as a response.
Setting hsqldb to use nio seems not to be a solution, because there is no way to get hold of those files before they get written onto the filesystem.
What I'm thinking of is a protocol handler for hsqldb, but I didn't find a suitable solution yet.
Just to describe in other words: A hack solution would be to pass hsqldb a stream or several streams. It would then during its operation write data into those streams. After all data is written, the user of the db could then use those streams to send it back over the network.
Yes, of course, we use it all the time for integration testing.
use as url : jdbc:hsqldb:mem:aname
see here for more details
DbUnit offers a handy database dump method as part of their package :
// database connection
Class driverClass = Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver");
Connection jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:hsqldb:sample", "sa", "");
IDatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(jdbcConnection);
// full database export
IDataSet fullDataSet = connection.createDataSet();
FlatXmlDataSet.write(fullDataSet, new FileOutputStream("full.xml"));
see DbUnit FAQ for more details. Of course there are routines to restore the data, as that is actually the puropose of the package : prepare a test database for integration testing. Usually we do this with an annotation, but you'll have to use tha API for that.