Entity Framework - View Sql using toTraceString - entity-framework

I'm trying to view the generated sql that Entity Framework 5.0 generates from an entities query. All over the web, everyone says to cast the IQuerable object to an ObjectQuery object and then use the toTraceString() method to return the generated query.
However I keep getting an invalid case exception:
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type
'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery`1[System.String]' to type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery'.
What is the new way to do this in Entity Framework 5?

You can view the generated SQL from an IQueryable using .ToString(), e.g.
var query = context.People.Where(x => x.DomainId == 1);

Are you using SQL Server? If so, try using the profiler. Tools->SQL Server Profiler in the development version of Management Studio


EF7 "Invalid Object Name 'xyz'" when manually scaffolding existing database

I've published a DB using an SqlDatabase Project.
I've manually created POCO classes, as well as a Db context to match the published database.
Whenever I try to execute an EF statement, valid SQL Query is generated, but I receive the error
An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid object name '[xyz]'
The properties on the EF class match exactly type/nullable/name/etc in the database. The query generated, when run manually works fine.
Any help appreciated.

Open JPA : An error occurred while parsing the query filter 'MY_QUERY' Error message: No field named "accessAuthorizationVs" in class "MyEntityClass"

I have configured it in my Rational Software Architect 8.0.4, by enabling the JPA 1.0 facet. It autogenerates almost all my entity classes except for the id's. So I manually add them. I am trying to query a simple table APP_USER that has one-to-many relation to ACCESS_AUTHORIZATION table. See below for the configurations and entity classes.
When I try to execute a simple named query which is
SELECT a.accessAuthorizationVs, a.empName, a.userCnum FROM AppUserEntity a WHERE a.userCnum = :userCnum
It throws an exception
**org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: An error occurred while parsing the query filter "SELECT a.accessAuthorizationVs, a.empName, a.userCnum FROM AppUserEntity a WHERE a.userCnum = :userCnum". Error message: No field named "accessAuthorizationVs" in class "class com.xxx.xxx.xxx.services.integration.entity.AppUserEntity".**
at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.AbstractExpressionBuilder.parseException(AbstractExpressionBuilder.java:118)
at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.AbstractExpressionBuilder.traversePath(AbstractExpressionBuilder.java:284)
at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql.JPQLExpressionBuilder.getPath(JPQLExpressionBuilder.java:1382)
at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql.JPQLExpressionBuilder.getPathOrConstant(JPQLExpressionBuilder.java:1337)
Here's a snapshot of my persistence.xml:
Can anyone guide me what I am doing wrong here? The field by that name is clearly defined in my entity class. Also I would like to mention that I had to enhance the classes[followed this] as there was an earlier error about classes not being enhanced.
When you create a named query in OpenJPA, remember that you are writing JPQL, not native SQL. The syntax is similar, but a little different.
In this case, I suggest changing your named query to the following:
SELECT a FROM AppUserEntity a WHERE a.userCnum = :userCnum
This will return an object of the AppUserEntity class which will include the set of AccessAuthorizationV objects (lazy loaded by default).
For more details, see the JPQL Language Reference.

LINQ to Entities (.NET 4.0)

I have the code below (this is actually part of a much more complicated query, but I have isolated the issue to this particular line to help with debugging) which per everything I have read should create an IN clause in SQL, assuming I am using EF4. As far as I can tell, I am using EF4 (We are using .NET Framework 4 for our projects and when I look at the System.Data and System.Data.Entity they both say version for all the projects)
int[] assessmentIDs; // this is just here to show what this is,
// but it is a params parameter passed to this methed
var assessments = from cert in container.ProctorAssessmentCertifications
where assessmentIDs.Contains(cert.AssessmentID)
select cert.ID;
However, when I run this, I get the runtime error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean Contains[Int32](Int32[], Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
When I use LinqPad, it does correctly output an IN clause like one would expect in EF4.
My questions are:
A. What am I doing wrong and how do I make this work?
B. How do I force EF4 to be called if in fact it's not? I can find no reference in any web.config file that point it to the older version.
Contains does not get translated into valid SQL because assessmentIDs is not IQueryable, it is an in-memory object. So you'll have to pull the data out first, and then do the check.
var assessments = (from cert in container.ProctorAssessmentCertifications
select cert.ID).ToList() //no longer IQueryable.
var result = assessments.Intersect(assessmentIDs);

Is Time Datatype in SQL Server 2008 R2 supports Entityframework with MVC4

I am using ASP.NET MVC4 with Entityframework.
Does Entityframework supports new Time datatype of SQL.
Thank you
Yes it is supported. If you have table which uses Time SQL type it will be recognized as EDM.Time and generated entity will use TimeSpan as property type. In the same way it works with code first approach. If you map property with TimeSpan type the table will contain SQL Time column.

Error creating compact sql database file from model

While creating compact sql database file from a model(edmx) showing following error-
There is no store type corresponding to the EDM type '{0}' of primitive type '{1}'.
I can't quiet get the error.
Please help..........
.net Time entity data type is not supported in sql ce3.5, instead used datetime and this is resolve the issue.