Sublime text big javascript object outline - plugins

I'm currently working with a HUGE javascript object and i'm lost when i'm on a function...
I've no information about this function (his parent, etc..)
I want to know if someone have a trick to get more information.
Outline (CTRL+R) is a good thing but too lite for this type of document.
Maybe a plugin?

You can try ShowFunctionName. It's supposed to display the function name in the status bar. I haven't tested it, but I skimmed through the source. It looks for a particular scope, starting from the current cursor location, moving backwards. I don't know of anything off hand that goes beyond the first "function name", but I wouldn't be surprised if someone built a plugin to do that.


How to make vs code extension take in user path input and how to create coding templates

for my internship I am making an VS code extension. I have never developed anything like this before so any help or documentation links or tips are welcome.
what I am doing is as follows: develop an extension that is capable of taking in user input. the input will be a path to an .isf/.hdf file. this could be thru the simplest of text box buttons initially, as functionality before polish is what im focusing on right now.
It also needs to be able to provide templates with preconstructed code. such as, a option on the file menu where it might say "new file". And when this option is choosen, a .py file with a lot of "boiler-plate" or preconstructed code is created for them.
im also using CanvasJS to show some graphical data. I would need a way for the graph to appear in a tab/window of the VS Code rather than the browser of the user.
Thank you in advance! Please let me know how to edit/add to this question, I know its extremely vague. Still a novice but excited to get this extension developed!
im not expecting anyone to DO this for me, just to point me in the general direction so I can sink my teeth into useful documentation, examples, and/or tutorials. Thanks again :)

Is there an easy way to search Snippets in SQL Developer?

I find that my collection of snippets has grown far beyond what can be managed by assigning a Category and Name. "I know I wrote this code before, it's probably in one of these three categories but it definitely hit table T and used function F; should my time be spent clicking thru each likely category and dragging out each snippet, reinventing it, or searching the snippets.xml?" is a conversation I have with myself far too often.
I tend to copy the snippet body into the tag so I can hover and see some of what's in there but still, being able to actually search the snippets (like we can do with SQL History) would be amazing. Is there a way?
No, there is no way today.
I'm happy to log an enhancement request on your behalf for that feature.
In the meantime, maybe consider trying the Code Templates instead?
You can 'search' either by the name of your code template, or by the first word of the code template 'source'
type the word, and then ctrl+enter to bring up the list of 'hits'

UWP RichEditBox Text with Inline Rich Objects

I am working on a UWP app and I'm basically trying to do exactly what Facebook does with their app when composing a post.
Basically I want to be able to type text and At Mention someone in the RichEditBox. The person's name should be highlighted and when I tap on it I should be able to invoke a Command in my view model. Also once I hit send, I need to parse out what is text and what's a link to a person's account. I've played around a lot with the RichEditBox but can't quite figure this out.
Does anyone have any hints or ideas? I'm thinking I'll have to keep track of my object's position on every keystroke, just wondering if there's a cleaner way to do it.
You could use the RichTextBox.Document.Selection.Link property to store a custom link to your entity (ex: "mention://JohnDoe")

How can I auto-modify an image?

The question I am asking is a little bit abstract, so I will try to make it more clear. There are websites where you sign up and get a signature in the format of an image. It has a general format, say a few boxes that are empty, and a logo in the middle. Now, say you gain the "Overachiever" badge, which looks like a pen. You signature is then updated, automatically, to include that pen badge in one of the blank boxes. I am completely clueless as to how to do this, and in what language to do this is, so can anyone help? I have been thinking about PHP as an option, but I do not know if that would work. Any suggestions?
You can do this with PHP (imagecreate) and for the updates in your images you can use cronjobs.
Is this for a forum? Depending on the platform, I know some hosts already have "addon's" that provide similar functionality to what you're after. (Karma addons etc.)
Maybe one of these will help? phpBB has some stuff like that.
If you can execute an external process, you can do this using Image Magick.

Form Analyzation and Suggestions

I was filling out a form on to ship out an old phone and when I entered my address, a dialog box popped up telling me what I entered along with their suggestion of what to change it to. I thought this was cool and was wondering how I can replicate that in my forms.
Looks like you talking about some kind of auto-completer. This can be done in various ways, depending on the languages you are using. You can make a simple auto-completer using just html, javascript and css. More complicated auto-completers can make server side calls to search through a database etc.
Have a look at the link below, they explain a very simple auto-completer.
Related topic
Hope this helps, good luck :)