Error in Matlab, calling a function - matlab

The errors are:
Error in getvalues (line 4)
faceNoNoise = wiener2(x, [5 5]);
Output argument "mouthTall" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Users\Trent\face\getvalues.m>getvalues".
Error in finalProject2 (line 10)
[ numWhiteEyebrow, mouthTall, eyebrowHeight ] = getvalues( faceGray )
faceNoNoise = wiener2(x, [5 5]); <---- getvalues.m line with error
function finalProject2(x) <----- finalproject file
face = imread(x);
faceGray = rgb2gray(face);
numWhiteEyebrow = 0;
mouthTall = 0;
eyebrowHeight = 0;
[ numWhiteEyebrow, mouthTall, eyebrowHeight ] = getvalues( faceGray ) <--error above
Im trying to figure out why its doing this...

This happens since you have not assigned required output values in the function getvalues.m. There are 3 output arguments which should be returned by getvalues.m. See this and this. To clarify even more, if your function definition in getvalues.m file is [a,b,c]=getvalues(x) (and this is how it would mostly be in your case) then in your getvalue.m file, you should have variables a, b and c.


Matlab Load from relative path

function []= read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
dim_feat = 512;
for i = 1 : size(dir_list, 1)
dir_str = char(dir_list(i));
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
num_feat = length(feat_files);
feat = zeros(num_feat, dim_feat);
for j = 1 : num_feat
feat_path = strcat(dir_str, '/', feat_files(j).name);
............... on
Give me error like
Error using dir
Invalid path. The path must not contain a null character.
Error in read_c3d_feat (line 12)
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
Your dir_list variable must have strings which contain null characters, as the error tells you. If you try using hard-coded strings you will see it works:
function read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = {'21';'45';'18'};
for i = 1:size(dir_list, 1)
dir_str = dir_list{i}; % Loops through '21','45','18'
% The dir function now works because we know dir_str is a valid string
feat_files = dir([dir_str, '/*.res5b']);
This means you need to debug your code and find out what this line is actually assigning to dir_list:
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
Note that if dir_list is a cell of text entries, you should be indexing it with curly braces as above. If instead it is a matrix (because all of the entries seem to be numerical anyway) then you should be using num2str when passing to dir:
function read_c3d_feat(output_list_relative)
dir_list = importdata(output_list_relative);
dim_feat = 512;
for i = 1:size(dir_list, 1)
feat_files = dir([num2str(dir_list(i)), '/*.res5b']);
% ...

Variable not defined

I wanted to run this line but unfortunately it throws an error. Any ideas?
Undefined function or variable mr.
Error in Playground (line 23)
X = min(mr);
j = 1;
for i = 1:(resolution1+1)
line(i) = m(a(1))*ab(i)+c;
for i = 1:(resolution1)
if or(or(line(i)>ab_y(i) & line(i+1)<ab_y1(i+1),line(i)<ab_y1(i)& line(i+1)>ab_y1(i+1)),line(i)==ab_y1(i))
mr(j) = ab1(i);
rk(j) = ab_y1(j);
j = j+1;
X = min(mr);
Y = max(mr);
Your condition:
or(or(line(i)>ab_y(i) & line(i+1)<ab_y1(i+1),line(i)<ab_y1(i)& line(i+1)>ab_y1(i+1)),line(i)==ab_y1(i))
returns always false, so the statements inside
mr(j)=ab1(i); rk(j)=ab_y1(j);
are never executed. Therefore variable mr does not exist.
Add an mr = []; statement before the loop to initialize the variable (and also revise your condition why it returns always false).

Input argument "b" is undefined

i am new in matlab and search everything. I am writing a the function. i could not able to understand why this error is comning :"Input argument "b" is undefined." . shall i intialise b =0 ? whereas it is the parameter coming from input console. my code:
function f = evenorodd( b )
%UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
%f = b;%2;
f = [0 0];
f = rem(b,2);
if f == 0
disp(b+ 'is even')
disp(b+ 'is odd')
??? Input argument "b" is undefined.
Error in ==> evenorodd at 6
f = rem(b,2);
From what I see, this is what you are trying to do:
function f = evenorodd( b )
f = rem(b,2);
if f == 0
fprintf('%i is even\n', b)
fprintf('%i is odd\n', b)
>> evenorodd(2);
2 is even
No need to initialize f as [0,0].
In MATLAB, you cant concatenate a number and string with + operator. Use fprintf.
The above function evenorodd takes one argument (integer) and returns 0 or 1.

Matlab function calling basic

I'm new to Matlab and now learning the basic grammar.
I've written the file GetBin.m:
function res = GetBin(num_bin, bin, val)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
res = num_bin;
for i = (num_bin - 1) : 1
if val < bin(i)
res = i;
and I call it with:
num_bin = 5;
bin = [48.4,96.8,145.2,193.6]; % bin stands for the intermediate borders, so there are 5 bins
fea_val = GetBin(num_bin,bin,fea(1,1)) % fea is a pre-defined 280x4096 matrix
It returns error:
Error in GetBin (line 2)
if val >= bin(num_bin - 1)
Output argument "res" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Could anybody tell me what's wrong here? Thanks.
You need to ensure that every possible path through your code assigns a value to res.
In your case, it looks like that's not the case, because you have a loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : 1
That loop will never iterate (so it will never assign a value to res). You need to explicitly specify that it's a decrementing loop:
for i = (num_bins-1) : -1 : 1
For more info, see the documentation on the colon operator.
for i = (num_bin - 1) : -1 : 1

Input argument "ip" is undefined Error

I am new in matlab I am trying to define a function and I keep getting this error
" input argument "ip" is undefined.
Error in ==> edge_mapping at 2
size_ip = size(ip(:,:,1)); "
here is my code
function[op1,op2,op3] = edge_mapping(ip)
size_ip = size(ip(:,:,1));
op1= cat(3,zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s));
op2= cat(3,zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s));
op3= cat(3,zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s),zeros(s));
for i = 1 : 10
function [op1, op2, op3] = edge_mapping(ip)
op1 = zeros(size(ip));
op2 = zeros(size(ip));
op3 = zeros(size(ip));
for i = 1 : size(ip, 3)
But I think it's better to write a simple function:
function op = edge_mapping(ip, edge_mode)
op = zeros(size(ip));
for i = 1 : size(ip, 3)
op(:,:,i)=edge(ip(:,:,i), edge_mode);
and then call it:
op_sobel = edge_mapping(ip, 'sobel');
op_prewitt = edge_mapping(ip, 'prewitt');
op_canny = edge_mapping(ip, 'canny');
This code is a function. It has to be save as m-file and run from MATLAB command line, script or another function as
[op1,op2,op3] = edge_mapping(ip);
where arguments ip, op1, op2, and op3 can have different names.
Make sure you have space after function keyword.
To avoid this error you can assign a default value for the input argument if it's undefined (not exist in the function's scope):
if ~exist(ip, 'var')
ip = []; %# or other default value