Source map plugin for Eclipse - eclipse

I was wondering if there is a source map plugin available for Eclipse like the one included in VS' Productivity Power Tools:
Tried to Google it but I've not got any relevant hit.

Isn't it something you are looking for?

How about this group of plugins:
It includes a "Crazy outline view". I have not used the plugin, so I can't vouch for its quality, but I do know the plugin author and he has a record of releasing good plugins. It's worth a shot.


How to develop something as a group in Eclipse

My friend and I were searching for already built-in features in Eclipse or plugins that allow you to develop code in a group, or to be more specific, in a pair.
I found only a single plugin that provides such features, however it is quite hard to install.
Are there any simple solutions for Eclipse, or should I use a different editor?
You could use Git/GitHub or a similar form of version control. I am pretty sure Eclipse has built in support for Git.

Creating a language extension for Eclipse?

Is it possible to create an extension or plugin for Eclipse that gives support to a specific language? Where i can find information about that? Also, can i repackage Eclipse, along with that plugin, and distribute the new package, just like PDT, for example?
Have a look at this page:
There is a section "Implementing Support for Your Own Language" at the bottom of that page.
You should definitely have a look at Xtext which allows you quite easily to get first grade ide support for your own langage.
It's possible. In fact support for specific languages is implemented as plug-ins. See eclipse platform plug-in developers guide and then search for details. Or look for some book like eclipse plugins.
You can repackage and distribute new package. In fact eclipse license gives you more freedom in this than for example GPL.

To modify a core eclipse plugin

In order to modify an eclipse plugin, what are the steps to find its editable code ?
I read and debug source provided with eclipse distribution but to try a fix in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation behavior I need to make it editable.
Well, the source repository is available at, the plugin compiled with the source should be available from the standard eclipse update site.
I'm guessing you are considering changing the source, recompiling and using your plugin instead of the standard one? There is a different way to change functionality, its with fragments. For example, look at a question I asked earlier, follow the links in my text and Andrews answer for more information.

open source code visualization plugin for Eclipse?

is there a code visualization plugin for eclipse?
it's too expensive however so is there a open source version?
ModelGoon is probably the most promising open source project for code visualization based on Eclipse JDT. GreenUML may also be of interest, but it doesn't seem too active. I even had to patch a few things to get it working properly in my case (see my github fork).
If you want visualization based on runtime capture of program execution you may want to see this answer to a related question.
Finally you may want to explore the Source Code Analyzer category on Eclipse marketplace, the listing is a bit broader in scope and includes both proprietary and open source solutions.

A plugin that makes eclipse usable documentation editor

I'm looking for a plugin that will make Eclipse a decent documentation editor with outlining, images etc... Does anyone know about anything? I've tried NQDoc, which is quite good but doesn't support vim plugin.
Any leads?
I have no direct experience with this tools, but the Eclipse MarketPlace is a good place to list all available solutions.
For instance: all Documentations tools.