How to Find out if Eclipse is running in debug mode - eclipse

There are a lot of question/answers about how to detect from the code if Eclipse is running in debug mode; but I can't find any source the describes how the user can find out if Eclipse is running in debug mode or not. I have examined Eclipse while running an application to find out if it is running the application in debug mode or not, and I can't find any source explaining this. I have also gone through the output messages in console, and again there is nothing that indicates if the application is running in debug mode.
So, can someone please tell me how I can find out if the application that is running in eclipse is running in debug mode or not.

Switch to the "Debug" perspective and look at the Debug pane. If it looks like this, you're not debugging:
And if it looks like this, you are debugging:


Eclipse tomcat-7 server skip all breakpoints

I am trying to debug my code and the tomcat server starts in debug mode, but the eclipse doesn't show debug perpective and however it skips all breakpoints and is working like in normal run.
So can someone tell me how to fix this, so it stops on setted breakpoints?
Thanks for help

How can i know an application running in debug or run mode in eclipse

I do start/stop my application more than 15 to 20 times every day. Every time i start app in debug mode only. But some times the debug(break points) would not work, then i will get confuse that is my app running in debug or run mode.
Do you have any idea to find out.
Even some times, I started my app in debug mode and it runs in debug mode for some time, suddenly works as run mode, it would not consider my break points. so, if i restart my app in debug mode only, i can do debug again.
While the application is running, open the Debug view in Eclipse. If all that you see in the tree is a path to your Java distribution under the project name then you are in run mode. If you are in debug mode then you will see the above information plus all the threads that are currently running in your application.
When you launch your application, the mode into which it runs is indicated in the "server" panel, like this :
Sometimes, when the debug mode doesn't work(for example it can't start), I remove all the break points, then I set them again.
Make sure what you run 1st.
Debug mode should display you code with variables in debug tab in eclipse while program is running.
Is your application a standalone application or a server hosted application which you remote debug? In both cases as soon as the debugger is connected to whatever local or remote process the signs left to your debuger icon get enabled. Those are in a row a few arrows (Step back, Step into, Step over) a green Arrow for Resume, a Suspend Icon, one for Stop and one for Disconnect.
If you open the debug View (Window->Show View->Other... type in "Debug") you should as well see if your Debugger is currently connected to any process.

Ipython in pydev interactive debugging console(eclipse)

I have ipython working in pydev when using the normal interactive console, however when entering debug mode the console reverts to the standard pydev console. If I close this console and re-open it, ipython returns and I can use it as normal. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
Actually since PyDev version 3.0 you can attache a IPython console to a debug-session:
To enable that feature, go to window > preferences > PyDev > Interactive Console and check 'Connect console to Debug Session?'.
Then only hassle is that you have to re-open a new IPython-console every time you re-launch the program in debug-mode.
Actually, Eclipse itself can have multiple consoles open at the same time... if you want, you can create multiple console views and pin a different console to each view (if you don't pin the console, one console will be shown on top of the other and you'll have to do the switching from one to the other manually).
As it is now, the debug console is not the same as the interactive console (it's a simpler version because of issues with the eclipse integration, although there are plans to be able to attach an interactive console to a debug session).
So, what you described is what should really happen (not really a bug).

Displaying launch configuration type in Eclipse

Is there a setting or plugin which gives visual feedback about the currently launched configuration's type (i.e. whether it was debug or run)?
The debug view can give you this information:
An application running in debug mode will include the list of running threads. In the above image, the first launched is in debug, the second in run.

Eclipse: Blackberry simulator output console is not showing any entry

Suddenly the console is showing no output while I run my programs on the simulator(even when on debug mode).
The console remains all empty while I start the simulator and run the programs.
How to fix it?
This might sound stupid, but have you restarted Eclipse? I've seen this happen before and I've just restarted