In App Purchase product - iphone

Im working on client project. I need to test my product for In App Purchase. I created app details in itunes connect through my account. I used my client App name,icons,everything. But if finally i upload app from client account, Is anything error will come on the app name, icons,Availability date, etc.

App names in iTunesConnect are like domain names: Once a name is 'registered' (i.e. used for an app) on one account, no one else can create an app on iTunesConnect with the same name. You give no details about the error you see, so I guess this might be your problem.
To use the same app name for your client, you need to delete the app from your iTunesConnect account. After some time --don't know how long-- the app name will become available again for someone else to use. Then you can use it for your client's app.
Bottom line: Never use the real name, a client gave to an app, in iTunesConnect!


"The App Name you entered has already been used" even though I just created the app

I am trying to create my app on iTunes Connect, so I can add my game center features. When I reach the screen where I fill in the default language, app name, sku number, and bundle id, I receive an error message:
The App Name you entered has already been used.
Does this mean someone else has used this app id? I couldn't find the an app with this name on the iTunes Store anywhere.
I just started creating the app on iTunes Connect, so I definitely didn't use it.
Is there some way to verify that this is not a bug, and someone else has chosen the name?
If you created an entry for the first App in iTunesConnect, even if it was never submitted or uploaded, then that name is locked to that iTunesConnect App permanently. That means if another user have choose same name already but still not upload and release app than you will not able to find on itunes store.
See Apple app store tips
The name you select for your app is perhaps one of the most important aspects to marketing your app and can distinguish your app on the App Store.
If you submit an app name which is already in use within the same geography in which your app is sold, you will be prompted to enter another name.
You can find more info in iTunesConnect Developer's guide
You can submit an app with the same name if you change the default language (for example, changing English (US) to English (Canada).
replace Runner with your app name
Apple also accepts the appeal on it only If you have trademark rights of given name.
The app name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.

Application loader error

This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with team ID : I am getting this error while I upload the build with Application loader.
I am using two different accounts.
1) For creating provisioning profile
2) For uploading in iTunes.
Everything had worked fine till date. I have updated my app several times in app store. I am using the same procedure but facing this issue.
What might be the reason? Its an emergency Please help me on this.
Apple does not allow anymore submission of an app on a developer account if this app have been signed using a different developer account certificate (different team ID).
You have no other choice than sign you app with the developer account certificate where you want the submission to be done. If the Bundle ID is already taken on the other/previous developer account, you will have to sign your app using a wildcar mobile provision.
If you need push notif or Game Center or anything that need to avoid a wildcar AppStore mobile provision, then you are in trouble => setup a brand new app (new app ID / Bundle ID) and plan migration of your customers from the old app to the new one ...
See Here
I Think i have cracked this issue, But dont know if there is still a better solution.
As i used a different accounts for creating provisioning profile and submitting it in iTunes, because of which i got this error.
Solution: We have to use the same account for creating the provisioning profile and also submitting it in iTunes. As a trial i did the same, it just worked fine.
I have finally updated my app to app-store successfully!
Actually we had an corporate account and an individual developer account. Before we use to update using the individual account, Since the Apple Licence agreement changed some time back.
We cannot upload or update your app with the individual account if it is connected with the corporate account.
Need to add or link the individual account to corporate account.

Deleting a working app from iTunes Connect

We have a partner that is actually owning our app on it's iTunes Connect account. We are actually developping the v2 of this app which will be included in our iTunes Connect account, it's the same app, just a new release.
Actually the app is at "removed from sales" status in our partner iTunes Connect account and people who have the app can still use it, everything is OK.
But we can't reuse the same app name in our iTunes Connect because the app name is already in use.
So, we are asking our partner to completly delete the app, then we can use the name & publish our own app. The question is :
If our partner completly delete the app, will it continue to work on every user devices?
I already looked at the iTunes developer guide, but it's not really clear, and Apple doesn't answer clearly too ..
Deleting an App If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view.
IMPORTANT: Deleting your app will not allow you to reuse your SKU or App Name in the same account again and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted. If you have uploaded a binary or set up this app for the iAd Network, your Bundle ID will not be reusable either.
If you are selling your app to another developer for their own distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account, we recommend that you use App Delete so the App Name will be freed up for their use.
So, does someone already deleted (not removed from sales) an app from the iTunes Connect ?
Does the app is still working on devices ?
Thanks for answers :)
Yes it will continue to work on the users phone's, but they will not be able to install your app again from iCloud.

Uploading Error with name of App?

I already filled the all details for app through my iOS Developer account and submit the app for review to the app store but for some reasons i take my app back and delete all the details for particular app from my developer account but now when i again trying to upload the app for review it shows the Name already exist because of my app is submit with the same name again how can i over come this problem i want to upload my app with the same name again.
Thanks In Advance...
It seems you deleted your app, so you can't reuse the App Name.
From iTunes Connect Developer Guide:
If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need
to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view.
IMPORTANT: Deleting your app will not allow you to reuse your SKU or
App Name in the same account again and you will not be able to
restore your app once deleted. If you have uploaded a binary or set
up this app for the iAd Network, your Bundle ID will not be reusable

Changing App name in iTunes Connect

Is there anyway to change the app name in iTunes connect. It took me 3 or 4 goes to try and upload my app the first time and somehow I made a bit of a mess of it.
iTunes Connect is now telling that the app name has been used and cannot be reused. Is there anyway around this ?
The actual app name that appears on the device is correct, I edited this on the info.plist.
As of right now, no. You can change the App's name when you submit an update, or simply create a new App in iTunes connect. You might want to submit a feature request to Apple at
From the Deleting an App section of Apple's iTunes Connect Guide guide:
If you delete your app, you cannot reuse your SKU or app
name in the same account again, and you cannot restore the app you
have deleted. If you have uploaded a binary or set up this app for the
iAd network, your Bundle ID cannot be reused.
Next they mention this:
If you are selling your app to another developer for their own
distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account,
we recommend that you use App Delete so that the app’s name will be
freed for their use.
So if you are more attached to your app name than your developer account you could start a new one and get the name back.
In Build and Analyze 93 Marco discusses some reasons and logistics of having 2 developer accounts. As I remember: Apple does not allow 2 accounts with one tax ID but if you have your personal and an LLC for instance you'll be able to setup multiple.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
It looks like you can edit it when in an 'editable state', but I have not tried it yet.