blank measures in ssas cube even when data is in source table - deployment

I've been working on a cube that has data in the fact table that is browsable through the DSV but after being processed seems to have blank values for all the measures. The common suggestions include checking the that the CALCULATE command is still visible in the Calculations tab for the measures (it is there and its not commented out or anything) and checking there's actually data for the cube (there is data). The partitions are set for the whole table so its not like data is being filtered out. Interestingly if I redeploy the same SSAS project and therefore effectively the same code to a brand new SSAS database then its fine (measures show up). I guess I'm wondering if someone can throw some light on why this behaviour occurs?
Any help much appreciated!

I would suggest checking the cube size first. You can use following recipe
Depending on the settings, it is possible that you have missing/mismatched dimension keys.
That can cause your data not being loaded.


How to handle selection with large amounts of data in NatTable

When using the NatTable with a selection layer, if I have huge amounts (1million+) columns of data, selecting a row will take extremely long amounts of time (20 seconds+) or will outright crash my application. Is there a better way to handle selection of large amounts of data or maybe a way to select the entire amount but only visually show the amount of showing columns as selected and updating that as the table is scrolled?
It turns out that this is really a performance leak in NatTable. And interestingly it exists in that form for a long time and nobody has seen this until now.
I created a ticket [1] and work on a fix.
Until that you could try to remove or replace the "bad guys" from your composition. If that is not possible, you need to wait for the fix.
ColumnReorderLayer: if you don't need column reorder support, remove it from your layer stack (when talking about millions of columns, I suppose reordering is not a required feature)
ColumnHideShowLayer: if you don't need to support hiding columns, remove it from your layer stack. Not sure if you need it for your use case of showing millions of columns.
SelectionModel: I don't know your data model, but maybe the PreserveSelectionModel performs slightly better at the moment. Or have a look at the proposed fix attached to the ticket (once it is uploaded) and use a local version of that fix in your environment by creating a custom ISelectionModel implementation based on the fix.

How to use mapnik + shapefiles with dynamically filtered results without PostgreSQL or manual changes to the dbf file?

I have an unusual challenge that I'm struggling with. I'm hoping someone has come across this and can point me towards a solution.
I am searching for a way to use mapnik + shapefiles with dynamically filtered results without PostgreSQL or manual changes to the dbf file.
I need to draw territories made up of ZIP codes on a map. My current solution pulls polys from a MySQL database and draws them on a Google Map at runtime. This is obviously very slow. I'd prefer to move this to a mapnik-compatible solution so I can render the tiles on the fly and have the maps respond much more quickly.
Now, before you say, just use Postgres instead of shapefiles, let me say that this server doesn't and can't have Postgres on it. It sucks, but it's a hard limitation. The dynamic data source is MySQL which mapnik doesn't support.
I can, of course, render these territories manually offline (I happen to use TileMill for this). To do so, I must manipulate the shapefile's dbf file in OpenOffice by adding a simple column that flags if a ZIP is in a territory or not and to whom it belongs. Then in my CartoCSS, it's a simple matter of looking for [INCLUDE="Y"] { ... } to draw or hide the poly, and a simple color assignment based on the territory owner's id. No problem there except for the fact that this is incredibly time- and labor-intensive.
The real problem is that the client has nearly a hundred territories that change from time to time. To make matters worse, when they change, a ripple effect can cause a chain reaction whereby neighboring territories change. And to make matters even worse, they don't want the the territory owners to see each others' territories, meaning each territory has to be filtered and drawn in isolation.
So, I'm looking for an automated hybrid solution to handle the filtering the shapefile so I don't have to redo this by hand every time the territories change.
My hair is turning gray on this one. I'm open to options so long as the solution doesn't rely on PostgreSQL or manual manipulation of the shapefile's dbf database.
Any help and advice is much appreciated.
TLDR: I need to use mapnik + shapefiles with dynamically filtered results without PostgreSQL or manual changes to the dbf file
You can do this by rendering territories with unique colors, and then manipulating the color palette of the rendered images when you serve them. Doing this on the server is cheap if done in C, or you can attempt to do it in javascript (Performance unknown to me Possible to change an image color palette using javascript?).
There's a description of this here:
If you're rendering boundaries only, then this will not work.
If you haven't already, you can speed up polygon rendering in browser for your existing system by using encoded polylines ( This is a huge performance bump, and reduces wire-transfer size as well.

Out of memory exeception for straightforward report

I'm trying to run an SSRS report. It's a straightforward report, just to render data from a table which has around 80K records.
No aggregation or data processing is done in report. There are around 50 columns along with 19 report parameters. I just have to display those 50 columns in report (no pivot).
Usually it takes around 5 minutes to render this report on our development server (off peak hours). Same is the case with our production server, but there users are getting "Out of memory" exceptions a lot, and also report parameter criteria are not utilized (that's the complaints I get from users).
I'm able to filter the criteria locally without any problem although it takes long time to render.
Why does it take such a long time to render the report, even though the report is straightforward?
The report runs fine when I hit F5 on VS 2008 but from time to time I get out of memory exceptions when I hit the "Preview" tab.
Some of the column's name(s) have a "#" character. If I include such columns in the report an "out of memory exception" is thrown (especially in Preview mode). Is there truth to this: doesn't SSRS like column names with "#"? E.g. my column name was "KLN#".
I have created a nonclustered index on the table but that didn't help me much.
Whats the difference between running the report in Preview mode vs hitting F5 on VS 2008? It's fine when I hit F5 even though it takes 5 minutes, but Preview mode has the problem.
There isn't much room for redesign (since it's a straight forward report), perhaps only can I remove of the report parameters.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
In addition to the already posted answers and regarding the problems with the preview in the Report Designer or Report Manager there is another possible solution: avoid too much data on the first report page!
It can be done by pagination into small record amounts, i.e. by custom groups with page breaks or sometimes automatically (see the answer of done_merson) or by adding a simple cover page.
These solutions are especially helpfull in the development phase and if you plan to render the report results to Excel or PDF anyway.
I had a similar case with out of memory exceptions and never returning reports with a simple report and its dataset containing about 70k records.
The query was executed in about 1-2 minutes, but neither the Report Designer nor our development SSRS 2008R2 Server (Report Manager) could show the resulting report preview. Finally I suspected the HTML preview being the bottleneck and avoided it by adding a cover page with a simple textbox. The next report execution took about 2 minutes and successfully showed the HTML preview with the cover page. Rendering the complete result to Excel only took another 30 seconds.
Hopefully this will help others, since this page is still one of the top posts if you search for SSRS out of memory exceptions.
Why does it take such a long time to render...?
I have created a Nonclustered index on the table but that didn't help me much.
Because (AFAIK) SSRS will construct an in-memory model of the report before rendering. Know that SSRS will take three steps in creating a report:
Retrieve the data.
Create an internal model by combining the report and the data.
Render the report to the appropriate format (preview, html, xls, etc)
You can check the ExecutionLog2 View to see how much time each step takes. Step 1 is probably already reasonably fast (seconds), so the added Index is not tackling the bottle neck. Probably step 2 and 3 are taking a lot of time, and require a lot of RAM.
SSRS doesn't like column names with #?? my column name was KLN#.
As far as I know this shouldn't be a problem. Removing that column more likely was just enough to make the report runnable again.
There isn't much to redesign (since its a straight forward report) such as except i can remove of the report parameters.
SSRS is just not the right tool for this. As such, there is no real "solution" for your problem, only alternatives and workarounds.
As #glh mentioned in his answer, making more RAM available for SSRS may "help".
Requiring the user to filter the data with a parameter (i.e. don't allow the user to select all those rows, only the ones he needs).
Schedule the report at a quiet moment (when there's enough RAM available) and cache the report.
Create a small custom app that reads from the database and outputs an Excel.
Use SSIS, which (I thought) is better suited for this kind of task (data transformation and migration).
Rethink your setup. You haven't mentioned the context of your report, but perhaps you have an XY Problem. Perhaps your users want the entire report but only need a few key rows, or perhaps they only use it as a backup mechanism (for which there's better alternatives), or...
Try to increase you ram, see this post for a similar error:
Need SSRS matrix to show more than 400k records
We just had a similar situation and set the "Keep together on one page if possible" option in Tablix Properties / General / Page break options to off and it worked fine.

what is the easy way to compare cube data with that of data mart?

I was trying to compare with the cube's data with that of data mart using TSQL query. It s hard for me to find where the columns used in the cube are coming from. Because the columns used in the cube are coming from data source view, but how do I know which table?
Help appreciated
Are you familiar with SQL Server Business Intelligence? Very generically speaking, the "columns" that you're seeing are coming from the fact table(s), sliced across one or more dimensions (as defined by the dimension tables).
Your best bet is to inspect the cube via SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio, if you know how to use it. This link should get you started if you're a little shaky with using BIDS to design SSAS cubes.

How can I limit DataSet.WriteXML output to typed columns?

I'm trying to store a lightly filtered copy of a database for offline reference, using ADO.NET DataSets. There are some columns I need not to take with me. So far, it looks like my options are:
Put up with the columns
Get unmaintainably clever about the way I SELECT rows for the DataSet
Hack at the XML output to delete the columns
I've deleted the columns' entries in the DataSet designer. WriteXMl still outputs them, to my dismay. If there's a way to limit WriteXml's output to typed rows, I'd love to hear it.
I tried to filter the columns out with careful SELECT statements, but ended up with a ConstraintException I couldn't solve. Replacing one table's query with SELECT * did the trick. I suspect I could solve the exception given enough time. I also suspect it could come back again as we evolve the schema. I'd prefer not to hand such a maintenance problem to my successors.
All told, I think it'll be easiest to filter the XML output. I need to compress it, store it, and (later) load, decompress, and read it back into a DataSet later. Filtering the XML is only one more step — and, better yet, will only need to happen once a week or so.
Can I change DataSet's behaviour? Should I filter the XML? Is there some fiendishly simple way I can query pretty much, but not quite, everything without running into ConstraintException? Or is my approach entirely wrong? I'd much appreciate your suggestions.
UPDATE: It turns out I copped ConstraintException for a simple reason: I'd forgotten to delete a strongly typed column from one DataTable. It wasn't allowed to be NULL. When I selected all the columns except that column, the value was NULL, and… and, yes, that's profoundly embarrassing, thank you so much for asking.
It's as easy as Table.Columns.Remove("UnwantedColumnName"). I got the lead from
Mehrdad's wonderfully terse answer to another question. I was delighted when Table.Columns turned out to be malleable.