Change font rendering (non-antialiased) with pango - cairo

How do I render a string with pango using custom antialiasing and hinting settings?
I tried PangoCairo.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_NONE) (in pygtk), but it had no effect. I'd like to be able to change freetype's rendering parameters, like I can do via fontconfig/fonts.conf, but at runtime. (This is on Linux.) Any ideas?

Well, I'm not sure if understood you right, but I usually use cairo_set_antialias () in my C-code, though I don't know an equivalent in PyGTK. As far as I understand it's Cairos' rendering settings that you should change to change an anti-aliasing and hinting of an output. At least I do this way.

In C you can turn off anti-aliasing when drawing with Pangocairo like this:
cairo_font_options_t *options = cairo_font_options_create();
cairo_font_options_set_antialias(options, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
pango_cairo_context_set_font_options(context, options);
This can probably be adapted for PyGTK.


VSCode API: Access the minimap

Is there any way to access the "minimap" that optionally appears next to the scroll bar on the right hand side of the editor?
Preferably I would like to access that panel's width in pixels.
The best I could do to get the values I want is to read the current editor configuration (also settable from the vscode settings UI/JSON).
const editorConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('editor');
const minimapOn = editorConfig.get("minimap.enabled");
const minimapWidth = editorConfig.get("minimap.maxColumn");
But this only lists the maximum width, not the current one.
Configuring the Width of the Editor's Minimap
The Minimaps with is configurable, not by pixels, but by characters.
The reason it is configurable by characters is because it gives developers a way of setting the minimap's width to the exact width that there longest lines of code are. This is beneficial, as it makes the minimap as wide as needed, without taking up any unnecessary space.
Below is the setting that changes the width of the editor's minimap.
// #file Globally Scoped "settings.json" file
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 75
75 can be set to any amount of characters you choose.
Now the part about the API
Anytime you have a setting that does what you want, you can use the API to apply it to your extension. I don't want to continue explaining anything byond the scope of this question, so I will provide a link to the documentation that covers the method used to change a setting using the VS Code API, and a snippet showing you how to use the method to change the minimap's columns width.
Below shows the code an extension might include to change the size of the minimap.
await vscode.workspace
NOTE: I wrote the example above off the top of my head. I know that the semantics are all correct, but you will probably have to play with it to get it to do exactly what it is your going for.
Here are a couple links to help you understand what your doing.
"vscode.workspace.getConfiguration()" This is can be interpreted as the base of program-interface that changes settings. From this part of the API, a few methods, objects, constants, and events extend, all of which are used to set, get, and mutate configurations within VS Code.
"The Configuration target" sets the settings.json file you are targeting. Global is a good bet, I prefer "workspace" (which is not the same as "workspace folder".

Unity editor - How to stop field from turning blue when its edited

I am making a tool in Unity to build your project for muliple platforms when you press a button.
I started with the preferences window for the tool, and came up with an anoying thing. Whenever I change the enum value of the EnumPopup field, the field turns blue in the editor window. Is there a way to disable this?
See how in the 2nd picture the field is not blue, and in the 3rd picture the field has changed to blue? How do I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
Difficult to help without having the rest of your code.
This is Unity built-in behaviour. I tried a lot of stuff see here to disable / overwrite the built-in coloring of prefix labels but had no luck so far.
A workarround however might be to instead use an independent EditorGUI.LabelField which will not be affected by the EnumPopup together with the EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth:
var LabelRect = new Rect(
// use the current label width
var EnumRect = new Rect(
FILEMANAGEMENT_ENUMFIELD_RECT.width - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth,
EditorGUI.LabelField(LabelRect, "File relative to");
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EnumRect, QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);
As you can see the label is not turned blue while the width keeps being flexible
Instead of setting values via edito scripts directly like
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = you should always try and use the proper SerializedProperty. It handles things like Undo/Redo and also marks the according objects and scenes as dirty.
Is there also a special reason why you use EditorGUI instead of EditorGUILayout? In the latter you don't need to setup Rects.
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("File relative to", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth));
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);

Perl/CGI : format several images

Need a bit more help please...
I need to display 24 times :
(depending on speed/duplex on the port)
But those images have to be displayed in the switch's image :
How to do to get all images well formated ??
To know which color to choose, I wrote a perl script using Net::SNMP to get infos about speed, duplex...
Thanks guys.
Hm. Actually, I'd be more tempted to take the images and use CSS styles to color them.
For example, if you took one of those and turned the colored areas transparent, you could place them using CSS, and change the background color, either with generated Perl or with JavaScript on the fly.
It gets a little complex, admittedly; you'll have to create 26 styles (one for each switch), placing them appropriately. You'll need two images (right-side up and upside-down). You'd also have
.yellow { background-color: yellow; }
and so on. But then it's just a matter of adding the appropriate class to the appropriate div; no need to load six different image variants (just two), and you gain the ability to adjust the colors to be anything you want with just a change to the CSS, and do so dynamically if you like.
Does that make any sense?

Font shadows using Raphaël—JavaScript Library

I would like to put a shadow around any given text, or make the text more anti-aliased looking.
For example lets say I'm running a simple text such as:
var titleName = R.text(x+200, y-75, "Lorem Ipsoup de jour")
.attr({font: '75px Helvetica, Arial', opacity: 1, fill: "#dfe6ec"})
The text is somewhat chunky looking at that size, and doesn't blend well against a background. Is there a way I can create a drop-shadow effect (with alpha channel, ideally)?
In SVG a text shadow effect isn't as simple as with CSS3, but it's reasonably straightforward using a filter. You can't use that example as is in Raphaël because it has no support for groups, but you might be able to create the filter definition in an external file and then apply it with:
.attr({filter: "url(filters.svg#dropShadow)"});
I've had a chance to give it a try and it doesn't work because filter isn't recognised by attr, however it does work (in Firefox) if you grab the node and use a regular DOM setAttribute method.
var t = paper.text(100, 100, "Raphaël\nkicks\nbutt!");
t.node.setAttribute("filter", "url('filters.svg#dropShadow')");
Chrome doesn't apply the drop shadow, and Opera blurs the entire element. It almost certainly won't work in IE because that'll be VML. Example here.
I know this is an old question, but to help anyone else searching for this you can try Element.glow([glow]) to get a shadow effect.

How can I set a custom size for the RichTextArea.Formatter.setFontSize() in GWT?

Using the RichTextArea in GWT, It looks like I can only change the font size to one of the values: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, etc (RichTextArea.FontSize), but I want to be able to setFontSize of the RichTextArea.Formatter to a specific size in pt or in px.
How can I achieve that?
I've been digging a bit on this, and it would seem that it is unfortunately not possible, because browsers are limited in their handling of font sizes in the rich text editors. In particular, Firefox generates the (deprecated) <font size="x"></font> element when the font size is changed, and the value of x can be only in the 1-7 range.
If you have a look at the setFontSize method in RichTextAreaImplStandard (GWT source code), you'll see that it ends up calling the execCommand javascript function, which in the case of FontSize only accepts values in 1-7:
You can actually achieve that using string manipulation of the HTML code.
So if you are not using the background color property of the RichTextArea then what you have to do is to replace the "background-color=RED" to "font-size=12px". And then set it back to the RichTextArea object as setHTML().
This works fine as I've implemented this functionality in one of our production application..