Relation between shard keys and chunks in MongoDB sharded cluster? - mongodb

I can't really understand the shard key concept in a MongoDB sharded cluster, as I've just started learning MongoDB.
Citing the MongoDB documentation:
A chunk is a contiguous range of shard key values assigned to a
particular shard. When they grow beyond the configured chunk size, a
mongos splits the chunk into two chunks.
It seems that chuck size is something related to a particular shard, not to the cluster itself. Am I right?
Speaking about the cardinality of a shard key:
Consider the use of a state field as a shard key:
The state key’s value
holds the US state for a given address document. This field has a low
cardinality as all documents that have the same value in the state
field must reside on the same shard, even if a particular state’s
chunk exceeds the maximum chunk size.
Since there are a limited number of possible values for the state field, MongoDB may distribute data unevenly among a small number of fixed chunks.
My question is how the shard key relates to the chunk size.
It seems to me that, having just two shard servers, it wouldn't be possible to distribute the data because same value in the state field must reside on the same shard. With three documents with states like Arizona, Indiana and Maine, how data is distributed among just two shards?

In order to understand the answer to your question you need to understand range based partitioning. If you have N documents they will be partitioned into chunks - the way the split points are determined is based on your shard key.
With shard key being some field in your document, all the possible values of the shard key will be considered and all the documents will be (logically) split into chunks/ranges, based on what value each document's shard key is.
In your example there are 50 possible values for "state" (okay, probably more like 52) so at most there can only be 52 chunks. Default chunk size is 64MB. Now imagine that you are sharding a collection with ten million documents which are 1K each. Each chunk should not contain more than about 65K documents. Ten million documents should be split into more than 150 chunks, but we only have 52 distinct values for the shard key! So your chunks are going to be very large. Why is that a problem? Well, in order to auto-balance chunk among shards the system needs to migrate chunks between shards and if the chunk is too big, it can't be moved. And since it can't be split, you'll be stuck with unbalanced cluster.

There is definitely a relationship between shard key and chunk size. You want to choose a shard key with a high level of cardinality. That is, you want a shard key that can have many possible values as opposed to something like State which is basically locked into only 50 possible values. Low cardinality shard keys like that can result in chunks that consist of only one of the shard key values and thus can not be split and moved to another shard in a balancing operation.
High cardinality of the shard key (like a person's phone number as opposed to their State or Zip Code) is essential to ensure even distribution of data. Low cardinality shard keys can lead to larger chunks (because you have more contiguous values that need to be kept together) that can not be split.


How Mongo balancer work in regards to the hashed shard key

It is well-know concept of balancing the data among nodes and it is clearly described in the manual. How does the balancer work in regards to the hashed shard key chunks? Can you migrate a chunk if according to the shard key the documents from this chunk belong to this shard? If it is not true, why then the documents are in the shard they do not belong to? Or the balancer is irrelevant for hashed shard key as long as the number of shards is not changing?
Hashed shard key still performs like a normal range-based shard key. They also can be migrated, split, etc. just like a normal shard key.
The difference being: hashed shard key have some additional process when initially sharding a collection. To paraphrase from the docs page at Hashed sharding:
When sharding a populated collection:
The sharding operation creates the initial chunk(s) to cover the entire range of the shard key values. The number of chunks created depends on the configured chunk size.
When sharding an empty collection:
The sharding operation creates empty chunks to cover the entire range of the shard key values and performs an initial chunk distribution. By default, the operation creates 2 chunks per shard and migrates across the cluster.
In short, hashed sharding presplit the whole hashed keyspace, then the balancer moves the chunks across the cluster like usual.
Other than the initial chunk splits, they function just like a normal shard key.
Note that hashed shard key can help if your shard key is very much monotonically increasing to prevent a "hot shard" and help to spread your writes across the whole cluster. Using a hashed shard key is not a guarantee that you cannot have jumbo chunks, since the cardinality of the hashed key will reflect the cardinality of the actual key.
For example: assuming that the hash algorithm is MD5 (128 bit in size). Potentially, the MD5 space is very large. However, if the underlying key (unhashed) value can only be either A or B, those two hashed with MD5 will always result in A -> bf072e9119077b4e76437a93986787ef and B -> 30cf3d7d133b08543cb6c8933c29dfd7, making the cardinality extremely small.

What happen if chunk size goes beyond the limit[64 mb] for single shard key in mongodb

We have a sharded cluster of mongodb. shard key is sellerId. We have nearly 20k sellers. We capture responses for sellers. Some sellers may have huge response set. Now lets say sellerId 10001 has some very good listing and got millions of responses in that case single shard key 10001 has huge data and goes beyond of 64 mb of default size. As per mongo documentation there can be only one chunk per shard key in res in replica set. What will happen with this chunk. Does the chunk size automatically increase?

picking a shardkey for mongodb

I want to shard my MongoDB database. I have a high insert rate and want to distribute my documents on two shards evenly.
I have considered rangebase sharding, because I have range queries; but I can not find a solution for picking a good shard key.
Timestamp : ISODate("2016-10-02T00:01:00.000Z"),
Machine_ID: "100",
If this is my document and I have 100,000 different machines, would the Machine_ID be a suitable shardkey? And if so, how will MongoDB distribute it on the shards, i.e. do i have to specify the shard range myself? like put Machine_ID 0-49,999 on shard A, and 50,000-100,000 on shard B?
I think the Machine_ID would be a suitable shard key if your queries afterwards will be per Machine, i.e. get all the temperatures for a specific machine for a certain time range. Reading more about shard keys can be found here: Choosing shard key
MongoDB has two kinds of sharding: Hashed sharding and Range sharding which you can read more about here: Sharding strategies. Having said that, you don't need to specify the range of the shards yourself, mongo will take care of it. Especially when a time comes when you'll need to add a new shard, mongo will rearrange the chunks into the new shard.
If your cluster has only two shards, then it isn't difficult to design for. However, if your data will continue to grow and you end up having a lot more shards, then the choice of shard key is more difficult.
For example, if some machines have many more records than others (e.g. one machine has 3000 records i.e. 3% of the total), then that doesn't cause problems with only two shards. But if your data grows so that you need 100 shards, and one machine still has 3% of the total, then Machine_ID is no longer a good choice: because a single machine's records have to be a single chunk, and cannot be distributed across several shards.
In that case, a better strategy might be to use a hash of the Timestamp - but it depends on the overall shape of your dataset.

mongodb sharding - chunks are not having the same size

I am new on playing with mongodb.
Due to the fact that I have to store +-50 mln of documents, I had to set up a mongodb shard cluster with two replica sets
The document looks like this:
"_id" : "predefined_unique_id",
"appNr" : "abcde",
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2016-09-16T13:00:57.000Z"),
"size" : NumberLong(803),
"crc32" : NumberLong(538462645)
The shard key is appNr (was selected because for query performance reasons, all documents having same appNr have to stay within one chunk).
Usually multiple documents have the same appNr.
After loading like two million records, I see the chunks are equally balanced however when running db.my_collection.getShardDistribution(), I get :
Shard rs0 at rs0/...
data : 733.97MiB docs : 5618348 chunks : 22
estimated data per chunk : 33.36MiB
estimated docs per chunk : 255379
Shard rs1 at rs1/...
data : 210.09MiB docs : 1734181 chunks : 19
estimated data per chunk : 11.05MiB
estimated docs per chunk : 91272
data : 944.07MiB docs : 7352529 chunks : 41
Shard rs0 contains 77.74% data, 76.41% docs in cluster, avg obj size on shard : 136B
Shard rs1 contains 22.25% data, 23.58% docs in cluster, avg obj size on shard : 127B
My question is what settings I should do in order to get the data equally distributed between shards? I would like to understand how the data gets split in chunks. I have defined a ranged shard key and chunk size 264.
MongoDB uses the shard key associated to the collection to partition the data into chunks. A chunk consists of a subset of sharded data. Each chunk has a inclusive lower and exclusive upper range based on the shard key.
Diagram of the shard key value space segmented into smaller ranges or chunks.
The mongos routes writes to the appropriate chunk based on the shard key value. MongoDB splits chunks when they grows beyond the configured chunk size. Both inserts and updates can trigger a chunk split.
The smallest range a chunk can represent is a single unique shard key
value. A chunk that only contains documents with a single shard key
value cannot be split.
Chunk Size will have a major impact on the shards.
The default chunk size in MongoDB is 64 megabytes. We can increase or reduce the chunk size. But modification of the chunk size should be done after considering the below items
Small chunks lead to a more even distribution of data at the expense of more frequent migrations. This creates expense at the query routing (mongos) layer.
Large chunks lead to fewer migrations. This is more efficient both from the networking perspective and in terms of internal overhead at the query routing layer. But, these efficiencies come at the expense of a potentially uneven distribution of data.
Chunk size affects the Maximum Number of Documents Per Chunk to Migrate.
Chunk size affects the maximum collection size when sharding an existing collection. Post-sharding, chunk size does not constrain collection size.
By referring these information and your shard key "appNr", this would have happened because of chunk size.
Try resizing the chunk size instead of 264MB(which you have currently) to a lower size and see whether there is a change in the document distribution. But this would be a trial and error approach and it would take considerable amount of time and iterations.
Reference :
Hope it Helps!
I'll post my findings here - maybe they will have some further use.
The mongodb documentation says that "when a chunk grows beyond specified chunk size" it gets splitted.
I think the documentation is not fully accurate or rather incomplete.
When mongo does auto-splitting, splitVector command will ask the primary shard for splitting points, then will split accordingly.This will happen first when like 20% from specified chunk size is reached and - if no splitting points found - will retry at 40%,60% so the splitting should not wait for max size .
In my case, for the first half of the shards this happened ok, but then for the second half - the split happened only after the max chunk size was exceeded. Still have to investigate why the split didn't happened earlier, as I see no reason for this behaviour.
After splitting in chunks, the balancer starts. This will divide the chunks equally across shards, without considering chunk size ( a chunk with 0 documents is equal to a chunk with 100 documents from this regard).The chunks will be moved following the order of their creation.
My problem was that the second half of the chunks was almost twice the size than the first half. Therefore as balancer allways moved the first half of the chunks collection to the other shard, the cluster became unbalanced.
a much better explanation I found here
In order to fix it, I have changed the sharding key to "hashed".

How to remove chunks from mongodb shard

I have a collection where the sharding key is UUID (hexidecimal string). The collection is huge: 812 millions of documents, about 9600 chunks on 2 shards. For some reason I initially stored documents which instead of UUID had integer in sharding key field. Later I deleted them completely, and now all of my documents are sharded by UUID. But I am now facing a problem with chunk distribution. While I had documents with integer instead of UUID, balancer created about 2700 chunks for these documents, and left all of them on one shard. When I deleted all these documents, chunks were not deleted, they stayed empty and they will always be empty because I only use UUID now. Since balancer distrubutes chunks relying on chunk count per shard, not document count or size, one of my shards takes 3 times more disk space than another:
--- Sharding Status --- chunks:
set1 4863
set2 4784 // 2717 of them are empty
The sad thing here is mongodb does not provide commands to remove or merge chunks manually.
My main question is, whould anything of this work to get rid of empty chunks:
Stop the balancer. Connect to each config server, remove from config.chunks ranges of empty chunks and also fix minKey slice to end at beginning of first non-empty chunk. Start the balancer.
Seems risky, but as far as I see, config.chunks is the only place where chunk information is stored.
Stop the balancer. Start a new mongod instance and connect it as a 3rd shard. Manually move all empty chunks to this new shard, then shut it down forever. Start the balancer.
Not sure, but as long as I dont use integer values in sharding key again, all queries should run fine.
Some might read this and think that the empty chunks are occupying space. That's not the case - chunks themselves take up no space - they are logical ranges of shard keys.
However, chunk balancing across shards is based on the number of chunks, not the size of each chunk.
You might want to add your voice to this ticket:
Since the mongodb balancer only balances chunks number across shards, having too many empty chunks in a collection can cause shards to be balanced by chunk number but severely unbalanced by data size per shard (e.g., as shown by db.myCollection.getShardDistribution()).
You need to identify the empty chunks, and merge them into chunks that have data. This will eliminate the empty chunks. This is all now documented in Mongodb docs (at least 3.2 and above, maybe even prior to that).