smoothing 2D plot in MATLAB - matlab

I have some simple plot like this in MATLAB:
x = [0:5:25];
y = [1 4 7 9 8 3];
My question is how can I smooth it? Haven't found any way of doing what I want in documentation.

You can use a cubic smoothing spline
p = 1e-2; % initialize smoothing constant
fn = csaps(x, y, p); % get ppform of the cubic smoothing spline
y1 = ppval(fn, x); % evaluate piecewise polynomial
For comparison:
hold on;
plot(x, y1, '-r');

Maybe you could make use of spline as follows
x1 = 0:.1:25;
y1 = spline(x,y,x1);


Is there an accurate curve fitting method that returns coefficients which can be used to generate the original curve back via a function? (Matlab)

Take a set of data and plot a curve.
Take the curve and apply curve fitting to generate coefficients.
Use coefficients to generate the curve back via a function.
Currently tried polynomial with nth orders, but is very inaccurate. Also tried spline which is accurate but does not allow the curve to be regenerated only using a function.
I think you are probably looking for a spline fit & method. MATLAB spline objects do allow a curve to be regenerated using only a function (ppval).
% original curve 1
x = linspace(0, 4);
y = cos(2 * pi * x);
subplot 221
plot(x, y)
title('Original Curve 2')
% fitted curve 1
p = pchip(x, y);
s = spline(x, y);
subplot 223
plot(x, ppval(p, x), x, ppval(s, x))
title('Fitted Curve 1')
% original curve 2
nSample = 1001;
x = linspace(0, 1e-2, nSample);
nPulse = 9;
c = [linspace(0.001, 0.009, nPulse); (7/8).^(1:nPulse)]';
y = pulstran(x, c, #gauspuls, 10000, 0.5);
subplot 222
plot(x, y)
title('Original Curve 2')
% fitted curve 2
p = pchip(x, y);
s = spline(x, y);
subplot 224
plot(x, ppval(p, x), x, ppval(s, x))
title('Fitted Curve 2')

How to create noise for a 2D Gaussian?

I'm trying to practice curve fitting on a 2D Gaussian, but in order to do that I need to add random noise to my predefined Gaussian. My first instinct was to cycle through two for loops and create two matrices X and Y with random numbers, but when I tried that (I don't have the code anymore) Matlab wouldn't let me plot the Gaussian because I didn't generate my X and Y values using the meshgrid function. Since I seem to need to use meshgrid, can anyone help me figure out how to generate a random meshgrid so I can add some noise to my Gaussian?
amp = 1;
x0 = 0;
y0 = 0;
sigmaX = 1;
sigmaY = 1;
%X = 1:1:100;
%Y = 1:1:100;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3);
%Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);
Z = amp*exp(-((X-x0).^2/(2*sigmaX^2)+(Y-y0).^2/(2*sigmaY^2)));
surf(X, Y, Z);
%Add noise now
EDIT: So I found out that rand can return a random matrix which will work with the surf function (for some reason it wasn't working for me earlier though). The result looks something like this: noisy 2D gaussian
amp = 1;
x0 = 0;
y0 = 0;
sigmaX = 1;
sigmaY = 1;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3);
%Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);
Z = amp*exp(-((X-x0).^2/(2*sigmaX^2)+(Y-y0).^2/(2*sigmaY^2)));
surf(X, Y, Z);
%Make some noise
[xRows, xColumns] = size(X);
[yRows, yColumns] = size(Y);
X = -.1 + (.1+.1)*rand(61,61);
Y = -.1 + (.1+.1)*rand(61,61);
Z = amp*exp(-((X-x0).^2/(2*sigmaX^2)+(Y-y0).^2/(2*sigmaY^2)));
surf(X, Y, Z)
But I feel like the Gaussian has largely lost it's typical bell shape and looks more like a slope field than anything. I'm going to try and refine it but I would love any input.
That's what i would do.
%Create two Noise Vectors
% Make an meshgrid out of the two Vectors
% Add the Meshgrids togehter
% Add the Noise to the result of Z
if you just want a 2D plot you can try this
where noiseAmp is the Amplitude of the noise.
But if you still want to create a 3D plot with the surf() function, you have to add a random meshgrid to the Z result.

Plotting Ellipse for complex values in matlab

I am trying to plot the elliptical trajectory of a particle, but my matlab code runs and gives me warning that I m trying to plot imaginary values. How can I remove this error?
My Matlab code is as follows:
% plot of trajectory of the particle in flexural gravity wave
U =5;
X= (-80*pi:pi:80*pi);
Y= (-80*pi:pi:80*pi);
A= (H/2)*cosh(k*(h+y1))/sinh(k*h);
B= (H/2)*sinh(k*(h+y1))/sinh(k*h);
Y = B.* ((1-((X-U*t)./A).^2).^(1/2));
The warning matlab shows is:
Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored
Please help me out with this.
If you want to plot imaginary number only,
Please change the code, plot(X,Y); as plot(X,imag(Y)).
In case of real value, plot(X,real(Y)).
If you are interested in magnitude of complex number, plot(X,abs(Y)).
I got the answer to my question.
I can plot it by using general coordinates of the ellipse, ie, using x=acos(t) and y=asin(t). and that really worked.
% plot of trajectory of the particle in flexural gravity wave
U = 5;
t = 1;
y1 = 0;
h = 50;
k = 2*pi/100;
w = pi;
x0 = U*t;
y0 = 0;
H = 1;
A = (H/2)*cosh(k*(h+y1))/sinh(k*h);
B = (H/2)*sinh(k*(h+y1))/sinh(k*h);
z = -2*pi:0.01:2*pi;
X = x0 + A*cos(z);
Y = y0 + B*sin(z);

plotting a bullet-nose curves

I would like to plot this function of Two Variables you can find it here
$$z^2=t(t-i) \Longleftrightarrow x^2+y^2=4x^2y^2 \Longleftrightarrow y=\dfrac{\pm x}{\sqrt{4x^2-1}} \mbox{ with } |x|>\frac{1}{2}$$
would someone show me step by step how to plot this in matlab
is there any script or toolbox in
which make plot of that kind of curves quickly
this is by geogebra
This is by wolframe
You can use symbolic variables with ezplot.
syms x y % makes symbolic variables
h1 = ezplot('-4*x^2*y^2+x^2+y^2'); % plots the equation
axis equal
set(h1, 'Color', 'k');
Or you can define a function,
f = #(x,y) -4.*x.^2.*y.^2+x.^2+y.^2;
h1 = ezplot(f);
set(h1, 'Color', 'k');
It won't be easy to have the axis in the middle, I hope it's not necessary to have that.
You can download oaxes here
syms x y
h1 = ezplot('-4*x^2*y^2+x^2+y^2');
axis equal
set(h1, 'Color', 'm');
oaxes('TickLength',[3 3],'Arrow','off','AxisLabelLocation','side',...
For 3D plot try this,
% First line provides a grid of X and Y varying over -5 to 5 with .5 as step-size
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-5:.5:5);
% instead of "=0", Z takes the values of the equation
Z = -4 .* X.^2 .* Y.^2 + X.^2 + Y.^2;
surf(X,Y,Z) % makes a 3D plot of X,Y,Z
You can also try contourf(X,Y,Z) for 2D plot.

Two Gaussian distribution plot on the same axis

I am trying to plot two Gaussian distribution both with mean zero, one with variance 1 and the other with variance 2 on the same axis. Here is my code.
X= 0 + 1.*randn(2,500);
hold on
Y= 0 + 2.*randn(2,500);
Please check and see if i have done it correctly. I also want to have them in 2-D plot and superimpose.
You are plotting the data you have randomly generated (with a normal distribution). If that's what you want, yes, it works ok.
If you want to plot the density functions of the variables, you can do it the following way:
mu = 0;
sigma1 = 1;
x = -4*sigma2:1e-3:4*sigma2;
y1 = pdf('normal', x, mu, sigma1);
y2 = pdf('normal', x, mu, sigma2);
plot(x, y1)
hold on
plot(x, y2, 'r')
legend('mu=0, sigma=1', 'mu=0, sigma=2')
title('Density functions')