How to use dashlets in custom module SugarCE-6.5.12? - sugarcrm

I have created a custom module, now i want to display in my module listview of Accounts and listview of Meetings. I wonder how to use dashlet to add two listview into my module. Can someone give me a clue? Excuse for my English.
Thank you very much!

Depends on how the data is related. If there is a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship, there should be subpanels with related Accounts and Meetings on the detail view of each record.
If you just want to drop in a listview for each module that isn't filtered, look at this blog post...


Edit related child models in Laravel Backpack

I've just recently started using Backpack and quite like it so far.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to allow create/update for related models in Laravel Backpack.
When there is a One-to-Many or even Many-to-Many relationship, we can use field type relationship and it works. We can create new child model using the inline feature.
However, the added child model is shown as a small tag with a cross icon only. We cannot see the details of this model and cannot edit it from that screen. It would be great if we could show the existing child models as a table with edit link that opens a modal. Is there any existing component that kind of does that?
If not, how can I go about achieving this?
Alternate approach: can I use the table field and somehow modify it so that data is saved as child models instead of json? I am happy to take either approach, whichever is better.
I hope I was able to articulate what I'm trying to achieve, I'm happy to use any other approach that is there or easier.
Thanks in advance.

add products dropdown to oppurtunity module in suitecrm

I am trying to add products dropdown to the opurtunities module in suitecrm.
Tried adding relationships "one to many, and many to many". Also tried adding dropdown with products. But it shows irrelevant options in the dropdown.
I am trying to achieve the products created in the "products module" to be shown in the dropdown.
I have tried googling/reading the documentation. But am unable to find any thing on this.
Any help or guide with this is highly appreciated.
Apparently there was some issue with the installation installation.
got it working with,
1) adding a relation between opportunity and products
2) adding a relate field to products
3) create a dynamic drop down field with product

How to link sub-forms inside a form in Access?

I would like to create a sub-form in which there are links to another table inside the fields of a column. This is pretty much as it is in the Northwind Database sample of Access, in where in the 'Home' form there are two tables and, in the product table, there are links to the product details.
My question is how to create those links first, and how can I make my forms to 'pop-up' in smaller windows as there is in this example?
I will appreciate a lot the help, thank you very much in advance.
Edit with images:
The main page of the Northwind database looks like this. My concern is about the links on 'Products', that their show information of the selected product. When you click on the desired product, it opens a form with the information about the product but in a new window, like this:
Here there is the form when you click on the name. I'm looking into the tables and subforms of the database but I can't find clues about how was this done. Meanwhile I'm reading various tutorials of Access but for the moment there's no success on that. Hope it's clear what I'm trying to show. Anyone has any clue about how can this be done? Thank you very much.
Edit 2: I've solved the pop-up window for the forms, so I can manage to do this. Now I'm struggling on finding how to link those fields of a table with other forms. The hyperlink doesn't seem to allow me to do it. Any clues? Thank you

Backpack crud field that displays an included filtered table

I need to make a new type of field, let's call it included_table. If in Model employees I have a field of type select2 from model Departments, in Departments, I want to have a field of type included_table which displays the table of the employees from that department, in the same way as the crud does.
Is there an easy way of doing this? Or what would be the best way to start?
Thank you.
I don't think there's an easy way to do it. You'd have to code it yourself. You can start from the table field type, put it won't get you very far.
That's because it's a lot more complicated that it looks at first glance. Keep in mind that Backpack create/update forms work with refresh; if you put a table inside one of them, the expected behaviour might be to only "save" the information when you click the final "save" button; but you probably can't do that for the nested entity, because you'd be saving it with AJAX. Plus, you need to build that entire AJAX functionality yourself, including validation. It's not at all more difficult than using plain old Laravel - it's exactly the same. But Backpack won't help very much in this regard.
That being said, you'd probably be better off just putting a button in the list view for each Department, to go edit its employees. That's a lot easier to do, if you follow the nested resources tutorial.
Hope it helps.

SugarCRM Products has no Sub-Panel

I created a relationship between a custom module and products which seems to work. The only problem is, I want to list the products on the custom module as a sub panel but Products does not have a sub panel. Any way to create this?
My best bet is that you might have created a relationship that doesn't create a subpanel on the desired module end. For example 1-N contacts-products, in this case products won't have a subpanel but only relate field since there can only be one contact associated with a product.