Facebook SDK 3.5 can't log in, crashes app - iphone

I'm using the code from HelloFacebookSample and for some reason FBLoginView crashes my app whenever it's clicked. I've copied most of the code verbatim, so I can't see why it's crashing. Does anyone have any experience with the Facebook SDK and can help me out? I will post code if needed.
UPDATE: Here is a screenshot of my error.

thanks for bringing this to our attention.
We found a bug on the server and believe we have addressed it. Please let us know if you continue to find cases which fail in this way.

Someone found the answer on another thread. In the Facebook Developer centre, the app was set to Sandboxing mode which is what caused this error. Seems it wasn't a problem with the code after all.

i have same issue, just set sandboxing (in facebook -> managed app->In yourapp) to false, and then it will work...


Project released but not showing updated version in AppStore

My App is approved, but the updated version is not showing in the AppStore and in iTunes. It is still showing previous version(1.1). Can any one knows why this happens?
I too faced the same issue recently..
I requested the apple to fix my issue.
i received the responce as follows
However, as you've discovered, this process can sometimes take up to 24 hours to fully take effect. As such, I thank you for your patience.

iOS app does not respond to some clicks when downloaded from AppStore but works fine in Debug mode

I've made an app (called BeSharp), tested it a lot, uploaded it to Apple AppStore, and now all users report that the pop-up menu I use (custom one) does not respond to clicks.
It does not crash, so I don't understand how to get some debugging done.
So, the question:
How can I debug release version?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Please find below some promo-codes if you wish to test an app yourself:
Thanks everybody for comments.
I solved the issue.
After inserting some NSLog into code, and running release version on real device, I have pinpointed the issue, and it was in custom button component - in 6.1 some Alpha test function works incorrectly.
So I just updated it and everything worked fine.

Facebook iOS SDK 3.5 login issue

I've already integrated facebook login in an app with the previous sdk version. After upgrading to version 3.5, it isn't working. When I want to login, the app crashes, with several [FBSession authorizeWithPermissions:defaultAudience....] callings in the thread.
I've already done all the steps described in Upgrading documentation. Somebody with the same problem?
Thanks in advance.
The app is for iOS.
Set Sandbox Mode to disabled. This will fix this problem for now.
Facebook has fixed part of the problem on the server side. Try it again and it will probably work for you.
This was a server error that was causing this for a lot of developers. However, the server fix only makes the infinite loop problem less likely to happen. It is still there. I created a new bug to track the infinite loop problem.

Apple says The app references non-public selectors in my app. What does that mean?

I have just uploaded an app and Application Loader has given me this warning. I went on to see what does this mean and found that I am using some third party APIs due to which it might get rejected. Can I know due to which library or which code is it saying like this?
Also, is my app really gonna get rejected for sure? I don't wanna wait for 10-12 days and then know that my app got rejected. How do I confirm this thing that it won't or would get rejected in a shorter time?? Please help.
Okay got the answer myself. The Flurry SDK which I was using was an older Version V2. When I updated to V3 and the problem is resolved. Anyways thanks. :)
p.s You can check if your Flurry is outdated by checking your header file. If it says, FlurryAPI.h it is V2 and if it says FlurryAnalytics its V3.
You must be using some undocumented method in your app.

Cannot add screenshots for my app

I am trying to add screenshot for my app and in app purchase. Both are unsuccessful.
It says network timed out. But it says this instantly, without trying to upload at all imo.
This happens often. Just try later.. It will work.
Using Safari instead of Firefox works.